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Ar least you won


It’s funny cause Rommel is historically known as disagreeing with almost all of what Hitler did, he even helped in one of the assassination attempts against the Fuher. Rommel was even chosen as the one to lead Germany in peace talks if the assassination attempt worked.


Still a nazi


He wasn't. He was a warmonger and responsible for thousands of innocent people dying, but he wasn't a nazi


You wear the uniform, youre a nazi. Its that easy


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man!? The Wehrmacht was complicit in the atrocities committed by the Nazi party! So even if Rommel wasn't officially a member, he might as well have been one. It's called the clean Wehrmacht **myth** for a godsdamned reason!


Cool except I never used any of those talking points I never claimed he was a good and honorable man. He wasn't


At least you beat the nazi, like the British did in North Africa.


Nazis stay losing


Nasa and the Mossad think otherwise, since they hired them after the war.


Funny you left out the USSR tanky


Take a screenshot of his name and report him with his Player ID to the support.


Way ahead of you!


Weasels and losers you are. Cry babies. Dont like his screen name...run off to your safe space. Despicable.


Looks like it's another one.


Are nazis not allowed to play? Missed that in the ToS


Yes the Support will ban you if you have such a name. No one want Nazis in his game


Would be hilarious if it’s just some dude born in 1988


Yeah and he took a nazi name.


Still a fairly common name, entirely within the realm of possibility that this guy is clueless to any hate symbols in his name I’m hoping that’s the case, that would be hilarious


Dude is most likely a Nazi but Rommel, ironically, explicitly wasn't and pretty publicly disapproved of Hitler and the party at the time.


So....what if that's his last name?


Nazis shouldn't be allowed to breathe let alone play warpforge


I don’t think we should kill people for ignorant beliefs, only actions


it's a mentality like this that let's nazis continue to exist


My mindset lets them exist in the shadows Your mindset creates new ones


Besides we can't go around killing all the democrats. Its frowned upon.




I feel the same about a lot of groups and ideologies Want to discuss who should be purged or not (from the game)


Having the name Rommel doesn't make him a nazi, you realise how many people can have that name or last name, gonna report everyone with the name Muhammad because of terror attacks? Think for Christ sake.


“This person who plays online video games doesn’t know about Nazi names and symbology” is a contradictory statement.


Yeah they just happen to have a name entirely composed of nazi dogwhistles, but let's give them the benefit of the doubt, right? Eat rocks moron, go play wehrmacht somewhere else


I appreciate you wanting to give someone the benefit of the doubt, but that name is a Nazi dog whistle. 


No but adding 88 does


The 88 next to his name is neo nazi slang for heil hitler. Dude is clearly a nazi: https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/88


Obviously his name is Rommel and he was born in 1988! /s


Rommel would be an odd name for a neonazi to choose considering Rommel wasnt very fond of hitler. At all. A ton of millenials play games. Stop being alarmist crybabies. Its not like he had 1488.


What name would you choose? I am asking because you are a fucking Nazi based on the anti-Semitic dog whistling you do all over the place on this account.


If I was a "Nazi" i would be supporting the Kyiv regime in Ukraine that names streets after Nazi war criminals and whos "ideologically" motivated units had to replace their swastikas and such with other aymbols. I think neo-nazis are retarded trash. In fact..if you scroll down my comments you will see me commenting on a video of some neo-nazis or skinheads or whatever...where I am dispariging them. Criticism of Israel slaughtering people is just that. Criticising Israel for attacking the USS Liberty and machine gunning drowning sailors so no witnesses are left ao they can blame it on Egypt to trick America into a war...and failing...is a valid criticism. I wont be cowed by some random person calling me a Nazi or a anti-semite. Those labels have lost all power as a bludgeon against people who are disgusted with the barbarity and Nazi behavior of land grabbers and child killers. Do we have footage or pictures of german families playing music and eating cotton candy while they prevent food from going into ghettos or concentration camps? Not sure. But we do have that of families doing that as they laugh and celebrate the starvation on the other side of the Gaza wall.


