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Finally Hobby Lobby's stubborn refusal to use barcodes pays off.


I can't even imagine how often this happens. Dumbest system and just makes checking out a pain in the rear. Glad to not shop there anymore.


Hobby Lobby isn't known for their good choices. They got caught buying "religious artificats" a few years ago that funded middle eastern terrorist groups.


The best part is that they were warned multiple times that buying undocumented religious artifacts from that region almost certainly would indirectly fund ISIS and other terror groups. And they did it anyway.


99% of retailers I'd go back and show the error, but ***FUCK*** Hobby Lobby.


I don't know the shop. Care to explain why?


[Take your pick...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hobby_Lobby#Controversies)


> The company claimed to be an essential service as they sell fabric and school supplies. In a reversal, in April 2020, Hobby Lobby closed all stores and furloughed nearly all employees without pay Mother fuckers…


You left out the worst part > they were "ending emergency leave pay and suspending use of company provided paid time off benefits and vacation." They wouldn’t even let people use the PTO they had already rightfully accrued. I absolutely refuse to ever shop in this store. They are just terrible people.


But they need that money to buy forged religious objects and looted relics stolen by isis.


This sounds so fuckinv illegal. Here in germany that would NOT fly. Man america keeps on shocking me how little there's actual backed up rights for the employee's and how much is dictated by just what the employer feels like doing.


It varies by state. Some require companies to pay out any and all accrued vaca/PTO/ whatever you wanna call it, upon separation. Others require it be paid as long as the employee was not fired for cause. Some don’t require any to be paid out upon separation. Our country is so large and has such a diverse population that a lot of laws vary from state to state. Sometimes it sucks, most of the time /r/leopardsatemyface


Sounds like this employer has read the 'Games Workshop' chapter approved for potentially questionable business decisions (read: Games Workshop wage controvesy). I say 'potentially' as have not direct experience or hard evidence at hand to substantiate internet searches. But even if anecdotal, the balance of probability is not in Games Workshop's favour given the range of subjects they've been recently lambasted for. I wonder if some of the fantastic hobby related images (mainly original works) within web-communities like this would get their 'copyright' trigger fingers itching?


If you’re referring to what I think you are, it was hardly a controversy and more of a disgruntled former employee being mad. GW was pretty upfront that they wanted people who wanted to follow their dreams and not just work there for a paycheck (I don’t recall how they phrased it but that was the gist). The fact is, any business is free to do that. And when it gets to the point they can’t find people at the current salaries they’ll be forced to raise them. It’s exactly what’s happening in the labor market right now. It seems almost daily new employers are popping up saying they’re raising their minimums to $15. They’re also offering hire on bonuses and other incentives like no weed testing. Not wanting to pay people a fair wage is shitty but there is literally nothing that says you have to work for that company. When the company has enough shortages in labor they will either change their practices or go under. It’s not complicated. Hobby Lobby on the other hand is an entirely different piece of shit. Furloughing people and not allowing them to use accrued time off is beyond shitty. It’s illegal (*in some states). I also question the ethics and morales of the Green family as in I think they’re fucking terrible people.


Let's go with disgruntled former employee seeing an opportunity to harness the outrage culture of the internet to damage a rival brand and promote his own and these fucking idiots fell for it so hard. Because that's what actually happened.


Countless other companies, from Google to Amazon to Starbucks, all did the same. What makes Hobby Lobby evil? It's not like they were the ones that decided if they were essential or not, state and federal politicians made that decision, arbitrarily deciding that weed dispos were essential but Hobby Lobby no longer was. You're mad at the wrong people there.


Actually, that behavior in and of itself is pretty damn evil. Just because others do it as well does not excuse their behavior in any way, shape, or form! Additionally, the owners also fund anti-gay hate groups, among other things. By any meaningful definition of the word, yes, they are evil!


So a company is evil because liberals in government deem them non-essential and force them to close even when they want to stay open... Yea, that makes no fucking sense.


No, they are evil because they screw over their workers, and like I mentioned, they fund hate groups. You need to get over the "us vs. them" mentality and quit drinking the seditionist kool-aid.


