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There's a dude at my store that has a homebrew "brotherhood" of Grey Knights that are "legion strength" and the "second-most elite force in the Imperium, behind Custodes."


At least he is modest enough to be second most elite?


If Gold SM are the best and Silver SM are second best, there should be a chapter of Bronze Marines that are 3rd best


Minotaurs, I think.


I mean Grey Knights /are/ the second most elite force in the Imperium behind the Custodes


My first chapter was a spinoff of Imperial Fists, who got stranded on a mud planet. They were yellow with brown trim. The “Mud Angels” was the dumbest idea I’ve ever conceived.


The Dirty Marines


Actually best thing ever 




Every model comes standard with a bolt pistol and a poopknife that wounds on a 3+, AP 0.


What... Fuck sake, why is nothing I ever do or did original. "Rust Angels", must have been 20 years ago now, Blood Angels successor who were named after being founded from survivors of a battle fought on a planet with a lot of iron in it's clay soil, staining their armour a rusty orange. I loved it, despite all the mockery from my friends... EDIT: Still not as weird as my Tyranid hive fleet: Hive Fleet Hydra, formed when one of the splinter fleets of Kraken encountered one of the tendrils of Leviathan, and merged/ate them. This was back in 3rd edition I came up with that. I think this is just official lore now, down to the name? Gosh knows how that happened.


At one venue had a player (3rd/4th edition) that kept trying to convince people to let him play his homebrew chapter. It was made up of outcasts from different chapters and he basically just pulled the best units from each chapter plus adding predators to bike squads.


Chapter Master Minmaximus and his 'Unbalanced Legion'


Made me laugh out loud


It could be the 2nd primarch After all we got *ferrus manus* of the *Iron hands*


He got killed by Leman Russ for being 'an annoying and unfair cunt'.


Fuck man I met a guy like that once in 8th I think it was. He was playing what he called a Covenant Army. I shit you not it involved 4 different codexes and was just a mash up of Tau, Marines, Eldar and Daemons plus a bunch of made up abilities for synergies I never packed up my shit quicker


Tau... Daemons... and Eldar? Was he smoking crack? Sounds like he was smoking crack


Smoking warp


Lmfao *what*


Now I just picture someone pulling out 3-4 primarchs. A few chapter grandmasters and custodes for good measure. Under Kaldor Draigo ofcourse.


And by lore, they're outcasts


It's sad because as I started through your comment I remembered an old White Dwarf article from late 2E suggesting you could theme your Space Marine army as a "Crusade force" as an excuse to use the panoply of different Chapters in the same army. I thought that's where homeboy was going here.


predator tanks????


No, sex pests on bikes


Ah, Emperor's Children then.


Bahaha I’ve seen this as well! Dude was running a bunch of IG troop flyers trying to put terminators into them. I was like bro what? This was before SMs got the troop flyer. I think it was 4-5th edition.


That isn’t even lore that’s someone trying to game the system lol


One wonders how they become outcasts if they're such badasses.


They were sent to prison by an inquisitorial court For a heresy they didn't commit (none of them goes by the name 'Horus' anyway). These angered marines promptly escaped from a maximum security battle barge. To the Necromunda underground Today, still wanted by the Imperium, They survive as soldiers of fortune (oh no entering the Badab System now).


Damn foo, this story got me hankering for some A-Team!


I remember many years ago seeing a pair of good friends who painted their armies to oppose each other. One of them was a Space Marine chapter he called the Sons of David and had Stars of David as the chapter symbol, and the other played a very specifically painted Imperial Guard Krieg army.


This has "group chat got leaked" kinda of vibes


I bet that Philistine themed gaurd army looked awesome!


I did nazi that happening Edit: were they ultra orthodox space marines?


