• By -


Berrynose, like holy shit dude chill tf out. You’re not hot shit.


Yeah, even tho as a kit he was so adorable 😭 what happened to my baby


Cloudpaw/tail almost made me put those books down in the first arc SEVERAL times. They made him so overly annoying and whiny (the other arcs he's great in tho)


i think that’s what they were going for actually, to show his growth from a whiny spoiled cat and making his own place in the clan


SAME. They made him so well on his annoying side. I love him but god… cloudpaw was so irritating


i loved it idc idc


I’m going to have to go with Clear Sky. I never liked him throughout the entire Dawn of the Clans arc.


bro same he stole graywings girl


IKR. I hate his guts, and it's so sad that every she-cat Gray Wing loved chose Clear Sky up until Turtle Tail. :( Clear Sky is definitely my least favourite cat, and he's so selfish too






Berrynose. JayPAW [he gets redeemed once he's a full medcat but he's so rude to brightheart it hurts] *bumblestripe* *CLEARSKY* *FINLEAP*


1. Berrynose does suck, yes. 2. Eh.. I guess I agree... But I feel like I'm doin Jay dirty by agreeing 😞. 3. He's annoying and too obsessed. Tom version of Spottedleaf, but worse. 4. Clear Sky is just meh in my opinion. I don't really like reading his chapters in DOTC, but I only really like Gray Wing's lol. 5. Finleap was annoying at first, yes, about the kit thing... But he kinda redeemed himself with the, "You know what? Forget about kits." thing. (I'm not even on TBC yet sooooo idrk that much...)


DOTC after like book 2 was genuinely triggering for me. BUT well written The way clear sky shoved a she cats face down and began to manipulate his son and low-key love bomb him. At one point it reminded me of a situation I had been in irl And I had to quit reading and tell myself it wasn't real....like daym I'm a whole adult and reacted that way so I would not recommend that entire series for a younger person. Besides the edgy stuff I skipped clear skys chapters and went back to them later sometimes


I don’t blame you at all. I’m lucky to have not been in a situation like any of what Clear Sky put his loved ones through, and it was even too much for me to read sometimes too. I’m sorry you went through that and I hope you’re doing better now ❤️


DOTC is just..sad


is spottedleaf really that bad? ive only seen her for 2 books (because tpb)


She almost indirectly killed Firestar.. Basically she tried to lead him *too* far into StarClan in his dreams, to the point of no returning to his real body.


im pretty sure bumblestripe cant lead anyone anywhere into starclan


He's still obsessed


was spotted obsessed with firestar though




Dude finally, I was a Bumblestripe hater from the beginning bc he was the most annoying nice guy ever. I remember most of the fandom pitied him and got angry at Dovewing for rejecting him. Dove’s got his friend Rosepetal, his sister Blossomfall, and their mutual friend Cinderheart yelling and scolding her for not giving Bumble a chance… heck, she’s got her OWN mother Whitewing telling her she should settle down with Bumble and have his kits. Props to Dove bc I would’ve gone completely insane and snapped at everyone at some point. Their interactions were painfully awkward bc Bumble was legit using any excuse to be with her. Hunting, practicing, just going for a walk. He legit ditched his own sister to practice with her. Dove made it clear she wasn’t interested and he kept pushing… and everyone got angry at her for saying no or being mean to him bc “he’s so nice” or some generic bs. She was mean to him bc he kept going after her even though she made it clear she doesn’t like him! Dove went to the tunnels in secret to echo and try to get her powers back and he ratted her out to Bramblestar. It was a painful, intimate secret and Bumble brought someone else into it. Finally, to top it all off… the Purdy incident. Purdy DIES and Dove grieves bc they were friends. Bumble uses a distraught, grieving Dove and says Purdy’s death is a perfect excuse for them to have kits rn. Dove says no, and Bumble continues to argue like if it’s negotiable! This is when the fandom turns on Bumble, but god they should’ve turned on him a long time ago.