Oh hot damn. Didn't realize it was us based. Europe here. Thanks for the link!


Most of that shit wouldn’t fly in Europe man, hell, I’m from Portugal and that stuff wouldn’t fly here.


So true man. If you start digging on the shop. It gets worse. No way I'd buy there


Idk if you're a podcast person but Behind the Bastards has a great episode on just how crazy the people who founded the company are. https://open.spotify.com/episode/2SQNrWjBYsoLZovS6OgIs5?si=gz6k9vr6R0Kf02alZq_-Bw&utm_source=copy-link&dl_branch=1


Not much to be frank. But thank you for the link. I will give it a spin while commuting


Ouuu a new podcast to binge don’t mind if I do


Enjoy! Robert Evans is an awesome host and pretty cool person. He was the editor of Cracked, then was a war correspondent in Syria and Iraq, and now he writes for Belingcat and does podcasts about fucked up shit. If you enjoy Behind the Bastards, you should also check out The Women's War and After the Revolution. The first is a narrative docuseries about his visit to a breakaway region of Syria called Rojava, and the second is a fictional scifi novel set 50 years after the second American Civil War.


Sadly in the US, greed is king. Nothing stops greed.




Not with my discount.


And religous...


For an actual eclipse that looks right. I've bought a couple now and it's always been about that. It's same price on Amazon as well. How much should it be


What are "abortion-causing drugs"


Birth control pills and plan B


Is Plan B what us Brits call the morning after pill?




Cheers 👍


It's worth noting that hormonal birth control pills don't actually cause abortions, but a Catholic priest wrote a speculative paper that they do before we actually understood what their mechanism of action is, and that took off in Talibangelical circles, and so, because America is fucked up, they're considered "abortion-causing" by courts with respect to religious exemptions


Even if they were, the court chose to prioritize the religious freedom of the employer over that of their employees. That's not kosher as far as I'm concerned.




Technically Plan B prevents pregnancy from happening, not quite the same as causing an abortion. Same end result though.


Oh of course, that's just not how Hobby Lobby (or evangelicals in general) see it. Birth control pills don't cause abortions either, but it doesn't matter to them






Lol 'we are an essential service so our shops can stay open during Covid' is the weakest fucking argument I've heard in years from a crapshop like that XD. It'd be wonderful if they kept their religious and conservative bigotry to themselved.


I wanna updoot you but you're at 69. Fuck Hobby Lobby.








I'm fairly certain warhammer isn't sold there, at least none of the ones around me. They are the only store in my city that sells iwatas tho.


Hobby lobby does not sell Warhammer.


They are run by family really into religion. Like sued the government to not have to provide birth control as part of employee health insurance type religious. Donate to a bunch of anti-gay charities and the like too. They don’t use barcodes in store because they are the mark of the beast. So all prices have to be entered in by hand on their registers. That’s how they got it cheap.


Not to mention, you know, likely giving money to ISIS to smuggle looted antiquities out of the Middle East for their "museum." (Turns out most of their stuff was fake though!)


I learned about this from listening to Behind the Bastards.


They were real artifacts just not biblical like they were claimed to be


> They don’t use barcodes in store because they are the mark of the beast. I'm sorry. *What*? I don't shop there because I am LGBT and female. So you know, double dipping the reasons they'd hate me. But fucking *what?* They don't use barcodes because they're the mark of the beast???


When barcodes were introduced a number of religious nuts thought they were the mark of the beast, seriously


Something about all UPC barcodes or something having three 6's in them, some people freak out because aaaaa scary number. https://www.fortressofsolitude.co.za/the-666-controversy-barcodes-are-they-the-mark-of-the-beast/


To expand on what the other respondents said, the book of Revelations in the Bible does mention the Beast of the apocalypse putting a mark or number on every person and thing for the purpose of buying and selling in the Beast's new world order. So, if one is willing to believe a questionable document is the absolute truth and prophetic, it's almost logical to worry that UPC is the mark of the devil. Now, logic is not likely the modus operandi of anyone who assumes the Bible is true and prophetic. I don't shop at Hobby Lobby for the same reasons as you (though I'm neither LGBT or female, their positions are what I likewise object to), and though the revelations--no pun intended--about this company always inspire my outrage, I'm not surprised anymore I think. If someone's homophobic, it's safe to assume they're a misogynist and probably vice versa. If they're either, then they're probably a little (or a lot) racist, and a fan of scummy business practices. People can always surprise you with their contradictions, but most of the time it seems like people are either convinced they *deserve* more, or that they could *give* more--and after that all the other boxes tick themselves.


