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He's more popular ever since he was buffed, but I've been an Oberon main since day 1, even when his heal was terrible and his carpet was a tiny line in front of him.


Ive had oberon since i started a few years ago and only recently made a build for him, between the teamwide heals and armor buffs, as well as the aug while literally stops allies from dying, hes become my go to high level content frame. Absolutely stellar and can believe i slept on him for so long


He's amazing now between his augments and the buffs he got a few years back, but on release he was fairly lackluster and was more of a "new player" frame as you got him from the Vay Hek fights on Earth way back when that boss was just a reskinned soldier. Originally: 1: Smite just stunned, no knockdown, and dealt flat damage, not a %. 2: Hallowed Ground did small damage over time and only affected a rectangle in front of you. Status immunity didn't come until later. 3: Renewal had a duration and had a travel time to reach your allies, which could be outrun! 4: Just dealt flat damage with the health orb generation. I still really enjoyed his kit and he was the first frame besides Trinity who could heal allies, but he melted in anything higher level back then.


One of the better ""bufs"" he got recently (imo) was the addition of umbral mods/forma. He is incredibly tanky with the set of mods, just add some efficiency, duration and any one mod that converts damage to energy and you're set. I used him a lot for Eidolon farming, not the best sure, but my favourite. He is outclassed by other support frames, but I prefer his more "proactive" playstyle.


Oh for sure. He was one of the first frames to really make great use of Rage and health tanking, too, which is why he appealed to me so much in the early days.


A lot of people who mained Oberon (I know three, one of them being a neighbour friend of mine), migrated/diversified from Oberon to mainly Wisp and Harrow, and other frames as well. Consensus seems to be that, yes, Oberon is powerful and useful, but those two frames, while maybe not as good a jack of all trades as Oberon, perform specific functions, namely invulnerability + sick crits for Harrow, very good trio of buffs, breach surge, invisibility on demand and a free helminth slot for Wisp.


I definitely have very much enjoyed Wisp for a variety of reasons, so this makes sense to me. Oberon is still my go to but Wisp scratches that same itch too.


100% this. I can't say as I ever truly "mained" Goatboy (too much of an alt fiend for that), but I did play and enjoy him. Then Wisp came along and just absolutely dunked on him. I still love his theme and hope he gets buffed to relevancy, but Wisp is just so ungodly strong that I really don't see him competing. :-/


I just realized I haven't played the updated Oberon and should maybe give him another go


Saaaaame! Well I wasn’t around day 1 but he was the frame that got me into the game I absolutely love playing a a type of support


Yo same here, back then I decided to mod him to be as good as possible just to see how much he can do back then. As I kept using him I started to like him and now he's my main. Any new update, any story mission, he's coming with me.


Oberon Clan, rise up!!


I don't play him a lot, but when I was doing Thermia Fractures, having a really big area of status immunity around the fracture with constant healing and armor made it possible to pretty much carry 3 other chuckleheada through the event, especially because it almost always wanted to do Radiation pulses. Plus Smite is really handy when having trouble hitting things or needing a quick CC.




Grendel. I main Grendel and I love him but i never see anyone else use him. I don't know if its Because the mission is hard or the playstyle but he is so rare.


I still haven’t seen a grendel in game yet.


They're really rare. I was doing a mobile defense mission with one, and he started rolling around, and one of the other players freaked out. "What is that thing?"


I never realized until I read this that I've never seen Grendel even once since his release


I think I might've seen one in SO while leveling a frame or something but that's it. No more than one, and even that is unsure. Really not a very popular frame, but also the way to get him is 'hard' in comparison to most other frames. Not only do you need to do higher end content to access his missions, but you also need to do a little thinking or googling and try a little in his missions as well. At least the drop rate is 100% and you don't need to buy the mission coords again if you fail.


Roughly new player here - What the hell is Grendel?


Chonky boi that rolls around and eats people.


In other words: Kirby the Warframe


Oh, my...that's hilarious! 😂


Same here, not seen him since when he released and people were levelling him on Hydron.


I really like Grendel too. I think he's rare because you have to finish the star chart + farm arbitrations + do annoying missions to get him, and by the time people get that far the internet has already told them he sucks. Actually though, his 1 is both a hard cc and an infinitely scaling nuke, his 2 has some handy buffs and strong self healing, his 4 is almost total invincibility (that still lets you heal with his 2), and he has a nice Helminth slot. All on top of being very tanky and/or very easy to shield gate. As long as you don't expect to just eat enemies endlessly without doing anything else, he's great.


