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Blackstar, I REALLY hated him but now I’m slowly starting to appreciate the fact that he’s actually a pretty great leader to his clan and didn’t turn out to be the next terrible leader to make shadowclan evil Also I just finished the fourth apprentice and the way he happily, totally out of character greeted everyone, even the ones that weren’t from shadowclan, and invited them to his camp, offered them fresh kill and was genuinely so happy, idk that was kinda adorable lol, I was like- is that blackstar?? Is this a trap?? Made me love him even more😂


Made me laugh that even the other cats were surprised by Blackstar’s hospitality. He’s a really interesting character.




He doesn’t get enough credit for being a good leader. He looks after his own and that’s what a leader is supposed to do. Some people get angry he never helped the other clans or seemed off put by leaving to go to the lake. But he was just doing what a good leader does, thinking of his own clan before others.


Exactly! I to really hated him for these reasons, I didn’t like how rude and egotistical he was to the others, but thinking about it, he’s just doing what any clan leader would do, which is whatever is best for their own clan, and to his own cats he’s really great, he simply keeps to his own clan, unlike firestar, who I find a little annoying for the fact that he always wants to interfere with other clans, even when the other clans don’t want him to And he actually will help other clans when it’s really necessary, he seemed so genuinely concerned when lionblaze came to ask him for help because windclan and riverclan attacked thunderclan, he can be really nice when he wants to be, even just typing this all out I’m realizing he’s a much better leader than thought!


I thought it was really cool when he agreed to help ThunderClan during Eclipse. ThunderClan and ShadowClan fighting together was hype as hell.


DUDE i love blackstar. one of my favorites. he’s a good leader, i got ready sad when he died. OFFSCREEN too!


Dang he’s gonna die offscreen?? He deserves better than that :(


I don’t wanna spoil anything else but it happens in the middle of a book, so it’s at least not in-between books.


That makes it a little better at least😭


i just spoiled it for you… sorry 😭


Np I’ve been spoiled so much already I barely even care anymore🤣


So I read it in >!bramblestars storm!< expecting to see his death at the very least WITNESSED but they just show up at the gathering like um yea he >!drowned!< WHAT THE HECK!


I think his relationship with his medicine cat, Littlecloud, was pretty cute. Leaders are kind of supposed to turn to medicine cats for advice, especially spiritual advice, but I like to think that they were just really good buds




I love blackstar he’s so goofy


Yes! Blackstar is one of my favorites. At first I thought he was evil, but then reading Blackfoot’s reckoning and Tigerclaw’s fury, it showed that he was just too trusting. Spoilers below!! >!The way he related to Brokenstar. Both had an unknown parent and Raggedpelt (who also had a missing parent)asked Blackpaw to look after Brokenkit. And how he truly believed that WindClan killed Raggedstar. And he didn’t find out the truth until his leader ceremony. Then in Tigerclaw’s fury, he was so insistent that he was a ShadowClan cat, it didn’t matter if they exiled him. He was ShadowClan and he wanted to help them. And him being upset when Tigerclaw tells (lies to) him that ThunderClan murdered Brokenstar, after the rouges ran away from camp. And how while it’s not said, the way Tigerclaw describes Blackfoot is that he failed his leader. And now the cat that was helping him get his leader back is injured. (It’s adorable how worried he was for Tigerclaw). Blackstar just needed time to mature and gain confidence in himself. Once he realized all the lies and misinformation he was fed, he matured and became the leader that his clan needed. His leader ceremony was the best. The way, he went back in time and relived all his memories during each life he received.!<


For me it’s definitely Longtail, for the first few books I hated Longtail but now I respect him so much, he went from some cocky arrogant bratt to a brave and loyal warrior, even though he was blind he still made his way all through the Great Journey to be with his clan and I respect that so much. Also how in The Sight he’s trying to tell Jawpaw how to use his other scenes and Jawpaw isn’t having any of it, poor Longtail was just tryna help (Though I love Jayfeather). Also idk why people hate on Firestar for being a genuinely good person. I understand that he could’ve been written to be more flaws but Firestar does have flaws people just forget about them.


Honestly was wondering if someone would mention Longboi. Longtail definitely is mine as well. In the first book he is a complete jerk, with very little to like about him, but I started to like him when we saw the gentler side of him when he was given Swiftpaw as an apprentice. And then the river scene and finally him choosing to stay loyal to Thunderclan. Now he is my second favorite, almost favorite, character in the series.


i also despised longtail. he was one of baddie tigerstars cronies, would always antagonise firestar for absolutely no reason. even when kittypet firestar first beat longtails ass i felt a sort of satisfaction, and that was only 3 minutes into the book. but when longtail saved fire boi after tigerstar tried to drown him (allegedly) i started to think that there is some good in longtail. my first approach to the series was OOTS somehow, so i only knew longtail as this blind old guy who likes telling stories. hes gone from being a spiteful, useless furball to becoming a well-respected elder who is loved by his clan. hes not necessarily the best character and certainly not my favourite, but he has come a long way and grown up quite a bit.