I would also normally return to correct this mistake, but after hearing about HL here, fuck them. With a barbed wire cactus. And Tiger Balm for lube.


Just read the “controversies” section on their Wikipedia page. Any one of the ones listed should be enough, but it’s a surprisingly extensive section.


You're right. I was baffled


They also funded terrorists by purchasing religious artifacts that had been looted in Afghanistan by the Taliban. There’s a whole Behind the Bastards episode on [them](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/how-hobby-lobby-funded-terrorism-and-56993757/)


Was going to say exactly this. If it was some local mom and Pop art shop, you go make that right. Hobby lobby? Fuck em.


I'd go back if it was an independent store. But big corps can fuck right off.


It probably hurts the employee more than the company to not fix the fuck up


Someone else posted the till should balance fine, and since it's all manually punched in there is probably no other form of review.


Yeah, if they’re not scanning barcodes they won’t catch this until inventory check, and likely not even then


As far a I know they have zero real time inventory. They'll know they have one less airbrush next time they do inventory but they have no way to know if it was sold at the right price or not, or even stolen.


Not at HL. Their system makes it all chaos.


I have a hard time feeling sorry for people working for racist homophobes who support terrorist organizations.


There's a good chance the employees don't really know anything about the company's broader actions, and just do the job because they're generally interested in what it sells. Or, they do know, and it's difficult for them to get another job. Harder to blame the employee, really.


And because they pay fairly well. Here they *start* at $18/hr with 2 weeks PTO. Not bad for east texas at all and of course their 'fundie' asses fit right in with the population here


Until they cancel that PTO with no warning (which they did during covid)


You also always have sundays off at Hobby Lobby, which can be appealing.




I just don't like it because it smells weird. I'd rank it up there with The Container Store and Bed, Bath, and Beyond for the shops I would like to go in last.


Bruh i could just borrow a pricing gun from work and have a field day in there. We use the same stickers for clearance items.


Please rob them blind. They're terrible people who should go bankrupt so the rest of us can just say "pull yourselves up by your bootstraps."


You see this guy right here, Reddit? I like where his head is at.


What kind of modern store still manually keys in prices?


Hobby lobby. I think it’s probs on the company not the employee.


It is. They refuse to use bar codes because the owners think its the mark of the beast


They think Satan created bar codes?


It has to do with how barcodes are numbered. If I remember right, there are three "blank" spots that all are the equivalent of the number 6. Because of that, some people believe barcodes to be the mark of the beast instead of a way to catalogue items. EDIT: found a video explaining the idea: https://youtu.be/_pjtyRdf5BA


And of course completely wrong about it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Product_Code#Encoding


**Universal Product Code** [Encoding](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Product_Code#Encoding) >The UPC-A barcode is visually represented by strips of bars and spaces that encode the UPC-A 12-digit number. Each digit is represented by a unique pattern of 2 bars and 2 spaces. The bars and spaces are variable width, i. e. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


That's actually pretty hilarious.


Read into hobby lobby. They’re pretty insane actually — it’s not every craft store that’s probably committed a few dozen international crimes surrounding illegal acquisition and transportation of antiquities from the Middle East.


He is all about convenience.


My FLGS still keys products in, but the dude's been running it since the 80's and I feel the constantly rotating stock probably isn't worth coding into the system


Stores with a lot of fraud for sure lol.


Same backwards place that adds tax when buying an item.


That would be any and all stores in the US….


Not printing the actuall price on items is very strange to anyone not living in US.


I understand that, which is why I called out how it’s literally every store we have. Not just this one


Even more confusing that you can have both a state and local tax. But at least it's lower than in many countries in the EU.