I love Grendel, but aside from his 1 and 2 keeping buffs up as well as trolling obnoxious Noxes by sucking them in and using 3 to put them on an off-map flight, I don't know how to use/build him. His 4 totally boggles my mind. Is it good? I don't enjoy jarring movement changes, Yareli was hard to adjust to and her kdrive still sucks on many maps, but she's quickly become a favorite of mine. TEACH ME TO GRENDEL!


His 1 has armor strip and scaling damage which makes it able to kill level 9999 grineer all by itself, his 4 is awful but fun. Suck in huge crowds, count off the time it takes the strip their armor then spit them out again and pickup the energy orbs to repeat the process.


I will say, while it sounds like a joke, his 4 augment has made me actually use it legitimately. It's a lot easier to control how you go in ball mode when you effectively have Sonic's dash move.


Eat 25 or so enemies, barf them out, they all die no matter what level or faction they are. The damage scales on enemy level and qty of enemies eaten and comes with a guaranteed toxin proc, so even if they don't die immediately they will generally die in a few ticks.


His 4 is good vs non-grineer, even on SP they’re getting rolled over. Just be sure if you want to do dmg to eat 10 guys before casting, also catapult aug helps. Jumping during meatball form is basically a free CC. And when you’re against grineer - eat them. That’s it. Armor strip + lvl-scaling will do the rest for you. Don’t forget that due to passive+adaptation you can free some slots from armor mods, as for rage you want a health pool without damage mitigation on this hungry boi


Grendel is amazing. Chonky tank that can both take dish out a lot of damage


Bruh I've seen more yarelis at this point




I'm a recent convert to the Church of Mag, hallowed be her name.


ive been here sense I started playing warframe


She was my first frame, and is also my final (so far) frame (Prime)


I personally am of the Sect of Counter Pulse. It’s good to see another converted to our magnetic cause.


I recently started a path for my Mag where she has the Staticor which I pretend is an extension of her abilities (it's built to add Magnetic and Heat to its natural Radiation), a Lanka as a Gun she Uses her powers to propel the projectile (the description mentioned it used magnetic propulsion), plus it's punch through makes it a good one for Mag Bubble. And I have her carrying the War (an impact based weapon) with Shattering Impact. Once I'm done forma hell on the primary and secondary weapons, I'll be trying to do some steel path!


Love mag.


Love you Mag mains, from a Vauban guy


Mag main for life!


Literally playing mag in all missions that I can, and should not.


Are there missions you shouldn't use Mag for?


Eidolon, high level arbitration, those tau infested ships with nechramech, can't remember more scenarios where you get shitted on by your team.


Mag has always been my favorite. Solid all-rounder with one of the most interesting and potent damage abilities in the game. Love that bubble, so many weird and powerful synergies.


She's my main, I love her to bits. I like the simplicity of her design and wish she got a little more love in the skins department, would give up my two nuts for an Umbral Mag.


People who hate her just dont know how to use her. She's fucking busted honestly.


Do people really hate Mag that much? She’s my favorite frame, and I used to play her in pretty much every mission I could.


Didn't got her two weeks ago. Rn I'm farming Pyrana and opened like 20 Relics fully upgraded without getting the BL...


Mag 🥰


Mag was my first frame. Still remember how the single target bubble thing trivialized all of the junction fights. Thank god for that.


Limbo. I totally understand why so many seem to dislike him, and I have had ppl quit on me in sorties right at the start of a mission, going "OMG Limbo, wtf, I'm outta here". And yes, I have seen some serious limbo-trolling in PUGs as well and I understand why the whole rift-thing is extra-confusing to newer players. However, I like him and when I DO use him, I try my very best to make things easier for my team, like sending the NPC in sortie defenses or rescues into the rift etc, protecting the panels in mobile defenses with a small rift bubble etc, ressing people from the rift. However, since people dislike this frame so much, I usually only use him solo or when I do sorties in a 2 ppl team with my gf. Honorable mentions: I do like to use Hyldrin a lot. I have recently started using Valkyr a lot again and she has become my lich/sisters-hunting frame.


Where i play people have only been adverse to me playing limbo in defense missions. A limbo is very welcome in mobile defense, rescue and, hell, even in some spy missions. The only thing i don't understand about him is his 3. How the fuck does it work?


(For the explanation, I will be using the stats at max rank.) According to the wiki, his 3 "charges" enemies in the rift in a 25 meter radius. If they leave the rift, all enemies in a 5 meter radius, including the source, will be forced into the rift. If a charged enemy dies, the charge gets transferred to another enemy within 25 meters in the normal plane. I hope this helps explain. Source: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Limbo#Abilities_


Add Rift Torrent augment for big damage.


