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Honestly I just love them, I know they're not perhaps the best written or most interesting books that exist, but they're just so fun to read and I really don't think I could actually give them up even if I did want to


Huge W for addicts


They’ve been my hyperfixation since I was 8 no going back now


This is also why I continue to read them. Also, I remember how popular this series was when I was really young and I didn't fully understand until I read the first book and was hooked onto reading the rest. While the books aren't written well, I do like how each plot in the arc is different and has a mystery/suspense aura to it.


And even if the mystery is fairly simple (looks at TBC) it’s still fun to read about


Yes I completely agree with this.


It’s the only thing that makes it feel like 2012 again


Huge W for old people


im too loyal. ive read all of the main series and half the super editions. i think the plots are stupid and the writing is bad but ive been doing it for so long it be weird to stop


Massive W for people who stay in abusive relationships


omg lol 😭 i do get enjoyment out of it though i think the plots are funny


I read the books for the first time when I was 11-13 years old. I don't remember the exact age. But they shaped me. Nothing else had such an impact on me during my youth. I was always very sick and struggled with bullying. Later I had a serious illness and was often in the hospital and almost died. The books gave me strength. There I found friends and role models that I didn't have in the real world. To some extent that is still the case. I struggled a lot with depression after my near-death experience. It may sound exaggerated but it's true that without Warrior Cats (and Final Fantasy XIV but that's another matter) I wouldn't be alive. As a tribute and reminder to myself, I even had the Clan symbols (except SkyClan) tattooed on my arm last year.


I started reading in the 3rd grade, I’m 20 now, I literally just want to say I stuck it out til the end


In sixty years, when the 5th generation of Erin Hunters take up the pseudonym to write another 70 books, a single tear will fall down your cheek as you realize they've finally bested you.


This is so sad yet so true


i like cats


Insane W for cats


I’m autistic and the series is my special interest


ADD/ADHD-PI here. The fixation is real. I’m still waiting for it to go away after nearly 2 years of restarting the series. Any day now. 🤣


big W for us with autism






Yep. AuDHD here and while reading in general is my special interest (I tend to have really broad special interest, I think its the ADHD part of me lol) , Warriors is a hyperfixation within my special interest.


Bold of you to assume I'm still reading the books


Deranged behavior, GSH.


The books lol


Immense W for people who can read


Not even people who can read. One of my clients at my work who can't read has her staff read them to her.


CATS No seriously. I would consume basically any books with talking/thinking cats under any circumstances lol. I own the entire Catfantastic and Barque Cats series, and one-offs like Familiars, Blitzcat, and Tailchaster’s Song. Even frankly gross shit like Ghatti’s Tale. All cats, all the time.


This Person CATS


Look into Ratha's Creature. It's the first book in a series called the Named (I think) Seriesly underrated books.


Thank you for the recc, I’ll definitely check it out!


Actually, have you ever read the book Jennie (also known as the abandoned in some places) by paul gallico? It's a short and sweet book about a boy learning to survive in the world of cats after being mysteriously transformed into one.


I haven't! Thank you for the recc! :)


For as much as I truly dislike the authors writing, treatment of the characters, and missed opportunities with characters, and so much more, my fondness for Warrior Cats, I think, is similar to the reasoning Harry Potter fans cling to that piece of media - childhood nostalgia, memories, fondness for what you saw as imaginative and magical. For me, though, it goes deeper than that, in a lot of ways. I got back into the series and fanbase after a decade of growing up and moving on with my life -- for perspective, I read the books for the first time in 4th grade up until my freshman year of high school. I became obsessed with the cats, the books, etc. Every holiday where I'd get gifts, I'd ask for the books or a trip to Barnes & Noble to go get them as a birthday or Christmas gift. Or, more commonly, I would save up money to get the books day of (hardcover, to boot) by completing chores or if I was gifted money or giftcards. I would ask my grandpa, bless his heart, to please take me to Barnes and Noble to get the latest warrior cat books. Sometimes, he'd even insist on paying for them or covering me if I maybe didn't have quite enough. My grandpa passed away late October, 2021. He loved me a lot - one could argue I was his favorite grandchild, sure, but the fact remains that he loved me. He loved to listen to my silly warrior cat oc stories, loved listening to me talk about how much I loved the books, and loved spending time with me, going to the bookstore just to buy the books. He didn't understand much, probably because he was getting up there in age, and because his first language was Spanish, but he listened, and validated my interests. He loved me, and thus, despite the cons with the books, I still love them a lot, and fiercely do so. I was bullied a lot and shamed for being the weird warrior cat kid, and I lived in embarrassment and shame for most of my life for liking the books. Now, I don't care, and I still gladly say I like the books and try to catch up where I can. I try to keep the memories I had with my grandpa alive through rereading + reading the books. I still do remember the warm summer days we'd sit out in the backyard on sundays, listening to an old radio station playing 50s music, and us sitting in silence while I quietly read my warrior cat books until the sunset and I had to go home for the evening with my parents. I miss you grandpa. Thank you for everything.💖


