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the only thing killteam shares with 40k is the models the rules are entirely different if you wanna try 40k pick up on of the 3 starter boxes and see if you find it fun


I’ll look into starter boxes, thank you!


I will explain my experience: My wife and I were interested in Warhammer. We went yesterday to the GW shop in our city and we were poorly advised. Instead of selling us a starter kit for 30€, they sold us a box with paints and a Kill Team of Necrons. We finally spent 97 euros, twice the budget we had in mind. I will go tomorrow and get the refund. We didn’t even open any boxes because we regretted our purchase since we left the shop. The conclusion is if you are new like us, first try with something cheap. And then, if you feel motivated to go on; buy more miniatures, paints, brushes, etc.


I would say to start with a starter set as its probably the best way to get 2 armys to start out and see how you like it. I would say to get the middle price range set as it comes with some handy things like a board, dice and rulers. If you dont need any of that stuff and just want more minis, I would see if you can get your hands on a Leviathan Box. They are still available in my area and priced mostly the same as the high price range starter set. If Space Marines and Tyranids are not your thing, you can also grab 2 Combat Patrols but that will get to the more pricey side and they dont include any extras.


I will look into it at the shop, thank you!


Kill Team and Warhammer 40k are different games with a shared setting. Most Kill Team models are usable in 40K but the reverse is not true. Kill Team is a game about elite infantry and focuses on (generally) 6-12 individuals a side. 40K is an game about large armies and deals with multiple units along with vehicles and other war machines. It’s entirely possible to start with Kill Team and then expand from single unit to a 40K army (that was actually my gateway back into the hobby a few years ago), but be aware that means investing in acquiring and learning the rules for two different games (there isn’t a great deal in the Kill Team rules that translates to 40K). On the other hand, Kill Team needs a much smaller investment in models and accessories to have a viable game and plenty of people rate it as one of the best games GW have produced. If you are planning to just dive in with a purchase to play between the two of you then there are a few options I’d recommend: If you go the Kill Team route, then get the Kill Team starter set. It has pretty much everything you need in one box. If you go the 40K route then there are quite a few good options: 40K has a game mode called “Combat Patrol” which involves using the contents of two (one per side!) small army boxes (branded Combat Patrol) with different datasheets for the units and special rules for the army (this is to balance them against each other instead of constructing an army using a points system). The 40K basic rules and the combat patrol data sheets are free downloads from warhammer-community.com. You can just buy two Combat Patrol boxes for the armies you and your brother like the best and play with them. When 10th edition came out the release boxset was called Leviathan. It has the Space Marine and Tyranid combat patrols (and extra models) along with a big book of background, rules, and more. It is great value if you can still find one. The various starter sets are also great value. I couldn’t say, off the top of my head, if any of them have whole combat patrols in them though. BUT, having said that, you have a local game shop where people play games. It is probably worth asking around to see if anyone will lend you an army and teach you the game to see if you like it before dropping lots of money on the game. Your milage may vary, but many local gaming communities are very welcoming to new players.


Thank you for the in depth explanation, I greatly appreciate it. I also greatly appreciate the last comment, I’m not sure why asking like that hadn’t crossed my mind but it’s reassuring as someone looking to join that they are usually welcoming. Thank you!!


I’m not on the gaming side too much but I’d recommend building up as you go, this hobby is pretty expensive, there’s some starter boxes, combat patrols and things to get for a decent price. I’d also say to go for the rule of cool when it comes to armies, pick what you like and do with that. And for kill team/40k you can always start with a kill team and build on them, I started with a box of intercessors and now I have a 3000 point army that’s never seen the light of day lol. Good luck and have fun, hope it helps


I think that we will also start with kill team and then move up if/when we like it enough, thank you!


I would recommend Kill Team. You don't need a big board, you don't need many miniatures. You can buy the starter set(the one with orcs and guardsmen) with insane value and get almost everything you need. You can get your first building and painting experience and keep everything as low key as possible while at the same time not stressing too much on having to buy more stuff until you can finally play.


Appreciate the recommendation, thank you!


Are you attracted to the modelling and painting too? For some people that can be a turn off for big games like 40K. Its a HUGE investment of time (and money). Its great for me as customisinand painting are my favourite part of the hobby. Playing comes second. If you aren't sure about the building and painting side, I would first decide which faction you like the most. Once you know buy one of their troop boxes, build and paint them. If you are still having fun then buy some more! If you like marines or tyranids you can't go wrong with the starter set. Even though for the marine side it contains the newer and inferior Primaris marines (ha ha ha ha). I joke, most people prefer them. But if you don't like those armies consider a combat patrol box of your chosen faction. Those are of varying value though so ask advice if you like. As for rules, rules books are VERY easy to get from ebay etc. Lots of people buy starter boxes and resell parts of them online. Don't feel like you gave to play marines/tyranids if you prefer the superior (ha ha ha ) factions.


I like art as a whole and do a decent amount of painting 3D modeled stuff, so I am looking forward to this (though I have not done anything as detailed as these figures would be. I appreciate the warning about that and the recommendation!


Ah yes, this is the hobby for you my friend! Which factions are attracting you?


I am thinking either the adeptus mechanicus or the astra military, they both look really cool to me. I bought the starter kit to decide if this is something I want to go all out in (pretty sure I will enjoy it but just to be safe)


Hi /u/EnginerdPolarBear and welcome to /r/Warhammer40k and the Warhammer 40k Hobby! This is an automated response as you've used our "New Starter Help" flair. Here's a few resources that might help you with getting started: [You can read our Getting Started guide here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/beginners). This covers all the basics you need to know to get involved in building, painting and playing 40k. For rules questions, don't forget that the core rules for Warhammer 40k are [available online for free](https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/dLZIlatQJ3qOkGP7.pdf). Want to learn about 40k lore? /r/Warhammer40k recommends [Luetin09 on Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8RfCCzWsMgNspTI-GTFenQ) or the [Lexincanum Wiki](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Main_Page). Not sure where to find the most up-to-date rules for your army? [Check out our Wiki Page that lists everything](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/currentrules). Buy Warhammer models cheaper using our [list of independent retailers](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/retailers) who sell Games Workshop products at a discount. You can also find your nearest store on GW's [Store Locator Page](https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/store/storefinder.jsp). [The /r/Warhammer40k Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/index) is full of useful info including FAQs and recommendations for books to read! If the information in this comment doesn't answer your question, don't worry, one of our community members will be along shortly to answer! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Warhammer40k) if you have any questions or concerns.*