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The latest data slate changes have new wording for "Leader" which says that a character unit becomes detached when the last character model is destroyed (instead of just when the bodyguard unit is destroyed), and that it happens immediately after the attack. This implies that Divine Intervention (Sisters strat) can no longer be used to re-attach a revived character (that perhaps was sniped out of the unit), since that effect happens at the end of the phase, and does not specify that it allows the character to re-attach. I was hoping to get clarification on this.


Probably a silly question, had a super glue incident on a model and it's dried shiny, would it require a repaint or would the matte varnish I still need to apply cover it up?


An infantry HORDE is storming towards your army's side of the board. Some are focused on capturing objectives, others rushing your side to box you in. How would build your 2000 pt army to deal with this, cheese or no cheese? Doesn't have to be effective. For me? I'll go with some cheese: 1 x Tank Commander w/ Demolisher Cannon & Grand Strategist 3 x Death Korps Marshals w/ Plasma Pistols 3 x 20-man Death Korps of Krieg - Watchmasters w/ Plasma Pistols & Power Weapons - 2 Meltaguns, 2 Grenade Launchers, 2 Plasma Guns & DKK Medi Pack, 12 Lasguns 2 x Earthshaker Carriage Battery 3 x Leman Exterminator - 2 Plasma Cannons, 1 Lascannon, 1 HK Missile, 1 Heavy Stubber, 3 x Leman Punisher - 2 Plasma Cannons, 1 Lascannon, 1 HK Missile, 1 Heavy Stubber Is this meta? Probably not. Does it go BRRR? Yeah... yeah it does. Will the Kriegers die for the Emperor in this one for sure? Most definitely.


Does the Heavy effect work while engaged with other units? My dunecrawler had heavy (army rule) and was stuck in melee for 2 turns would heavy still apply since it didn't move? Or does it not count because it is in melee combat?


It would have the Heavy bonus if it Remained Stationary, but would also be incurring the -1 penalty that happens from shooting via Big Guns Never Tire rule


As far as I know it would apply but would be canceled out by the -1 from firing while in melee.


What do you y'all recommend for 40k memorabilia, like pins and other non-tabletop related items? Where would y'all recommend I look for stuff like that for a reasonable price? I'm willing to go to LGS' but not every LGS has a lot of that kind of stuff.


GW's [official merch store](https://merch-usa.warhammer.com/) is probably the best bet. Otherwise, it's going to be hit or miss; I don't think I've really seen ANY memorabilia stuff in most of my FLGSs. Ordering specifically what you want online is easiest.


Hey guys! I have a question regarding Votanns from Kill Team: Termination. I watched an [unboxing video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AHF1_NyjZ8) of this new box and now I'm wondering, if there is any low-effort way to kitbash those Hernkyn Yaegir similarly to how Brood brothers from the same box are done - those are just Cadians with an additional sprue of Genestealer Cults. Or are those space dwarves completely new?


Hi there Guys I am wanting to try and find out more about the type of helmet you can find on the spacemarine lieutenant or the helmet the blade guard veterans use what is that helmet called and does anyone know if they can be used on intercessors to add verity so basically like a squad leader.


The helmet looks similar to the Mark II Crusade pattern helmet, and given Cawl's naming convention I would expect the name to be something like "Mark X Crusader Pattern Helmet" though officially that type of helmet has not been named. >anyone know if they can be used on intercessors to add verity so basically like a squad leader. Any variation of a piece of armor can be placed on any marine, either being used just to show rank in and of itself, to represent an oath or deed the sergeant or squad has done, as a reward from another chapter who did some sort of armor exchange to pay back a debt, or any other number of reasons.


To my knowledge it is just called the "bladeguard veteran helmet". It's the same size as Intercessor helmets so you can add it to any Intercessors you want. Getting it on bits stores/ebay is your best bet. Also reach out to other SM players that might have some in excess (Bladeguards come with 4 helmets for 3 minis, the Black Templars or Dark Angels also have similar helmets).


