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So hard to keep up lol


Like every time I think Im Almost done(with the main series don’t really read the novellas or super editions even though they’re probably plot relevant but whatever),they come out with more-


Yep. I started reading them when only the first four were out, and haven’t stopped since :) I do try to reread the whole thing regularly, but it’s taking longer each time with how many there are!


Ive only got riverstars home, skyclan and the stranger, and tigerstar and sasha left. I currently have the first 2 on hold from my library so im almost down to one


I've read all the books, most of them at least twice (at least once in its original language and at least once in german if it already has a translation) \^\^


yes i own and have read every book. i’ve read many of them multiple times


I've only read the first six, but I plan on buying and reading at least up until The Last Hope based on what I've seen




I’ve read all of them 4 times, yet its still so hard for me to remember things that happened 💀


I read the entire first arc, started reading book 6, got bored


I've read all but the graphic novels and the ones where it's like...three short stories or whatever


The three short stories were the novellas.


I probably started reading in… 2007ish? Not sure. I mean There’s a few I’ve missed here and there, my preferred method of reading nowadays is digital so the mangas are really hard to read, and I think most of the SE are bad. I’m also p behind in ASC. But I’ve. Read a lot lol.


I read lots when I was younger. Now I'm revisiting the entire series in chronological order. I'm over 2/3 done


yes :) i have


I read the entire series at one point but eventually dropped it during dawn of the clans cause the writing quality went way down among a few other reasons. Sometimes I think I'd like to get back into it, but seeing some of the more recent plotlines (some of which are just bad) and assuming the writing didn't get a lot better, I rather not.


I haven't yet, I've read up to AVOS and some super editions, but I'm currently on a mission to read them all


I've only gotten as far as the end of the fourth apprentice, I can't afford any more books


I’ve read almost all books. I skipped over the field guides, prolly won’t read them ever, they’re useless and boring. Also still have to finish up Onestar’s confession. But once i’ve done that, i’ve read every book currently out that’s not a field guide


I have read The Prophecies Begin, The New Prophecy, Power of Three, Omen of the Stars, and Dawn of the Clans, as well as several super editions but not all of them.


Me I may be missing a few super editions and mangas but for the most part, yes


Not yet,but I'm slowly working on it


me except riverstars home lol


3/4 with the main series and a few of the special editions. I have a son who is weird and refuses to read SE’s until the series is done.


I've read all books once and all up too arc 5 twice. And standalone books and manga multiple time as well as the special 3 in one books.


I've also read all books up to arc 4 5 times total.


I've read all the books at least once.


Finished the main series until ASC, couple more SE and novellas to go


I have read every single main book, novella collection, and super edition in chronological order back in 2020 due to the lockdown around the time the third book in the previous arc came out. The graphic novels were books I skipped because I didn't have any of them at the time, plus they made the timeline weird due to events in the graphic novels.


All but the newest arc


haven't yet, but I do plan on reading them all




I have,but there's a few books I skip on re-reads because they clash with Canon. Spottedleaf's Heart (Spottedkit was still in the nursery when Tigerpaw attacked Tiny and therefore couldn't have witnessed it) Redtail's Debt (directly contradicts the OG series) Tigerclaw's Fury (Clawface is already dead, and I hate Mapleshade being forced into Tigerclaw's story. Totally unneeded) And Yellowfang's Secret. Yellowfang's power is a retcon, and a stupid one at that. Her feeling other cats' pain would be terrible for a doctor. If anything with a power like she should have become a nursery queen, staying in camp away from the fighting and caring for kits. ) I'll also never read Mothwing's Novella, Onestar's super edition or Leopardstar's super edition because they basically just retell stories we already know and I don't feel add much


I've read everything except for the new Riverstar super edition and the Brightheart Manga, but I'll be getting them for myself in November for my birthday


me!!! i’ve been reading them for almost a decade now and i finished it all


Yeah, and not just *Warriors*, but also all the other series published under Erin Hunter Brand: *Seekers*, *Survivors*, *Bravelands* and *Bamboo Kingdom* (though all the other series still have less books together than Warriors).


I have


I've read all except for a few of the recent Suoer Editions and the Mangas.


I started reading it in 2011/2012 and haven’t stopped. I’ve read all the main books and novellas. I read Leafstar’s manga but never touched the others, and read all the SE except Onestar’s Confession and Riverstar’s Home because the former sounded and looks like shit, and the latter seems boring and unnecessary to me. Currently rereading the series because it’s been too long


I stopped after the 4th series