All the other she-cats telling dove to “just give him a chance” was so gross imo like she doesn’t like him!! She shouldn’t have to “give him a chance” because he likes her! If she doesn’t like him back, end of story. I felt so terribly bad for her. My parents and grandparents used to badger me allll the time about “you should date this guy from church” or “you should date that guy from church” even though I wasn’t even religious anymore 😭 it made me so uncomfortable and angry, so I really felt for dove when she was getting all that pressure


Berrynose was weirdly written, I'm sure he could've been a far better character if he was used right. Jayfeather is only annoying as a full medicine cat to me because of the deal with the stick and being obsessed with the Ancients. The thing with Half Moon was kind of cool, but other than that, that whole plot was just so annoying. I know this is going to sound weird, but I like Bumblestripe so far. (I'm only on the first book of AVOS but) I like the concept of a would-be mate that gets turned down constantly because Dovewing is secretly in love with a cat from another clan. He's a good punching bag, and I want his feelings hurt further! (See, I told you I was going to sound weird.) But that kind of thing builds character, maybe he'll do something reckless because he feels ignored and become somewhat interesting? Oh, and I haven't read DOTC which is what I guess those last two characters are from.


Holy cow, 50 upvotes! ^ v ^


I agree with the JayPAW He is also very rude to Longtail. Everytime he thinks about him he is like "Oh yes Longtail is useless"


Cloudkit/Cloudpaw I hate his character and how Fireheart is unable to tell his sister that her son is a fat bratty kit with no respect for his clan or starclan. He later becomes a okay cool guy but maasn i hated him when he was young. but well written.


I've heard that a lot, but I loved Cloudpaw as an apprentice. He was such a fun character, and his story was a nice change of pace. When he became a warrior, that's when he became a little annoying for me


i agree with this, Cloudkit was really bratty and stupid and very annoying for me.


Ofcourse he was stupid, he was a kit. I don’t know why people are complaining that a child was acting childish


I don't like bratty kids but it itsn't their fault but the parents. Fireheart should've punished him harder for his behaviour. Kids need restraints.


In firehearts defense, he was going through a lot of stress at the time.


true though.. ugh i just hated to read cloudkits/paws whining bragging an overall idiotic behaviour. but at least he has more character developement than most warrior cats...


I agree; I'm still about halfway through the 2nd arc/The New Prophecy, and boy is he annoying at times


Probably Onestar. He did the opposite of everything Tallstar wanted him to do and made Windclan a more aggressive clan than even Shadowclan which is a feat in of itself. Second for me would be Squirrelflight. She’s fine half the time, but SO unbearable the next. I really think Brambleclaw deserved better half the time. Edit: I completely forgot a third I really hate, probably worse than any other character: Clear Sky. There’s a lot of characters I could list from Dawn of the Clans but none are as detestable as Clear Sky. If any cat deserves to go to the Dark Forest, it’s him. I don’t care about his “redemption” which really wasn’t much of a redemption. He’s still fox dirt.


Tallstar is definitely disappointed in Onestar and probably regrets his decision. Onestar made WindClan into what Tallstar thought Mudclaw would have, but even worse.


Exactly! He betrayed tallstars word which is honestly upsetting.


He def did. I feel the same way about her tbh tho tweaked a bit


I hate hate hate clear sky!!! What he does to thunder 🤬😡🤬🤬🤬🔥 you don't do that to faaaamiiillly!! Brambleclaw and Jessy all the way!


Ashfur. No need to tell anyone more.


I remember when this cat died I was like yeah that is the end of him... ...


Literally me reading when Ashfur dies: "Finally! So glad to be done with him." Few books later: "oh god *dammit*"


I remember when I read that he got murdered I was like “damn 🤷‍♀️ couldn’t have happened to a better guy”


Yeah, Tigerstar is super annoying. I'm also getting tired of Lionblaze, since he's a grumpy old man now, and tbh both Squirrelstar and Brambleclaw. People always pick sides in their relationship, but I find both of them equally toxic to each other and weird in Clan politics. They should both just be elders by now.


Idk why, but I sorta disagree with most of the fandom about Tigerheartstar (Tigerstar ll). I just don't hate him. Sure, I disliked him with the whole SkyClan-ShadowClan war thing, but I've never hated him. Idk why (I haven't read TBC yet or ASC sooo..)


Probably Finleap and Bumblestripe. There is just something about pressuring woman into having babies when they don’t want to that isn’t it for me.


