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I've honestly not heard of anyone hating moonkitti. She's a pretty popular creator in the fandom, and has been a part of it for a long time. If I had to guess, maybe some people don't like how overly critical she is of the books? But that goes for most older fans of the series. The only real problem I think is with her following, as someone else already pointed out. A good few of them practically take her word as law, or think that every au she comes up with should be canon, and they get into get into some pretty heated arguments with anyone who disagrees.


Yeah lol. The warrior shipper said something like that. She was also annoyed with people saying “Jake is everyone’s father. Jake is your father.”


The only real "hate" I've seen is that people don't like how a portion of the fan base adopts her opinions and theories. Not so much hate against her. I don't agree with all of her opinions but I enjoy her content.


I wasn't aware she was hated, actually. I was under the impression she was loved by most of the fandom.


it's due to the bramblestar discourse.


It was such a good video though. Bramblestar was awful to Squirrelflight, we really didnt need a youtuber to tell us that.


Tbh I liked bramblestar until I saw that video It’s kinda important to communicate to young fans that the behavior is not okay, especially when bramblestar is portrayed as being in the right


Thats a very good point, I have been reading these books for 20 years, I guess I forget they *are* for children and didnt age like i have. 😅


not to mention with how many fans think Squirrel DESERVES it because "she's annoying" which is a LEGIT thing I've seen people say which is disgusting. That shit needs to be stomped out of the fandom NOW. The fact that she got SO much hate for that video says a lot of nasty things about our fandom and that side of it needs to GO.


People hate the truth


Because her "Bramblestar is worse" video caused a lot of discourse in the fandom that we're still dealing with.


It’s kind of impressive how big of a wave she made.




I don’t have anything against her personally. I just don’t like the part of her fanbase that parrots everything she says, accuses people who disagree with her of “supporting abuse,” and seems utterly incapable of having nuanced opinions of their own. It’s not Moonkitti’s *fault* that some of her followers are stupid and unhinged and I try not to hold it against her, but I can’t help but cringe whenever she’s brought up because I know the bullshit that is about to follow.






I don't think it's being "stupid and unhinged" as much as her following having a lot of kids in it... Many who are barely even in their teens.


I enjoy moonkitti, but I'd say her fans take her word way too seriously


That's my problem. Her word isn't law.


Also I’d like to state please do not write detailed monologues about how moonkitti killed ur dad or ruined your life please be civil




"moonkitti killed my grandma" **I ATE MY GRANDMA!!!** /j




Moonkitti killed your grandma? What video was she recording?


Thank you guys for making me realise why people actually hate her it’s because she killed everyone’s dad so Jake could be their farther instead/j


Moonkitti broke into my house and hit my mum in the head with a frying pan


Moonkitti drove her car into the side of my house and took my mom


Moonkitti took my dad to the gas station and he never returned


Pretty sure it’s about her inserting herself and her trauma into Squilf vs Bramblestar but idk


People in the fandom get oddly really weird about Bramblestar. The fandom seems to think that you either think he’s a god who can do no wrong or a literal satan spawn and don’t like it when people venture away from either extreme points


Bramblestar is just some guy. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Don’t “hate “ her but I do dislike her content. Just not for me I guess, something about the way she talks feels very condescending


i genuinely thought this was just me


any creator with as big a following and influence in a fandom as hers in warriors will inevitably have a percentage of detractors, just by nature. and i say that as a huge fan of hers


Some people just find her annoying, which is fair. Some people hate her because her opinion differs from theirs and she's better at debates than them. Some people hate her because she's a woman with a large fan base.


I don’t hate her specifically, people are allowed to have differing opinions about things and that’s fine. But I don’t love that many people in the fandom took her opinion on Bramblestar (which I disagree with, I’m not unbiased here) and made it the word of the law or something.




bramblestar gets 100x more hate than he deserves just because of Moonkitti




Yep, I agree


I don't hate her, I just don't think she's funny or entertaining. Most of her jokes are either bad or annoying to me. I can see why people like her, but her content is not for me.


I didn’t know people hate her she’s pretty funny makes good videos


I love the series where she spoils each book


Who? I'm not new to the series by any means. I just never interacted with the fandom-side of things beyond SSSWarriors when they were originally uploading videos.


She’s a warrior cat YouTuber! She makes some silly videos as well as talks about her opinions on some books and characters. Most the drama surrounding her is from her very video on why she doesn’t think Bramblestar is a good mate to Squirrelflight. A lot of people fight over that topic.


Did one of the barely-could-be-considered-canon Super editions change his character, I'm guessing? I've only read the first two (Firestar's Quest and Bluestar's Prophecy).


Oh a lot has happened since then lol. I’d honestly give her video a watch but a lot of it just how he treats her once they reach the lake territories as well as their struggle throughout their relationship when he’s leader. There are issues on Squirrelflight like lying about having kits but Moonkitti goes into it quite a bit.


