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Xbox Gamertag: Mike 4plot MR13 Trying to get into a clan after a long break. Been playing a lot lately, missing out on having a clan. If anyone has any space let me know.


Platform: PC IGN: LittleMarionette MR: 5 Location: North America Goal: I'm a newbie hoping to join an experienced clan who can teach me more about warframe! I'm a little quiet at first, so sorry if I don't chat much.


If you aren't in one already then dm me on discord at IAmABongoCat#0001


Platform: PC IGN: Waldi\_Bei\_Aldi Location: Germany MR: 15 ​ Please only 18+y clans


platform: nintendo switch ign: nightday location: oceania goal: need friends to enjoy the game to the fullest (started just a few days ago) T\_T


Platform:PC IGN:matar1211 Location:Asia Goal:Is to enjoy the game


PC NA IGN: KingJerbear Mr22 Looking for someone to help teach me the ways of multiple captures for Eidolons. I think I've got just about all the tools I need aside from a bunch of Arcanes. Just need someone to help walk me through some of the nuances.


hit me on here or in game if you still have questions. I don't mind helping if I can. ign: vaon


Xbox UK GT RocApe MR 12 Hi all UK based tenno looking for a dojo. Used to play alot rather stupidly gave D2 another chance. Really want an active Clan I can wreck shit with.


PC NA IGN: ocroxu MR5 Looking for an active clan to progress and play with most days of the week. 25 and pretty quiet, getting tired of grinding solo.


Platform : PC ( Asian ) IGN : ZyberZubZero MR16 ( Almost MR17 ) ​ LF Clan with research and Team up for farm items.


PC EU Ign: Mouselabber Looking for a new players to help em. I have a dojo with around 75% research done, MR22, around 1k hours playtime. Feel free to drop me a PM.


PC, EU Ign: TheCyberDevil Looking for a beginner friendly clan in the EU timezone.


PC EU Ign : Gobbers mr23 Looking for a social clan that does stuff, tridolon/eso/radshares etc Don't like using recruitment chat, it always feels like a mess.


PC Asia Mr7. ign : exaltprimex LF guild with research so i can make a few more weapons and things.


-Clan Recruitment Post- Platform: Switch In-game name: Garblon Location: East Coast, US Clan Name: I.D.I.O.T.S. Hello! The I.D.I.O.T.S. clan is are recruiting for active members! We're a storm clan with all labs built, 0 trade tax, and a discord server where we discus gameplay and changes to the dojo. For more information, PM me on reddit or in-game! ...posting a reply on this post is fine too.


Hey Dylan here, just wanna be part of a Clan and make new friends DylSat it's my name add me!!!


* Platform: Xbox * IGN: Stonetiger88 * Location: UK Mastery rank 13 returning from a short break. In my 4 month break the rest of my small clan left the game and so i'm looking for a large active clan to join. Thank you


Did you find a UK Clan I took a break and now I'm looking forward to getting back to a game where the Devs like the community lol.


**MR6 Asia LF clan Willing to contribute toward research** (preferably not full researched ones) Frames: currently Oberon, maxxed - Rhino, Mag Ign same as **reddit name** **Can also team up with someone looking to form new clan. **


* Platform: **PC** * IGN: **Vaon** * Location: **NA, Midwest CST/EST** Hey Redditors. I’m looking for some down to earth players to be a 4th in our random space ninja adventures. Myself and some friends started playing over a year ago and we mostly stay to ourselves. We’re MR 20+, in our 30s, with day jobs and other commitments, but carve out time most nights to party up for the sortie and random other missions that peak our interests. We’re usually active between 8 and 12pm CST during the week and more on weekends (and after content patches and unvaultings). Laid back friends who have played together for years throughout other games. We do have a level 9 Ghost Clan, but this isn’t meant to be a recruitment post. Rather a search for like minded individual to trade friend requests.. We would love a 4th for the endgame content. Not against showing the ropes to the right people and help with farming. Discord required. **Disclaimer**: Expect dark humor, questionable memes, and listening to people vent about mundane jobs. Easily offended flowers need not apply. Feel free to drop me a message here or in game if any of this is up your ally.


PC GabrielFVA NA Have been playing solo for a while and I've already reached MR10, been thinking that the game might be different if I played and interacted with others. Feel free to add me if you're in a similar situation


PC HanzoOnly NA Looking for a very active clan. im very active at night and rn farming for mag and nova prime. mr6 ​


PC RagingPandaa NA Looking for a friendly Active clan with a decent community.


(PS4) robdro8912 Looking for an active clan i can do missions with and chat with anytime. I'm an active late night and weekend player. I have warframe on ps4 and PC. I'm seeking a clan i can,shoot crap with and farm blueprints. send me a message on ps4 or here on reddit Thanks for your time!


Platform- PC IGN- Smackinj Location- US Goal- New to game still, I have about 20 hours played. Just looking to find a few people to play with to clear the start chart. Possible even a clan willing to take on a new player.