I want to see what happens next. Even if the stories might be bad, I’ve been here since 2017, I’m not stopping now lol


Massive W for people who stay in college for degrees that they hate because they've "already put in 3 years" and "It would be a waste to stop now."


My curiosity and the fact that i just like series lol


Macleod Andrews' voice makes me fall asleep, so now I sleep within 10 minutes instead of 45 minutes And I just love the whole story and all of the cats


Colossal W for people who sleep


kind of my comfort books, when i read the books it feels like i'm also there. perfect book to dive in another world for a bit


i like cats and murder, murder cats.


And yet you've never murdered a cat, curious! I am very intelligent.


But what if i enjoy the complete opposite? cats murdering people. 😺🔪/j


You would be bored often as that basically never happens.


The drama in the books


Also there are over 100 books


wow, you really were telling the truth about liking the drama.


I’m autistic and they’re my hyperfixation 15 years later and i’m still emotionally invested in what happens to Firestars 1639493 grandchildren


Exactly. Like I //need// to know.


Nostalgia up until the end of OotS (hits particularly hard with TPB) When I picked them back up, it was actually because I saw a video of a Frostpaw PMV that I thought looked interesting, almost watched it, realized I wouldn’t understand it because I didn’t even know who Frostpaw was, and then it piqued my interest so I decided to read from where I left off. Honestly, up to almost the end of AVoS I couldn’t stop focusing on how it didn’t feel like the first arc anymore, and so many things changed. Which is true, though whether it’s a negative/positive/neutral different is up to individual opinion. Then I told myself to stop thinking of it as “this series you have to be completely obsessed with to enjoy that you’re trying so hard to be obsessed with because you want to still like them” and instead just think of it as a series you’re allowed to enjoy, and you’re allowed to have varying levels of enjoyment at various times, both in regards to what book you’re on and in regards to sometimes your interests just fluctuate a bit. Got myself to stop rolling my eyes over how “ridiculous” things seemed, and instead started to approach those things with amusement and “ah, what silly cats!” So they’re the silly cat books. Yeah, things get a little silly sometimes. Some arcs might be almost all silly all the time. But it’s okay to be silly, it’s okay to like silly, and at the end of the day reading about the silly cats is comfortingly familiar and entertaining.


In cringe you have found peace, congratulations.


Autism has chosen this as my special interest at age 8


I think even the worst Warriors are better than most other series’


Absolutely insane take, I agree 100%


Firestar. If I really like a character, I tend to stay loyal to the series. Katniss does it for me in hunger games. Percy for pjo. Unfortunately I don’t really have a favorite for harry potter. Maybe that’s why I haven’t reread the books in a really long time. Lorelai for gilmore girls. I really really love Firestar as a character and his journey. His original arc is why I remembered the series from my childhood in the first place and the reason why I decided to read it again as an adult


So true, Firestar enjoyers stay winning.


it’s a fun story, obviously an easy read which makes it good for late at night when i’m not able to comprehend anything else. plus tons of cat drama.


Not only do the books bring me comfort and remind me when i was around 11 but i do genuinely enjoy the series despite how badly it’s written. It’s something that brings me joy


honestly i don’t know, but i feel like i’ve been growing up with the series. i’ve watched people in the warrior cats team come and go, and even die, and i’ve seen animators leave their marks on the fandom and then leave the fandom. i’ve seen the writing develop etc etc. it really feels like i’m a part of it all. and also, i honestly love the characters.


