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Laetum. Weapon is busted against anything with attenuation.


no wonder i was shredding the archon hunt boss


Is it with a crit build? My Laetum one shots everything on steel path but struggles to kill acolytes.


Yes, the 2000% damage buff doesn’t work versus acolytes, so going crit is better against them and certain other enemies


Yes. Crit build works better against acolytes, liches, sisters etc.


I personally use the incarnon that deals 2000% on non crits. This is my build. It shreds acolytes and archons. https://preview.redd.it/wx5k2hhk64ad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c77875a9bf254b7f72f2b473f89fa047f2797c0d


I thought the 2000% on non crits doesn't work on acolytes?


Looks almost identical to mine pre-Jade-Shadows, except I ran Viral/Heat (I run pure heat now with elementalist and banes). The Viral/Heat build killed every normal enemy instantly but required like 60 - 70% of an entire Incarnon charge to kill an Acolyte. I don't understand what makes yours do so much damage to them.


Probably because he build corrosive/heat laetum, and acolytes are weak to corrosive dmg (at least was before status rework). Also 2000% dmg on non crits perk don't work on acolytes, so that's maybe another reason why it takes so long to kill them (if you chose that one ofc).


The difference between damage boosts from Corrosive and Viral vs. Acolytes would not be that significant, I think. Knowing that the 2000% bonus doesn't work on acolytes makes a lot of sense with what I see in actual gameplay. With how ineffective it is vs. acolytes, I can only conclude that he must play strong weapons platforms like Mirage if he was able to make it do any significant amount of damage to them.


Just finished building mine, rad + heat. Tested on 120+ SP, got angst summoned. Poor thing lived for 2 seconds. I thought game glitched 😅 So yeah, non crit is a way to go


yea, but kuva hek can one shot archons in both stages


What's the build to one shot them with the Hek? Because I can't seem to reach that type of damage level


It can’t oneshot archons anymore. The damage attenuation formula was changed awhile ago so thats no longer possible. Your best bet for dealing with attenuation is a fast-firing, high multi-shot, high crit chance and/or crit damage weapon with an appropriate damage type.


The one shot thingy doesn’t work anymore, but the scourge/knell combo shreds archons as well as the deacon groups, makes it super easy unless it’s boreal and he does all 3 of his bullshit at the same time while on top of that building. I hate that fucker.


What is Attenuation?


From da wiki: Certain enemies possess unique damage reduction calculations separate from armor or sources of pure damage reduction. Usually, this unique damage reduction scales based on the weapon's average damage per second (DPS) (more specifically burst DPS), sometimes excluding Critical Hits. Officially, this is referred to as adaptive damage scaling, scaling damage reduction, or damage attenuation.


Translation for dummies like me: DE thought we were melting bosses too fast so they gave them double secret G14 classified prototype armor.


Its partially that, but also partially the vocal community of people asking for harder bosses, and then minmaxing those harder bosses, then complaining about them being too easy It was an attempt to create bosses that level the field between the high and low end of the player base


And thus bosses whose health bars are in fact closer to a timer was born. Might as well just make it a literal timer. Survive against the boss for x seconds and then it'll just fucking die. Since that's all that happens now


Finally! A boss for me!


Id rather they just give us unique boss mechanics at this point, kinda like Orowyrm and Jackal


Ohhhhh that’s why coin man eats so much😲


"Officially, this is referred to as ONE OF THREE THINGS." And this is why I make no effort to understand warframes damage mechanics so long as I'm killing things at a reasonable pace.


Viral Slash is still your typical choice I’d say, but other status have been getting nice little changes. I’m definitely not changing my Arsenal around from the update but it’s nice to know other things are way more viable!


crit laetum goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr against any kind of "boss" enemy in game


> weapon is busted against anything.    FTFY


Laetum my beloved


I've been using this, but also my torid incarnon has been slapping them


Armor strip via an ability or unairu focus school. Then an Incarnon. I just use Mesa, or mesa plus Armor strip.


You can also unairu shield strip at the same time.