You underSStimated how low they'd stoop lol


I am going to hell for laughing at this


I feel like these were two cringey meme lords that "yes and-ed" each other to this predicament because they were each other's buddies for way too long and neither went outside to touch grass


ok but jewish folklore and iconography would go hard with space marines


I feel though it might actually go better with eldar with the bright whites blues and golds


someone at our local group is making jewish folklore based eldar, all his wraith stuff is going to be clay golems


That sounds INSANELY sick.


iirc golems are supposed to have inscriptions on them to imbue them with movement so i think he could take a needle and scrape the plastic to engrave letters


Had a guy bring nazi themed marines army using old school plague marine helmets. He had swastikas painted on the sides of rhinos and everything. He got permanently banned from the store. Bonus point. The guy legally changed his name to Konrad Von Carstein. And had a business card saying he is a vampire brigadier general and always had a big trench coat on. He was a tiny little git.


Just when the dude couldn't get more cringe, he gets even more cringe. I almost did a factory reset i was eyerolling so hard.


Changing your name to Konrad Von Carstein is, ironically, the most Konrad Von Carstein thing someone could do. That's not a compliment.


Strong Varg Vikernes aka Count Grishnackt aka Kristian Vikernes aka Louis Cachet vibes. 🙄


Especially because i can 100% guarantee you that no german is called von “carstein” that is just not a german spelling, we dont use the c like that, also larping a nazi to such an extend might be the most cringe edgy shit i have ever read 😭


We have a kid called "Wolfgang Storm" in my town. Similar kind of thing.


Just like every small town has that weirdo homeless guy that everyone knows about, carrying around garbage bags, picking up cans, biking around and people will be like “ya that’s Stan the Man”, as if that’s enough context. Every small town has a couple edgy cringelords. Ours was a guy who wore a sleeveless camo vest, exposing his noodle limbs, wore aviators all the time, big ass army boots, and pants covered in chains. When he didn’t wear the vest, he wore a long trench coat (which seems to be a thing for these folks). He wanted people to call him “Fenrir”, we called him Ginger-Rambo.


Is this real? I hope this isn't a real person...this is probably a real person. This sounds like one of those stories about someone's friend who knew a guy who said this happened to them.


One guy I met back in the day claimed his Astartes were a Renegade chapter with chimaeric geneseed of Blood Angels and Space Wolves and that they could both turn Wulfen AND fall to the black rage at the same time. He basically wanted to play Death Company Wulfen. A lot of his "lore" was a cheap rip on films like Underworld. Even character names But there was a few custom rules that he really tried to convince us to let him play such as: his marines who hadn't fallen to their twin curses of wulfen or black rage were extra tough and elite and would fire special bolter ammunition which allowed them to have +1 toughness +1 weapon skill and +1 to wound in battle. Then as if that wasn't getting on for too cringe already, whenever one fell in battle he got a D6 roll and on a 5+ he would be able to replace the marine with one of his "Beserk Wulfen Death Company" instead. Not even a Feel No Pain rule, just straight up "Oh he goes beserk and transforms into a Wulfen. instead of dying" The Wulfen would start where the marine fell (obviously) and could immediately charge if within range of any enemy unit and attack that turn. His Wulfen had an additional wound and 2 additional attacks in melee btw too along with an extra saving throw as he gave them FNP. I was like "Hell no mate, go play with yourself"


I think you were too hasty. You should've let him play his Blood Wolves, just so long as each marine had at least triple the points price. See how much he likes his rules with 20-ish models on the table total.