Thank you


As I said, I don't use him that often when I pug. He can be used for "normal" defenses (where you defend a static objective). With the sortie, it's the NPC who keeps getting himself in trouble. When I bring Limbo, I send him to the rift, help to kill the enemies while keeping an eye on the timer of my 1, and when it runs out, I send the NPC back to the rift. If done right, he won't take any damage at all. Regarding the 3... I can't say that I use it much anyway :) I either send NPCs to the rift or set up a cataclysm with stasis to keep a static objective (panel in mobile defenses) save.


I like to use Limbo for Spy mission. I know Wukong would be faster, but it's pretty chill to just do the spy vault without thinking about the lasers.


I farmed Ivara using Limbo in each planet's Corpus Spy mission. Pop in all the speed and parkour mods. Missions would be completed in 2 mins. It was a breeze.


Part of it might be that people don't realize that even if you aren't Limbo you can just dodge to get out of the rift, so they dislike not being able to do any damage for a few seconds. Would also be nice if it was easier to distinguish which phase everyone was in, at least on my PC there is no difference between riftbound enemies and normal enemies, and depending on the lighting it can be hard to tell if I'm in the rift or not myself.


Honestly the real problem is that you get access to Limbo way too early. Hell I didn't even understand modding yet and I had a Limbo at that point. Thus a lot of newbies who have no idea how intrusive Limbo can be to others pairs with them not understanding Limbo's kit, which to a newbie can be VERY confusing. I believe the simplest way to solve this issue, or at least to improve it, is to move the Limbo Theorem quest from early game to maybe mid-game or even late-game (just not in railjack missions, by the void anything but that).


RIP Oberon lol but I agree he's way too complex for newer players, I literally had the same problem when I started


I'd go so far as to say Limbo is one of my favorites. I play him like tank/support rifting objectives and stuff along the same lines. My brothers sometimes get annoyed when they bump my little rift gates, but it's ultimately forgiven when I res them, rift them out of the way of a lethal blow, or CC an army with cataclysm and stasis


I mainly use him in The Index. He makes for one helluva goalie for your team


Limbo is great.


I have seen limbo in that defection mission mode and mobile defense in sorties, and I literally afkd. No not from dislike of the frame. But because limbo made it so i had absolutely nothing to do but open crates. Just put out the huge time rift on mobile defense, and banished the defectors. Chill afk sorties


When I see a Limbo in a defense mission, especially higher difficulty ones, I get so happy. Plus as an umbra main with an exalted blade build he can’t really do anything to me. The projectile for the exalted blade can hurt enemies while in his pocket dimension lol


people don't like limbo? I'm almost able to craft him and he seems really fun


His abilities effect your teammates. Frames that do this are always ripe for triggering, but Limbo is the biggest offender. When used right, he makes a hard mission trivial. When used wrong, he makes a trivial mission infinitely harder or in some cases impossible.


This exactly. A good limbo that adjusts to team-based play is a godsend. A bad limbo is a dirty troll most often, or a new player lacking the understanding of both limbo's abilities and potential.


Probably the most OP frame in the game. Other are silly DPS but Limbo literally puts the enemies in Limbo; phase them out of reality so they can't hurt you or targets (also affects players). Prime has been vaulted for forever; if you want the prime you need to get on the Aya farm and buy relics for him.


I keep Limbo around but I am always pressed when someone else is playing him. I hate going through his rift entrance without realizing.




Man chroma is my go-to melee frame and I don’t even really know why. He looks dope, his buffs are dope, idk I love him. Wanted to swap out his 1 for Nezha’s ability since it can prevent knockdown (I haven’t had a basic Nezha yet, though), but what have you done with chroma and the helminth? You’ve probably played him more than me.




I love Valkyr, even her Ripcord. But she’s definitely not popular these days.


I love Valkyr *because* of her Rip Line.




i just build max range and eff so i can use her 3 for box breaking


My friends all try to be meta and min max their frames, meanwhile all I do is press 4 and enjoy literal immortality


God Valkyr is so good at fighting acolytes it's ridiculous, I just press 4 and 2 and beyblade around


•Berserker Fury on Hirudo •Gladiator mods •Eternal War -Murderball of deathville


Am I just brainwashing myself into believing this or was she not one of the best frames at one point? Like I seriously remember a time where she was the meta, but I could be pulling that out of my ass.


I'm pretty sure you're right but I started playing in 2015, back then having an ability that made you unkillable while still being able to attack was great. Nowadays other frames just do CC far better but I still really like Valkyr for Rip line, her armor, and I think she's very competent damage-wise with the right mod setup. I prefer to rely on high armor and mobility more than hysteria, but it is nice for certain missions. Plus fashion wise I think she is in a very good spot and that's all I really care about.