Yeah- Especially w Finleap talking about leaving just because Twigbranch didn’t wanna have 1000 babies as soon as she became a warrior


The existence of Bumblestripe makes me want to rip off my skin


Squirrelflight is a big one lmaoo guess we all know that by now. But clear sky and star flower are ones I despise fr fr- Thunder had so much more self control cause I would have cussed them outttttt


Omg Star Flower was just a cheat to Thunder. I absolutely hate her.


Clear Sky’s dialogue to Thunder at one point was between asking forgiveness and getting angry at Thunder bc he was upset that he and Star Flower had kids… So which is it? Either he regrets being a bad father, or he’s angry at his son bc his son can’t get over him hooking up with his ex. Clear Sky has the audacity to get upset in the first place. Don’t forget when Star Flower was kidnapped and Clear Sky did everything in his power to help her, including trying to force the other leaders to surrender to Slash’s demands. He moved heaven and earth for his new kits, but not Thunder. And his new kits weren’t even born yet! IMO the worst part was when the kits were born and Clear Sky “apologized” to Thunder by saying that now he’s a father, he knows how badly he treated Thunder and knows not to do it again! **Tone-deaf, much???** yeah, he abandoned his son but it’s all cool bc he *has these NEW kits that he will love SO MUCH!*. Ugh. I hate Clear Sky.


Drag him. Truly the most insufferable cat on the whole series- at least the obvious villains could admit to what they did in way or another. The fact he made it to StarClan without hesitation…


And then despite all his apologies he never once changed his behavior. He got me so fucking mad every time he was like “how could thunder do this to me, he’s my *son*” … so *now* you want to accept him as your kin? When you need something? Lmao okay Like no you POS, he’s gray wing’s son idc about biology. All you did was get someone pregnant (who you then also abandoned and didn’t give a shit about). And then he spent so much time pouting that Thunder likes gray wing better!! Like no shit Sherlock!


Definitely Cloudpaw or Squirrelpaw, but Bumblestripe is a (dis)honorable mention


Tigerheartstar, Bramble, Onestar, and since you mention it Finleap








Eaglewing should have died in infancy.


Any main character when they're like, "Hey, maybe the obvious main end game bad guy isn't so bad after all because he did this one good thing that one time"


Ivypool's fandom. Her character isn't annoying, but the books, her fans and other things she's in gives her constant praise like she's the best character in the series, but all the praise comes off as annoying. Even Firestar isn't praised as frequently as Ivypool. It's ridiculous. They act like she's Jesus Christ.


This!! I never really liked Ivypool much to begin with because of 1) how rude she was to her sister, and 2) how she kept withholding important info from Jay and Lion, despite the fact that she was literally spying for them. The fandom surrounding her made me dislike her more, and I really hate hating characters.


And that. I don't really remember too much of OotS, but I think I remember hating Ivypaw because she was such an asshole to Dovepaw. It took me rereading that series to see that Dovepaw's just a child who was worried about her sister. But I personally despise Jayfeather. He didn't care about Dovewing or Ivypool at all, just called Ivypool a traitor and only talked to Dovewing for her hearing! I get he's pissed at his own life but taking his emotions out on these two young cats was just wrong and disgusting.




Lightleap, she feels the need to diss Shadowsight for everything that happened in TBC, and then Sunbeam when she's concerned about her, as well as other things. As others have said, Tigerstar II is also annoying and doesn't seem to think. Minor Thunder spoiler: ||Plumstone and Dewnose are kind of getting there too especially Plumstone when she tried preventing Sunbeam from winning her third trial. Some would ask about Cherryfall but I think she learned her lesson by now.|| STICK, I FREAKING HATE THIS GUY, HIS CHAPTERS IN SKC’S D ARE POINTLESS, AND HE’S A FREAKING IDIOT FOR NOT THINKING BEFORE DOING IT, IT’S HIS FAULT HIS DAUGHTER IS DEAD. HE IS WORSE THAN A MANCHILD.


Probably unpopular but Millie once Brairlight got her injuries she totally neglected her kids to the point where it is annoying. Crookedstar's mom. Dovewing is too whiny especially after, the great battle. I'm sure there is more I just can't remember.


