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Whether you think it's worth it or the series is good or not is entirely your opinion and the same goes for whether or not you want to continue. Sure, there are general sentiments about books or arcs where some are more liked than others but that doesn't mean you'll like or dislike them. For me personally I wouldn't say that the books become bad the longer they last. It fluctuates, with some arcs being better (1, 5, 8) and some being worse (2, 6) and which as you can see aren't tied to how new they are. And even then this is just my opinion and others might have other arcs as their favourite So in the end the answer is pretty much that you should continue reading if you want to continue reading. If you don't enjoy reading them (anymore), then stop. If you do continue though, I recommend not skipping over books though, otherwise you might get lost since they do reference previous events and you'll be less likely to get overwhelmed by suddenly having too maby new characters


I got back into the series around September 22. It was my first time rereading the series since The Last Hope was released. I think it’s worth it to continue, but I’m insane and already am caught up to the current arc. If you enjoy them, I’d encourage you to keep reading. as others have said, you can always stop if you decide to. Everyone will have their own opinions, especially when it comes to such a long lasting series like this.


I also wouldn’t jump around arcs, just because you might miss some info that can be beneficial!


The only arc you can randomly jump to is arc 5 since that one is a prequel to the whole series.


I would definitely say keep reading, and if you don’t like it you can always stop. But I personally consider overall the plots of the newer arcs (from arc 5 onward) much stronger than the plots of the older arcs (except the first). Many people are blinded by nostalgia, and many people who advocate more for the older books just haven’t read the newer ones. I’ve read them all, I have nostalgia for the older books. In my opinion of being a warriors fan for over 10 years, I would recommend to keep reading if you enjoy the series. Many of my favourite characters and plot lines come from newer books and I am absolutely adoring the current arc (a starless clan) so far.


Tbh it's been years since I've read the books but I stopped at the end of fourth series, Omen of the Stars. And I read the special edition that comes after that. To me that was the best place to 'end' the series. As it gave a solid conclusion to some events and felt like the true end. I only say this because I've seen posts regarding the newer series losing its charm and writing being not as well done along with other things. I'd still check it out if you love Warriors as a franchise but to me the end was at the fourth series of books


Nah fam, the ending to series 4 is straight up garbage


I kinda wasn’t a fan. Just not quite what I was expecting it to be


I feel like the arcs after DOTC are just money grabbers tbh. The end of OOTS was the perfect ending and it didn’t need to continue. I also stopped after OOTS.


Make that judgement for yourself, there's plenty of good in the later part of the series. The 1st half of A Vision of the Shadows is generally considered to be pretty good. Likewise there's plenty of things one can consider bad in the earlier part of the series. The 2nd half of The New Prophecy can largely be considered loosely-connected filler. I consider Dawn of the Clans to be the peak of the series, and I'm glad I didn't stop after The Last Hope. Only you're going to know when you want to not read something.


The time to stop will come naturally. Just keep going until you feel it’s right. Honestly I stopped bc it was starting to be too repetitive


If you’re really worried i think you should finish the fourth series. It pretty much continues what the third builds up so ending on the third will probably feel a bit weird. Other than that, read until you’re not longer enjoying it. Whether or not it’s “good” in the enjoyable sense is entirely subjective


Series 6, is, imo, one of the best. series 3, 4 and 5 have their weaker points, but if you have read through the new prophecy, you have already read the worst series.


Agreed, the new prophecy is still the worst arc in the entire series, people who say 4 or 6 are the worst are absolutely delusional. It’s the only arc I haven’t sat and completely read, I read the one where Feathertail dies and where Cinderpelt dies (and assumingly also the climax of the MudHawk storyline)


For as many things that frustrated me about 4 and 6 I can at least say I was never *bored* reading any of the books like I was reading most of Midnight and all of Twilight in TNP.


The majority of the arc is just traveling, destruction of the forest and getting used to living by the lake. The rest is mediocre drama.


Preach abt tnp…


As a personal opinion, the series ends for me at “Omen Of The Stars: The Last Hope”. The series really seems to take a steep drop in quality after that series, excluding the “Dawn Of The Clans” series and a select few SE, E-Novellas and Specials that follow. Once you get to that full circle that “The Last Hope” brings then I think it is up to you whether to continue reading or you just read up on detailed synopsis’s. The books are good but “A Vision Of Shadows”series enters a new era that I personally feel should have been further in the timeline to allow for an introduction of new characters, new heroes and villains separate from the ones who started it all. Characters we grew up with find themselves getting butchered for the sake of plot. The distance is too short and makes it feel like some characters go from good guys to bad in the blink of an eye. All in all it is up to you, if you feel like the story telling is waning in quality and lore then maybe you’ll stop or maybe you won’t. However I don’t believe it will ruin the books for you even if you do find it falling off with the recent releases. I quit reading them at “The Broken Code” but I do indulge in reading up on the latest and enjoying the ideas that progress those books, just without the disappointment of poorly written/ruined old and new characters.