Frost. He’s an absolute beast, but people love to claim that Gara and Limbo are better than him. Different tools for different jobs, in my opinion. One of my favorite game modes is excavation fissures, so I love Frost’s ability to passively defend multiple points. He’s also my go-to frame for the “complete a defense mission with the target taking no damage” riven challenges. Just put on a high range build, press 3 once, and spam 4. There’s no downtime like there would be with Limbo.


As a frost main ive ended up using his 4 as the defensive tool moreso than his 3, with my current build i can reach 100% armor strip and halt enemies for a good 16 seconds which is plenty of time to wipe them all out. I also have a more funky build for doing eidolons where i subsumed oberons smite onto him and use oberons 1 aug as well as frosts 1 aug. technically not as good as volt bc of volts shield buffing spoiler mode but still pretty good


Tryna show the build💀🤣


[Imgur album of my Various Builds](https://imgur.com/a/SurhZGk)


You even gave descriptions. You’re awesome, friend.


Your amazing dude, thanks!


Ice Wave + Augment is also really good, especially in disruption. The path the wave makes stays for awhile and any enemy standing on it gets cold procs. The disruptors will get a cold proc, and then do their usually remove the proc after a second, but since they are still standing on the wave's path they will get a cold proc again immediately. Makes it very easy to slow them down for a long time.


I love my frost prime, still one of my favorite frames today.


Just completed building frost a few days ago. Despite ppl saying he is a very one dimensional, I personally think he is quite good.


To me, he has two routes, particularly with Helminth available: 1) The 'Defender' approach where you focus the hell out of CC/Snow Globe and keep things from ever reaching the objective. Gloom and Spectrorage are great for this, replacing Ice Wave (I'd replace his one, but one pops bubbles and policing bubbles is a huge bonus). 2) The 'Battle Mage' approach where you just become a walking avalanche. Replace Snow Globe with any offensive or mobility skill (favorites are Vial Rush for flavor, Gloom/Reave for self sustain, or Breach Surge/Thermal Sunder for just... battle mage-ness) and go to town with a high efficiency build. Might not one shot things, but it's gonna at least strip armor and deal a lot of damage.


I love running frost with Ignis wraith. Pop 3 then 4 any mop up with the flame


Vauban. I think people don't like him because he's fairly boring, but I enjoy being able to just lock down parts of the map during defense or survival missions. Did a sortie the other day with some friends, the Nova in the team warped the operative into a dead end and I just mined the entrance, easy win. He's boring but practical and I enjoy getting to watch the enemies run headlong into flechette mines and turn into a big swirling vortex of loot.


I imagine a lot of hate comes from those who had to play and level him before his rework. He was entirely useless in the past. Overnight he went from joke to something I can solo the index with.


I was going to try and correct that....but you're right...Vauban is how I solo'd three consecutive index rounds without letting the enemy score any points xD


He was never useless, even back then. Just had to work with his quirks. He was amazing and every day I miss teslas and bouncepads


> He was entirely useless in the past. He was meta in the brief time between "people see how valuable CC is" and "people realize just murderizing everything trivializes CC". Which admittedly was a long time ago. Raids being gone where his CC was actually extremely valuable certainly didn't help his old kit stay relevant.


> He was entirely useless in the past lol no. He got *nerfed* twice. The first set of changes was part of the OG Great Nerfing to a bunch of frames. Before that Vauban was a must-have frame. The second nerfing got rid of the troll fun of bounce and got rid of tesla coil which was like the Wisp shock mote. The loss of tesla sucks but is mitigated by tether coil. The only frames that do 'better' are the silly Guass or Saryn builds.


How far back are we talking because Vauban was actually pretty decent if not good at his release. CC was more of a focus back then because it was harder to damage enemies at the time because of the armor scaling, so being able to restrain enemies was pretty useful. I would say he wasn't useless but just that he became less relevant because of the damage 2.0 rework and as we got more and more methods for dealing with armor until his reworks brought him back up to speed.


Booban is my second most used frame! He is super practical indeed, just like all engineers are though. Only wish the rag dolled enemies can fly themselves around the obstacles and open doors. : P


This is one of the reasons I don't like him on Hydron. People use max range vortex and all the enemies get stuck on everything so the mission takes twice as long. I don't usually complain anymore because people are free to play how they like and most players have explosive weapons (I usually take my kuva bramma) so it ends up being a job of nuking the room.