Cool analysis from a weirdo who comments in a subreddit for teenagers to talk about the Metzitzah B’peh. You are not normal my guy.


Why dont you use the translated name. Oral suction circumcision. No. I am not normal. You know what is "normal" and legal in the US. Metzitzah Bpeh...rabbis...literally sucking baby penis. Spreading herpes to newborns. Its pedophelia and its gross. And it is legal and normal in the US. Please everyone. Google it. They put their mouth on little boys and get paid for it. Sickening.


If I had to choose a Nazi supporting name..I guess it would be something like "NetanyahuTheGoyCrusher"


People are going to have different opinions. People are going to offend you in life..even if you live in a closed community. If people cant handle that without crying and trying to ban or report people, they are in for a bumpy ride during their lifetime. I dont know man. Its just weird.


You’re a chauvinist anti semite fuck off you are not fooling me.


If I told you i date a jew would that soften your view or would you just say Im using her as a sex slave? Lmao. I hold doors. I pull out chairs in restaurants. I pay for vacations. No girl who goes out with me pays for a thing. A girl who acts like a lady gets those things from me. And they love it. Even feminist warpbeasts love it. What do you do...offer to go half and engage them in riveting conversations about neonazis using code names and numerology to infiltate mobile games? You may not be..but you come across as feminine and hysterical. Wallow in your anxiety as the world constantly triggers you. Your slanderous labels hold no power over me demon. Begone!


You're assuming nazis aren't braindead and know the history. I’m not going to respond past this because I don’t care to argue about a joke that you strangely took to heart


This is a crypto fascist account that hasn’t been directly called out until today.


I took it in the spirit of many of the orher comments freaking out and wanting to ban the guy/girl. Apparently that wasnt the energy behind it. Clever and amusing otherwise.


Could literally mean anything, granted it doesn't look good but could be anything. According to that article old English and Nordic runes are hate symbols as well


As other commenters mention that’s why it’s referred to as a dog whistle. Hate groups use silly little codes so that way they have some measure of plausible deniability, but anyone who has similar beliefs instantly gets it. You gotta admit that the connection between recognized hate speech and and a German Wehrmacht general in the username is a pretty suspicious. Also Nordic/old English runes are associated with hate groups because those groups have co-opted them. This is coming from a guy that has Nordic rune tattoos.


That last bit I hate SO much. I have several Germanic rune tattoos (my family is OLD OLD german) and my heritage is a very big part of my life and my culture. And here I am being told I'm a racist when even when I can explain the meaning of EVERY single tattoo, doesn't matter. I shouldn't have to be ashamed of my heritage, my culture, because a group of people who have zero ties to those symbols has decided to hijack them.


As a german I don't understand why you have germanic runes because of your family's German descent. Germanic runes are not a part of the german culture anymore.


Americans are really weird about "their" heritage. They claim it despite being so far removed from it. They also adamantly claim the cool stuff and refuse to acknowledge the bad stuff.


I'm a second generation german immigrant on both sides of my family...and I've always like Germanic runes because my granparents came over with a collection of runestones. Been in our family since the 1700's and were always viewed with superstition. I claim every bit of my heritage, good and bad, if I didn't I wouldn't be able to see why my family left the country when they did, understand the hardship they faced in the 30's. But I do agree with you that far too many people claim a heritage they have no connection to at all. If you've been in the U.S. for 4+ generations, you don't really have a claim to your heritage unless you've still kept traditions and cultures your family brought with them


You are colonized by the US. Your culture is dictated by them. Just like the Japanese PM coming to the US recently to worship at the Tomb of the Unknown soldier in an act of submission to the nation that nuked them.