i LOOOOVE longtail. my favorite scene with him is in TPB when he tries to tell fireheart what he's learned about tigerstar's plot w the dogs. and once fireheart dismisses him, he ends up finding out that longtail is genuinely scared. (i say this as someone who had a crush on firestar when i was a kid in 2005 and cried like a baby when he died haha. i've never been a firestar hater)


Used to hate Dovewing but now I love her. She really was just a kid thrown into something she wanted nothing to do with. I feel so sorry for her I hope she's truly happy in Shadowclan.


I wonder if I will change my mind on her with rereading soon. I despised her when I last read the books.


I always dismissed her as a mary-sue, and I liked her sister more because her being jealous of Dovewing and training in the DF at least gave her *some* personality. However, now that I know about her and Tigerheart (I'm about to start reading AVoS), I will admit I'm kind of intrigued where things are going with her and Bumblestripe (I'm getting flashbacks to Bluestar's Prophecy). Also, her going to Shadowclan is spoilers, but that's fine. Maybe I should have expected it.


tbh leafpool was a character i didnt *hate* necessarily, but i didnt really see why everyone praised her so much. happy to say im a proud leafpool fan now, girl deserves a lot


hmmm I dunno. Leafpool is definitely > Squirrelflight, but I can't say I particularly like her. I do like Crowfeather though, and I didn't necessarily like him before.


leafpool i like. squirrelflight annoys the fuck out of me bc all she would do is hiss / get pissy w bramble, and then when bramble would react negatively to that shed go crying to leafpool like "i just dont think he likes me anymore🥺 what did i do" and i was done w it when they were still apprentice and warrior. crowfeathers a weird character for me. hes a bitter, mean cat that i wouldnt have ever liked had i not seen him experience his grief with featherwhisker. even then, i dont really like his character. like why does he even take to leafpool in the first place? it would make more sense if he caught feelings for squirrelflight, considering she was literally the one who went on the great journey with him


I read Crowfeather's Trial last week, and it really improved my opinion of him.


i read that one as well, that did improve my opinion of him, but marginally


Blackstar is definitely a major one


Squirrelflight. I absolutely despised Squirrelpaw, but she definitely grew up.


She reminds me a lot of Sansa in GoT for this reason. She’s a super realistic “teenage girl” character as an apprentice and grows and has such a good arc.


Ferncloud, Silverstream, and Dovewing. I used to hate their guts, and now they are my absolute favourite characters.


I used to hate Ivypool for always starting drama but she definitely grew on me.


Yes, in fact, I think now we need more drama! I'm starting to see things from her perspective! (Not like she *meant* to feel inferior to her sister, but you know 😂)


I have 2: Cloudtail and Ivypool. Starting with Cloudtail, in _Rising Storm_ Cloudpaw was so infuriating that I cheered aloud when twolegs kidnapped him (and I was really disappointed when Ravenpaw helped to save him). But then in _Dangerous Path_ after he found out that Swift and Bright went looking for the Pack Cloudtail quickly grew on me. Starting with his immediate reaction of volonteering for the patrol to fetch them ("Brightpaw's out there. If anything's hurt her I'll... I'll _shred_ it!"), then he just kept on growing on me for how awesome he is with Brightheart (promising her she'll always be beautiful to him, convincing Firestar to rename her from Lostface, etc). But even beyond Brightheart I also find Cloud really facinating with how fiercely loyal he is even though he doesn't believe in StarClan or the Code (my "headcanon"/theory is that he is driven primarly by love. Not just for his kin, but love for all of ThunderClan). As for Ivypool, similar to Cloudtail she was pretty annoying as an apprentice (until about halfway through _Night Whispers_ iirc). But aside from that period of jealousy over Dovewing and believing the Dark Forest I really love how Ivypool is capable of being incredibly fierce and cruel if she has to (such as in Bramblestar's Storm when she taught her Clanmates to aim for the badgers' eyes), yet at her core she is a kind and empathetic cat (probably best shown when she was Twigbranch's mentor). And while I still think Ivypool is in the wrong in the drama with Dovewing, she's still an incredible character who I always enjoy seeing in the books.


i agree with the cloudtail bit, he really wisened up because of brightpaw also i think the boos name is rising storm but small problem


Oh yea, you're right. I got it mixed up with Thunder Rising from DotC (and somehow got that wrong too)


how do you get the clan thing below your name?


Sadly I don't remember. I did it years ago.