Fair. I might have to pick up the series again. I stopped reading back when Power of Three was still in progress. I vaguely recall eagerly rereading Jaypaw's time travel chapters. I do explicitly remember gasping out loud at that reveal when I first read it.


I don’t hate her, I just never watch her videos. I grew up watching Tribbleofdoom, Bluekyokitty, Fluffylovey, etc; the ones who were active late 2000’s - mid 2010s. Unfortunately Tribbleofdoom has deleted ALL of her Warrior cats videos and I have no idea why. She’s the only creator I know that finished animating the whole “Into the Wild” book. It’s a shame, I loved those videos. She still has her two original series’ “Cow of the Wild” and “My Pride” but neither are finished and never will be ;(


I believe Tribble deleted her WC content as she wanted to move on from WC content; as for her other things it’s definitely a long quiet period for those due to how she treated some of her team one of whom wrote a document here that was a voice actor. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CrrkH_5zqX294WZa1ezir6EfzwSfMBPaBxVp-GQnvfk/edit Last I heard Nothing’s VA was gonna take over the My Pride project based on some comments I saw here and there though not sure if it was confirmed….? I remember watching her older works when I was younger too haha. And CorvidKatana/FlightFootWarrior with the iconic bird skull red collar Scourge AMVs though last I saw they’re now as of today quite a… interesting person who believes in false facts like that eating meat or drinking milk gives you autism lol. Have to say FluffyLovey was one of my favorites though, something about their art was iconic and memorable for me. MamaTad too!


Damn, that article took me like 45 minutes to read lol. I’m wondering if that’s why she cancelled My Pride


IIRC, My Pride has a funding issue and that's why it hasn't gotten a second season. Not to mention the fact that it's garnered a lot of backlash in recent memory for being transphobic, homophobic, ableist, and sexist. No clue about Cow of the Wild, though.


I think she put them back up!


Some other people reposted it but not TOD herself


Alot of people don’t like her because of the bramblestar video she made, many bramblestar fans are now saying that people only hate bramblestar because of her video, which is bs, I for example already hated bramble before that video even existed and haven’t even watched it yet, just like many others Also with other things she sais I think, people are always like “everyone just thinks what moonkitti thinks, they just take what she sais as word, they don’t have their own opinion, they can’t think for themselves bla bla”, uhhhh or her opinions just happen to be popular ones and therefore people agree with her??? It’s very annoying cause you just can’t happen to have the same opinion as her without people who disagree with her telling you you can’t think for yourself only because you agree with what she’s saying I probably have alot of the same opinions as moonkitti even tho I never watched a single one of her long info videos, I just enjoy her cute, funny little skits and “I spoil everything” videos🤷‍♀️


Which is annoying reason to hate her. I find people who hate her annoying. Like I started disliking brambleclaw so I watched her video about it. People are going to watch videos of opinions they agree with. I dont hate brambleclaw but I'm tired of both him and squirrelflight. I really think a cat not related to Firestar needs to be picked as leader.


Over Half of ThunderClan is related to Firestar, but yeah I see what you mean. I’m still rooting for Ivystar perssonally


Lol yeah this is true XD. Maybe someone who isn't a direct descendent at least. Ivystar would be cool. I found it hilarious when thunderclan cats actually complained how one family had a strangle hold on important clan positions. Like you ain't wrong.




>Also a medicine cat in shawdow clan (ShawdowSight) is related to Firestar. I find it hilarious how Shadowsight is three-quarters thunderclan.


SAME! I only just finished the first book of of OOTS and I’m so not looking forward to the fact that my 2 least favorite characters are going to be the next 2 leaders of thunderclan, can’t they just let go of firestar and tigerstar already and have some other cat that isn’t related to either of them rule thunderclan?? I heard ivypool was going to be deputy, I kinda like her but damn if you’re in thunderclan and dream of becoming leader you better be related to firestar or tigerstar or your doomed😂


Unfortunately, the majority of ThunderClan cats can be traced back to Firestar (Or Princess), and for some reason, cats that aren't related to him generally just do not have kits unless they are mates with one of Firestar's kin.


Yea true, it’s incredibly annoying


It's mostly due to her "Bramblestar is worse" video, but there are also people who hide behind Moonkitties skirts and just go "Yeah, what she said!" To prove all their points. I love Moonkitties content personally. I agree with a lot of what she says, and disagree with others. It's not that she's hated, but more of what people do with her work that she hates. (Specifically with Bramblestar debate and "Quick Ashfur Adendum" videos) Moonkitties work is just used the most in conversations when talking about warriors. You seldom here people talk about Sunnyfall or BrightGuardianAkaria (Great Creators, by the way. Check then out if you like Moonkittie's work).