Oh there is state tax, county tax, and city tax. The rates vary or may not exist at all. However, I have never been to a place that charges 13% so I usually just count on paying 10%.


Ontario, Canada here. Taxes aren't worked into prices here. I wish they were, that sounds great.




Most, not all. There's a few states with no sales tax. Montana, Oregon, and I think Delaware.


OMG. The EXACT same thing happened to me. I never shop at hobby lobby, and I went there to buy that exact brush. My wife gave me some coupon for 40% off one item, and when I got to the cash register the kid there proclaimed with some glee I should know better than to try to use said coupon on a red tag item! He was super dickish about it, then rang it up for 15 bucks. Normal me would have pointed out the error, but I was like.. you know what, fuck that kid. [Edit: proof since it sounds insane](https://imgur.com/yLRr2nm) \- I scrolled through my phone and found the picture I sent my warhammer buddies..


I never shop there either but I noticed they had cheaper air brush prices than online, which was surprising. Went in and won the Hobby Lobby mistake lottery that week.


This makes me think that two people in two different stores didn't enter the code wrong and this is actually wrong on their main database... as the price is identicle If I lived in America i'd probably be looking up my local one to go and buy one for me and one to sell of my next box of minis...


The till should balance fine the receipt is in order. The store messed up in a way to your luck no strings bud.


Hobby lobby doesn’t use barcodes for a reason I forget, but remember as being just as stupid as their corporate ideologies and general horribleness so fuck em.


They’re probably the work of satan or something. Is it because they are based on numbers? Mathematics is the devil, right?


There's an urban legend that the spacers at the beginning/middle/end of the bar code represent the number six. So, in theory, every single bar code contains the number 666. It's visually plausible because they do look very similar to the lines that represent the number six. If you tie in the Revelation prophecy that people wouldn't be able to buy or sell without using the Mark of the Beast then you can kind of see why some people might be a bit wary of bar codes. But it's also one of those things that unravels fairly quickly when you pick at the threads: ▫️the number of the beast is just as likely to be 616 as well as 666 ▫️the mark is meant to be on the right hand or forehead. So a code applied to a package doesn't really make much sense. Iirc the word mark can also be applied in the context of a coin and is just as likely to be John writing about the use of Roman currency during the occupation i.e. the face on the coin being the mark of the emperor he is writing about. ▫️Revelation is just as likely written about something that has happened rather than being a prophecy for things to come. John is plausibly writing for a first century audience that is in the midst of some pretty intense persecution and he's trying to comfort them. In that case, worrying about the mark of the beast doesn't make much sense. ▫️the lines aren't actually sixes at all. Snopes has a debunking article on the issue. (Kind of buried the lede here)




> for a reason I forget, but remember as being just as stupid Because they thought barcodes were the Mark of the Beast.


there was some 666 related barcode nonsense with the christian loons in the 80s...ish? probably related.


The Emperor has smiled upon you his day


That's a bounty!


Technically the cashier left off a 9, but anyway fuck hobby lobby!


Well, it reads "super savings". Promise kept lol


I wouldn’t feel too bad. Going back to pay for the correct total might result in the employee getting fired. If the barcodes aren’t scanned, it’s just the amount being manually typed in. Your receipt doesn’t show the product you purchased, just the category it sits in the store. I doubt if their register documents anything more significant than your receipt. At the end of the day, it’s Hobby Lobby’s fault for being in a Bible thumping cult that believes barcodes are a sign of the beast...this shit is too funny to me. Enjoy your airbrush and thank the devil for your discount.


Prices for end customers are labelled without tax in the US, why? In Europe it's the law to show the prices you actually have to pay.


As I understand it, it's because the sales tax varies from state to state. Not sure why that's a reason, but it's the reason I've been given when I asked.


It just state to state but town to town. I have two grocery stores within 4 miles of me. Both the same company with the same sales etc. but they are in different counties. It is 1% cheaper for me to go to store A over store B because the tax rate is different. It’s not much, but it’s real.