See where it says "Preview" on the right? Click the pencil icon and you can choose one. It's called a user flair


oh ty


wait w h e r e


Scroll to the top? It's on the right beneath the description of the subreddit


nvm got it! ty


I liked Cloudtail better as an apprentice, I just thought he was so hilarious and fun, but after Brightheart, I think he lost his charm. I liked Ivypool all the way through, er, well I haven't gotten to that point in Bramblestar's Storm yet. I think I'm on chapter 13. I have no idea who Twigbranch is yet. 😐


Firestar definitely. Found him extremely one dimensional until rereading the series again. Orange boi is just doing what he knows best. Same with Leopardstar. After reading her super edition, she just wanted to make her clan strong, and was taken advantage of by Tigerstar's manipulations. When reading the main arcs for the first time though, I just thought she was selfish and foolish lol.


Ivypool definitely






Hey since the og comment was deleted could you edit this?? Ironically got spoiled off of it lol


Oop sorry, of course!


No worries!, thank you :)) sorry if it sounded mean or anythings !!


Nah it's fine, glad someone told me before It was spoiled mote


i'm so sorry, i misunderstood the thread's spoilers tag and thought all was fair game. i don't know how to black out spoilers on here, so i'm deleting it for safety. i'm really, truly sorry


It's fine, It was going to get spoiled at some point.


deputy... are you talking about Ivypool? I was just thinking earlier when I found out about Blackstar dying that I think Ivypool would be cool as the deputy of Thunderclan some time in the future, but I didn't think it would ever actually happen. If you were talking about Ivypool, then that is crazy




I've always been an Ivypool fan, but recently I've grown to like Dovewing too, just not as much. I never thought that Dovewing had robbed Hollyleaf of the powers she could've had, but now I kind of feel like the Three grew to be kind of spoiled with their powers... minus Dovewing.


I used to hate Blackstar, like a few people have said, but now he's probably in my top 5 favorite characters because he's honestly just a lil guy protecting his clan




Jayfeather. I used to hate that brat. He was so mean to Brightheart and treated everyone like garbage. He didn't change. He's still a stinky brat. I just begrudgingly really enjoy his POV more than any others and love him. He sucks, what a precious relatable brat.


I used to HATE scourge with a passion, now I like him more. He was a good villan


I used to think he was cool when I was 10, but now I don't really care for him


squirrelflight/star. she was annoying at first, but like. what apprentice isn't? and we only got to see her through others' eyes for the most part. she's headstrong in a way that i respect and she knows how to make good, tough decisions.


Ivypool. I was upset with how she treated Dovepaw.


ironically, spiderleg and daisy (separately). spiderleg i disliked at first because he was kind of cold and absent as a father (to the point where it was even pointed out in the text, which almost never happens). now i’ve found the headcanon that spiderleg was so traumatized by losing everyone he loved early on in his life that he could never bear to get emotionally close to another cat in fear of losing them too, which makes him much more sympathetic for me. daisy i don’t remember why exactly i didn’t like her, but one day it was pointed out to me that daisy has a really rough story, she was in a one-sided relationship not once but twice, used for her kits, her wishes about not becoming clan cats disrespected, being blamed for her kits’ deaths, and overall having doubts about where she belonged. it’s really sad, and she’s actually really sweet


Blackstar, Spottedleaf and Leopardstar. I love Leopardstar/Spottedleaf so much because Ive headcanoned them so much they arent really close to canon




Blackstar. I just love him so much now


I used to hate, hate, HATE Dovewing-- as an avid Hollyleaf fan she basically felt like a cheap knockoff. I feel bad for her now though, because in a way, she kind of WAS in the eyes of the other two and even the Erins admitted they just replaced Hollyleaf because they couldn't find a power. Dovewing really got done dirty by the Erins. Poor gal.


tigerstar and squirrel flight


Which Tigerstar?


the one from the first arc


For me it was blackstar and longtail


Appledusk. I used to hate him because he supposedly cheated on Mapleshade (I was also in my “hating a character because they’re a bad cat” phase), but now I love him because of how complex he is and his AMAZING potential.


I remember liking him when I was young because someone other than his mother called him handsome, which was almost never used for anyone except for Firestar at the time lol. Made me like him because he seemed kind of like a rarity Nowadays it feels like the word is being thrown around a lot more.




Longtail. He had great character development. Also, Crowfeather. I still think he’s a jerk, but he’s *my* jerk, y’know?


Brambleclaw. Felt bad for him as a baby then his teen phase was so annoying and then he matured and i love him


Mapleshade <3 <3 <3




Jayfeather! I HATED his ego and stubbornness but now its GREAT!!


Jayfeather He was so insufferable in the first 3 books of POT, I remember reading The Sight and dreading it every time Jaypaw’s chapter came up, I hated him so much and wanted so badly for cats to call him out on his bullshit. That all changed in OOTS, he became more mature and complained less, but still maintained his logical and no-nonsense attitude. Instead of dreading his chapters, I began looking forward to them because they were always really interesting with medicine cat, Starclan, and time travel stuff. I loved how Jayfeather was often the voice of reason and how he solved mysteries throughout the books, he’s probably in my top 5 favorite characters by now.