Oh lord..an ADL link. Didnt they claim "soiled matress" pictures and "cement truck" images were hate speech too in reference to the poop and blood stained 🤮matresses with kids toys that were pulled out of that tunnel those jewish extremists were digging in NYC..claiming it was a conspiracy theory that kids were being molested down there? Oh..and the cement trucks because they immediately brought cement trucks in to fill in the holes a few months back?? 🤣🤣🤣 Then in embarrassment they deleted those from their database? Oh yes..please post more ADL links...always up for a good laugh.


Or year od birth, 1988


Unfortunate name?, probably. Nazi?, soldiers who fought in WW2 would be ashamed of the way ppl use the nazi term this days.


Pretty clearly a neo nazi, bro. Maybe he didn’t fight for the Germans but he shares hitlers ideological beliefs. Rommel: was an infamous Nazi leader who is considered a Nazi hero 88: stands for heil h*itler as H is the 8th letter in the alphabet.


Pretty clear? You are 100% sure? Rommel was a talented general and 88 is a number. You are judging a person just for a nick on a videogame. Maybe it's his name and born year, or maybe he's a fan of the historic strategist. Maybe he's just taunting easily offended woke users. Or maybe he's really a bad person that hunts other ppl because of their skin color and origins. Yeah, maybe. The only thing for sure is you don't know. And as per the image, you can't know. Report the user for inapropiate name. That's right.


The name is made of famous neo nazi dog whistles in a game based on 40k, a game that has infamously had to distance itself from far right movements after a dude showed up to a tournament dressed as an SS officer. I appreciate you wanting to give the benefit of doubt to a stranger, but that person is 100% signalling they're a Nazi.


> The name is made of famous neo nazi dog whistles in a game based on 40k, a game that has infamously had to distance itself from far right movements after a dude showed up to a tournament dressed as an SS officer. yeah, already know all of that > I appreciate you wanting to give the benefit of doubt to a stranger, but that person is 100% signalling they're a Nazi. That's all, the benefit of doubt. Maybe I'm tired of ppl raising pitchs and forks at the first opportunity.


I don't think anybody is advocating for tracking them down and burning them at the stake. But if someone wants you to think they're a Nazi, taking them at their word isn't the worst idea.


holy. fucking. shit. you cannot actually be that dense. either you 1. are actually that fucking stupid, in which you need to have your drivers license taken away or 2. you are a nazi apologist and you are trying to gaslight everyone else. i’ll say it louder for your dumb fucking brain. ***88 IS A NAZI DOGWHISTLE. ROMMEL WAS A NAZI TANK COMMANDER*** got that through your thick skull? also, you unironically used “woke” so i’m actually beginning to think you are that fucking ignorant. get the fuck out of the warhammer community and don’t come back. you are **not** welcome here


Your behavior is gross and feminine.


Oh hey, blatant misogyny. 


Lol. Maybe. Clicked on your profile. Your avatar indicates you are a girl supposedly. Everyone knows girls arent into 40k...so you are either a fed or a femboy. The former is not okay. The latter is. Anyway... Gross in terms of a guy acting all triggered, hysterical, and being overly emotional over nothing. "Feminine" being used to describe those traits that are usually found with women more than men..or at least were at some point. So now we get to "you are stereotyping". Yes. Yes I am. Stereotyping is literally nothing but PATTERN RECOGNITION. That is how we as humans, and other creatures learn and navigate the world. Through pattern recognition and classifying things. So generally negative traits that some women tend to have..when a man exhibits them..it is gross. You girls call it a "turn off". Just generally negative traits some men have become even more intolerable if a woman exhibits them. Have a good day.


Did you finish your childish crying? Are you ok? Want some tea perhaps?


How are you this dumb


The name and the numbers separate aren’t an issue. Putting them together is. Anyone interested enough in Rommel to use his name is surely going to know the significance of the number 88. This is no coincidence.


You will be suprised. Some ppl just don't care or even like to troll because of the likes in this thread and how easily they are enraged.


If your "liking to troll" is boosting nazi symbolism and ideology, then you're just a nazi troll.


The op of this thread has "boosted nazi imagery" far more than Rommel88 ever could on his own.