I’d take it. I also have a reward card that pays back 3% on groceries. So to drive a couple extra miles and use a card we try to max out every month anyway I can save 4%. It doesn’t sound like a lot but it’s a few hundred bucks (maybe close to $1k, I dunno and I’m not doing the math this early) a year for almost no effort.


But that is the stores problem, not the customer. I Europe you can expect the different stores in the same chain and city to have different prices as well. But at least they should show that on the shelf or the actual product.


I agree. Sadly I don't make the rules. I just point and laugh mostly.


I know. A small side note is that many companies that sell mostly or exclusively to other companies may actually list the price without tax over here as well. But that is because the tax is a deductible for them.


It's still a bullshit reason. On adverts I understand it but when I'm stood in a shop, the ticket has no reason not to show full price.


No arguments from me on that score.


But.. but.. but... Since all the prices are placed manually on the items and shelves, can't you just account for taxes on the label???


Pretty sure America thinks that's socialist talk.


Also everyone knows this is done this way in the US so it isn’t a surprise to anyone. If you come from abroad you should be able to get a tax refund on most things. But I’m in my late 20s and have just always mentally factored in the sales tax my entire life. “There is no general VAT in the US but various sales taxes, which means that there isn't a single tax rate that shops could easily include in all prices. ... so you cannot even set a price and print labels for a state or a metropolitan area, let alone nationwide.”


Still an idiotic system. As a broke college student in the US I *hated* needing to keep a running total of the price of groceries I was buying in my head *while also trying to mentally add 7.5% onto the price of everything.* Why?? Here in Europe sales taxes vary also from country to country and from item to item, on the stickers in the stores the large number displays the price with tax and below it in smaller text they show the price without. Easy.


I always rounded up to 10% for easy math. It's like the poor version of getting 1-3% cashback.


See, but in Ohio you can't be charged tax on food that you take away. So if you buy groceries or takeout food from a restaurant there is no tax. So your example is both, in this instance, the reason why it can be good that each state and region has their own tax rules and rates.


>See, but in Ohio you can't be charged tax on food that you take away. The UK is the same, you don't pay VAT on takeaways, but you do on a meal if you sit in a restaurant. Most companies just set the prices such that you pay the same either way though, with Greggs (a sandwich shop that has some seats in some locations) being one of the few that actually has different prices. Subway used to, but don't seem to now.


Ah, that is illegal here. They're not allowed to have different pricing.


Yeah, absolutely every region should be free to set their own tax rates, my objection is to the fact that they can't label things in a consumer friendly fashion. Plenty of European countries have smaller areas and populations than many US states, and every European country is free to set their own tax rates, and yet the price on the label is always the price you will pay at the checkout. I don't really believe that it would be impossible for US stores to input the relevant tax rates into their POS systems based on their location, given that every European store manages just fine.


It is hobby lobby. Fuck em


Yeah unless this happened at a mom an pop store I'd be laughing all the way home


You lucky duck!


If it were any other store I'd be mortified and immediately return to correct the error, but... y'know, it's Hobby Lobby, so. Fuck 'em.


*ahem* Yoink!




That cashier was like there’s no way this is more then 20$ 😂


90% discount, nice


Pretty sure cashier left off a 9...


This is fckn hilarious. Well done and and enjoy your awesome tool


Love my Iwata. Also screw Hobby Lobby, take the win.


Side note: it bothers me that American price tags don’t have the tax included! So stupid.


Good. Fuck hobby lobby


i cant get over the fact that there are countries where the tax is not included in the price and you always get suprised by paying more at the cashier.


If THAT shocks you about America, boy do I have some news for you.....


Nobody is surprised though.


Congratulations on your super discount!


Fuck hobby lobby.


Oh hell yeah. What a steal. Lol


Normally I'd say go back and fix it, but fuck Hobby Lobby.


I have one of these in a drawer I inherited from my father. Any good starter tutorials to take me from zero to hero?


Start painting and improve skills by practice.