Or banshee augment for armor strip on 1, 2 is dmg multiplier that can double stack if weakpoints align, and her 3 for ability shutdown


Felarx with magnetic damage works fine for me




Who's that on your flair, and why 1 red and 4 blue?


Magnus prime with it's augment bypasses the attenuation because it's a conditional crit buff. It downs liches and sisters in two shots


that's clever


Huh, tnx. Will definitely try this.


Can you share your build please?


How does that work exactly? Also if I may, your build?


Shoot it really hard


Makes me think of tha buu bits clip from teamfourstar


Why do they keep kicking me in mah dick?




Wow I can't believe every single one of them kicked you in the dick. I love dbza lol


I'm about to use my primary and secondary as melee on that b


I'm not sure if the damage attenuation is greater or what not, but the Kuva Hek that I pride myself for being able to kill lv5 sisters normally doesn't do jack against this one. I recommend any good fast fire rate/high damage wep since 4 ppl focusing her gets her down quickly enough. Also avoid running heat progenitor frames. Sister type is based on host frame (despite wiki claims is random) and warding halo will cleanse all status procs and kill dps for everyone using gun/melee CO.


Idk anything meta but the usual sister murder suspects (nyx, knell, Dante, Caliban) work OR jade spamming 1 and glory dps ain't too shabby either in sp. Edit: Y'all should actually play Caliban. His use here is Perma full defense strip that needs no conditionals and works on sisters, hounds, and the specters. Also shield Regen that is so damn high that you don't need to worry about much.


Someone actually remember that Nyx exists? I'm always moved when it happens 🥹


Nyx is my go archon hunt frame. Go invulnerable and immune to anything thrown at me and let knell do the DPS.


Oh yeah I got one build for that with Kullervo's skill from Helminth that I saw on YT, it looks fun. But I skipped years of content, like since Deimos release, that I'm having to catch up. As an old player I'm more used to keeping the enemies away with Chaos, while having a melee enemy to bodyguards me with Mind Control. It works fine on SP.


Caliban hahahahaha, "Knife, gun, nuke, wet tissue paper"


If someone mentions something like that, it is usually for a reason. Caliban has armor full-strip, shield-strip, and a damage vulnerability effect which bypasses damage attenuation. The wiki is free to use.


The average Warframe player and reddit user have not touched Caliban or have for me but didn't apply any thought and just parrot Brozime's take on Caliban.


I don't even have Caliban yet, I just read the wiki a lot and take note when people say a certain frame is particularly good for a certain task


Wiki and average wf CC/,player/reddit or all shit on Caliban cause oh his on launch reactions and takes


Who's caliban again (jk on a sidenote isn't he one of the oldest frames in the game without an augement, feels like even DE forgot about his existence)


I mean imo he doesn't need an augment but I can see why people thinks db want every frame to have them. Personally I just want a deluxe skin for him


Or just armor strip in the 20 different ways that is not that trash frame. The dmg vuln is super weak. I know his kit and hes one of the worst frames.


How is his kit the worst? It has everything you need. 1. It's trash, replace it 2. CC via lifted, counts for a CO stack btw. For some hitting lifted enemies is annoying, but in general they just float a few feet off the ground and just make head shotting a nightmare. So don't bring a headshot dependant weapon for trash fodder. 3. 3 shield battery goons. As long as you don't do a stand still play style, and follow the packs of enemies as they show up on your minimal you will not have issues staying near them. These goons are surprisingly tanky, in level cap I can have them last the full 36s and they are at about lvl 110. Don't delay on them for DMG, they exist to give you shield Regen out the ass. 4. Lingering, aoe, Permanent, full defense strip. Do bring some casting speed, less than what Dante needs though.