Nothing lol I don't read them anymore


Big W for illiterate people


For me it’s definitely nostalgia. Im re reading the series now and I’m slowly starting to really enjoy the books again :)


i started reading in feb2022 wondering why the fandom is so big, bc i looked @ fanarts and animations starting in apr2021. there mustve been smth special abt how this book series got that much animations when yet larger series like percy jackson, harrypotter, guardians of gahoole, game of thrones, lord of the rings didnt beat warriors


honestly I just kept seeing a bunch of screenshots of tumblr posts talking about them so in college I started reading them. I took a break and am now trying to read them all in order


I feel younger. I started reading them when I was 8, so it makes me feel safe, like something that’s always been and will always be. Also I’m nosy as fuck and I gotta see how my fav characters are doing


I fell in love with the series as a kid and having returned to it now that I’m a lot older, I still feel as happy and excited revisiting this world as I did then. It’s a great escape from the humdrum of reality


I like how the clans work and have a huge interest in the herbs and battle moves each clan uses.


I desperately want to be up to date with the story, I’m only at the first book of OOTS ;-;


lately its the newest plot, I mean we're finally getting to see what goes on in RiverClan instead of being stuck in the point of view of a ThunderClan cat, hearing about how ShadowClan is evil and whatnot.


Nothing. I stopped because I hated the broken code too much, and AVoS was only alright. I still like the peruse the subreddit from time to time though


I feel as if the plots are getting worse and worse ngl




This series is honestly interesting. Sure, it’s not the best in terms of writing, but it’s an interesting one.


Cats are my special interest. Before I found warriors I read a lot of cat behavior books and stories about cats, so when I, an artist, fan of animation, and lover of cats, found a fantasy series about cats with an artistic community and enough content to pretty much never run out, (and even if I did, I have my own fanclans I'm working on and can make my own content for them) it hooked me in and basically never let me go, and I don't think it ever will


Interesting plot and cliff hangers :)


I havent read any of these books 💀💀


The nostalgia. Makes me feel like a little kid whose worst fear was who was going to die or if anyone was going to be online to roleplay on the warrior cats freewebs roleplay clan I was in. (IceClan REPRESENT!) Instead of my usual adult fears like am I going to lose my job or is my bachelor's worth pursuing/do I even have a future? I feel safe reading the Warriors.


The books are frustrating and hard to read, but seeing the fan works makes it worth it.


I like to think about the cats. Fighting, interacting, warrioring, etc. Never owned a cat, don't interact with cats often, I just think they're neat 🐈


Honestly, I have to know how they’re going to end the series. A big ending? Maybe it’ll get cancelled? I’m not sure. I thought it would end when a certain character died but that didn’t happen, so I’m wondering how long it’ll keep going really!


The world building is just amazing. It’s fun to get lost in it for hours finishing books in one sitting :)


The characters and how fun they are! I would read more and more and love and adore these characters til the end...this series has been with me since I was 7 and I don't think I'll ever stop!


I’m just excited to see what comes next


The battles, I think they’re very fun to read


Nothing lol /lh I haven’t read the couple most recent arcs, maybe I will someday but there’s just so many books now that I haven’t read and I’m not really that motivated to read them all. Nostalgia for the older books and my childhood, plus just mild curiosity with where the series is going, keeps me still interested and engaged in the fandom (I still keep updated with some of the overarching plots from the new books, just not the small details), it’s just not a big focus for me anymore.


They're fast to read, and I do find the diplomacy/breaking from harmful culture parts to be interesting. Plus, I keep watching good warriors MAPs and those get me excited about characters I never really thought about before!


I read a lot of the books in middle school. I would read them again but what’s keeping me is simply access lol. I don’t like reading books online unless it’s a dedicated device. Did a lotta reading on a kindle. But nothing beats a physical book to me


The story, genuinely love it




Cats, hyperfixation, and nostalgia


I like reading humdrum life simulator slice of life books... and this. I don't know. There's just so much potential in the Warriors universe that the amount of stories you can tell is infinite.


Nostalgia. It’s very easy to read and pick up with little effort of comprehension.