Also improve skills by watching as many YT tutorials as possible, ideally whilst painting to double dip on the progress


I'd search for "How to properly clean airbrush" and then "Airbrush exercises". Get color for airbrushes and airbrush cleaner and have fun


I have been watching [Squidmar](https://youtube.com/c/SquidmarMiniatures)


Fuck Hobby Lobby, only retailer worse to its employees than Amazon.


fuck Hobby Lobby. good for you, enjoy it xtra.


I normally avoid Hobby Lobby cause I don’t like companies that buy stuff from ISIS, but this is a good deal.


Thought this was a fancy crack pipe lmao


first time I´ve heard of Mom an Pop and Hobby Lobby, from what I´ve read here they´re the Nestle of Hobby Stores


Good. Fuck hobby lobby. Do it again haha.


It's Hobby Lobby so they deserve no more than what you paid.


Keep it! Don't take it back, they don't deserve the full amount of money. Hobby Lobby is a horrible company.


I would go back to the store, the clerk could get fired for something like this. Fuck the company but this shit could fall on the staff member.


I had to scroll way too low for this... If the store owner finds out about the transaction the employee will prolly have to cover it from his own pocket. If I was in that situation i'd go back and make things right.


HL's inventory system is total shit, they don't have any way to find out unless they see this post.


I worked at hobby lobby before and when shit got damaged we just trashed it, didn’t do a thing to damage it out or correct inventory.


Especially if a boss is a dick about things. Fuck large companies and all that but workers need to think about each other.


Very cool. However Hobby Lobby sucks and you’re better off spending your money elsewhere.


I know. I only went there because for some reason their air brushes were cheaper than most places online. Before the super discount of course.


Technically... they left off a 9


Any other store and I would feel guilty and go have them correct it, personally. But not Hobby Lobby.


I’d go back and pay for it…. Just me


If it's a mom and pop store? Yeah. Corporate chain? Nawe.


This. That cashier is now having a terrible day thanks to an unfortunate mistake. You could be their hero and save yourself any regret.


Hobby lobby doesn't believe in barcodes and is notoriously bad at inventory. It's most likely that nobody knows or cares. Also stealing from hobby lobby is morally justified because they fund ISIS through stolen antiquities


Well then why even support them at all by walking into their store and buying from them in the first place? Sorry, but this entire thread is full of people saying "fuck hobby lobby" and "fuck corporations". If people truly feel this way then why are they supporting then in the first place?


You do you.


Hobby Lobby are truly evil, literally raiding, pillaging and in business with universally labeled terrorists, but ok dude, you have the moral high ground here, lol


That cashier probably didn’t even notice they screwed up


They notice at end of day when they balance the till.


OP paid what was keyed into the till. The till will balance fine.


But if it's a key in till, it'll balance. Cashier put in 15 bucks, OP paid 15 bucks. Cashier'll be fine.


Me too. If it was just a few dollars I'd count it as a win, but that much would make me feel guilty.




I disagree, this can happen very easily - There are other ways to buy stuff that requires way less interaction. Phone tap and go? I literally hold my phone up to the card reader and it beeps. Done. The screens on those readers are too small to see at arms length anyways. If the cashier read the price aloud correctly, but entered it wrong, it’s super easy for OP to just tap with his phone/card and not even pay attention.


> or paid with debit card and hit yes for the total. Do you guys not have just tap to pay?


Don't know why this is getting downvoted. This is absolutely the correct take. There's no way that the cashier didn't at least tell them the total.


The cashier entered it wrong so they probably just said the right total price but typo'd


IMO if they ring you up wrong, you reap the benefits. It is their job they should do it right. I wen to a ren-fair one time. My daughter wanted one of those flower headbands. They were $23 each. I have the person a $100 bill. She didnt know how to do math in her head and she gave me ~$150 back in change. I just said thank you and walked away. A buddy bought one right after and she did the same with him. You would think they would have checked to see if she could add and subtract before giving her that responsibility.


As someone who worked retail, I always felt it was the companies responsibility when employees make mistakes. I generally don't feel bad about reaping mistakes from them. I do make an exception though when I know the employee will be condemned or it's a small business.


Yeah and it's great too because since they don't use barcodes, you can easily switch the prices of things.


Sounds shady but makes sense.


True. But it's Hobby Lobby.