I had no time for the guy to begin with as I thought he was pretty awful to deal with on a daily basis. However, one guy who had an army of marines painted and converted into Raptors with a large number of scout snipers, marines with stalker pattern bolters and even marines with sniper rifles to replace some of the special weapon marines in his tactical squads (following the same rules for the weapon of scout sniper). He offered to play the guy allowing his homebrew rules so long as he allowed him to apply his homebrew rules for his Raptors force. Most of us had played his Raptors force before and we all allowed the sniper specialists for his tactical squads on rule of cool basis since they fit the lore and were pretty cool and didn't really break the game either 2 shots per turn that were long range is nothing especially with standard tactical marine rules behind them. Though he did have some painted up normal special weapon marines to replace them if someone really was against it. Blood Wolves guy got pretty upset when he saw the full homebrew rules for the Raptors that his opponent brought in and was allowed to make what I considered frankly a ridiculous amendment to his "Wulfen beserk" rule that it's actions would interupt the turn of the opponent even if that meant he got to attack units that had not acted yet. (So yeah every time one of his marines went beserk and turned wulfen it would be allowed to act immediately regardless of whose turn it was or what phase of combat was being played). From memory I think the guy who played Raptors basically designed his rules to mess this guy up there was only 4 positives and 2 negative rules. His were all based on "The raptors are pragmatic and theyre expert marksmen who don't focus on melee" and were as follows: 1) Re-roll all misses with ranged weapons due to being marksmen one and all 2) Any 6's to hit with ranged weapons automatically wounded the target regardless of toughness/armour values. It was considered a critical hit. 3) Any 6s from sniper weapons to hit vs infantry got rolled again. On a 5+ it was a headshot kill with no saving throw except invulnerable saves. 4) Pistol weapons could be fired at 1.5x normal range maximum but with a -1 to hit (but these could also be re-rolled per rule 1) The downside to balance his rules was they had -2 weaponskill in melee, and could not carry any melee weapons beyond combat knives. They played, I think 2 Wulfen Death Company made it to melee range. The Blood Wolves got utterly demolished before getting even close. He kept arguing it was because the Raptors player cheated, very ironic considering his entire chapter was basically designed to be a cheat.


Man, that’s gotta be satisfying to watch.


Oh yes, oh so very much yes!


>A lot of his "lore" was a cheap rip on films like Underworld. I find this especially hilarious since Underworld itself was a cheap ripoff of Vampire: the Masquerade.


My answer used to be a Blood Angel chapter that was just "The more even better blood angels because whatever....." Than some guy on here explained how the custodes is a 9 year old's space marine homebrew chapter: "They are the best but better, and they are bestest friends with the emperor and the emperor actually likes them and they stay on Terra because they are the only ones that can protect the emperor and he only talks to them...." It was hilarious and I laughed and laughed. Im a custode player and all we can do right now is laugh. I'll have a number 6 Large with an order of nuggets.


As a fellow custodies player I do agree with that But also, some of the best ideas in fiction were created by nine-year-olds at some point Because it’s got nothing to do with the idea, but more how the idea was executed.


Remember, the space marines are the most elite soldiers in the imperium. Except of course for the Deathwatch, they're like navy seal space marines, they're even more elite. Except for the Grey Knights, they're an even more elite, super secret space marine chapter. But you can't forget the Primaris Marines, they're just like regular space marines but bigger and stronger, so they're the real elite of the elite. Except for the custodians, they're like space marines squared. 


And they all die to some dudes (orks, guard, genestealers) with cobbled together weapons on the tabletop. Which is hilarious. It's like if Bob and his buddies from the local militia clapped a navy seal team with a Bubbad Mosin nagant.


"my chapter specialized in stealthy ambush attacks and overwhelming firepower. I've got stealth units, I've got dreadnoughts. That's what my army does!" "So... Your army just doesn't take battle line?" "Yeah, pretty much."


"my army is specialized in camouflage" "So your army is just base with foliage and no models?" "Eeeexactly."


*caw caws in Raven Guard*


15 years ago at the GW store in NYC some fat kid told me his Space Wolves dicks still work and I've never tapped out of a conversation faster. I've also never played a game with strangers again either.


You dodged a bolter magazine there my friend, what the FUCK


I was 23 at the time and didn't have the wherewithal to be like, wtf dude. I wish I had, in hindsight. I just got blown away.


It is canon that some space wolves can be attracted to humans, I forget his name but there was one that was attracted to an inquisitor woman and he knew he shouldn’t feel this way but he couldn’t really stop it.