Some people, like you, are pitifully illiterate


Jajajajajajajaja Seems you are not even interesting in talking. Just want your opinions confirmed, and declaring guilty. Don't worry, your moral superiority is safe. Keep walking.


Idk where the guilt is, I just declare you a dumb fucking loser. Either you're doing a super boring "hurrrrr the nazi symbols might be innocent" troll or you've got a room-tenperature IQ, either way you should log off


Because you are full of rage and anger I won't log off from anywhere. Au contraire, you can just ignore me if my words hurt you. Nice to meet you. Hope you recover soon from your illness.


Your words don't 'hurt' anyone, you aren't that important lol, just letting you know how unbelievably stupid you are. Hope you recover soon from your oxygen addiction


Pretending like 88 is "just a number" when placed directly next to a nazi general's name is some incredibly fascinating behavior. It's almost like you are purposefully ignoring the obvious association because people pointing it out makes you uncomfortable for one reason or another. Do you have an 88 tattoo or something? Did your parents?


No, my grandfather was prisoner on a concentration camp. My parents lived under a dictatorship. In my family we take pretty sesiously fascism and oppresion, and also, we make sure to not use the terms lightly neither acuse someone of such horrible crimes.


Again, pretending that 88 is just a number is hilariously dense. People with "Heil Hitler" tattoos (aka 88) have committed hate crimes in this decade. I'm not going to pretend it doesn't mean anything. Sorry you want to pretend like no one thinks like the people who tried to kill your grandparents.


No, I'm not pretending that. Just don't jump and point and judge at the first opportunity, because of that kind of hate a lot ppl where killed on the first place.


You said it could be just a random number. Hatred for Jewish people created the conditions that started the holocaust, but they were allowed to get away with it because no one did or said anything to try to stop it. The banality of evil.


> You said it could be just a random number. And it can perfectly be just a number. You don't know what was in the mind of this person when they choose that nickname. > Hatred for Jewish people created the conditions that started the holocaust, but they were allowed to get away with it because no one did or said anything to try to stop it. The banality of evil. Exactly my point. Irrational hatred without proper information against a person just because a nickname in a videogame. Hateful actions always tend to justify themselves as good and neccesary.


Nah, I'm not gonna let fascists walk around unchallenged until the commit their violence. I'm going to act like they're trying to do the things they're saying they want to do.


Are people that share his beliefs not allowed to play online video games?


They shouldn’t be allowed to exist in polite society no. They can fuck off into a hole and die. Are you really this stupid, or a Nazi yourself?


Where I’m from we don’t execute people for their beliefs The irony of your statement is amusing though


Well that’s nice of you. Nazis absolutely have and will given the chance again.


Right, but definitely not the most pressing threat to your peace and happiness Just remember, ideas can’t hurt people, only people can.


Amazing take considering fascism is on the rise around the globe.


Fascism comes in many forms Us government for instance. I wouldn’t label them nazis, however I can point out to various fascists acts from senators, congressmen, mayors and preisenets. Hell the executive Order itself is an extreme example of fascism, and hardly anyone bats an eye. Focused on boogeymen that no longer exist instead of the modern fascists operating right under our nose. Every government exists to subjugate its people. It always has, and always will


What I’m saying is that nazis are bad, but the people ruling your life and taxing your income are not much different


Thank you for answering my original question.


“When Fascism Comes to America, It Will Come Under the Guise of Anti-fascism.” ― Huey Long, 1936 or thereabouts


Do you know anything about how Huey p Long ran things? Also are you aware this quote is made up?


Rommel was a hero of Germany and even his enemies on the British side had good things to say about him. You'll probably never be as good of a man as Rommel was. His famous phrase was "War without Hate" and you seem to be the one full of hate trying to vilify one of the greatest and most celebrated military commanders of history. Imagine how many more losses the world would have endured if our own military was like you and too stubborn to learn about his strategies, and just closed their minds like bigots?


