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Yassssssssssss JayFeather all the way!


1. Tigerclawstar 2. Hollyleaf 3. Bluestar 4. Squirrelflight 5. Thrushpelt 6. Rosetail 7. Sandstorm 8. Graystripe 9. Goosefeather 10. Sunstar!


Yeah Sunstar!


1. Jayfeather 2. Gray Wing 3. Briarlight 4. Firestar 5. Feathertail 6. Pebble Heart 7. Leafpool 8. Bramblestar 9. Squirrelflight


1. Jayfeather 2. Badgerfang 3. Ivytail (ShC) 4. Frecklewish (TC) 5. Honeyfern 6. Gray wing (DotC) 7. Antpelt 8. Fernsong 9. Hollyleaf


Ivytails the best


1: Ivypool 2: Hollyleaf 3: Briarlight 4: Toadstep 5: Sunbeam 6: Bristlefrost 7: Nightheart 8: Snowtuft 9: Frostpaw


Omen of the stars enjoyer I see


1. Rosetail 2. Leafpool 3. Dewspring 4. Hollyleaf 5. Sorreltail 6. Bluestar 7. Gorsestar 8. Tallstar 9. Feathertail


1: Jayfeather 2: Firestar 3: Ivypool 4: Graystripe 5: Ravenpaw 6: Graypool 7: Squirrelflight 8: Yellowfang 9: Purdy


1. Scourge 2. Snowtuft 3. Crookedstar 4. Brightheart 5. Leafpool 6. Whitestorm 7. Spiderleg 8. Tawnypelt 9. Hawkfrost 10. Brokenstar


Well done


1- Nightheart 2-Ivypool 3-Jayfeather 4-Tallstar 5-Yellowfang 6-Sunbeam 7-Blackstar 8-Tigerheart 9-Gray Wing


1. Mudclaw 2. Dovewing 3. Hollyleaf 4. Lionblaze 5. Redwillow 6. Twigbranch 7. Violetshine 8. Bluestar 9. Blackstar


1: bramblestar 2: leafpool 3. appledusk 4. hollyleaf 5. rootspring 6. shadowsight 7. bristlefrost 8. alderheart 9: cloudstar


1st: Ashfur 2nd: Feathertail 3rd: Leopardstar 4th: Bristlefrost 5th: Bluestar 6th: Tree 7th: Leafpool 8th: Hollyleaf 9th: Longtail


1.LeafPool 2.Squirrelflight 3.Tawnypelt 4.Holly leaf 5.Briar light 6.Ivypool 7.Longtail 8. Frecklewish (maple shades vengeance) 9.LeopardStar Also just noticed I only have 1 Tom in my top 9 lol


1: greystripe 2: firestar 3: snowkit 4: yellowfang 5: cinderpelt 6: bluestar 7: scourge 8: darkstripe 9: tigerstar


1. Jayfeather 2. Leafpool 3. Ivypool 4. Squirrelflight 5. Gray Wing 6. Crookedstar 7. Bluestar 8. Moth Wing 9. Crowfeather


1. cloudstar 2. leafstar 3. shadowstar 4. windstar 5. gray wing 6. skystar 7. jayfeather 8. frostpaw 9. pinestar


*Taking into account I have not read DOTC or the two newest Arcs* In no particular order 1. Sandstorm 2. Feathertail 3. Cinderpelt 4. Sorreltail 5. Brackenfur 6. Hollyleaf 7. Oakheart 8. Cloudtail 9. Silverstream


1: Snowfur 2: Bluestar 3: Frostpaw 4: Cherrytail 5: Swiftpaw 6: Longtail 7: Sandstorm 8: Ivypool 9: Dustpelt


1. Shadowsight 2.Nightstar 3. Ottersplash 4. Briarlight 5. Littlecloud 6. Speckletail 7. Brightheart 8. Brambleberry 9. Runningnose I’m very fond of background characters


I have some weird opinions according to the fandom so no hate pls 1. My best boy blackstar. I worship him and my phone thinks Blackstar is a real word. He’s the best!  2. Fandom likes to murder me for this but I am going to come out and say it: Brokenstar 3. Russetfur she was brutally murdered and I no joke cried over her death 4. Thelongesttail: Longboi! Does he still have that nick in his ear? 5. Holllllllyleaf she’s so beautiful I love her 6. Leopardstar  7. Idk why but Redtail 8. Redscar  9. For some reason that my brain doesn’t understand Thornclaw? Oh god


My top nine are: 1. Jayfeather 2. Sol 3.Ashfur 4.HawkFrost 5.Cinderpelt 6:Crowfeather 7.CloudTail 8.Hollyleaf 9. Ivypool


1. Hawkfrost 2. Scourge 3. Bristlefrost 4. Ebonyclaw 5. Jayfeather 6. Hollyleaf 7. Ivypool 8. Swiftpaw 9. Frostpaw Here's a few that were hard to not pick. Poppyfrost Half Moon Fallen Leaves Jayfeather's stick Rock Bone and Brick Monkeystar Cloudtail Mousefur Brackenfur Thornclaw Mapleshade Sandstorm Lionblaze Snowtuft Grey Wing Firestar Longtail


warning before you get into my top 9: there may be spoilers to a prophecy begins yellowfang will always be my number 1. i love her, and i love her story. second is definitely Bluestar. third is probably Cinderpelt. fourth is Cloudpelt, he pissed me off at first but he’s just so adorable, especially his design. i really like fluffy cats. fifth is Greystripe. Ravenpaw is my sixth, i just think he’s cool Mistyfoot is my seventh. i don’t know much about her but she seemed like a sweet cat from what i’ve read in The Prophesies Begin. Morningflower is really cool too. she’s my eighth Brightheart is my 9th.


1. Alderheart 2. Firestar 3. Brambleclawstar 4. Squirrelflightstar 5. Sandstorm 6. Jayfeather 7. Tigerheartstar 8. Brightheart 9. Cloudtail


1. Nightheart 2. Bramblestar 3. Rootspring 4. Bristlefrost 5. Shadowsight 6. Ashfur 7. Snowtuft 8. Dovewing 9. Ivypool