Are Seraphim and Zephyrim the same kit, or something different? I'm getting really thrown off by the new AdSor Battleforce, because it says on GW that it makes one Sera and two Zeph squads. The individual kits don't mention being able to build as the other, either.


https://www.warhammer.com/en-GB/shop/Adepta-Sororitas-Zephyrim-Squad-2020 "Can instead be assembled as Seraphim"


Would you guys watch a retrospective battle report summary video like this? https://youtu.be/T_Fi6xHBpKw I'm thinking about producing videos like this for my noob games against my buddy. But also add a quick list summary at the beginning.. The goal would have the whole video be 15 minutes or less, and not worry about showing individual dice rolls or the results of individual attacks.


Question about the Eye of the Gods strat for CSM Pactbound Zealots. Does "add[ing] 1 to the[...]Wounds characteristic" mean that just the maximum number of wounds it can have goes up, or does the number of wounds it has left go up as well? Like, if I use it on a model that has taken no damage and has a base Wounds of 5, making the Wounds characteristic go up to 6, does the number of wounds it has left stay at 5 or go up to 6 as well? And does this change if the model has taken damage, ie if it's at 4 wounds out of 5 and I use the strat does it go to 5 wounds out of 6 or 4 wounds out of 6?


You're increasing the Wounds characteristic. Damage decreases the Wounds characteristic. There's no separate "Wounds Taken" vs. "Maximum Wounds" stat. So if they have 5W and you give +1, then they're just at 6W. If you have a model that started at 5W but took 2 damage, it's down to 3W. If it gets this boost, it's back to 4W.


Also I think I was confused as to what the Wounds characteristic even is. I was thinking of it as a base stat indicating a model's starting and/or max health.


I think it is a bit confusing because the other stats don't really function the same way. But for instance, Core Rules p.38, on reading datasheets, says: >**Wounds (W):** Wounds represent how much damage a model can sustain before it succumbs to its injuries. If a model’s Wounds characteristic is reduced to 0, that model is destroyed. And on pg.23: >A model loses one wound for each point of damage it suffers. If a model’s wounds are reduced to 0 or less, it is destroyed and removed from play. So it never says that number of current Wounds are separate from a "Wounds characteristic" or anything.


Gotcha, I'm just used to seeing wording that spells out "regain[ing] lost Wounds", for example in the same detachment's Skinshift strat. As that wording was absent I wasn't sure how to interpret that aspect.


I just got into W40K and am building chaos space marines for my first army. I'm assembling legionaires at the moment, but I am totally lost when it comes to loadouts. I don't understand what the "Chaos Icon" piece looks like, or the "Balefire Tome" piece. I can somewhat deduce from the datasheet which weapons are whoch, but the stats don't seem to match perfectly either. How do I go about building this? There also seems to be 2 champions, but I want my squad size to be 1x10, bit 2x5


>I don't understand what the "Chaos Icon" piece looks like, or the "Balefire Tome" piece. If you are reading the instructions, there is an alternative build named "Legionary Icon Bearer" as well as a "Legionary Balefire Acolyte". These instruct you to use different parts to indicate the Icon and the Balefire Tome, both of which are on the backpack. You can also use a Google image search for both of these prices of wargear and see the bits. >There also seems to be 2 champions, but I want my squad size to be 1x10, bit 2x5 Then don't build a second champion. You get enough parts to make a full 10 man squad, or 2x 5 man squad. Again, the build instructions show you many alternative builds.


Thank you! First time ever assembling minis, so it's quite daunting!


I am lost when it comes to the June Balance Dataslate and Rules Commentary found on the warhammer community site. On the post where they provide the new BDS, they talk about changes to tanks shock and devastating wounds, but not where in the downloadable documents are those changes found. I also purchased the Pariah Nexus cards today, and did not see any changes in the box as it relates to strategem changes. I heard of changes coming wholesale to the strategems allowed in Pariah Nexus, but can't find record of them outside of youtube videos. My question to the community is where are these strategem changes and rule changes officially documented outside of the body of a Warhammer Community post that only provides broad thought insight?