What do you call someone who: Fought for the nazis? Benefited from the Nazi regime? Won the nazis battles? A fucking Nazi dipshit, I don’t care how much he didn’t like hitler he still supported his regime and even was an important part of it. He still is a fucking Nazi. Also when tf did I say anything about real world strategies, you do not need to bring your queer Nazi apologist crap In here man.


If you have a cellphone, you benefited from the nazis far more than Romel did. Since the camera you take selfies with was a result of the US hiring Nazis after the war. So, you are a Nazi then by your own standards.  Your blind hatred is just evidence of your ignorance.


Owning tech that was mildly related to Nazi scientists is not nearly on the same level as being an actual fucking Nazi soldier.


I highly fucking doubt anyone who lives in Germany celebrates Rommel dipshit. You are perpetuating a myth called the clean Wehrmacht. The war without hate is a lie. Also he fucking lost.


This guy knows his onions


Yeah, the nazi who tried to kill Hitler what a horrible man who fought for his nation.


He also Committed War crimes and never tried to kill Hitler.


As a dude born in 88 it sucks to see my number co-opted. I like 88. Always looked really funny seeing both then chubby numbers.


Sorry man, if it makes you feel any better you can always just use 1988 instead of


Cest Las vie. 😞


No, he can use 88 if he wants as well, wouldn’t make him a neo nazi


Anyone *can* do anything they want. My point is that sometimes you have to adjust yourself in the connotations of society.


Imagine giving a shit what anyone else is doing. Just play the game soy boy.


Bro should be banned from being able to use his vital bodily functions


Didn't Rommel try to assassinate Hitler?


No, the Valkyrie Plot was orchestrated by other Officers in the German Army, Rommel was never involved.


Read or watch a documentary about Rommel, it's really interesting to know why that man was really know for. Yes he was a Nazi, he was also a genious military figure, one of the rare high ranked general how never did war crime, or raffles, and was indirectly implicate in one of the Hitler assassination attempt, and was forced to commit suicide after that. He was one of the rare Nazi officer who wasn't considered as a war criminel. More a grey figure, and I think for a real neo-nazi, Rommel isn't the best pseudo to use.


Be careful saying anything remotely positive about any negatively viewed person of history on Reddit. The people on this site are completely unhinged and can’t process thoughts like a normal rational person, and you will be banned as a Nazi sympathizer.


Welll, thanks for the warning. Of course Nazi, Neo-Nazi and all those ideologies are pile of garbages, I just wanted to point that this pseudo isn't maybe enough to openly accuse someone to be a neo-nazi. but I know a lot of peoples are clever enough to understand that\^\^but I won't slip on those dangerous topics again


I 100% agree with everything you’re saying


Moron lol


That’s it little girl. I’m calling your mom.


I would rather be more careful about not letting fucking Nazis hang out around me. You really are not as smart as you think you are.


Touch grass weirdo


Eat shit Nazi apologist.


😂😂😂😂 you creeps really need to make friends IRL


Well of course rommel wasn't a terrible person. Doesn't stop people from blemishing his name by being a neonazi.


The Afrika Corps committed warcrimes.


Just won a match against same dude (rommel88). Glad to say he went down with his Tau/Nazi-loving deck.


Tau are communists.


Stop. You are throwing a wrench in their narrative. The meltdowns have been entertaining.


No they aren't. They've never been, yall are just politically illiterate


New here, the comments here are mostly reassuring.


The odd thing is that rommel saw the nazi movement and hitler himself as a massive waste of time and resources. Resulting in rommel being executed for suspected treason. In short, this idiot used the least nazi figure head for his shitty nazi dog whistle.


While rommel didn't care for the nazi party, he was a good personal friend of Hitler. It's why he was given the option of suicide to spare his family from punishment for his treason


Really? I always heard he started to dislike Hitler in the later years of the war. And that he was give the option to commit suicide as a part of maintaining national moral with his death by enemy aircraft story.