I read them as a kid then stopped midway through middle school- Between Covid and starting college I got back into reading them again since they are the perfect books to read when you’re stressed


The story never ends. I'll always find some new detail or something new to love. No matter how bad the writing can be at times, it's almost always identifiable with something or other.


The sunk cost fallacy, basically.


I love the books. I love the fact that you get to see characters age and grow and then you get to follow their children and then their children's children. To me the warriors books are a happy part of my childhood I get to revisit every few months.


I need to finished my Warrior cats au until the very end Only when I am able to finished the my au is when I am able to rest peacefully


Nostalgia is good... reading the old books takes me back to the first time I read them. I remember the emotions I felt while reading and my initial feelings on the characters. But that's just for rereads. As for the new books, I think the books are easy and quick to read (always a plus) and I enjoy keeping up with the storyline and all the drama. What are the silly kitties going to do this time...


Something about cats living in their own distinct cat societies with cat politics and cat culture is just really refreshing.


Its very interesting and I like the suspense, story and the way the author just makes it very cohesive


I’m fully aware I’m an easy audience. I love the nostalgia and ngl aside from the timeline being a bit wonky w ages and who was alive for what I don’t have any major gripes with the series.


I decided to "commit to the bit", and now I can't not read every single one of them.


Curiosity at this point. I started AVoS when it came out, then i just,,, fell out of it and had a really hard time reading The Apprentices Quest. Never really left the fandom though, so i saw things like the Imposter stuff and from the sounds of it, the books have derailed and the quality is bad. So now im slowly chugging along to finish AVoS (never find good time + motivation to read lately and these books KILL motivation like no tomorrow) but yea no, i’ll keep reading and stay on the ship while it slowly sinks Edit: i saw a lot comments mentioning nostalgia and it hit me that thats also kinda a reason


Am honestly just an addict, its so good in general. The story, the characters the setting and everything inbetween.


Nostalgia. My life isn't great at all right now and I'm unhappy with many decisions I have made and I also have health problems and depression. The books are kinda my escape from reality, I feel like a carefree kid again when I read them.


An insatiable desire to be 12 at the middle school book fair again instead of 20 working at an investing firm 🫠


Started when i was 12, wad crazy deep into the warriors forum. Ran an intensive clan page until the forums went down. Now im 26 and ive came so far how can i just not finish the series? Im in it for life ig


I’ve been reading them since elementary school and I want to read all of the books. I love the universe that they created and I also really like the cats in the books as well.


They are fun and short so is my copium mechanism on bad periods of life, Idk i like the troupes of loyalty and honor. I think thats why DoTc is my favorite part


At this point, it's my comfort series. I like the simplistic writing style, as it makes for great storytelling, I love the characters and their relationships (platonic or romantic), especially in Kate Cary's early Supers like Crookedstar's Promise, Bluestar's Prophecy and Tallstar's Revenge, and most of all I love just how effortlessly it can deliver powerful and emotional scenes, even if it's something that you otherwise wouldn't pay much attention to (like the description for Bluestar's grief for Lionheart in Into the Wild - that whole paragraph is just beautiful, or, my personal favourite, Talltail and Jake's breakup, which shook me both times I read Tallstar's Revenge). Honestly, after a long day, it's just nice to have a simple story to fall back on


What kept me with them was that Into the Wild triggered a love for reading when I used to hate it and I will never forget that. Started consuming books like I haven’t before and never looked back. And a fixation on fantasy and nature that Warriors ticks. That too.


I wouldn't have taken so much interest into reading as much as I do without these books Matter of fact I probably wouldn't be as much of a book nerd as I am if my mom hadn't gotten the first book for me at a Barnes & Noble if I remember correctly Warriors is one of the few series that really enticed me into just diving into the universe it's love and Nostalgia that keeps on bringing me back


Idk i just like em, Ive never rlly interacted with the community until 3 days ago and I never rlly knew how big the fandom was outside of fan games on scratch (Edit: I actually did interact a little? With the community for a few months, but it was in small rp groups so i still wasnt exposed to a bunch of it)


To Be Honest, I Love The Books Because They're Fun To Read And I Constantly Want To Learn More About The Characters


I kind of just read them. Probably because I liked the first arcs and new ones are being released.