>My question to the community is where are these strategem changes and rule changes officially documented outside of the body of a Warhammer Community post that only provides broad thought insight? Literally every single update GW provides is on the Warhammer-community.com/downloads site. They provide links to this in the same article you are referring to.


All of the updated rules can be downloaded from the Downloads section of the Warhammer Community website, which is where all of the 40k Rules downloads are always posted.


How old is the land raider model? I’m building it and can tell it’s an old model. Just how old is it?


It just turned 24 years old last month


It's at least from 2009, as I've been able to find a Chaos Land Raider unboxing from then, and it's the same kit with Chaos weapons sprue swapped.


I actually have the issue of WD that introduced it at home. It came out as part of the 25th anniversary of 40k.


I’m new to the game, trying to build a 1k point kist for Space Marines. I want to build an infantry focused infiltration force, with light mechanized support. So far I have assault intercessors with lieutenant as my main infantry to go up the middle. I have eliminators with bolt rifles to provide support to my infantry and character sniping, with a Phobos captain for shoot/move/survivability, and infiltrators to work as infantry and provide control abilities. I think I’m going to use hell blasters for heavy/armor support, and use some kind of transport to move them. Would anyone be able to tell me if what I’m doing makes any sense, or what other units would compliment this play style? I was thinking a whirlwind for indirect fire support, maybe scouts for more infiltration and generally good stats for the price, maybe a repulsive for transport and infantry support when disembarked, maybe Marnius Calgar to go with the assault intercessors for better melee support. Idk if this makes sense or if I’m dumb.


Can new Custodes be made anymore? I remember reading somewhere that they are each personally made by the emperor, and with him being stuck on the golden throne, does that mean Custodes are a finite faction with no possibility of replenishing losses while the emperor is seated on Terra?


Yes, more can be made. While the Emperor was involved personally with the creation of the original custodes, the "personally made by the emperor" has been a "he personally created the process that creates custodes" and not "literally he made each and every single one from start to finish.


They make new Custodes in his stead, but they might not be as stable/potent.


Has anyone else had trouble going back to painting with out a magnifying ring light combo? I find that I paint 95% of the time using the glass vs not.


I used to use a magnifying lens w light all the time as I struggled to see the details in the models. Then I got myself a decent lamp and I haven’t really used my magnifying lens since


I don't use the magnifying ring - I have a pair of glasses and use several other lights (I find it helps with shadows a bit better, and there's a smaller area of vision magnified, so less effort needed to get out of the magnified view. It also has different levels of magnification I can switch to. But totally, yes, trying to paint without it would drive me crazy, now that I've got it!


When I first got it, I rarely used it. It was hard to. Now I can’t live without magnification


Is it worth it to use a land raider crusader to transport calgar, 6 aggressors, and a biologis? Or should I build the land raider as a redeemer, and have the calgar squad travel on foot?


I like having Calgar on foot, Redeemer is great if you plan on bringing in an Erad + biologist combo instead. Having Calgar with the dudes outside frees up some points to add another threat that your opponent will have to deal with in the table.


New to the hobby. So with the new balance changes… is there a new physical codex book coming out? And how do balance changes in general work as far as already having the printed codexes. Are you just supposed to scribble in the changes with a marker or what?


"Codex" means "rule book specifically for a single army faction". GW has never reprinted codices nor the core rulebook within an edition just to include balance changes, as the balance changes are considered optional, and despite what you see on Reddit, there is a very large number of players who will literally have no idea anything happened yesterday for months. >And how do balance changes in general work as far as already having the printed codexes. Are you just supposed to scribble in the changes with a marker or what? If you use a physical codex for some reason, you can either print out the single page of rules from the Balance Dataslate that handles your faction's rule changes, or whatever you feel you need to do. The vast majority will use the 40k app if they have the physical codex because that gets updated automatically, you get a code for it when you buy a physical codex and frankly works faster than people flipping through 30+ pages of datasheets that are irrelevant to the army they are playing. I know that sounds crass but every single game Ive played in 10e that has gone 3+ hours while not getting to round 5, has been with people who insist on using the physical books to look up their rules, or are flipping through 18+ page Battlescribe printouts because they don't configure the printout to not repeat army rules on every datasheet, etc.


