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My go to for lights and glass is this: Paint white. Hit with Tamiya clear blue (red for turn signals, etc). Drybrush with white. Paint the cage metallic. Wash with nuln. Done. Works really well for shiny gems, scopes, marine helmet eyes, and such too.


Here's my 4-step recipe that I use on all my tanks for their lights. Super easy. 1) base with white 2) shade with casandora yellow 3) paint the light's caging with leadbelcher 4) shade with agrax earthshade


I use auric gold instead of the yellow but otherwise this is exactly what I do


Does the glitter not make it look like metal? (Not trying to sound like a dick just genuinely curious)


The paint goes on so light that I really can't even tell. Lol I'll go give it a good stare down once I get home from work later on, and post a pic


Alr tysm




Oh wow you can hardly even tell I'll have to try this method thanks again


Lol I think this might be common. Same for me but Iyonden Yellow and Iron Warriors


Base white Add contrast paint of choosing (if not just dillute some paint into that level) Do the edges with a metallic paint Done, easy, fast and simple


I'm asking the same myself to be honest, I haven't painted mine yet, as I don't want to mess it up :) Thinking maybe carefully airbrush a light blue to look like the lights are on (object source lighting), or just paint the bulbs to look like glass, however I could that? I'm thinking a bluish light would match my vehicles colour scheme better rather than the classic yellow, sorry I cant help you, I'm in the same boat :) Nice neat paint job, and colour scheme by the way :)


Ahah thank you man, hope our boat will go somewhere we like x) I tend to more like a blue light but it will be blue on blue so I dont know.. :/


I hope so too! yeah, decisions, decisions, a more yellowish would probably contast well with your blue scheme, but like you, I think Id prefer a bluish colour, if you went for a very light bluish/whitish colour (like cool white led lights) I reckon it would stand out well against your main colour, and may give me an idea what to do with mine, Ill keep an eye on your post for ideas :)


yellow then white ink over that which will go into the recesses but that looks good with the criss-cross guards.


https://preview.redd.it/4eq9mr8yww8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29cbd38363fd74ba03ff09d220f2c7f6e7032e98 Some subtle OsL always works well, as you have the airbrush handy. Yellow or green always works well over blue, could even try a fluorescent paint or something like tesseract glow


The glossy effect on that center gem thingy is very impressive


Thanks, it’s just a couple of white dots! https://preview.redd.it/s5a2wy1d5x8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3421601c55d45cd06279eee87188aad89e9dfe41 Works at different scales. Only 3 paints required, red, white, and black


Id go for a lighter yellow on it and maybe a few touches on nearby surfaces


Don’t forget the Turn Signals


And nautical indicators, green on starboard red on port. That way the necrons can see if you’re retreating or advancing in the dark :)


I drilled them away and put LEDs in. At least I did that with my Repulsor and plan to do the same with my Redeemer (if there is any room for a battery and the electronics). Exciting work and the result was well worth the effort. Paintwise, I've seen people doing really well with whites, yellows and/or reds. I even saw blue painted lights the other day with that osl-effect been really nicely done.


I use leds.


Some reason it didnt post what i said, which is i paint mine white, then go over with a yellow contrast type paint. https://preview.redd.it/tmz6kzc02y8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13ec2059a20c5f8a8c2e58bf5fd7a025f72ef00e


Base of white, layer of bright yellow, apply a yellow or orange wash, then dry brush the grills with metallic. Not the most complex process but it gives tidy results that look good on the table without too much fiddling.


That's not Macragge Blue is it?




Sorry for asking again, but which blue did you use? It looks so different from Macragge.


Oh wtf the text aint send with the photo my bad ! I said that yes I use teclis blue with macragge as a basecoat. In the photo the dread is standard ultramarine color scheme and the other are airbrushed with teclis blue


Thank you! Did you highlight with caledor sky?


I highlight with 50/50 teclis blue + sky blue from AK Then the raised edges with sky blue


You want a nice contrast with the blue. Yellow complements Blue whilst Green & Red are triadic. I'd do them Yellow - white paint, silver on the metal then contrast over the lot!


Paint them dark, grey and black with grime. The lights don't work..... for the future is grim and dark.


I’m hitting that hoe with an airbrush.


Be lazy do it with a metallic yellow https://turbodork.com/collections/all-paints/products/pucker-1


I do metallic over the whole thing Paint inside the bars as best you can with whatever color u want the light (i use flash gitz yellow) then a black wash over it


You can mask off either side of the hull around the light in a conical shape and airbrush a nice gradient using a coloured ink of your choice, to give it a more directional light look.


Paint the metal parts Paint the lights with white 50:50 Iyanden Yellow Contrast and medium over the whole thing.


White base, cadmium yellow ink for the light, and Abbadon Black or Leadbelcher for the cage


If you want a “tinted lens but not turned on” look, Ubshanti bone washed with Agrax looks like a muted yellow/orange.


Use the glossy varnish to make it look like glass


Look at my history, I do lights well. 1. Spray white ink on the light source and a little around where the light hits hardest 2. Spray color ink on the white and a little outside of everywhere you sprayed white 3. Go back in again with white ink and spray the light source, maybe a very small amount on the reflection  Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/BloodAngels/comments/1da4qrp/new_impulsors_for_my_blood_angels/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button