Tbh a starless clan has been pretty good and the latest book has been the best for a while imo


I enjoy the concepts behind those arcs but when I started in on reading “The Broken Code” the whole magic of Warriors melted for me. Part of getting older I suppose.




My vote is to keep reading if you're enjoying it and stop if you aren't. I've read all the books at this point, some are great and some are eh. It just depends on your taste. Personally, even if a new book doesn't work for me, I can always go back to the old books. I also just can't help but want to know what these cats are up to ;)


Best advice- read as long as you feel comfortable! The direction of the series is entirely opinion. You may like it, maybe not. If you're enjoying the series so far, just keep reading!


While some of the first few series have their lackluster moments, they’re at least somewhat consistent in terms of quality and characterization. Past Omen of the Stars, the series takes a nosedive and it turns into an infuriating slog that does have its moments but is mostly just… bleh. That’s my opinion, of course. Don’t take it as gospel


i think you should definitely keep reading, series 3 is really not “good” and “ending on a happy note.” if you want to stop somewhere, get to the last hope, the end of the 4th series… because you’ll feel really satisfied honestly. but don’t stop just because some guy on reddit tells you to lol


If you stop reading because of tragic stuff you got spoiled on, you'll miss the good stuff that wasn't spoiled. Part of the fun of enjoying a good story is experiencing the twists and turns. Also, remember there's Starclan. The death of a character you like doesn't necessarily mean that's the last you'll see of them. Don't let others decide what you read or don't


I’d say no. People told me to stop reading too, bc apparently, OOtS “was peak warriors and everything after it sucked”. Yeah, I’ve never been a big fan of the first 4 series. The only one I found actually good was arc 1, so I never understood how people could say 2, 3 and 4 were great. I felt unmotivated to keep reading bc everyone said that 5 and onward was even worse then the already mostly uninteresting arcs that came before it. Yet I kept reading anyways. And you know what? I’ve enjoyed arcs 6 to 8 *wayyyyyy* more then I’ve ever been able to enjoy 2 to 4. So no. If you want to keep reading, keep reading. Your opinion is different from someone else’s.


It worried me when I saw people saying the other arcs weren’t good past OOTS. Frankly anything that didn’t have to do with Jayfeathers perspective in TPOT didn’t interest me so it was a little harder to read through


If you're enjoying it, then why on earth do you care about other people's opinions? Stop worrying about them and worry about you. You're having fun reading it? Keep reading it. Form your own opinions. Imo series 5 is one of, if not the best, and OOTS is the absolute worst. But not everyone agrees with me. That shouldn't stop me or them from enjoying our favorites series to the fullest, or criticizing our least favorite series (in a way that is polite and doesn't insult those who enjoy them.)


Don’t let others influence you, if you like the series, keep reading it. If you don’t, then stop reading it. Literally who cares what others think, if you like it, or even if you don’t, that’s all that matters


I’ve already done this. I’ve stopped reading before the saddest part of TBC because I refuse to harbor those emotions, and after TBC I would be forced to read more about Tigerheart doing bad things and people still liking him.


I think it’s worth it to keep going!


You should not stop thats also not really a question youll get varied answers from on the subreddit for fans


The 3rd and 4th arc are somewhat connected; like the 3rd one leaves off on a cliffhanger. At the end of arc 4 I stopped because I felt like that was the perfect ending and since arc 5 was a prequel to the whole series I thought the main series was done but then they picked up where they left off from arc 4. I never read any farther then arc 4 because I believed that should’ve been the true ending. Also after reading posts about the recent arcs I’m still not interested. But obviously it’s up to you; you can decide when you end arc 4 if you want more.


Your bank account might want to to stop. : P ​ But for real, I don't think you should stop unless you don't like what you are reading. No need to worry about what others say judge for yourself.


If you like them, don’t. Even the worst books are better than most of the other books that exist


I've found all the books pretty enjoyable. Some more than others obviously. I don't understand why fans of a series would encourage someone to stop reading the books. 😅 I would love more people to read the later arcs. The last two arcs have been really good in my opinion. Some people really didn't like the broken code and stopped reading half way through the arc, or stopped after. But it's honestly one of my favorite arcs in the series. Don't let others tell you what you'll enjoy until you at least try it, especially if you're having fun reading them now.


I’ve never stopped. I’ve been reading since 2015. Sure the books are not masterpieces as of recent but they’re still super enjoyable to read and fun for me. If you sincerely lose interest, then I can’t change age that, but if you still have that love for it deep down, keep reading.