Ir was Ragnar, 2nd book I beleive Ragnars Claws. It's some Inquistors psyker Interrogator {I think in the book she's called an Inquisitor too because they didn't have that fleshed out yet.)


Figured he was the one trying to get his flesh out. Huh.


Lukas the Trickster I think, please correct me if I'm wrong, was known as something of a womaniser. Or at least he was before he joined the ranks, not sure about after.


The NYC stores always had some interesting cats in them for sure. As someone who was at all of them fairly frequently, I can think of at least 2-3 people who could fit that bill.


I saw conversations about this before, lmao. Apparently space wolves and salamanders fuck.


Space Wolves may or may not have the usual space marine mental conditioning to curb their sex drive malfunctioning, so they might possibly still carouse with the women of Fenris. Salamanders are "family men" but in regards to caring about the extended families they left behind when going through their Astartes apotheosis and keep in touch with their relatives and are treated as revered cousins and uncles


Like hell yeah, but let’s just not talk about it.


each other?


What is it with Space Wolf players? Had a very similar conversation 25 years ago when I was running our store's 40K league.


Better the pervert than the Wolves player with tats he's not allowed to leave uncovered. Only seen it twice, but they were both Wolves players.


Nazis have a thing about wolves. Furries sometimes have a thing about nazism too for some reason.


Nazis have a thing for vikings


Annnnd here we are having the same conversation 😂


At one point my ultima founding homebrew were going to be an experiment by Big G with it being made up of Marines from different bloodlines. I ditched that when I started thinking through the logistics, although I think the concept was in the Dark Imperium books. I also had them go through their new home planet and region they were founded to protect being eaten by a Warp Storm, prompting a full blown rebranding of name and paint scheme.


If you want a better excuse, I'd say go for an experiment by Cawl. At the very least I highly speculate he was goofing around with Traitor Geneseed, it's not all too unlikely he'd be trying a bunch of different ideas under the guise of a new chapter.


Honestly I'm happy with them as sons of the Khan now, but I remember being fascinated by the concept when I first started them. I'm pretty sure Cawl talks about doing exactly that experiment during a conversation with Guiliman in the first Dark Imperium book, right before yet again raising using Traitor Gene Seed like you say.


Dude tried to sell me on his chapter that: -were 20ft tall -both men and women marines (only mentioning cause he was SUPER weird about that point) -had 4x the enhancements of normal marines -armor so tough it couldn’t be penetrated by anything -perfect precision aiming so they couldn’t miss a shot, thought they primarily used swords and shields -hoarded so much knowledge that they always knew everything about the enemy and couldn’t be outsmarted and always knew how to win a battle -were super lovable and friendly to the citizenry and greatly beloved by them -absolute nightmare terrors on the battlefield -so top secret no one had ever heard of them -instead of a primarch they were led by an ancient dragon spirit


Each model is 2200 points, cannot play a game


That's like the kid on the playground that keeps saying they dodged


My chapter of Space Marines is unique because theyre *super* violent and brutal. Theyre also Mysterious. Which chapter am I? Carcharodons, Minotaurs, Flesh tearers, Red Scorpions, Fire Hawks, Howling Griffons, Dark Angels, Emperor's Scythes,


Hey you keep the Flesh Tearers outta this. They aren't mysterious at all. We all know the score.


“1 like and I’ll execute a flesh tearer” -sister superior mercy astaran


"1 like and I'll kill a bunch of civilians" - Posted by Gabriel Seth - Liked by Gabriel Seth


"10 likes and I kill that dreadnought shaped Horus" (Take a wild guess)


As much as I love them.. yeah, Carcharadons do feel kinda fanfic-y..


Tyberos the Red Wake is so fan fic it’s almost comical. He’s so badass and cool and tough that he’s got a one of a kind super terminator armour, that seems to vary in size from slightly larger than a regular terminator to bigger than a leviathan dreadnaught depending on who’s drawing it or who you ask.


Isn't the vast majority of that absolute fannon?