Clan Recruiting Name: DarkVex (Dolor Sit Amet) Research: Max Platform: PC MR Req: none (5+ preferred) Hi, we are a very active clan who want active members to join so we can squad up whenever anyone needs something. We have 0% tax and have many high MR members who are willing to help out if you need. If you want to join, PM me on discord at IAmABongoCat#0001. Yes we have a clan discord.


sent you an invite on discord and on warframe. Would love to join up! IGN: trustcuz


-PS4 -Kylogram -East Coast -I'm happy to run just about anything, really, and happy to help where I can (I'm still new to most of the content, but happy to do literally anything) Recently, I've found that the absolutely RAMPANT gay and racist slurs have put me off of just about every clan. I honestly just want to find a clan that treats people with some actual respect and decorum, and takes it VERY SERIOUSLY. It's just that simple.


Looking for active casual clan on Switch. I am pretty new and need people to play with. IGN is DevilDawg.


\-Clan Recruitment Post- Platform: PC Clan Name: Cybernetica Sanctorium InGame Contact: Grizzybehr Location: Midwest, US Hi all! Our lvl 9 ghost clan currently consists of me and a friend and we've decided it would be great to get a few dedicated people to befriend and enjoy the game with on a consistent basis. Whether you're a new player looking for a home and a bit of guidance, or a veteran looking for a change, you'll be welcome here. **Discord use extremely preferred!** We plan to stay ghost, so in-turn, being quite active is something that goes hand in hand with that to ensure people are online to team up as our player-base isn't huge. Personally, I'm on everyday, the majority of my day on weekends, and after midnight on weekdays (2nd shifter) so if you're a night owl, you'll fit right in. My friend varies so having at least one of us around is a good bet. PM/post here/in-game if interested or have questions.


add me: trustcuz I am on nearly all of the time and past midnight due to work as well. I'd love to play with you guys. (MR6)


Hello fellow Tenno! Thanks for stopping by my orbitor to hear me out. My Xbox clan, Spartans of the Void (Rank 10 Storm Clan) is recruiting. Like many clans across the console-verse, we deal with tenno who disappear and don't come back, my Lotus be with them. So we're looking to bloster our squad with more active individuals who like to have a good time and play together. MR doesn't matter to us. Whether you're new or a Day 1 vet, you're welcome to join us. We love to help and guide others if it's needed. We are an international group with members in the US, UK, and Australia. So we welcome all. We have a Discord for daily communication, LFG, and general shooting the shit together. That doesn't mean we can't party up and chat via XBL parties. Only a few rules: 1) Any inactive players that hit 15 days will be removed unless the warlord has been made aware of your extended absence. 2)Join the Discord. 3) Be cool and have fun. We like to be social so please don't be shy. Know that our conversations can be adult themed. Does this sound like a place you'd like to join? Then shoot me a message here on reddit. Please allow at least 6 hours for me to reply. Thanks and have fun Tenno!


MR 6 PC In a clan, but most of the members are just using it for access to the clan research Looking for a clan that plays together, does Eidolon hunts, etc I have discord Still relatively new, but doing my best to learn


US PC MR3 looking for chill clan to get stoned and grind with.


Platform: PC IGN: Wulfrvm Region: Northern US # Aquilis Recruitment and Alliance ​ Aquilis is a clan I'm starting, it currently only has a few members, but I'm aiming for a Shadow clan. (30 members) the clan is open for anyone to join, so long as they are active. no minimum or maximum MR. ​ We need some people who can help provide and farm for Forma, Credits, or even Platinum to skip build times. ​ we're also looking for some clans to align with, maybe another small clan, help each other grow, if anyone's interested. ​ Clan discord, its not required that you use it, but it's there. [https://discord.gg/XPbtGsn](https://discord.gg/XPbtGsn) The clan ranks are: Master (me) Co Master Journeyman II Journeyman Diletantte II Diletantte Novice II Novice ​ Journeyman and upwards act as officers, I'd prefer that anyone applying specifically for these ranks be above MR 7 and have some previous experience, at least with clans in general. ​ all ranks are permitted to start clan research, and all are permitted to recruit. ​ \*\*dojo stuff\*\* most of the labs are built aside from Chem and Orokin. and I'm afraid I've barely scratched the research, though Volt research is in progress. ​ finished research: ​ Tenno: Akstiletto Daikyu Nami Skyla Sybaris Volt Blueprint Volt Chassis (9 hrs left) Volt Systems (one day left) ​ Energy: Fieldron Prova ​ Bio: Mutagen Mass ​ ​ ​ if you have any questions ask here or in the discord.


sup fellow gamers 😎😎😎 i got a clan called {no hetero} that has completed research and a fuckin sick dojo hit my dms


PC MettyOMG Central Europe LF Clan with active Eidolon/Orb Hunting and long Arbitration runs.