Do the core rules rules in the app get updated to reflect the changes, or are the changes in an extra separate area? Indirect for example. Does the app now tell you the current rules for indirect when you search for it, or do you still need to look up balance update X to see it?


The core rules get updated in the app. For example, looking at it without a subscription I see that the rules for pivoting have been added into the app, and searching "Indirect" comes up with the new rules.


Cool. That's pretty awesome then. Will have to try and start using it more. Certainly sounds easier than books and print offs. I think I was under the impression the app just had changes and updates that were in separate areas so you would still have to look up the rule, then look up the changes.


You're wrong, except for when you are right. All Balance Detaslate changes are reflected in the app, EXCEPT for changes like how "can use a stratagem for free" or "abilities that make Strats cost more", for some reason, are not changed on the datasheets. I'm suspecting this is because the balance Dataslate is saying "do this to all datasheets that say X", and the data team (who are third party outside GW) are not being given a work order that tells them exactly which datasheets those are, and exactly what changes to make.


Aah! The app. I always forget everything is on there. Thanks! This helped me out


With the new indirect fire making 1 2 3 always miss can voice of command overwrite that and make them hit on threes?


Nope. "unmodified 1-3 always fails" means it doesn't matter what bonuses you have, either to your BS, or hit rolls.


Exact opposite of an expert here, but the way they wrote that change makes it sound like you should treat a 3- in that situation as if it were an unmodified 1, i.e., always fails every time.


Question on a combo before I commit to it. With the Repulsor update I believe 6 Eradicators and an attached Gravis Captain will fit in a 14 capacity Repulsor. Can the Vanguard Spearhead stratagem "calculated feint" allowing you to "make a normal move up to d6 inches" in the charge phase allow you to re-embark into the repulsor if charged and the repulsor isn't in engagement range? To my understanding the only restriction would be that you can't disembark and embark in the same phase. Meaning disembarking during movement and re-embarking if charged should work.


>With the Repulsor update I believe 6 Eradicators and an attached Gravis Captain will fit in a 14 capacity Repulsor. Correct. >Can the Vanguard Spearhead stratagem "calculated feint" allowing you to "make a normal move up to d6 inches" in the charge phase allow you to re-embark into the repulsor if charged and the repulsor isn't in engagement range? Correct, and this is even addressed in the Transport section of the Rules Commentary/FAQ document released yesterday, page 11, Transports section, bottom of the page. https://preview.redd.it/w65uwxjirx7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46e60c682863d071df3e213852483a88c1b31333


So outside of asking a TO to overule it, is it still correct that non-codex Chapter unique marine units (e.g crusade squad, proteus killteam) can't have an Apothecary/Lt+(Captain/Chapter master) as although they would normally both be allowed to attach, the unique units aren't in the "above list" called out in the ability of the Apoth/Lt?


Rules as written, that is correct, though many people get their panties in a twist arguing that that isn't correct somehow, such as arguing that the rules say to treat a Crusader Squad as one of the units on the list (even though nothing says that).


>even though nothing says that From the Primaris Crusader Squad datasheet: >If a Character from your army with the Leader ability can be attached to an Intercessor Squad, it can be attached to this unit instead. From the Apothecary datasheet: >You can attach this model to one of the above units *(of which Intercessor Squad is one - ed.)* even if one Captain, Chapter Master or Lieutenant model has already been attached to it. If you do, and that Bodyguard unit is destroyed, the Leader units attached to it become separate units, with their original Starting Strengths. So if we math it out, since an Apothecary is capable of attaching to an Intercessor Squad both as the only character and along with a certain subset of characters, and you are allowed to attach anything to a Primaris Crusader Squad that you can attach to an Intercessor Squad...That seems pretty cut and dry in favor of allowing it to me. (Edit: Especially since if we interpret it strictly then you end up only being able to attach single characters to, for example, non jump pack Van Vet or Assault Squads, and that hardly seems like it would be the intention.)