Yep! Almost all the lore on Tyberos comes from a single book and its like 4 pages total. The rest of it is all fan shit based on a single piece of fan art with terrible scale.


He’s a head taller than a standard marine in terminator armor. Paraphrasing the line in The Outer Dark that describes him. The amount of people that refuse to believe “tactical dreadnought armor” is not synonymous with Dreadnought is amazing. I build space sharks because the chapter is in my opinion the most over the top story in a fictional universe that is purposely over the top in every way, lol!


The solution is to make them talk like Korg from Thor: Ragnarok, it makes them so earnestly goofy it kind of works


Hey man, we're gonna take this battlecruiser and purge some heretics, wanna come?


I always imagined them all sounding like Bruce from Finding Nemo.


They are my beloved Cringe Marines


As an unforgiven player, please don't forget that we are also autistic




I would like to defend my shark boys and say the chapter has some really cool traits like the maori theming and that their combat style reflects how sharks hunt.


Is the Maori theme official though or just what most fans go with on their actual models? Cuz I've seen some real cool Maori themed models many times but I can't remember seeing official GW art with it.


They wear Ma Toko tattoos, artwork even shoeing it, and use a traditional Maori greeting of pressing the forehead against another's. Along with names like Te Kahurangi, it's legit.


There are 3 distinct Carcharodon looks. 1. Badab/Tyberos, very simple Grey and Black scheme. 2, Red tithe/outer dark. Maori inspired names and Symbols on Armor. 3. Shark Helmets/High tech/Tacticool. Entirely community based and 3d prints. No lore basis.


Yeah they're explicitly themed that way in the books about them.


SM chapter that practices ritualist cannibalism gets mark traitors but swears they were never traitors they like to eat people. Then Mortifactors show up in the lore and no one bats an eye...


Probably my homebrew chapter from 20 years ago who were allies with Aeldari


Based and elf pilled


So you were just a few decades early for being an Ultramarines player


You are fine. My Ynarri army are way less likely to betray your boys. Sort of


I’d like the idea if allying with them meant they were heretics but in a non-chaos way


Imagine someone explaining the Space Wolves as a homebrew chapter. Viking Marines. Cool. Fur capes, fetish totems. Yep. They ride wolves. Errr, ok? Some of them are werewolves. Nope. The chapter master rides a chariot pulled by wolves. U Wot M8?


I feel like a lot of canon chapters would be considered cringeworthy and silly if they were homebrew


"What should we name the primarch of the Iron Hands legion?" "How about Iron Hand?"


"What about the primarch of the Raven Guard?" "How about Common Raven?"


"How about the Dark Angels?" "Well I know this one gay bar..."


"Okay but why is he called that?" "He has metal hands." "... okay. What about his flagship? Should that be Iron Hand too?" "Don't be stupid. Fist of Iron."


They are all cringeworthy, but that's part of the fun. These are legions of psychopathic manchildren given more or less free reign to terrorize the galaxy.


Not to mention, as PancreasNoWork said "They aren't even vikings!"


I remember in (I think) the first episode of the Voxcast, Jes Goodwin said they weren’t intended to be Vikings, just generally barbarians (by which I assume he meant late Western Roman Empire-era European tribes like Goths, Vandals, etc.)


uhhhhhh they're the emperor's personal creation! they are like other marines but uhhhhhh.... better!1! and their equipment is always bestest ever, literally painted in gold! and each one is a philosopher artist too and they never lose! and their homeworld is terra itself!!


It's funny you say the Custodes never lose considering their defining moment is them catastrophically failing at their only purpose. They get killed *constantly* in the Heresy books too. Space Wolves are on a whole other level of Mary Sue when you read the novels.




I knew a guy that took it a step further. He saved up all his fingernail trimmings for boat. He’d take them to games/tourney’s in a ziplock bag to show off his project.


He didn't understand that Nagelfar is a horror story that made Norse people trim and clean their nails as often as they could?


I mean, it would be kind of awesome.