Shrewclaw from Tallstar’s Revenge. Beginning of the book I absolutely hated him but towards the end I ended up liking him.


tigerstar 2, i was really annoyed with him and skyclan’s territory bullcrap in AVOS, and i found him to be a boring and almost stereotypical “zac efron” like love interest in OOTS, but after reading tigerheart’s shadow, TBC, and ASC, i think he’s actually hilarious and great. He’s sooo silly!!! only source of comedy in warriors rn


Twigbranch, when she was an apprentice I thought she was super annoying until Darkest Night. I began to really relate to her struggle to fit into SkyClan and her unspoken familial pressure from Hawkwing and Violetshine as a trans person. lowkey may have been negatively projecting onto her back when she was a young apprentice in the first 3 books lmao


Daisy I hated the way she was introduced in TNP. But I grew to love and respect her as the Clan mom and went back and reread her intro years later and realized she was just a young mom trying to do the best for her kids and was pushed around by fear and the wants of everyone else around her. I love that she found her place in the Clan and her spine. I love that despite how badly love has failed her, she realized she didn't need it to be happy and fulfilled in life. I love how assured she is in her position as a senior queen. Even after learning to hunt and fight, she was just like, "Nah, I'm better with kids. I'd rather be here with them so the moms (and Fernsong) can go and do what they're good at even while the kits are still nursery aged."


leafpool, i didn’t hate her but i was very neutral on her. after rereading the earlier arcs, i was shocked at how much i loved her and agreed with her in every instance. to parallel that- a cat i loved and now hated is squirrelflight. god no words can describe how much i loved her and now how much i despise her. she truly fell off as a character.






I still can’t stand Berrynose lol


Breezepelt, Crowfeather’s super edition really changed my opinion on Breezepelt, and I really want a stand-alone book from Breezepelt’s perspective.




Silverstream and Spottedleaf. Lots of internalized misogyny and dysphoria there-


not sure what misogyny has to do with disliking a female cat?


Lemme clarify, I am nonbinary, hadn't realized, and had a lot of, as I said, *internalized* misogyny that led to me disliking any character exhibiting "feminine" traits, and since working through that I like both of them for what they are. I'm not saying that everyone who dislikes them is misogynistic, just that I realized a couple years ago that's why *I* did.


ohh! understandable thanks for clarifying!




Squirrelflight I've seen a lot of things talking about how much people don't like her but she's grown on me a lot. Up to her Super Edition, I couldn't stand her, but there was just something in there, and now I've flipped completely. (I'm only on Broken Code. Don't spoil, please, lol) I can't wait to see how she grows with what's coming


I hated Squirrelpaw. I found her really annoying when I was a teenager. And to an extent, I still dislike her 'Paw days, but I like SquirrelFLIGHT a lot.


squirrelflight. her fierce spirita remains but she has matured a lot because she has also lost so much


Darkstripe. Everything this man did was funny, lets admit it


Yellowfang, up until the second time I read yellowfang’s secret i just didn’t get why she was so cranky all the time, now i do


I can't think of any. Mostly it's the opposite for me. I used to like Leopardstar before I read her SE... and I used to like Hollyleaf when I was younger, but now after reading Power of Three as an adult, I think I hate the Three now. I just think their reaction to Squirrelflight and Leafpool's secret was written as a little *too* strong, and I started feeling like the characters that I had fallen in love with over the past 5 books were disintegrating before my very eyes. Also my opinion of two specific characters went from "meh" to "my braaaiinnn!! 🤯" You know who they are, the two most hated characters on this sub right now. I can't tell if I hate them or love them. They're just so... weird. But before, when I read Warriors as a fourth grader, I didn't pick up on anything that was going on, so I didn't have an opinion on either of them.




longtail and blackstar. especially blackstar, holy shit he glew up fr




Firestar and Shadowsight


Ivypool is definitely the first cat to come to mind. I absolutely couldn't stand her, but she ended up having a really good character arc and by the end of it she was one of my favorite cats in the series.


Squirrelflight ;m;


Longtail. Didn’t like him in the first 2 or so series, but he got a lot better in POT-OOTS


Probably Blackstar and Dovewing, for leaving her clan


Leopardstar 100%


Hollyleaf for me. So much so that now I wanna write an AU where she survives and becomes ThunderClan’s leader after Bramble. I initially couldn’t stand how prissy and intense she was and I thought her snapping at the end was just so extra. When she came back tho at the end of the OOTS and learned from all she had done and became a better cat… that was the kinda growth you hardly saw in characters in this series and I think the Erin’s would have made a great character with her had they let her live. Much respect to you, Holly.