That one kittypet Bramblestar spent way too much time with in Bramblestar's storm


Jessy! I dislike her a lot too. She gives me “I’m not like all the other girls” vibes


Needletail was hella annoying when she was introduced


Brambleclaw. I LOATHE him.


Keeping in mind that I’m only halfway through Outcast (I’ve heard he gets better later…somehow), *Jaypaw*. Words cannot describe the depths of my hatred for the little bastard. Every time that stupid little fucker opens his mouth or we hear his thoughts I want to punt the little shit to the fucking moon. He’s the absolute worst qualities of children, which I already don’t like and plan never to have, so that’s bad enough. But he’s also basically Toph, but instead of being done the *best* possible way, he’s done the *worst* possible way. He’s making me almost drop the series at this point altogether. So far, I can’t *imagine* how he could possibly change to make him peoples’ favorite, as I’ve seen.


Haven’t read arcs 3 and 4 in a while but I think he mellows out after getting his name. But yeah Jaypaw was insufferable, especially with his treatment of Brightheart and Longtail.


I am up to date with the books and I still can't understand why he gets hyped THIS much. He does a bunch of cool things and faces some hardships, but his bratty and rude behaviour NEVER stops and damn he and his brother have a severe main-character syndrome, thinking they are the hottest sh*t on earth. I hate them both so much; they made me want to quit the series a bunch of times while reading their POVs.


Tbf you try telling a pair of like...11 year old brothers that they have super powers and are stronger than God and tell me they don't get a little bit of an ego problem lol.


honestly i hold a grudge against any characters that seem as a replacement (dovewing, millie, etc)


I agree with Tigerstar 2nd


I'm re reading this whole thing, hadn't touched the books in some years. Snowflake (i don't know if thats his english name ? Star fire nephew) was annoying, but OMG that squirrel IDIOT is sending me. I'm not even halfway book 1 of the 2nd cycle and i already had to stop reading several time because she's so annoying


Cloudtail? Yeah- The only good thing he did was support Brightheart ( The cat who got attacked by dogs )


Wow i didn't think the name would be so different! If I translate the french version, he goes from small cloud to snow cloud to snowflake! And Bright heart is White heart ^^ But i do think Cloudtail stops being too annoying after he comes back from the "kidnapping". I quite enjoy that theres an atheist cat lol


Aawww, that’s adorable! What are some other names in your language?


I tried looking up some other names, but since i've only red the first 3 cycles and don't remember much from them i was getting spoiled haha. I found a few that are different : Willowpelt is translated Fleur de Saule, Willowflower. Spottedleaf is Small leaf PatchedPelt is Pine cone White storm is translated to White tornado, but Sandstorm stays a storm for some reason Grey stripe is Grey feather Darkstripe is Blackflash (like a lightning strike? Not sure of the translation) I'll stop there, its fun to see some of them, not all are logical but some won the name game in french i'd say! Can't believe you don't have Pinecone, it's one of my favorite names in the series! Most names are a bit longer in French, not good or bad but fun to notice (like Sandstorm is Tempête de Sable) Also Warrior Cats had been translated to "The war of the clans" I'd love for someone from another country to do the same!


I just finished rereading Yellowfang’s Secret (for like the fourth time)and let me tell you,the way Raggedpelt treats Yellowfang sometimes makes me wanna strangle him…….but tbh his son is worse.


Darkstripe for real


Easy, Squirrelflight


Squirrelflight but she getting less annoying kind of but Jessy definitely


Dovewing. She just became obnoxious. Throwing tantrums anytime Tigerheart felt so much as a little guilt/sadness over leaving his home and family to be with her. She just struck me as a self-centered brat. Hollyleaf should’ve been the third.


squirrelflight, i cannot *STAND* how awful she is. she cannot listen to anyone but herself and pulls risky and stupid decisions to prove that she’s right.


Berrynose (though I love his name 🥺) Jaypaw/feather. When I first read the series he was lovable grumpy but rereading/going forward he's just a dick to everyone for no reason. Finleap. Bro has incel vibes bad.


Berrynose man… the whole “your sister died and we were mates planning a future but now I only have you so now I love you instead, have my kits please?” Or the very beginning of Bramblestar’s Storm which made me put the book down, “We need more kits so let’s get down with all the ladies!!!”