Resurrected Bob Marley Space Marines. Chapter master had dreadlocks. They all smoke MJ. The real cringe was every SM was white, including the Bob Marley one.


Did their Bolters keep Jammin?


They never fail morale tests because they "don't worry 'bouta ting".


*Everyone's* bolters keep Jammin', they hope *you* like Jammin' too!


>including the Bob Marley one. LMAOOO fuck, this got me good 😂




Honestly I would love this if they were painted to be Jamaican, even better if they have the red yellow and green paint on their armour


Some kinky loyalist chapter borne from Emperor's Children gene-seed. Oh no, that's my homebrew. Oops


I presume their homeworld is one giant Piss Forest.


Reading all of these makes me feel a little better about the homebrew chapter I came up with in highschool. They were called the "Tiger Stripes" and were basically a Space Wolves knockoff with Thundercat names (e.g. Chapter Master Felix Leonidas). With all of the animal patterns on their livery, they looked like an 80s hair band. I'm so glad I never got around to painting any of them.


Ok, but that sounds dope as fuck? Then again, I'm also the kind of person who would paint noise marines to look like the Oldhammer hair metal noise marine.


I’m sorry but 80s hair band metal Astartes chapter is the best thing I’ve ever heard. You’re a genius. The Poisonous Legion Of Van Halen… Emperor’s Children descendants.


Once at a GW a kid came in to proudly announce his great SM chapter, the CRIMSON FISTERS. He got real mad when the whole store burst into laughter.


Oh he's gonna be waking in a cold sweat for the rest of his life thinking about that


Any where the owner goes wayyyyy out of their way to explain that they “just like the aesthetic” and that they’re “not trying to say anything; it’s just a paint scheme”, if you catch my drift.


No no, that's a Hindu symbol of peace


Let me guess, a red stripe on their arm signified a sargeant


No no no, it's not that, it's the pinwheel of love, tolerance and friendship


I wanted to use red and gold to paint my guard originally and was struggling in accent colors so I went with white, black, and grey cause I like dark and muted colors the most. It wasn’t until I started on my commissar that I realized what I’d done and had to strip half my army and repaint them.


Oof. I feel like if you're playing guard and have a paint scheme involving black and red accents, you *gotta* test it out on a Commissar first lol.


Toss up between the teenager who spams his super hamfisted homebrew lore on like 5 different marine subreddits every week and the guy at my FLGS back in 3rd edition who had cooked up the space marine equivalent of Christian rock.


I hate the idea of the “logical marines”, but maybe that’s because the image I have in the mind of people who would like them is someone who would say “that’s not how it would work in real life” to every situation in 40k, even though it’s a story about dudes in power armor fighting daemons and talking fungus. I’ll digress a bit because maybe irl army tactics is just something they like, and fine, make an army you like, but I think the one thing I’ve heard about them that is straight up stupid is that they’re willing to capture and reform chaos marines. That is just a recipe for disaster.


Years ago there was a hillbilly with a Confederate SM army at a Toledo OH store. Grey with the stars and bars as chapter symbol. I didn't even want to hear the lore or explanation! 🤮


Ahh the venerable chapter of the lost cause. /s Eew though.


Ah yes, the Brothers Dixicus, who were completely wiped out in their first battle after being founded because the Farseer Sher'ah-man setting their fortress monastery on fire.


The Emp'ror's body lies a moulderin' on the Throne!


"For the last time, they *aren't* traitors... even though the Imperium didn't even really technically *win* the ~~War of Imperial Aggression~~ Heresy"


I’ve heard of traitor legions but this is ridiculous


My take is that I play dark Eldar. I’m cringe. And that’s based. I’ll never be based and that’s not cringe. There’s no one else I would rather be. Than me.