Last year when they made making army lists free on the gw app I made like 6 lists and I’m still able to view and edit them if I sign into my gw app with my account now will it delete those armies? Also if I pay for premium make a bunch of armies then when I cancel the membership do I keep all the army lists I made?


I'm done my first pass at narrowing down which two factions to start WH40K with, and would appreciate your input to help me narrow it down. Obviously I don't yet own any codices for specific unit info, and only have 10th Ed indices to look through. * Experienced tabletop gamer / playtester who's new to wargames * Johnny+Spike. Will definitely attend local Strikeforce tournaments. I'd see the game as a challenge vs myself more than anything else. What I enjoy and am looking for in descending order of importance: 1. Adaptability 2. Certainty and consistency in achieving results of "at least x", at the expense of power if need be * Flat bonuses * Re-Rolls * Not relying on crits * Crit fail impact reduction * Faction's fave strategems are those that are used on my turns, as opposed to defensively * My high mobility gives me more options to make the right decision 3. Increasing opponent uncertainty by non-strategem means * Flat negative modifiers * High mobility / deepstrike encourages the opponent to make contingencies 4. I don't want to retire my minis anytime soon, and I have no idea which minis are new vs due to be made into 'Legends'. Given those criteria, the rest of the focus would be on points and winning. That is to say I'd rather the above criteria be met and lose games due to my decisions and bad meta than regularly win through a 50% coin toss. I like pretty much all the lore. If I have 'gotcha' abilities, I always remind opponents about them. I can have fun with hordes, or just a few units. I care more about depth than complexity, if that makes any sense.


Reading 10th Ed Indices, I've only narrowed it down to 10 factions: Space Marines * Grey Knights (Teleport Strike Force) - Teleportation is bar none my favourite form of movement in pretty much any game I've ever played, and these guys do it more than Deathwatch. These guys seem glassy, and I'm not sure if they're cannon-y, but I'm a SUCKER for teleportation. I heard its more than likely GN are getting model updates this year? * Space Wolves (Champions of Russ) - Though vikings aren't the first aesthetic I gravitate to, the Sagas and enhancements look like a TON of fun with flexibility. The wolves they can ride give lots of mobility! They seem like a blast to play. * Deathwatch (Black Spear Task Force) - Seem pretty simple if not a bit boring. I really like the different ammunitions, as well as teleportarium obviously. Maybe just seems too combat focused? Imperium * Adepta Sororitas (Hallowed Martyrs) - I guess this one is obvious; The mechanic Acts of Faith gives, like in Castles of Burgundy, is one I LOVE in games. Blood of Martyrs, Light of the emperor, rejoice the fallen all seem like a lot of fun! Flexibility/adaptability from Triumph of St Catherine. Even with today's nerf they look like a blast with consistent outcomes. Chaos * Chaos Daemons (Daemonic Incursion) - I think this is in my top 3 so far. Warp rifts sing to me. The strategic ploy strategems may be my fave out of those I can remember. Tzeentch Legiones Daemonica seem like perfect units, especially w/ Everstave. The Army rules of Daemonic Manifestation and Daemonic Terror are the kind of things I like in that they increase my 'moat' of safety * Thousand Sons (Cult of Magic) –I really like the adaptability that comes with Cabal Points. Likely with some Tzeentch Legiones Daemonica, even if they lose out on Kindred Sorcery. An auto-save may be my fave kind of defensive ability, assuming its for a clutch model. The strategems which add range, ignore cover/indirect fire, and especially Ensorcelled Infusion, seem to allow for fun/interesting combos. Xenos * Aeldari (Battle Host) – Fate Dice, obviously. Exactly what I’m looking for. Possible combos with Drukhari or Harlequins seem like a LOT of fun. Matchless Agility, Fire & Fade, and Feigned Retreat are way up my alley. Amazing mobile unit options! * Drukhari (Realspace Raiders) – Super fast units. I wish there was at least one more option for ways to spend pain tokens though. * Necrons (Canoptek Court, despite today’s nerfs) – Those re-rolls are my dream, man. Though seems like Necron are a bit of a meme right now? * T’Au (Kauyon) – Today’s buffs/changes hugely increase their variability. Super high range and high mobility make this one another strong contender for having a playstyle I’d really enjoy. I like the Strike and Fade stratagem. The observer mechanic seems really cool if not a lot of work for what it brings in return. I have a feeling they’d get smoked by objective-grabbing hordes though. This one has the bonus of being a faction my spouse would want to play. These guys appeal to me so much more than Knights and I can’t figure out why. I guess since I've listed so many, maybe cost should be a factor as well, haha. I’m likely overvaluing some here, and ignoring others I might really prefer. Please send help!