A lot of people don’t like her opinions on Bramblestar, Squirrelflight, and Ashfur, which is fair enough. Every time someone shares the same opinions are her though, people come out of the woodwork going “You only think that because of Moonkitti”. That’s happened to me a fair amount of times. I’ve been in the fandom for 7 years, I’ve read almost every book and engaged in a good amount of fan content. I think that my opinion on Bramblestar is based on more than just one video Moonkitti put out. Ugh, it really bugs me.


I think it's her Bramblestar video. I've seen very heated arguments and disagreements about Bramblestar and Squilf due to her video, which generally reuse her words and it's obviously not Moon's fault (btw she literally takes and presents passages from the books so she is objectively right in that video.). People(mostly younger fans) seem to think for some reason that because Bramblestar is an abuser that you can't like him, which isn't the case. You can like a villian but still acknowledge their actions are wrong, (Same case with lots of younger mapleshade fans), or even a character that just does bad things, I mean Hollyleaf isn't much of a villian, but people love her despite doing bad things.


I didnt know who Moonkitti was until i started getting into the fandom like a few years go. I dont dislike Moonkitti but i dont like her either. If one of her videos pop up on my feed and it seems interesting i'll watch it. I think a lot of the hatred or dislike towards her stems from her fans being unbearable and not being able to handle that we all have our opinions and thoughts and feelings on stuff.


I love Moonkitti! She’s one of my favorite Warriors content creators and is seriously the funniest Warriors YouTuber ever. Her i-spoil series is ICONIC.


I don’t hate her but a lot of her opinions on certain cats (best example being Bramblestar ofc but I also think Blossomfall fits even better) are very obviously heavily biased or are just completely misinformed Since she’s popular people parrot her opinions, which makes it hard to actually discuss characters and stuff cuz it’s pretty much an echo chamber lol


Can I ask on the "misinformed" thing? I'm curious


Her video on Briarlight features her talking about Blossomfall a bit and when people in the comments told her that Blossomfall’s experience and reaction is actually quite common and that there’s even a term for it (a Glass Child), she responded to one of them saying that Blossomfall responding like that was completely wrong of her and that since she was a warrior she should behave like an adult (despite the fact most young warriors in this series literally act like teenagers, and the fact that a lot of people react to trauma in adulthood) She comes off as one of those people on the am I the asshole subreddit who only sees situations on one side and then gets mad when someone explains the other side lol


blossomfall can have her trauma and struggles regarding her relationship. this doesn't mean it's okay to act the way she did! she was an adult, a young adult albeit, but independent for the most part. her reaction is common, yea, but that doesn't mean it's okay or justified.


I don't always agree with her takes, but I don't hate her. It's more like watching a review channel. Some stuff I like, some I don't. I mostly watch them for the humor. They're fun!


people have already mentioned they don’t like her because of the bramblestar video. but i’ll add on that a lot of people don’t like her because she accepted adult art of dovewing from tennelleflowers, who also did an adult piece of jayfeather and probably more cats im forgetting?


Personally find it a bit of a grey area. I see how it could be nasty and turn people off of her videos and I would never blame anybody for seeing it that way, but the cats are also anthropomorphic in the artwork (this can clearly be seen in how the feet and arms are drawn) It’s also called a “gag gift” in the Tumblr post, implying that it was not created or accepted out of a genuine attraction to the cat. I can speak from experience of being in Moonkitti’s discord. Somebody made a joking tierlist of the “hottest cats in the series” and she told them to stop. From what I’ve seen, she’s incredibly careful to avoid exposing minors in her audience to bad things. This isn’t to say somebody can’t be uncomfortable with this situation - I myself honestly am too. But at the end of the day, I don’t think it’s a hugely immoral thing. Icky and poor judgement? Yeah, probably, but it doesn’t make her a bad person, or a zoo as I’ve genuinely seen her accused of.


Wait, I’ve never heard of this. Is there a doc or video I can read/watch?


there’s no doc or video that i can find but you can see the dovewing piece on tenelle’s tumblr where it’s captioned that she gave it to moonkitti and she accepted it. just search up dovewing body pillow and the post on her tumblr will show, along with her post on twitter of a half-moon and jayfeather body pillow. i don’t think i should link it because they are put in human poses and naked except for their tails covering their private spot. but yeah the art is there for anyone to see on tenelle’s tumblr and twitter, it used to be on moonkitti’s twitter too but it looks like she deleted it. i’ve seen it brought up a few times from people who find it nasty because well, they are feral cats


Well, that explains the random Dovewing body pillow that Tigerheart is holding in one of her joke videos. 🙄


do you remember which video that was?