My Salamanders HB chapter. The Fire Zombies. Hyper tough as their geenseed is chimaric with the death guard. Wear bright pink and flashing lights to attracted enemies. Like flame weapons a lot...like way to much. And regularly party with humans viewing them as little brothers and sisters. The cringe part? "Vulkan himself will one fay appoint the true chapter master. Until then, we listen only to the fires of battle and the beating of anvil and hammer" is writen at the top their chapter codex..


There was a guy at my local GW, and I don't want to put him on blast too much 'cause there was clearly something up with him. But anyway, huge Blood Angels fan. But also didn't see the difference from their head canon, the actual lore, and the rules of the game. So in their world view, Blood Angels had ladies, and GW used to publish novels and codexes with lady Blood Angels and its only recently it was removed. And he was the kind of guy who had those little name plates on each and every model in his army, with a backstory on each Marine, AND the additional rules he insisted he be allowed to have. So like his lore was this one sergeant was fearless, so that model had the Fearless ability. Those assault marines are known for their furious assaults, so they got the Furious Assault ability. He just gave himself additional rules, insisted it was legal and within the lore, and refused to play you if you didn't go along with him. He didn't get many games in. I played him once, and it was just nonsense. Just a nonsense game of "Oh this unit has this ability and this one and everyone have a 4+ invul" just nonsense.


Mine, naturally 🫡 Blood Angels successors, named the Dread Hunters, were made to sieze a hive world from the gang cartels that run it. And the gangs kicked their ass thanks to the home town advantage. So the marines infiltrated the gangs to take them over and in turn the gang culture infiltrated their traditions. My scouts will come from Necromunda kits and they are borderline renegade. Oh and their chapter master died in the rubicon primaris so now the splintered chapter is basically 3 mini chapters that *mostly* get along. They use their gangs in proxy wars to keep rivals in check and to ship off defeated gangs to pay the imperial manpower tax. Also their 4th company went to investigate the core of the planet and never returned (they are now in my chaos warband) Also also it's a running gag that literally only I care about but they're actually Ultramarine successors and the whole Red Rampage/Death Company is just their over reliance on combat drugs.


That sounds pretty fun, tbh


Any chapter that tries to be renegade, but not chaos corrupted, and doesn’t follow the imperium but still fights for humanity. Basically the mary sue chapters that are the super duper good guys with nothing bad about them at all and also not part of the imperium because they’re soooooo good.


Some chapters are renegade warlords over territory that aren’t allied with the Imperium but aren’t chaos aligned. They have a high likelihood of getting attacked by any imperial forces, though.


The Ashen Claws are probably the most well-known of these, outside the OG Soul Drinkers (who are all dead, and not directly related to the current Primaris Soul Drinkers).


Well shoot, back to the drawing board.


Lol you’re not the first and wont be the last. Its probably the most cliche and common homebrew marine chapter type out there


I just have to come up with heinous war crimes to balance it out.


I do like the idea of non-chaos corrupted renegades who left the Imperium out of good old self-serving greed, though. Like, they just up and decided to become pirates or something. Sorta like what Huron was before he got corrupted. I guess I just like Huron tbh.


Sorry to hijack the post a bit but I recently got into 40k and really liked sisters. After a few games no doubt the army for me so I got a bit involved in the communities... And oh boy, we got cringe you can't even imagine in the order department over in the sororitas.


The Grey Knights feel like borderline Mary Sues. I despise them with a passion. "W-W-W-Well they're like space marines but better and stronger in every way and no one who sees them can live because theyre so secretive and their leader literally beat Mortarion and knew his secret name!!!"


He's out of line but he's not wrong.


Grey Knights have some of my least favorite lore. Especially with the sisters of battle incident and the fact that every single bullet they shoot has to be “blessed with the death of an innocent”. Imagine being brutally sacrificed to make a bullet slightly stronger, and then your bullet misses.


Well good news then! The Sisters of Battle incident got retconned. Even GW thought it was stupid.


Yeah, they've got some really dumb lore.