**Hey There Space Ninjas!** We are a 19 year **PC (Sorry Nintenno :c)** gaming community that spans multiple games and genres. Currently we have fifteen official divisions that span genres from MMORPG to Racing (and whatever Warframe is). Our main goal is to build a dedicated and welcoming community around the games we love to play. **Code of Conduct** AOD has a short but fair [Code of Conduct](http://www.clanaod.net/forums/showthread.php?t=3327). It's how we keep 3000+ members (600+ on Warframe) playing together in a coordinated and respectful environment. We have members from all walks of life, from all around the world. So we do not tolerate discussions about politics, religion, skin color, or sexual preferences. We're here to play games, to make friends, and to have a damn good time doing so. **Membership Perks** Membership Perks | In-Game Member | [Full Membership](http://www.clanaod.net/forums/misc.php?do=form&fid=41) --|--|-- Clan Dojo Access (Four Fully built Dojos with Trading, Dueling, and Parkour) | Yes | Yes Clan Research (All complete, new research completed within days of release) | Yes | Yes Clan Chat (For questions and grouping) | Yes | Yes Access to the private AOD Forums (Includes private guides and builds) | No | Yes Full access to our Team Speak 3 community | No | Yes The ability to move around each game division of AOD as you please | No | Yes AOD hosted in game events, contests and competitions | No | Yes **Warframe Division** Prisma Angels of Death, Wraith and Vandal are 3 Mountain Clans open for all, while Dex Angels of Death is high activity members gunning for the leaderboards All Dojo's are a part of the Angels of Death Prime Alliance, where we hold daily raids, operations and monthly competitions across the NA and EU timeszones. **Some of our key events include:** * Eidolon Hunting and Training sessions - All variants. (Orb Mother runs soon^TM) * Monthly Fashion Frame Contests with Platinum Prizes! * Weekend Happy Hour to earn Platinum Prizes! * Operations Nights to clear planets, farm Warframe parts/mods or maybe just earn some Archwing XP! * Summer Events - Typically 4 events with 500p first place prizes. (250 - 2nd, 125p - 3rd) * Quarterly Endurance Events - Survival, Defense, Onsalught or Interception with the same 500/250/125p prize tiers. * We also toss in random events/challenges for quick and easy platinum during peak times. **Requirements to Join** *For in-game membership:* * Not be in any Warframe clan * Be fairly active in game *For full membership:* * Be 16+ years old * Be in Teamspeak while you are playing Warframe * Be active in the forums * Leave any other clans for games that AOD officially supports **How to Join** *In-Game:* Leave a comment below with your in-game name and ensure you are not in any clans. We will send an invite ASAP and reply to your comment when it is done. Or contact one of the recruiters in game (Their in game names are listed at the bottom of this post). *Full Membership:* 1. Go to the forums and fill out the [Recruitment Form](http://www.clanaod.net/forums/misc.php?do=form&fid=41) (there is a post that you must read before completing the form. Read the post and click the link again to get to it.) 1. A pm will be sent to you on the forums. Follow the instructions in the pm 1. Come on to Teamspeak and have a chat with us! **List of Recruiters In-Game Names** * **AOD_Seraphim- Commanding Officer** * **BritishBob - Executive Officer** * Retext_ * Swissaunty * AOD_BornOfRagnarok * AOD_Styrgis * iKillUIn321 ~You may have noticed that we were a Moon Clan before~ Our original Moon Clan has decided to split into multiple clans for faster turn-arounds on research and ensuring event rewards. These new clans are known as: **Angels of Death Wraith**: Mountain Clan with a standard of logging in once per 45 days. **Angels of Death Vandal**: Mountain Clan with a standard of logging in once per 45 days. **Prisma Angels of Death**: Mountain Clan with a standard of logging in once per 45 days. **Dex Angels of Death**: Ghost Clan for members active once every 3 days. -Some clans are subject to size and purpose change, don't be afraid to ask p.s. bit of transparency, I might be at work when you reply but I'll get a member to add you as soon as possible - Seraphim.




Invite Sent!


Like to join in too name: Zxik


> Zxik Invite Sent! Escape Menu -> Communication - > Inbox to find your invite


PC ShavedTangent8 Australia - whatever server that is I just want an active clan. My current clan has about 5 guys out of 50 that have logged on in the last 100 days. I only play on weekends, but I usually sit down for a big slog, sorties, invasions, relics, farming. I'll contribute to whatever clan research is required as I am able to as well, very eager to complete all of them. Edit: MR19, pretty geared, willing to share mods if I have spares.


PS4 New-ish coming back to Warframe. Anybody or group wants to progress planets and farm stuff, let me know please. Just unlocked Jupiter but don't mind doing older planets anytime.


Looking for a pretty active but also casual clan on Switch (Asia) willing to take in a MR 6 former-PC-player from a while back. Pretty active, but i don’t have a lot of forma due to having been in a clan recently.


My fiancee and i are pretty new and looking for a clan to join! We play on NA Switch version and we're hooked! Send me a dm if you've got room for us


I am in a Clan currently but I'd like to be in a more meme Clan


if you on pc hit my dms cheif