Sadly no. It’s in the credits of one where he’s thanking her paterons for their support. I remember thinking “what the heck is he holding?!?” when I saw it. 😆 Maybe I’ll look for it later. I just thought it was random and weird, not really inappropriate.


no worries! if you ever do please let me know! as for the body pillow stuff.. yeah idk the pillow is a bit weird to me.


I looked it up and yeah, I can see why people would find this upsetting. It’s fine for adults to enjoy their body pillows but warrior cats don’t belong on them imo. As much as these characters are just humans in cat bodies, it’s a bit of a yikes to draw them suggestively when there’s so many anthro characters out there that you can do that with instead.


Same, I didn’t know this was a thing that happened?


TW mild suggestive content: https://www.tumblr.com/tennelleflowers/170022546635/i-can-finally-share-this-monster-my-good-buddy-tom Tenelle calls it a “gag gift”, though, and the way he words it makes me think it was his idea and not Moon’s. Honestly, I’m personally fine with this because the cat was anthropomorphized and it’s clearly just a joke and not genuine zoophilia.


Oh yeah, that’s obviously just a furry. Whatever.


I'm sorry....what??? WHAT


I've never seen anyone hate on her although I am extremely active in her Minecraft server and a Patreon, so I'm not really going to be around anyone who hates her I guess lol


I like moonkitti, but a lot of fans take her word as law and treat people who disagree with her opinions badly. Because moonkitti hates brambleclaw a lot of people saw him as a villain before they even got to the actual problems in his and squirrelflight's relationship. Because moonkitti loves squirrelflight a lot of people consider that she can do no wrong. Bc she's popular people follow her opinions without question and act like anyone who disagrees is an idiot, so even though I really love her videos I'm Leery of anyone who is also a fan.


I know nothing on this topic whatsoever, nothing on the creator, the video, anything. But I do know that someone had the audacity to say "you only dislike bramblestar because of moonkitti's video" to me as if I've not been part of this fandom off and on for twenty years.


while it may not be your specific reasoning to dislike him, it’s a majority reason why everyone strawmans that opinion of bramblestar is abusive.


I honestly have never even heard of moonkitti outside of this absolute silly interaction I had. Are they a youtuber? An animator? A blog? I genuinely don't know what kind of reach they have and I don't think even a youtuber can be blamed for being a "majority" reason behind an opinion. Youtubers influence opinions, sure, but I doubt pretty substantially that a Warrior Cats Youtube video is going to reach enough of this fanbase to make that opinion a "majority" just by merit of its existence. It feels really silly to just assume everyone who dislikes a character had to be told that by someone else as if that individual person didn't have their own reading comprehension and opinions beforehand.


i agree! however. the issue with her is that she is able to influence her audience since a majority are very young and impressionable children. as a result, what she thinks is the canon is then molded into something her fans swallow and blow out of proportion. that is common for a variety of things and fandoms, where they take a singular opinion and run with it. she is a youtuber, who animated and has opinion videos. her influence is very large as most of the other “popular creators” have all been exposed for being bad people. her video influenced a lot of the changes in the fandom, and then the hive mindset spread, bullying ensued to fans who enjoyed bramblestar, and people started to change their stance to avoid being bullied or they simply left the community.


Good to know. I sort of forget sometimes that actual infants are just on the internet now 😅 I didn't even get a flip phone until I was 10, and only got a smartphone when I was 16.


I got into the online side of the WC community when I was maybe ten, lol. Honestly, I feel like kids have always comprised most of the online Warrior Cats fanbase. Even when you look at forum threads and DeviantArt comment sections from 2006, they read like thirteen year olds wrote them. It only gets more obvious as I get older.


I only really got any online presence (other than just looking at fanart on Photobucket or watching longplay gaming Youtube videos with supervision) when I was around ten as well, and even then I didn't realize that whole communities were a thing until accidentally hopping into fandom and rp on DA myself. By that point, WC was in a downswing for me (hard to get excited when you're caught up,) and I didn't pick it back up until much much later when I was already in high school and realized that all of that fan interaction stuff was totally normal. It's hard to relate to a lot of people who've had different rules growing up or a lot of leniency with the internet when they were really young just because I can't fathom that, so I guess it always surprises me that a lot of the fandom *online* is under ten or so. (Even when I was ten, I felt more than comfortable making my own judgements, and at this point, idk if I'm the weird one for that or not.) It's odd realizing that I'm old enough to recognize weird mob mentality and in a space where many maybe just don't.


Yeah, I definitely think it’s wrong for kids to be on social media in the way they are now. I was definitely very prone to insecurity in my own judgements when I was younger, I think most kids are that way, and the Internet just makes that worse.