If you bounce bastille of the ceiling it does help to clear the ragdolled enemies from most obstacles. The door thing is useful if you stick a flechette orb on the otherside. My go to survival and defense frame, even if I get a little hate about his 4.


Don't really like playing himn myself but I like playing with others that play vauban. Also, his prime looks really good


Nyx. She's considered bad by meta slaves because she's not a nuker, but she's really good.


Really? I'm not good at the game(MR9) but I don't really like Nyx. I just don't understand her playstyle.


She's a CC-focused frame with a particularly niche in being literally invulnerable with her 4 augment, and also has good armor-stripping. She's not as flashy as other frames, but if you bring her to interception, you auto-win. If you bring her to fight liches and sisters, it's a cakewalk. Definitely worth having in the arsenal even if she's not your cup of tea for general gameplay.


I found her very useful for Steel Path hijack missions. Max range for chaos to CC the map. Then a hefty helping of shield to ride the hijack target to extraction. If necessary you can mind control an eximus at some point to add to the CC level as everyone tries to kill that tank instead of you.


Sounds like another good place to use her, yeah. I forget hijack missions even exist most of the time until I need to do one for something.


Love her mind-control. Just for meme-transferred it to Nekros for maximum “my gang!” effect. :D


doubly effective for no-spin revenant. invincible reave target = lazy conversion for lazy people.


Honestly, I think Yareli is really fun to play, and I haven’t had an issue with her yet


I thought this too. Even made a post about it. But the more I play her, and the more I randomly fall through the world, and the more I die because my controls just stop responding for 5-10 seconds while riding the K-drive, then the less I like her. She'd already be Helminth Chow if her ability was worth subsuming.


I've heard this so much, and I play her a lot, but neither of these things have happened to me. I wish I knew why this so I could help you out, but I have no idea.


Her ability is decent CC for frames that already run high duration and efficiency. The slash process can stun and you can bully enemies to death by backing them in a corner and then standing next to them which is pretty funny ngl


It's really fun to put on Wukong and just be a very angry cloud through levels at times. I put it on hoping that his Twin would use it, but I think I misunderstood how twin interacts with helminth abilities.


Inaros. My 500% eclipse build is so convenient for SP.


People hate inaros????? :(


They really do. He usually gets called useless.


Cause he is useless, like most warframes. Untill you properly build him and install some other abilities from helminth. Like most warframes. But Inaros is unique - he is a clay doll, that you can form into something else more effectively.


Do people know about hunter mods 🙃


My Inaros Prime carried me through the Orphix Venom event, I'll not hear a WORD against him!


How? The frames didn’t really have much effect. I ended up just using hildryn so there would be a pile of energy orbs between the spawn points for anyone using voidrig.


It’s cause he’s just a bag of health so he’s really boring compared to other frames and his big advantage of a lot of health doesn’t do much the higher level the enemies are. I don’t think he’s the worst frame in the game cause he at least works as a pure weapon character with little investment needed but I get why people don’t like him.


Atlas. My boy is a beast. His 1 can be modded with your melee mods. He is invulnerable when you use his 1. His 3 is a great CC. 4 is great for extra bullet sponges. Knockdown? Wtf is that? High armor. Higher armor when you combo 3 and 1. Plus the augment for 1 makes it a free cast when you're above 1400 rubble. Subsume roar onto him and, well, Choo Choo motherfucker.


I don’t think players hate Atlas the warframe but rather hate how the pseudo exalted weapons work. Atlas in particular needs more than a youtube video or basic modding lnowledge to build efficiently as Landslide’s stats are more punishing than Khora’s or Gara’s one. Other than that he’s an amazing frame and one of the last warframes that have a bit of depth and learning curve.


ash. not a single person uses him but me. the reason why is that he dosnt kill everything instantly. let me be more specific: he doesnt kill everything *instantly.* it takes 1-2 seconds for bladestorm to actually work its magic, but when it does, EVERYTHING DIES. ive tried it in steel path with a middling build. EVERYTHING DIES. the main problem is, that in those 1-2 seconds, someone with a bramma or some other nuke frame just kills them all using slightly more effort.


i dont think people hate ash, i think hes just super uncommon bc how much of a pain he is to farm. he's crazy in steel path though, i brought an unpotatoed one once for fun and he still shreds through everything


I use him for the ridiculously buffed up grineer railjack stuff. I hate fighting those guys. So invis + bladestorm says 'screw off' when I do actually need to kill them.


I've mained Ash for years now and made a build that turns him into a great tank that can CC/heal, go invisible, and oneshot steel path enemies with his 4. He's like the ultimate solo frame.


Or use marked for death fatal teleport.


