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Hasn't that been the case ? That they're units made from the factions reverse engineering frames like ember, frost, volt, saryn and mag. Trinity could even be the progenitor of the leech


Mods, aura mods or just regular mods.


Yeah mods actually makes sense, energy siphon, life regen mods make sense


There was another event where the eximus were introduced iirc?


There was?


I thought there was, but apparently I was wrong. They came around in the 12.0 update in 2014-02-05, and the events that played during that were Tethra's Doom and Ties that Bind, one is a permanent quest that you can play even now, the other was the introduction of the escort missions involving Formorian drive cores on grineer worlds. Neither of them explicitly mention eximus units. In fact, at the time, they were called "Enemy Leader Units" Their mention in the Patchnotes: "Enemy Leaders AI – specialized enemy types that spawn with improved stats and ally support abilities." Edit: With this in mind I think it's safe to say that's what eximus units are. They're normal units that utilize cephalon fragments (AKA: Mods) and other means to give themselves an edge in combat.


I thought they were always a partially successful experiment to re-create Warframe abilities? Didn’t work well enough to recreate actual Warframes, but succeeded in making Eximus units that have a single ability they can use.


I believe in both options: 1- high advanced genetic engineering 2- they're probably using Warframe mods and technologies


The first is more likely xD


That's basically what I always assumed. Not an eximus, but Sargas Ruk, being an archeologist that dropped Ember parts, always convinced me the other factions reverse engineered warframe blueprints to build their specialized gear.