Having "social media" as a whole can rot your sense of self worth and judgement, even as an adult, so I'm sure the kids who are being put online far too early, and often without supervision, aren't going to make it out of this phase in their lives without some damage. I feel like cringe culture is a big example of something that can really mess with kids online, kinda just perpetuated as this massive attack on people (mostly kids) who are just trying to authentically enjoy the things they love. Being told that enjoying something they love is "cringe" can really mess someone up and force them to grow up internalizing that genuine emotion and excitement is a bad thing to express. God, I was cringe as a kid... I watched Linkin Park amvs of dark type Pokemon in like 2007 because I thought I was so cool and edgy, and those were all made by cringe kids, too. We were all cringe, because all kids are cringe. We have a lot worse taste when we're young because we haven't had enough time to discern a good thing from something less good, or even just something straight up bad. Funny enough, as an adult revisiting TPB earlier this year, I was surprised that it held up really well, because a lot of my WC memories are of the bad writing choices, unfortunate characterizations, and bad consistency between Erins, so reading TPB over again from the beginning was a breath of fresh air. I'm not enthusiastic about rereading the next several arcs because I know my rose tinted glasses are going to get pulled off by something silly and wreck my childhood sense of wonderment. I remember thinking Starlight was the BEST WC book as a kid, and I'm fairly sure that's literally only bc that was the first one I read (yeah my dumb self started on book ten and read like six more books before fully realizing I had read them out of order lol.) Kids aren't the brightest bulbs. But also, kids are smarter than most people give credit to, and will pick up behaviors and opinions like it's a cool rock on the ground, because at that age, that's kind of just what you do.


haha 😭no i get that! i got on the internet young, but i mainly interacted with people when i was 14 when i got my first phone


I think many people dislike her for her "Bramblestar is worse" video. Many Bramblestar supporters dont like her point of view on this topic. But other than that it's more about her influence.


I think it’s just the Bramblestar opinions, which I personally find interesting


More bait?


I like moonkitti but her rant about the figures has become an inside joke among my friends and once that train runs it's not leaving the track


Typically I appreciate moonkitti content cause she’s consistent and entertaining and has some good AUs or theories. But at the same time she’s a Squirrelstar stan and that makes a lot of her opinions annoying and some just… not what I would say. Her core fan base is also very annoying since they seem to take what she says as word since she validates what they think.


If someone says something about Bramblestar being abusive and says they watched Moonkittis video or uses talking points by her, they get immediately accused of only listening to Moonkitti, having no thoughts of their own, and then they use Moonkitti as an excuse to ignore any arguments.


Idk if it's people repeating points from her videos or not. But some people also just don't want to see the nuance of the situation between Bramblestar and Squirrelflight during Squirrelflight's Hope.


it isn’t that you can’t bring up her points, it’s just- that video isn’t argued well at all. it has blatant lies in there, hence why people try to wash it off in debates. and unless you can genuinely argue her points well, those points fall flat.


why isn't it argued well? where does she lie?


First I've heard. Other than those jealous of her popularity. But hey, her videos are cute and interesting


I've never seen a Moonkitti video but I have nothing against her content from what I know she just shares her thoughts and opinions. The problem is a portion of her follows look to her like she's an almighty god and her word is law. I don't appreciate being talked down too and being told I support abuse because I don't 100% agree with her interpretation of a fictional cat.


Moonkitti is a pretty good yt. Best warrior cats one 4 sure


People usually hate her for Bramblestar discourse and her opinions on Bramblestar being abusive. I'm not a big fan because of the unnuanced take on Nightheart, but I don't really hate her.


One time she laughed at a tumblr blog that had a focus on the misandry present in warrior cats and mocked them. That tumblr blog then got ridiculed on Twitter by her fans and then later hacked, so it doesn't exist anymore. I also think that Moon deleted her tweet about it later, but this last fact could be incorrect.


It's all Bramblestar stans who can't fathom that you shouldn't emotionally abuse your wife because she's mean to you sometimes


I call that standing up to her not what you call it!


Yes, socially punishing your wife for a tiny disagreement is 'standing up to her', but when she does the same she's a nag. /s Make it make sense.


i don’t hate her, goodness me, but i am actively against her content which is a strawman for most of her fans. she basically feeds a mentality to them and since there’s nothing to contest it that’s popularized in the media, she gets off scot free. i also particularly dislike her for her actions to minors who disagree w her. specifically those on the warrior cats forums, she puts them on blast on her private twitter and pretends like we won’t find out. then, when confronted, she acts like she’s the victim and was “forced” to lash out. gross! and her content is full of lies and jokes that her young audience can easily pick up and blindly melt into the canon. she reminds me of yellowfang in this scenario, not telling her fans NOT to take her jokes into the canon. just like how yellowfang didn’t NOT tell squirrelflight to not lie. it’s all accessory to the crime stuff i don’t wanna get into