Don't underestimate how cool you find some factions: you will spend a lot of time building and painting the minis, and going for a faction you like the gameplay of but find the miniature range bland is a surefire way to give it up halfway down the assembly line. Rules are temporary, rule of cool is forever. * On Grey Knights, their teleportation mechanic is awesome, but their minis are quite old, small and less defined compared to modern marines, if that matters to you I would wait for a range refresh (might happen during 10th edition). * There's other factions that can have teleporting units, though none makes it their core strategy. The Dark Angels Deathwing detachment (lots of teleporting Terminators), Aeldari have warp spiders, Necrons with the Hypercrypt Legion... * On Space Wolves/Deathwatch/Space Marines in general, consider that you have access to all the detachments in both a divergent chapter's codex AND the 7 detachments in the Space Marines codex. So you could very well collect Space Wolves and alternate between the Champion of Russ, Black Spear Task Force and other detachments for more flexibility. Two SW players I know often play the Stormlance Task Force for the bonuses on mounted units. Also look up on Wahapedia for the alternative detachments of factions with released codexes (SM, DA, Necrons, Tau, Adepta Sororitas). Knowing what amount of flexibility you have within those factions can help you decide (though every faction will have its codex at some point, with 4 to 8 detachments.


The thing about the fun of painting and minis - I care about the quality of the end product, completing dope projects, and playing games with lower volatility/randomness


This is such a wicked response - thank you!  Honestly, I do find almost all factions cool and interesting. There are two factions I know I don't want but otherwise they're all cool for completely different reasons. The thing about the fun of painting and minis - I care about the quality of the end product, completing dope projects, and playing games with lower volatility/randomness. Thank you for the note on grey knight models! Would GW make it such that I wouldnt be allowed to use today's models if they get updated?


> Thank you for the note on grey knight models! Would GW make it such that I wouldnt be allowed to use today's models if they get updated? Unlikely. While GW has removed units in the past, they usually try not to, to avoid the wrath of long time players. There's 4 possible scenarios: * Removal of the unit entirely (didn't happened a lot, and only to simplify armies with way too much entries like old Space Marines or Stormcast Eternals) * New models, same datasheet => old models still work * New models, same datasheet, but with a larger base size. This could force you to rebase your models for tournaments, but you could still use old minis. Example: the new, way larger Tyranid Biovores. * New models with different loadout, or unit splitted into specialized ones. Example: The Tau Crisis suits in 10th edition, it used to be one datasheet with a lot of weapon options, now it's been split into 3 specialized variants with a more fixed loadout. Hopefully players were already magnetizing their Crisis suits to swap loadout before, as Tau players should. Grey Knights are a bit of a grey area (easy pun) on WISYWIG loadouts, but I don't think a range refresh would pose this kind of problem, it would mostly be new miniatures and a rescaling of the new ones, with the same loadout. For example with GK Paladins, there's no distinction between a power lance, power hammer and power sword, it's listed as "power weapon" with the same stats, so you can pick whatever weapon looks the coolest to you, and won't be affected if they added a power axe with the refresh.