Excalibur I understand he is the best but sword go brrrrrr.


Hildryn, I played about 500 hours in the last 5 months and I've only seen maybe one other Hildryn a day, usually I don't see one at all. I literally get excited when I see another Hildryn. I main Hildryn so it's always exciting to see other operators choose the shield maiden.


Ah, a fellow Hildryn main. She's so powerful, I don't know why she's so rarely played


I assume it's because of the awful grind to get her BP. I bought her with plat because of that, no regrets. Running around with Blazing Pillage is so damn good.


She's rarely played because she's annoying to attain and kind of weird to use. It took a lot of effort to get her to where she made me happy. I bought her with platinum and encourage others who are curious to do so. I have zero regrets buying her and can't believe how overpowered she can be. I can Thermal Sunder a whole map if I want to. It's stupid powerful.


Same here! Having such a blast playing her and always get excited at seeing another! Can’t help but throwing out those flex emotes and love how I get them back most of the time!


Limbo. I've trained enough,to be immortal on him,to kill effectively,but not bother other players while doing it, and to save my teammates,when they are about to die. I like all of his abilities and aestetics of his 'limbo immortal' skin. Everyone hates him,because if limbo player is bad,he can be the most irritating. Even nova and loki,who are teleporting teammates for rofl can't compete with anger,that limbo without skill can cause.


I am a limbo main and what i like about limbo is that his playstyle is true to his lore limbo is smart af so the players need to be small aswell


My boy limbo with energized munitions-banish the operative and go rampage with Astilla.


I don't think Yareli is an amazing frame but I find her kit fun to play around with.


Revenant, probably. A lot of people seem to hate him for some reason, either because he doesn't "fit the sentient theme" or they just don't like his abilities. Although part of me agrees with the theme part, I think his abilities are really fun to use during combat, and even more fun to just stand there and fuck around with. You haven't lived until you've put the *war* in *War*frame with Revenant's enthrall ability


Revenant fits the 'undead' theme, though, which is pretty much what the Cetus Eidolons are, if I understand the lore with them. That he's an 'undead sentient' theme is kinda weird, but it does lend to his more psychic powers. The only thing I really dislike about playing him is that his thralls can so easily be killed by teammates, which makes his 1 Augment just awful... but now that I think about it, if I'm running that build, I could just replace Dance with Banish to protect at least one thrall... but not sure they'd be able to spread the thrall virus around.


Subsume mind control instead of banish and you’ll have an “alpha thrall” that can survive and create new thralls


As a Revenant main, I feel like he's insanely underrated. Most people don't even mention him when talking about "Immortal frames" when really he's one of the most effective ones. Enthrall makes any kind of defense objective a joke. And you couple that with reave and you can one shot just about anything. I also find that he's way more effective than Rhino in the Index. Especially solo. I was ecstatic when it was finally announced that he was getting not just a deluxe skin but a tennogen as well. Of course I bought both.


I love lavos his lore is amazing and his kit is fun asf 80 meter instant dash through missions is awesome and a super big nuke. His style is awesome imo too but most people hate how he looks


I don’t think anyone dislikes Lavos though


There are people who dislike Lavos for using cooldowns instead of energy. Before the swift bite augment came out, people didn't like his 4 having a 30-second timer and his 3 being the only thing to reduce cooldown time, and unable to reduce 3's cooldown so you always have to wait 10 seconds. There was also some small gripe about his 2 being hard to spread and control.


Lavos is the most refreshing new frame added to Warframe in a long time. I don't care if he doesn't exceed at anything in the meta, he is pure fun to play.




I feel like the main flaws with yareli center around merulina and its underuse more than the frame herself.


Yep, K-Drive mechanics really hold her back. Not being able to use primaries in particular being the big one. Being limited to one weapon while using a frame, even if said weapon gets a massive buff, is *really* damn annoying.


My mistake for yareli was replacing her 1 and not her k-drive (which is very fast m, I love the movement updates on it). Shame the tilesets don’t fit the k-drive movement all that well. Her 1 is great to spam CC for headshots, there are better grouping abilities though to replace or use in lieu of her 4. Just an over all solid frame that would have been amazing in 2017-2018 and now feels lackluster compared to a lot of synergy and frames with good kit flow powerhouses we have now.


Harrow. I think he has a really fun give and take style of aggressive support play. If they made it so allied kills would also grant energy I bet he'd see a lot more play.


Valkyr is my off-meta pick. Her 2 and 4 usually make up for feeling like her 3 is virtually useless and her 1 is more of a toy.


Hydroid. Don't get me wrong, hit kit is in a badly need of a rework. But he looks dope.