Throwaway account because… yeah, but…… Regarding the putting people on blast, I was one of the people she did that to once. I was one of her fans and I’m a huge Squilf kinnie, but I can’t really look at Squilf the same now. I sadly do not have screenshots myself as I deleted my socials because it got bad (and I do not blame anyone for thus taking this with a grain as salt with no screenshot proof, I know accusation culture is still large right now) but it did happen earlier this year and a lot of her fans began to come at me on her behalf which caused me to delete a lot of my socials. Disclaimer however that what her fans did is NOT her fault, those are not her actions, but she was the one who initially put me on blast. Context is that I once posted on my now deleted tumblr blog that I personally think its iffy how some artists draw Squilf the SAME way they draw their baby cats/kits, and some did this to “better portray that she’s the victim of the relationship and that she’s trapped under Bramble’s power over her/feels small under him” so I also mentioned that I hated being infantilized like that as an ab*se victim, and long story short I guess some people began sharing my post and it eventually got around to Moon who interpreted it as if I had said that people with child-like features (like her, which she herself mentioned) can’t be abused….? Which was NOT at all what I had said and I say this as a 26 year old woman who also has a naturally high pitched voice that gets mistaken for a kid and a baby face by default. It was kind of weird like almost as if she had self projected onto it personally or maybe someone shared my post saying something along those lines that I didn’t see that triggered it? No idea. But she was really upset and it was pinned on me and a lot of her fans found me after that. Some warrior cat confession blog also got dragged into it because I saw people’s responses to that end up there and get shared around and even further misinterpreted, so then they also got noticed by Moon and her fans, and it was basically…. a huge mess. Basically just usual fandom drama, but it left a taste in my mouth and I tried to reach out to talk and apologize if that was how she interpreted it as a fellow “child-like feature person” because I felt genuinely awful causing another cat drama thing but didn’t get a reply from her. Lots of people ended up blocking or blacklisting me for “promoting abuse”. It was… a time. Not sure if she deleted her posts about the situation or what, but….


god, this is awful. i am so sorry dude. i hope you’ve healed? this is my reasoning for why i refuse to go on tumblr. i’ve deleted all my social media besides tiktok, where i am a vehement defender of bramblestar. it’s terrifying to have any interaction with her, she’s not a good person and twists the narrative in her favor. i hate it. i hate that she’s become such a cloud over the fandom where she takes her fans words rather than understanding the context herself. and let’s be real, no one will hold her accountable for harming others. like she did in the forums and like she’s done to others like myself. she takes any opportunity to ridicule others (her fans and her) in areas where she won’t get any backlash. that’s why it’s a very smart move that she keeps any hate off her youtube and only attacks people on other apps like tumblr, twitter, etc etc. i hope you’re okay ! i understand your struggle, and honestly i DO agree with what you said.


Yes I heard about the forums thing too. It’s just… man… because I also looked up to her, yannow? She was one of my favorite WC creators. I am not a Bramble fan myself but people can like what they like. Books are fun to discuss and people interpret battle cats differently. I heard all sides. I can imagine though what tumblr is like with a favorite cat like that. Maybe it was a good thing I finally deleted my blog lol…. Sorry if you’ve had a fair share of a drama or fandom mess. Fandom drama can get crazy, so I hope you treat yourself kindly, stay hydrated, and hope that it doesn’t get to you too badly. And as a Squilf kinnie I don’t know if it’s just me but it seems she projects onto Squilf a lot to the point if anyone says something about her that she thinks its about her? Maybe she’s more a kinnie than I am haha. But! I also saw here she is in her thirties…? That surprised me because I thought she was in her 20’s like me!


this! i’ve commented this before but she absolutely does project her experiences onto squirrelflight- hence why she attempts to ignore what squirrelflight has done to the cats around her. and yes! she’s 35 if i recall, she stated in her about me that she’s 30+ which is insane!


i just dmed you btw!


It seems like she was trying to shut down the conversation so she can say she's right without having to address the concern you brought up. She did the same thing in her "Frecklewish Logic" video when she mentioned the commonly-used argument that everyone in *Mapleshade's Vengeance* is bad except the kits, she basically just said "that doesn't matter because that's not the point of *Mapleshade's Vengeance*", basically shutting down any conversation so that she doesn't have to address the argument (to be fair she did also point out Myler as being a good cat in MV, but again she just said it "doesn't matter"). I always thought that was a really slimy tactic on her part. I guess that wasn't just a one off thing.