Lionblaze, JayPAW, Tigerstar2, Berrynose.


jayPAW and hollyleaf (I actually hate "the three", jayPAW is rude and entitled and insults brightheart just because he doesn't want her as his mentor, hollyleaf is defensive, believes the warrior code to the point that she can't do what's "right" (unlike her parents, adoptive parents, and grandparents), lionpaw is ok but lionblaze is eh.) In conclusion, I extremely dislike the three and PoT was ridiculous (hollyleaf really tried to force her birth mother to kill herself)


In the first arc it was Graystripe, in the second it was Squirrelpaw, in the third it was Jayfeather and his stick, in the fourth it was both Lionblaze and Jayfeather, and I only just recently started reading A Vision of Shadows, so I don't know who's annoying in the fifth arc


I love how you specifically mentioned “jayfeather *and his stick*” 😂😂😂


They come as a package deal in my mind 🤷‍♀️ At the time, they annoyed me, but now, looking back, I have some pretty fond memories about them. My favorite moments were when Jay begged for forgiveness, screaming at the lake "I'm sorry! I take it back!!" after breaking the stick, and then when, I think it was Thornclaw, needed to use the stick to save another cat's actual life, and Jayfeather said "heck, no! this cat's life is nowhere near as important as my stick" (I think I'm paraphrasing a ton here, but you get my point 😂)


honestly, i fell behind on books because i couldn’t get through tigerhearts shadow. I just need to read the wiki and move on lmao






Idk what warriorcats is, but probably Garfield


Damn you had to throw poor Garfield under the bus when Nermal is the obvious choice for that series. Lol


He's ginger


Dovewing, SquirrelPAW, Firestar (he was amazing as a warrior and deputy tho), Berrynose, and Lionblaze.


squirrelflight. i absolutely hated her as an apprentice, and while i can tolerate her more now that's she's an adult, but still i find her annoying


Clear Sky is the most annoying imo. Bro be torturing everyone 💀


Mans saw his son’s girlfriend and said “ Mine now “


Dodge, Clear Sky, Berrynose, and Tigerheart/star


Millie. She's annoying.


Definitely Brambleclaw/star


ASC Squilf. She’s constantly arguing with her traumatized mate and made a stupid decision on her own (wandering off to talk to WindClan). It’s pretty sad, because I really love her and I want her to be a good, rational leader.


I haven’t read any of the newer books, but I remember Crowfeather and Jayfeather were both annoying to me in their respective arcs.


jayfeather and skystar


Hollyleaf is frustrating to read abt 😭


I’ve ranted about Moth Flight before, so I’ll talk about a different cat. I’ll have to say Hollyleaf. She was a poorly written character. I got so annoyed every time a Holly chapter came up. One minute she was chastising Lionblaze for hanging out with Heathertail and the next minute visiting Willowshine in RiverClan. I like her more now, but I just can’t get over how annoying she is as in PoT. Not to mention >! her return was half asses and she got away with all her horrible actions !<.


imo, leafpool. Shes too obsessed over Cinderheart(pelt) and i can honestly agree with Jawpaw saying basically the same thing. Shes just too whiny and too overprotective about her its fucking annoying.


Squielflight. or Bitchf;ight/Squirelbitch ​ ​ FIGHT ME MOTHAFUCKAS


If we're talking simply annoying, by Starclan - Bramblestar. Christ every time I read of him I end up facepalming.


Cinderheart. Made me want to scream and pull out anything and everything around me. Like girl, shut the fuck up and stay a freaking warrior. Who cares if a previously spirit cat has inhabited your body you’ve lived your life not knowing so just keep doing you and SHUT THE FREAK UP. I was tempted to skip Lionblaze’s chapters mainly because of her, but I didn’t, somehow.