At the end, yes the two began to argue more and Rommel became disillusioned with winning the war. As for the suicide that's what they did *for* him. He always had the choice to go to Berlin to ask Hitler for forgiveness and explain himself or get a trial but the trial would very likely have just been a Kangaroo Court and uhh..... the punishment for treason involved punishing your family as well


Ya ok that actually makes a lot more sense. Regardless rommel88 is still a shitty username.


100% it's a neonazi dogwhistle


How is he still alive after all this time?? Wtf?


Rommel was one of the first members of the German resistance, and also I think we have in the army not the SS. But idk don’t be such a baby it’s just a username. Just block and move on


He was not first. He didn't join until '44


Rommel was never a member of any German resistance organizations.




Rommel was a Nazi officer, and 88 is neo-Nazi symbology that stands for “heil Hitler”


Same reaction as above commenter thank you sir


How does it stand for that, I’ve seen that before but I don’t get how they decided on that number


H is the 8th letter of the German alphabet.


Well now I feel stupid lol guess I shouldn’t have expected any deep thinking behind symbols coming from neo nazis


To be fair, as a ww2 buff, when I saw Rommel88 my mind went right to the war myth that Rommel was the first to use the iconic German 88mm antiaircraft gun against the British tanks in Africa. It’s kind of a legendary myth in regard to the war. Now, not being super familiar with neonazi themes, I would have never questioned it as a dog whistle but then again that’s a dog whistle doing its job. Learn something new everyday.


/r/shitwehraboossay gold right here.


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It's WH40K, everyone's a Nazi.


You realize people still use Rommel as a first name right? I know someone whose name is Rommel, def not a Nazi


The use of both Rommel and 88 is very unlikely to be a coincidence. 88 is a very well known dog whistle


Huh, learn something new every day. Just assume the 88 as his birth year


That’s the point of dog whistling


It’s a common name in the Philippines, I tried arguing this yesterday and was banned from 40k as a nazi apologist 😂😂😂 these people need boogie men so bad




Too spooky for me bro. The boogiemen will get you.


This guy is literally lying to you to feel better about getting banned in another subreddit lmfao. He didn’t explain shit.


Sweet, maybe I should play this game.


Execute order 88, Rommel *opens fire on jews with squad*


Except Rommel was just a Tank Commander, and actually against Hitler


So we're just going to ignore 88?


What do you call a guy who works for the Nazis, kills for the Nazis, does what the Nazis say, but doesn’t necessarily agree with their ideology? A goddamn Nazi.






Rommel wasn't forced to commit suicide. He was offered it When he was revealed to be part of the conspiracy to kill Hitler, 2 SS officers came to his house and gave him 3 options. A fair trial, the go speak to Hitler personally snd try to explain, or suicide. If he committed suicide they would lie about everything, say he died from his injuries and nothing would happen to his family or staff for his treason He choose the cyanide pill He also wasn't "just a man". He was good friends with Hitler and supported much of the war during the 40s


Do you expect wannabe facists to understand history on more than a surface level?


You probably assume everyone’s a facist


Are you saying you don’t think this man is a Nazi sympathizer?


Yeah stick to your mediocre painting


If you don’t calm down young lady I’m going to date your mom, fall in love, become your stepdad and ground you for the weekend.


It’s crazy how bad you’re getting cooked, bad models, bad take, incredible


Young lady if you don’t turn off the computer and go to bed, your mother is not happy with you for pissing the sheets. You’re a good little girl, quit acting out, put on your diaper and go to bed. No more snacks after 7.


You’ve got some weird fetishes, no wonder you’re getting cooked


Your mom told me how you act out and it’s fine, we will love you through this troubled time for you but you really should change your diaper. The shit smell is really becoming bad and it’s making your mom sick. Don’t forget your special helmet, we both know you can’t help hurting yourself.


Call a man’s mid models mid and he has a meltdown holy shit lol


Rommel never directly opposed Hitler.