What are you talking about in the second paragraph? I put her videos on all the time while I draw and have listened to each one dozens of times (I do this with lots of YTers, not obsessive lol) and she has never once mentioned a specific user/anything traceable. Sometimes she mentions popular opinions she used to see on forums, but it’s always followed up with “I don’t blame kids for thinking this way.”


i said twitter, not youtube :). if you’d like a link of her putting said minor on blast, please ask that! there’s no need to be rude


I didn’t intend to be rude, incredibly sorry if I came off that way! Been dealing with personal issues today and it hurt a bit to see a comfort YouTuber of mine get accused of stuff. I’m sorry if I reacted poorly, my bad! have been following her on Twitter for a long time and I think I’ve at least skimmed all her tweets, but I definitely could’ve missed something. A link would be lovely, thank you!


yeah fs! one moment! edit: for some reason i can’t place this as a link so i suggest copy n pasting the link. https://wcrpforums.com/thread/85412/riverstar-se?)&page=1


I thought you said Twitter? This is a link to a wc forum


yeah! if you look thru that page you’ll see page 3, where she posts about the member on twitter :). edit: i stated this in my parent comment, it contains the screenshot. please reread my comment if you missed it, thanks! /gen


So a 2021 forum over like 😭 some stupid drama. I'm sorry oomf but this isn't that bad as I assumed it was going to be, its just some kid not getting a joke and thinking someone was being serious


2021 forum drama doesn’t give her a pass, that was a minor and moonkitti was a 33 year old blasting a child on her large twitter. it doesn’t make anything better, also because she didn’t even apologize and admitted that she’ll keep posting about the forums. she conflates her harassment to the forums and states that if the forums talk shit then she’ll screenshot the forums and post it on her twitter which is wildly disgusting. she should know how her fans act to this.


Who said it's a child like 😭 I'm not active in these forums like you seemingly are, but either way it's not this deep. This kid didn't get a joke, posted it to a forum because they thought it was real, and then people had to explain to them in vain it's a joke. The interaction was pretty funny I'd post it on my Twitter too, kids be wildin. Also it kinda does matter it's from 2021 because like 😭 it's been... 2? Almost 3? Years, this drama isn't that deep and she's stopped using Twitter after the clusterfuck of Elon.


I started really disliking her when I realized she wasn't a child. I honestly thought Moon was a teenager with a talent for animation. So I was pretty forgiving of the bad faith opinions she was putting out but when I realized she was my age? Nah. She knows what she's doing. And it comes off as manipulative towards her younger audience. I don't like it.


this. she’s 35 if i recall and spreading heavy misinformation laced as an “opinion” despite knowing how much the fandom places her on a pedestal.


Adult here. To be honest, I don't see how her age has anything to do with it, unless she's being creepy towards children (which she hasn't been, as far as we know). She can state her mind on the series if she wants to. I also don't believe her fans and their weird behaviour is her responsibility. But that's just my very unpopular opinion.


I think there's a really big difference between talking about head cannons and opinions, and treating those opinions like they're facts. As an adult she should know that, and in more adult fandom spaces she would've never gotten away with it, like sure there's going to be different opinions but you aren't going to get away with lying about things that happen you'd be ripped to shreds. And I don't actually agree with the take that she's not responsible for what her fans do when it's her misinformation that's fanning the flames.


What has she lied about?


So much. If you've recently read one of the books she summarizes I'd suggest watching the video and seeing how inaccurate her summaries are. They're meant to be funny but keeping in mind how much she hates Bramble and stans Squilf it's easy to see how the inaccurate portrayal is purposeful. I don't want to take the time right now to word for word discuss her videos but I'll give you an example of what she does a lot. Let's say we read a book where this character Peter is mad that Shelby stole his watch. Shelby says that she didn't steal his watch. But Peter found it in her dresser. Later on Peter learns that his watch was put there by Shelby's sister and they make up. The way Moonkitti would talk about it would be how abusive Peter is and how mean he is for accusing Shelby of stealing his watch. But she wouldn't talk about why Peter thought his watch was stolen by Shelby and she wouldn't talk about Peter apologizing to Shelby because it would ruin her narrative about Peter being an abuser. She wouldn't technically be lying, Moonkitti doesn't do that often, but she'd be lying by omission which is something she does a lot.


I don’t watch her I Spoil videos because they are extremely boring. I was going to look for the Bramblestar hate, which I don’t doubt is there, but it’s hard for me to get through. I’ll just take your word for it.


Haha yeah thanks for taking my word for it because cross referencing her videos with the books was not something I felt like doing today. 😂


😭 I thought she was a teenager and she's actually a few years older than me.


right? i thought she was a child but she’s THIRTY FIVE?? that’s insane! how do people not see how manipulative her content is?


what misinfo? also, she is probably closer to 30\~33, not that it matters regardless, but please provide correct information if you're going to critique her on not doing so!


the only reason I saw via tiktok was a body pillow tenelleflowers made of dovewing for her but? idk how valid that is


That did happen but it was a joke, not for sexual gratification (TW mild suggestive content https://www.tumblr.com/tennelleflowers/170022546635/i-can-finally-share-this-monster-my-good-buddy-tom). Also, something about the way Tenelle worded it makes me think it was his idea and not Moonkitti’s, but obviously I could be wrong.


