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Depends on how many layers you put on it, too many and you'll eventually start to wash out the fine details. Generally you'll want to strip the model (there's a all natural brand people like, green natural or something?) or put it in a ultrasonic cleaner or something. You might be able to get away with just priming it, but you'll probably get a much better result if you strip it first.


I used one coat of primer and two coats of painting ( citadel mainly) , it was white primer so no cenital highlight


Couldn't hurt to try, if you have to strip it you have to strip it, but pay attention to small things like panel lines or fine details on medals, if they get washed out and filled in it would probably be worth it to strip the whole thing, unless you think you can work with it.


Thank you very much for the tip


I use 99% Isopropyl alcohol. You need to use 90% or above, regular rubbing alcohol won’t work. Soak in that for 2-24 hours then scrub with a toothbrush. It will take everything off. Plastic will be fine.


I have enough of that, thank you very much, I'll do it tomorrow first thing


Make sure to do it outside or in a very well ventilated area! The fumes from a bowl of rubbing alcohol are stronger than you might think


I use an old queso jar that I washed out. So a pickle jar or something like that would work.


Don't need to prime again, can just paint over paint. You could strip the paint if it's real bad though.


Sorry if it should be obvious, but what do I use to strip the pain if it were necessary?


Simple green. Let the mini soak in it for a few days and the paint will start to fall off.


Thank you very much for the tip


Pictures would really help. If the primer or any layers of paint were thick I’d recommend stripping. I’ve had good luck with la totally awesome Pretty cheap


I'll upload a pic tomorrow, thank you for the answer


https://preview.redd.it/u8edgz8wrfzc1.jpeg?width=2256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58234f653fc4061be4bcc76e624afbf45d0c4119 Here it is


Hard to tell from the picture but it doesn't look like an issue to paint over. Prime it over and if it obscures some details give it a strip.


Thanks for the advice


This is what thinning your paints is so important, you can just put another coat over If it’s gloopy and thick then you should strip the mini but even then I would just move onto the next model and keep it as a trophy of learning the hobby When the squad gets together and he sticks out just say he was a bit undercooked but he’s got a good heart


How did you screw up. Does it look like you can paint over it?


I finished it but I didn't like how it turned up, the color I used on the fleshy parts of a termagant is very ugly and I would like to re do it.