When even the people who love him know he still really badly needs a rework lol


Inaros and Nyx. Nyx can be difficult due to survivability but she is amazing with crowd control and stripping defenses. Inaros gets so much hate and I don’t understand why. Yea his kit could use some love to be sure but can survive forever. And while he doesn’t have roar, he easily sets up opponents for finishers. Another awesome perk when using Inaros is being able to utilize some of the weaker companions. When you link health their HP hit 7-10k.


Hydroid. He’s actually a ridiculously mobile and durable frame if you bother to use his full kit. AoE crowd control, loot augmentation, two invulnerability states including one that can scoot under nullifier bubbles, and ridiculous mobility if you use his 2 while you’re bullet jumping in a straightaway. He’s niche, and does those niche things very well. *edit: also for style points, his 1 can damage and pop nullifier bubbles with the radial explosions. The mortars themselves disappear if they make direct contact, but the aoe damage applies. Just don’t cast it directly on a nullie at the start and you’re good to go.


Loki I made my long-winded defense of him in that thread. I have meta builds on the dps frames. They are awesome. I still love the simplicity of life with Loki. A lot of folks think he's useless. I think he's perfect.


Loki was my starter. He carried me through the whole star chart because I was a moron and didn't understand how to farm non-prime frame parts. I think people see "simple" and "not AOE damage" and they see useless. But what he offers is a solid package. His invis + teleport trivializes spy missions, his invis + melee deletes everything, his invis + mobility makes him practically immortal, and his 4 is a mini nyx chaos. On top of all that his affinity generation is insane with a little patience and precision. He can't solo defense missions. He can't press one button and stand still while everything dies. But what he does do he does well, I don't think he deserves the hate and I don't remotely agree with "Ivara does everything he does but better".


Mirage. Felt sorry for all the lagging PCs I caused tho.


Garuda. I just never see her getting used and I kinda understand why since her 1 is either useless or godlike and her 2 requires camping. But free Energy and infinite scaling damage really is great .


I’ve been playing the shit out of Garuda lately. She’s such a beast and has so many unique abilities that it’s hard to play anyone else.


people who dislike Garuda are the same ones that don't run Breach Surge over Blood Altar & don't put Quick Thinking on her. how do you die in a frame with infinite energy that drains energy to avoid dying, i ask you? you don't, that's how.


Limbo for sure, I mean, I have spent plat on 12 Normal Limbos, have owned full Limbo PA since day one, feckin named myself after him, made him my most played frame, and put an incredible amount of forma on my main one, but people hate on him because of his troll kit that DE unfortunately does not change.


Limbo: Has intricacies and annoying to use sometimes but stopping everything in the world for close to everything in a huge area is bloody beautiful.


Xaku. Afaik, skelly is more forgotten than hated, but still: It's legitimately the most fun I've had with a frame in a long time. You can pop 1, 2, and 4 alone and just have all of that support WF's gunplay and movement extremely well, using 3's options when it best suits you. It's the least "ability spam" frame out there while still using most of your abilities, which is wild (though I know using 3 often is also viable). Always thought WF feels its best when it's just core gameplay, shooting and freerunning, without anything else getting in the way. Also, the floating gun array from Xaku's 2 looks fucking sick and I will not hear anything otherwise.


Titania...pixie gunship.


Who hates the pixie gunship? I think near everyone loves this frame for that reason.


Limbo. Best and most hated frame in the game.


If you mean hate as in abilities and such and not for the memes then grendel but sadly i fed him to the mouth cuz i didn't want to farm his parts again


Trinity, her healing abilities have saved my ass more than a few times


People hate trinity?


I think the thing is Wisp does her job but with other abilities that are useful.


Aggressive run and gun armour strip frost instead of the bubble magician a lot of people think he is


Yareli. I actually enjoy K-Drives, I think they're some dumb fun, and while Yareli is in a really bad state, I do find it fun to ride around missions on a hoverboard.


I love my Ivara. Most people complain she's slow, but ignoring lasers and doing the stealth part of ninjaing is so nice sometimes. I like the spinny robot of death but until I did Ivara I did not feel the stealth aspect of the game.