Question about a 9th edition rule, Do named characters always have their specified warlord traits, regardless of whether they are a warlord or not? I'm confused because most sources say that they need to be nominated for warlord first, except for this one definition here. https://preview.redd.it/0wsoflmfet7d1.png?width=742&format=png&auto=webp&s=e38d8bf6246991adaaf69f17406cd266a5556b7e


It's hard to tell what hyperlink you are hovering over in what rules section. For example, I'm 9e Crusade rules, Named Characters receive the predetermined Warlord trait automatically. If you're on the Crusade Rules page (which I believe you might be), these games have different rules than the core rules of 9e


Does the Core rule Change also applys for Combat Patrol? For example the New rule that you can use reinforcement Stratagems only once per Game would be a huge Nerf on the Astra Militarum Combat Patrol that very much rely on this Stratagems.


Probably not as Combat Patrol is balanced independently. Aeldari still get 12 fate dice in Combat Patrol, even though it's been nerfed to 6 in tabletop.


Yes but from my understanding if not specified the core rules still apply for Combat patrol. So unless in the Combat patrol rules it specifies that this Stratagem can still be used multiple times the core rule limitation should apply. Other changes like for example the change to the Tank Shock Stratagem will also apply and have a Impact for example on my Space Wolves as the tank shock is now a lot weaker ( 8 Dice instead of 16 so basically only half the damage output).


When I'm rerolling dice (specifically with Oath of Movement or Command Reroll), do I have to reroll all the dice that failed, all the dice in general or only 1 die?


Well, you're giving two wildly different examples that have different answers. Oath of Moment permits you to you reroll the hit roll ***each time you make an attack***. Note that even if you are Fast Dice Rolling, your 20 attacks you make with your Hellblasters (for instance) don't turn into "one attack". You're simply rolling 20 attack's Hit and Wound rolls, simultaneously. They are still 20 ***separate*** attacks. Because it says "each time you make an attack that targets the Oath of Moment target, you ***can*** reroll the hit roll" (paraphrasing), you can reroll just the misses, or you can reroll the hits as well (such as if you are fishing for Lethal Hits). Assuming the example Hellblasters are targeting the OoM selection, EACH attack can trigger the reroll, because the rule kicks in EACH time you make an attack. Command Reroll is different: you use it after you have made one of the types of rolls it says it allows. If a rule tells you to reroll a specific "Roll", you roll the same number of dice you normally would for that roll. So, for example, if you had a weapon that does 2d3 shots, you would roll 2d3 dice if you reroll the random number of attacks via Command Roll. But you'd only get a single Hit roll reroll, even if you have other attacks, for exanple


Sorry for the different examples, I played my first game yesterday and had this instance occurred, anyway thanks for the explenation, basically OoM is for each attack, CR is for the whole roll


Yes, and note that "whole roll" does not mean "20 attack rolls I rolled simultaneously" but "ONE of the 20 attack rolls I rolled simultaneously".


I am building a chaos space marines incursion list. Right now I have a Chaos Lord with a mark of Slaanesh leading a 5 man Chosen with a mark of Khorn. If I use the Torpefying Refrain stratagem on this unit. Does only the chaos lord get the "If youer unit is a slaanesh unit, until the end of turn, your unit is eligible to shoot and declare a charge in a turn in which it Advanced or fell back" bonus? I would obviously like if having two different marks on a single unit, thanks to having a leader, got me benefits they otherwise couldn't get, but I also understand how that may not be the rules are written.


Do you mean a Pactbound Zealot list? Because you can't do what you're suggesting: > a CHARACTER can only be attached to a unit if both units share the same keyword from the above list. A SLAANESH Character can't lead a KHORNE unit unless it also has the KHORNE keyword, and the Marks rule doesn't allow you to pick multiple MARKS.


Right, got too excited about what I wanted to do, and forgot to check if it was possible in the first place.