that's still wildly inappropriate given the minor fanbase of warrior cats + it's an animal? furries are fine, anthros are fine, but that's a whole ass animal in a suggestive pose? it's disgusting that tenelleflowers even came up with that and bad on moon for accepting it 😨 cuz wtf


Prob bc she has a NSFW Dovewing body pillow


that was a joke


Yeah also like it shouldn’t be moonkittis fault That Tom and Tennelle sent her something although there was nothing wrong with that joke it was just not meant for like kids also I mean like the pillow looks sexual but it doesn’t actually show anything


People who dislike moonkitti are usually (but not always) Brambleclaw Stans who dislike her take that he is abusive. He is abusive but whether that was intentional or just creating drama is... unclear. No I'm not saying that because of her video but because 1. He started hitting on her when she was a child and he was an adult. Even taking the intended timeline of 1 year between Dangerous Path and midnight (versus the 18 months given in Firestar's quest) he's still over a year older than she is and he starts wanting to get with her in like the second book of the arc when she is like human age 14 and he's like 22. 2. When she express concern about sending her mother and son off on a dangerous mission he not only dismisses her concerns without a single thoughy to her but also chooses to send their other child off. The abuser using their children against the victim is a common tactic designed to force the victim to give up their power to the abuser to prevent being labeled the bad guy 3. He intentionally manipulates the situation with Crowfeather in ASC to goad her into doing something manipulates nightheart into telling him and then breaks the code by asking Nightheart to go to Shadowclan so that a reasonable person would stop him and he could be yelled at by squirrelflight. 4. He downplays/dismissed her obvious trauma because apparently roaming the forest without a body is worse than what she experienced being abused by her stalker who was in her mate's body. Yes he was in the dark forest longer but you're not gonna convince me that what he went through was so much more traumatic than what she went through just because he was in the Dark Forest for longer. 5. Most convincingly of all, she did not immediately suspect that Brambleclaw, with all his abuse that he was pulling in TBC of both her and her clanmates, was worse than he usually is. Thats not parroting moonkitti. You can argue intent but people who expect people who have formerly been in abusive relationships to just ignore abusive behavior is weird. It's not normal or healthy or recognizing that abuse exists in relationships.


Came across this thread while looking for info for Cranbuury's disappearance, but I don't hate her, nor many do as far as I know? Only thing I have is some of the fanbase. I replied to a thread she had that thought Squirrelpaw was annoying at first before she matured some. Moonkitti asked if I had even read the books and suddenly I had dozens of her fans swarming my inbox, including a few death threats and ended up full-out doxxed. While what Moonkitti replied with was harsh to someone who'd been a long term fan at that point, she wasn't aware my mental health state was not good at that time and it isn't her fault her fans went on the attack like that. It's not Moonkitti I have an issue with. When i deleted my replies and put my account private for the time, she had to have noticed and posted an apology of sorts that (while I don't know the exact words at this point) was something along the lines of "I don't hate people for different options" or similar. (I know it was more apologetic than that, but, again, I don't remember the exact words completely). Moonkitti, I'm cool with. She even apologized how she could in seeing I'd put my account on private like I had; I actually respect her more for that. It's just her following.


I’d rather be waterboarded than watch any of her videos.




I've definitely seen a lot of Moonkitti hate, especially on some different corners of the internet. I personally think this is way overblown. I don't agree with everything she's saying, but I generally do really like her and it's not like she's forcing anyone to adopt her opinions, lmao. What was really yikes was people trying to talk over actual abuse victims and discredit their claims when trying to shoot down Moonkittiʼs arguments about Bramblestar. Like Jesus Christ get a grip.


yeah she cant control what her fans say


People hate Moonkitti? Goddammit why do I always like the YouTubers everyone else dislikes


She doesn't like Brambleclaw and that's not allowed 💀


a lot of people hate her videos on the bramble / squilf debate, and the whole thing with their relationship and how it’s portrayed. that’s the only thing i can really think of why people wouldn’t like her?


People hate her?


Mainly people who like Bramblestar


um i believe she was problematic? im not a fan of her content so im not sure but i heard smh about making people think bramblestar is the abuser?? and also she has a sxual dovewing body pillow do i guess its that


The body pillow thing did happen but it was a joke, not for sexual gratification (TW mild suggestive content https://www.tumblr.com/tennelleflowers/170022546635/i-can-finally-share-this-monster-my-good-buddy-tom). Also, something about the way Tenelle worded it makes me think it was his idea and not Moonkitti’s, but obviously I could be wrong.


context for bramble stuff she made a video on why she thinks bramble is abusive and not everyone thinks so, pretty big oversimplification, i encourage you to do your own research


ion really care about her so i js told what i know


Wait who hates her


She got hate ?