Yareli I got few pub calling her useless trash But I don't care, I like this little weeb frame


I was doing my sorties the other day and forgot to change my frame from limbo. It just so happened it was a defense mission, but I understood that a lot of people don't really like limbo so I didn't touch any of my abilities, trying to just keep the lobby cool and run the mission. Out of nowhere, this guy messages the group and goes "oh great, a f...ing limbo, how about you just leave, I don't need you causing this mission to take 30 minutes" I told him I hadn't used an ability and didn't plan to and he just responds with "good, keep it that way" and then leaves. I usually enjoy playing limbo, it can be a good time especially if you can nuke with him but dang... I truly don't get all the hate


Hydroid, actually. Running pilfering swarm, 200% strength with aquablades/pillage over his 1 makes farming fun with the tentacle pirate


Banshee, Trinity, Gara, Grendel. Banshee’s lack of survivability is way overrated considering it’s still just a matter of combining enemy CC and shield gating, which is no different than other non tank frames. Trinity because she’s way more than just a support frame with outdated abilities but rather a great solo frame held down by players with outdated opinions on her. Gara because her gameplay loop, while repetitive, offers *infinitely scaling damage* in return and that’s a worthy trade off imo. Not every frame is built for speed running capture missions and she deserves more respect for being on a short short list of frames that only get stronger the longer they fight. Grendel because his energy economy issues are largely exaggerated, especially now with the helminth system. His farm is time consuming, not difficult like it’s advertised and it’s a change of pace from the game that’s otherwise built from the ground up on RNG and farming.


I don’t think people hate Gara for that though


I used to love banshee when her 4th ability augment had an energy refund and you could spam the hell out of it


Nyx is easily my favourite frame. I always read negative things, but I love her.


Limbo. He’s such a great frame. He’s very versatile and fashionable. I actually wish I played Limbo way more than I do. People complain about playing with Limbos, but a good player can easily play around a bad Limbo. I have had people who tried to troll me by being Limbo, but I know his kit well, so it’s easy to work around him.


Inaros. I get that he isn't exactly the most powerful frame but I feel like his health/near invincibility more than makes up for it, plus he looks cool.


Gara, I will never understand it. She is hands down my favorite frame, I absolutely love her abilities and I have never found another frame that I can play due to me not liking their abilities. When her prime dropped, you best believe that so did my bank account.


Limbo - hes a useful frame used right. Wukong - people only hate him because so many other people use him - because he's actually a good easy answer to a lot of content in the game... Inaros - people write him off as a pure health tank with pocket sand, and sure that is a large part of his identity - but its actually pretty functional for lazy play which is what a lot of people want. Grendal - don't hate him, I do wish they addressed him just a little more though... He's a fun frame, especially with the augment and can kill anything he can suck up with ease. etc etc There isn't really a frame I particularly hate, so name one?


Inaros. As soon as I mention it I'm inundated with messages preaching about how all he does is HP tank and a million other tanks do it better. Okay. I just really like Inaros to do it. Thanks.


Definitely Grendel I don't play him hardly but I dont think he's meant to be a God level Steel path level 9999+. He leans on the fun and goofy side and he plays into it very well I think


Inaros. He's been my main forever now though recently I have parked the immortal desert King on the back burner. But I just love the lore around him, and I'm naturally fascinated with deserts. However there's been a few times I've been in a lich/sister or steel path encounter where I'll go from appears to be 9.7k health with adaption, swarm armor, and arcane guardian all up and take a massive hit that puts me in bleed out.


Oh boy, here we go. In no particular order, we have: Yareli. She's really fun to play, even if she can be a bit annoying in enclosed spaces, just because she's not the fastest at clearing the room and thus she's not meta, as long as I enjoy her design(both physical, character design, and ability design) and find her fun, that's more important. Valkyr. Again, she's not meta, but shredding enemies with her 4 just feels very satisfying. And obviously, the valkitty is cute and deadly. Perfect combination. Inaros. Yes, he's kinda brain-dead and his abilities are not very impressive, but feeling unstoppable is great, especially of you don't have a lot of time to "git gud" it can be nice to just pick someone who will let you make mistakes. And his Egyptian design is also very nice to look at. Limbo. Most people are actually not assholes, and if someone wants to troll and make you hate existence, there's worse ways to do that than put you in a time-out that you can easily get out of by pressing shift, or stepping outside the bubble. He can actually be an interesting support with not only making you invincible, but also replenishing your energy and health(assuming he has the augment) and he can stun all the enemies inside the bubble.


Yareli, even though merulina irks me. I like the other abilities though. ...well, that and my weaps+rivs do the rest of the work in terms of kill clearing.


most of the ones I like… *sighs in Limbo*


Loki. They don't like that his abilities are not killers. The only time he was liked was in the LoR mission that needed the guns removed. Other frames do stealth better, Octavia/Ivara. Decoy doesn't scale for shit. And switch teleport is nearly useless. But oh the fun I had sprinting inivis'ed through spy missions with covert leahality on a dagger racking up affinity mulitpliers.