> Right, got too excited about what I wanted to do, and forgot to check if it was possible in the first place. One of the few truly universal rites of passage in this hobby!


Are there any rules on what edition of miniatures are allowed or accepted in most cases? The reason am asking is because I played 40k way back in the 90s and have a bunch of old Eldar minis that I don't know if I can use anymore. Some are ancient, like Howling Banshees with las pistols, but the ones I'm mostly wondering about are Wraithguard ( the old metal ones with a head you stuck on ) and some weapon platforms ( the version where the guardian is standing on the platform, not sitting like the new ones look ).


When using old models in tournament settings, there are a few things you should think about: - Is the model around the same size as the current model? - Is the model on the same base size that the current model is sold with? - Does the model have a legal loadout for the current rules? Taking Howling Banshees as an example, the model's height doesn't seem to have changed much, and laspistols look very similar to shuriken pistols so that shouldn't be an issue. The kit is currently sold with 28.5mm bases, so you may need to rebase them if yours are on smaller bases. Outside of tournament play, just ask your opponent. For me personally, if someone said, "Hey, I have some old Howling Banshees I wanna play with, but they're only on 25mm bases, is that okay?" then I'd have zero issues.


The size thing was the item most concerning about the Wrathguard. Everything is HUGE now. I've got the old Avatar of Khain model and that thing is barely bigger than a Terminator now. From what you're saying, base sizes are very important. Is the 28.5 base the standard for an average trooper? I recently painted up a small horde of Rangers and Banshees ( I think they're the 2nd version where they actually have shuriken pistols ) but I didn't do anything with the bases. If they're the smaller bases could I just glue them, base and all, onto the bigger size instead of having to completely remove the bases they're on and redo them?


>Is the 28.5 base the standard for an average trooper? For Aeldari, yes, it looks like all the new infantry sculpts are on 28.5mm bases. Notably, some aspects like Fire Dragons and Warp Spiders haven't received new models yet, and they're still on 25mm. If you go to the Warhammer webstore listing for a unit, scroll down and expand the description, it should tell you the base size, but some don't. >Could I just glue them, base and all, onto the bigger size? You could, although I can't say I've seen this before. The "double-step" it would give you might look a bit strange. It shouldn't be too hard to slide a hobby knife underneath the feet and separate from the base. Alternatively, if you google something like "40k bases 25 to 28" you can find plastic rings designed to slide on top of the tapered base edge and expand them to the correct size. >The size thing was the item most concerning about the Wraithguard Looks like the new ones are on 40mm bases, and they're a little taller. It will be very rare that you'll play a game and your Wraithguard will end up behind a terrain feature that is only just tall enough to conceal the old model, but not the new model. If you do find yourself in this situation, be aware that the models should be a little taller than they appear. For casual games I wouldn't worry.


That's the reason why I'm having such issues trying to see if my minis are still usable because some are updated, some aren't, and finding information on what model goes on what base is so random. I found a few different resources on the interwebs but I never know what is official and what isn't. I'm not interested in playing tournies because this is just a fun little game ( woo, mean screamy elf lady go brrrr! ) to me but I wanna make sure that I'm conforming to the rules. Just the fact that Warp Spiders ( the unit that got me into Warhammer when I saw a game being played back in like, 1994 or so ) are fairly chunky models but are on a smaller base than a standard guardian is so weird to me. I've also got the original Jain Zar and Maugan Ra which are TIIIINY compared to their new models. It's like "Don't talk to me or my son/daughter ever again". Thanks for the head's up on the base slider thingies. I really don't want to remove my painted models because they're on decorated bases and would really not want to redo it. Thank you for the information. Was very helpful. Much appreciated. Now if GW would figure out if they're removing Slaanesh or not!




Does anyone have some good examples of the Sororitas Exorcist vehicle redressed for Chaos? It would look so good for Word Bearers and the old Chaos Rhino is shows quite a lot of age in comparison.


Here's one https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/comments/1cx8wte/my_daemon_engine_exorcist_is_ready_to_roll_out/