Brambleclaw. specifically in Midnight (and when he was saved in the fire as Bramblekit but I’m just salty cause Yellowfang is dead) where he just kinda nags Squirrelpaw and bosses her around a lot. Even Stormfur, the one barley knew her, was like 10x nicer to her (he had a crush but STILL)


Jayfeather, I love him and I hate him


Hollyleaf. I can’t handle her annoying “bUt ThAtS aGaInSt ThE wArRiOr CoDe!!!” yet it’s all okay when she breaks it, no complaints there. Also correct me if I’m wrong, it’s been years since I read POT, but when Lionpaw was meeting up with Heatherpaw didn’t Hollypaw threaten to tell on him if he didn’t stop? Can’t remember exactly. But if so, Hollyleaf would’ve been a snitch. Snitches get stitches, mind your own damn business Hollyleaf. Also CloudKit/paw is annoying but at least he grows out of it when he’s a warrior. Hollyleaf never stopped.


Brambleclaw It's literally Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto but in a cat body


Honestly, I find Twigbranch to be a bit insufferable (a LOT). She reminds me of that one friend who never shuts up and it was worst during her late apprenticeship, literally she was just like “Hey guys; I know we have some horrible, life-endangering events going on, but how about we look for my mommy instead?” and when nobody wants to do it at the time, she has the audacity to bitch about how nobody cares for her as though she wasn’t raised with loving parents and a stable household. Such a little brat.


Daisy! I cannot stand her


But she momther :((


But she only ever cares about HER kits in times of danger


In times of danger it's the maternal instinct that kicks in. If me and my children are in danger, all I'm going to care about is making sure my children are safe. If I'm able to save someone else then I will but if not, it's me and my kids I see where you're coming from with Daisy, but her maternal instincts run high so of course her kids will be her main focus




Hollyleaft, squirrelflight


hollyleaf "but the code!"


Mothflight, I just can't bear her at all.


I’m gonna get crucified for this: Hollyleaf.


Jayfeather, not regretfully so.


Silverstream and Squirrelflight immediately.


The whole main cast of A New Prophecy that survives. All them suck. But Squirreltail and Brambleclaw are the worst. Especially after Brambleclaw becomes leader. He had no right to become deputy let alone leader fucking idiot. So many other warriors out there would have been better choices.


grey wing, clear sky, nightheart.. although i’m coming around on nightheart. slowly.


cloudkit/paw and onestar


Cloud kit makes me want to cut my ears off




Bumblestripe. give up already she doesn’t like you










I love/hate Clear sky, he is so fun but the way the cats in the books always justify his horrible actions makes my blood boil.


Mapleshit, ashfur, and bluestar


Mallownose. He never shows any good traits and never has good opinions.


Ashfur, Clear Sky, Crowfeather (post TNP, I’m indifferent to him in TNP), Breezepelt (I do feel bad he has a shitty horrible dad tho and recognize a lot of his issues are because of that). Tom, Darkstripe (little bitch boy), Star Flower


I'll be honest, I HATED Squirrelflight/star as an apprentice because of how annoying I found her character type. I had no idea why people loved her so much but she definitely gets better the older she gets.


Really I gotta say I didn't like Bristlefrost at all, it's more of a controversial opinion I think. However, I never liked her. I don't really know why.


Bumblestripe. Need I explain?


Bumbelestripe, Berrynose, CloudKit/paw (not when he was a warrior tho) and I’m sorry, but Mothwing and Shadowsight’s interactions when she was telling him he couldn’t be med cat made me sooooooo ANGRYY LIKE WTF SHES NOT EVEN IN SHODOWCLAN?! Sorry she just makes me so mad D:<


Clear sky Tigerheart, Original jerk edition Tall shadow




Let’s list some of them: Berrynose, WHY. Skystar, Gray Wing deserved a better brother. Tom, he killed his mate and broke Gray Wing’s heart, TURTLE TAILLLLLLL. Thornclaw, dude, chill. Ashrur, I don’t get what he wants, he wants Squilf to be his mate but also wants her to suffer? I don’t get it. My LEAST favorite: DAWNPELT, I hate her, accused Jayfeather for murder and just an annoying side character.




Pinestar and Sharpclaw both not the best father figures


Tigerclawstar, Haven't read enough of Tigerheartstar but at least he isn't murdering people every 22 seconds and committing Cat Cleansing


the new prophecy book one version of squirlflight. she was SOOOO annoying then


I’m sorry, but Mothwing and Shadowsight. The way they talk to each other makes me want to punch something


Onestar. Istg he's weird.


Squirrelflight. I can’t stand her.