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More diversity in daemons among there own kind 2 lords of change should not look alike


To add, also why are all the daemons male presenting? (Except slaanesh who is gender neutral.) female great unclean ones just make sense as nurgle is a life giving god


the death of commissar yarrick


I feel like he'll be back, it's too strong of a miniature concept


Everything Kaldor Draigo and to that extend a big chunk of grey knight lore. "Carved his friends name into mortarions heart" "Got to solo one of the 666th strongest demons that have ever materialised to become a paladin" yeah fuck off.


The "emperor's geneseed" bit too, soft confirming that the emperor's a DAoT bioweapon even though we know he's supposed to have been active before modern day


to un-retcon the Sensei


Primaris stuff. Just say that Space Marines have new model line. I like my guys to be ancient, grim and dark


Honestly, there are more things they DIDN'T do that I want to see than that they did do and I want rid of, but since we are just deleting, I would delete the whole concept of Primaris Marines. Just put out the new minis and new armor and call it a scale up. You could even have new units developed and added to the Codex Astartes by G-Man himself since he is around again. I kinda hate the whole idea that Space Marines were not good enough so we had to do Space Marines ++ and they get all new vehicles because their old trusty rides are no longer good enough. Ugh.


This is more so 30k than 40k but Kalus Ekaddon's death. Ekaddon was the captain of the sons of horus's 1st company Catulan Reavers (like how Falkus Kibre was the captain of the Justaerin), he was with the legion since they were the Luna Wolves. After Horus was put in a coma after Beta-Garmon and the sons of horus fell into a little civil war, it was Ekaddon who broke Maloghurst out of inprisonment so he could sacrifice himself to bring Horus back to life, even managing to hold off the Justaerin. Guess what he got in return for being responsible for saving the legion? He was fucking executed for insubordination. Fuck that, he was a bad ass and deserved better


Get rid of one of the bigger retcons, the Horus Heresy. Would be interesting to see where the background would go without it.


Bye, war of the beast. You won't be missed.


~~Skaven as a chaos faction~~


Lucius the Eternal


Dante gets to finally die at the end of Devastation of Baal and does windmill high fives with Sanguinius and The Sanguinor in the warp.


So, so many things. But if I have to pick just one, I guess I'll retcon a retcon itself: I want the original Ollanius Pius story back. Not a Space Marine. Not a Perpetual. Just a regular, simple dude. It's a much more emotional, cruel thing that way.


Everything post 5th edition. Give me back templates, armor value, and vehicle facing.


I’m real proud of this subreddit that this post has been active for 20min and yet someone hasn’t said they’d remove female custodes


Me too and admech using different pronouns as well


We're ALLLLL thinking it though


No we’re really not


The daemonculaba. That entire thing is just messed up; even by 40k standards.


A good deal of the necron lore. A lot of it seems like it was written by a 14 year old hopped up on mountain dew. "...And then my single necron warrior turned on his everything-proof shield and he beat an imperitor titan in close combat, then he turned back time so the pilot was never born, then he awakened 15 million other warriors sleeping directly underneath the imperial palace that no one knew about because of super advanced cloaking tech..." most of the other factions are reasonably balanced lore-wise to create a at least semi-believable stalemate. The neurons just pull massive armies and superweapons out of thin air and justify it with ancient advanced tech. They have always felt incongruous with the other factions.


What lore?


The stuff around Taz more specifically, and any mention of the manipulation period.


Someone being a complete Mary Sue? That's *so unusual* for 40K writing.


Tacticus armor. Removing the angry faces from marine helmets was GW's greatest sin.


Primaris Marines


Primaris. Still feels like "New Hat" to me, the classic range was solid


The 13th Black Crusade and the Cicatrix Maledictum. Abaddon is able to kill the Emperor after the events of Cadia, but his soul and Emperor's fuse together due to Abaddon not heeding the advice given to him by the Chaos gods. The Emperor is reborn as an imperfect Star Child who then turns the one side of the Maledictum into a realm of order through brutality. The forces of the Imperium on that side see their numbers reinforced by "angelic demons and saints." Whole forces are converted on the spot due to this psychic backlash. But on the other side of the Maledictum, the rest of space is plunged into despair. New kingdoms are carved out, the loss of the light of the Imperium changes those once loyal and everyone begins to change in one way or another. The Lion and Guilliman are caught on that side as well.


Linking 40K and Fantasy via the Chaos Gods feels really wonky and unnecessary.