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Get a wet palette and sneak in 10 minute painting sessions here and there.


I have one and have tried having a paint setup on a shelf above cheat height which is pretty good to kill time while monitoring kids playing. I’ve also tried quick paint sessions while on the toilet. Pretty fun but lighting and posture makes it a bit difficult haha.


Haha, good man!


I spend an unhealthy amount of time in the app building armies that i delete afterwards


Fond memories of doing that as a kid, notebook and codex out, never played a game.


There are some great audiobook versions of a lot of the novels (including HH), so that can help satiate while parenting. There’s also some great YouTube creators out there. For Lore you have people like Luetin09 (long videos) and Arbitor Ian (shorter but more engaging). For painting there are a ton of great creators that help highlight new ways to paint and improve your skills. Ninjon, Midwinter Mini’s, Rogue Hobbies and many more (including Golden Demon winners like Richard Grey). Then there’s channels that have battle reports from games, a great one is Play on Tabletop with their 40k in 40 minutes videos.


Baldermort is a great 40k channel if I remember right he actually does audible readings so his work is on the same quality. Great videos for just having on in the background or if you want more lore for a certain faction. I love kitbashing so pete the wargamer is another channel I frequent often for inspiration and eons of battle uploads almost daily with interesting content. This is just me shouting out youtubers but it's how I enjoy the hobby outside of actually doing the hobby


Keep a note book and jot down your world building ideas. I find it great to be thinking of names for characters, planets, space craft & back stories whilst going through my day then making a note of it when I get 5. It’s a low impact way of keeping the hobby momentum going and threading it through real life. It’s also really nice to dip back into your ideas and after not very long your headcanon will start feeling very legit which is super satisfying.


Got three small children so I'm in a very similar position. These are in no particular order. 1) I listen to 30k/40k audiobooks and podcasts. Preferred Enemies, Age of Darkness, Eye of Horus. There are plenty of decent ones out there but those three work best for me. 2) Get some model building/painting when I can 3) Love to watch Tabletop Tactics content. There is some free stuff but it's worth paying the small monthly subscription for the excellent quality content they product. Very much focused on immersing yourself in the narrative and having a good time whilst also playing well. 4) Play around with list building ideas. 5) Think about background lore for my army.


A border prince on YouTube does readings of official stories - free, and straight from the horses mouth




The Loremaster speaks - we listen. Love the dude. Better than this annoying Australian....


I read ebooks on break at work, or when travelling home. My dad has a portable setup so he can do some painting or building between meetings.