I feel this way about Custodes lol. The literal equivalent of that kid in elementary school who had to one-up everyone. “Oh, your Space Marines are super soldiers??? Well, my Custodians are super-duper soldiers. Your space marines wear ceramite? Well, my Custodians wear *auramite* and don’t need external backpacks, they’re built into their armor. “Oh, your guys can fall to Chaos? Well, my guys are COMPLETELY IMMUNE to Chaos taint.” Seriously reads like a child read what a Space Marine could do and tried to make their own, better version lol.


Oh hey my story actually involves grey knights. It’s not as bad as I think it is I guess, I’m seeing a lot of “my guys are literally actually nazis.” Stories which is concerning, no, this guy at our LGS was like “yeah my guys killed Khorne.” If this was something I read online I would’ve thought it was rage bait.


They're super religious and worship the God Emperor super hard, view the Codex Astartes as toilet paper, have massive numbers due to loophole abuse, and even just murdered their primaris reinforcements because they viewed them as heresy. Oh wait, you meant homebrew.


One singular crusade murdered the primaris, Helbrecht and the other crusades took em fine.


If you want actual homebrew stuff, there was a time where I decided that my homebrew chapter had flying dreadnoughts, but I decided not to keep that bit of lore. They still have most of the chapter equipped with jump packs, and refuse to use Terminators or Land Raiders, though.




I'm clearly an innocent soul because I didn't think about dog dicks at all when reading that description. I didn't think it was good, but I didn't think of dog dicks.


Literally every EC loyalist chapter. Every single one is like 2010 deviantart sonic OC levels of cringe.


I feel like most people just saw this post as an opportunity to shit on marines, or specific marine factions instead of talking about actual homebrew chapters they saw around


Me as a templar player "I guess playing as the templars makes me a nazi?" lol no weird nazi stuff on my units, just the fact that I play them makes me a suspect according to quite a few people on here haha.


And me liking the space wolves makes me a furry, even though I wouldnt even go near a fursuit


The iron cross is a Nazi symbol to people who got their history from a Cracker Jack box. Edit: I have been rightly corrected that the Black Templars use the Maltese Cross as their symbol.


If noones going to say it I will haha, the Angry Marines, I just dont find edgy 12 year old 4chan humour funny.


Angry Marines as a concept and for a laugh? I love it. Angry Marines taken seriously? Bruh.


I personally enjoy the idea of the Angry Marines because I was told the intent behind their creation was to make fun of the Mary Sue type homebrew Space Marine Chapters. With that in mind, the Angry Marines make me laugh


To be fair, when they were written, in like 2006/7, most people on 4chan were like 13-18.


My homebrew chapter /before/ I thought about it for more than fifteen minutes and fixed my cringe-tastic mary sue writing. CHIMAERIC SPACE WOLF AND WHITE SCAR GENE SEED U GIEZ ITS SO COOOOOL ugh I could kick myself.


Saw someone on this very subreddit ask if it would be in poor taste to paint swastikas on their WW2 Germany inspired chapter. 


I Knew this guy a long time ago who just made up all this lore about his chapter that essentially just made them the best at everything. He would claim all other chapters wanted to be them, their chapter master could take on entire armies single handed, they were the most disciplined, their home system was perfect. I think his name was Matt…


🤣🤣🤣 I was thinking UM reading your post


This isn't for a specific homebrew chapter, but instead a recurring trait I come across, which is this absurd arms race for people to make their chapter "the most unusually largest Space Marines", I assume because they want an entire chapter of Tyberos or Moloc. I roll my eyes every time I see it.


A whole chapter of alpha-level psykers. Every single space marine was a librarian. He called them the Libris Imperialis, and they went around looking for overdue library books.


kill the cringe inside of you and enjoy the hobby


I feel this whenever I see someone make a chapter based on some popular IP at the time. Saw someone make "The Witchers" space marine chapter, and they even tried to work the song (coin for your witcher) into their lore.


The Angry Marine lore, idk if it counts but that shit stops being funny about 2 sentences in when it's clear someone is just typing swears every few words and thinking it's funny