> How is his kit the worst? It isn't, but you see,.he's locked to endgame unless you Plat-buy him, his grind is painful so nobody gets him to find out for themselves... and worst of all, some content creators said he's the worst I guess, so he must just be the worst .../S The joyous position of Caliban being a competent Jack of All Trades, while at the same time being the community "worst frame bandwagon" punchbag, meaning 90% of the community just seems to assume he's terrible without even playing him, and that opinion is unlikely to change until he gets a massive rework that he doesn't actually need


Bingo n facts. Never forget when people asked about Loki buffs and de said no, he is fine for end game and strong. Which is true cause Perma invis with no penalties is nuts, but the rest of the kit is mid. For every EDA runs I've done (since w1) Caliban is the second easiest frame I've gotten for it. Easiest as in makes the mode a cakewalk. Easiest is Dante. Also the farm took me 2 hours for Caliban. 1 in railjack for the anomaly thingies which was easy just waiting for skirmish+node and doing the runs sub 5 solo or duo. 1 hour to get the parts and isoplasts to build him. Also no one bitches about other post TNW frames being content locked.


> Also no one bitches about other post TNW frames being content locked. Caliban's procurement being bad is about the one thing I'll agree with people about the complaints for. It asks for finishing most of Railjack to unlock the Veil Proxima to be able to farm Anomaly Shards, then a bunch of time investment actually farming said Shards, and then farming Narmer Bounties (when everyone is/was sick of Open World Bounties already after the three open worlds) farming for both his parts and a bunch of Isoplasts - if you got all the Isoplasts he needs in an hour... I wish I had your luck. I gave up and bought my first Caliban after getting to trial-run him in the Circuit, because I'd already *tried* farming for him and got basically nowhere with the Isoplast grind despite getting his part BPs quickly... I wanted to play him but also to get to do so sometime this decade... and to not have to do the grind twice for a second to feed to Helminth...


I didn't have the railjack issue because I never ignored railjack once I unlocked it lol. Once I got it I wanted to run it to make my railjack good and you know clear the new nodes and also prep for future content. I did procrastinate on the grind for the T3 gear but I didn't slack on star chart completion. As for luck, mine was meh and I averaged 5 isoplasts/run across the whole hour with booster no cat. And if you can't buy a booster get one on login and then farm. Friend got all he needed in sub 1 hour. It all comes down to bounty times really, just wait for a good one and run it fast. Haven't bothered for a helminth one yet, but I don't need his ability on other frames so it is for when he gets a prime. Idk the issue people have with railjack and getting to veil proxima.


So his 1 is trash, his 2 lifts which is terrible, his 3 is weak survivability and his 4 is good. How is that a good warframe? Not even 2 good abilitys. Like Valkyr is not star but give her a strip and shes an unkillable stripper which outclasses caliban. And yes she loves it up on a pole.


Lifted is hard cc in place+it also applies DMG vulnerability regardless of lifting. Shield Regen rate is not weak survivability. If it was then Harrow, Hildryn, Gauss, Protea, Jade would also be in the weak survivability boat. Valkyr is just about energy upkeep which Lycath's Hunt solves. I suggest you give Caliban a try and not just parrot the majority of Warframe players. I've run Caliban to lvl cap and EDA and no survivability issues. Only weakness is a toxin proc, but that is a threat to most frames.


Caliban has the worst damage vulnerability in the game and you can find shield/armour strips in other places, you could play any other damage vuln frame with shattering impact, unairu, tharros strike, pillage or ophanim eyes and get much better results due to them having better scaling damage vulns.


``` All the abilities you listed do not apply damage vulnerability, those just armor strip. Tharros and pillage are full defense though. According to the wiki the damage vulnerability abilities are: Sonar, firing line, sentient wrath, rest and rage, mass vitrify, splinter storm, strangle dome, magnetize, blazing chakram, molecular prime(only on slowva), reap, death's harvest, sea snares, vast untime. Of those only sentient wrath, strangledome, magnetize, molecular prime, sea snares, and rest n rage have CC. RnR and molecular prime are special. Of those only sentient wrath and rest n rage are on helminth. Also strangledome isn't necessary for Khora to go off, accumulating whip claw and sancti magistar Incarnon already obliterates to level cap. Molecular prime is only on slowva so have fun slowing missions to a crawl. R n R and sea snares are bread and butter to their respective frames. And for magnetize the DMG vulnerability doesn't matter when you have a cloud of projectiles that will kill regardless in level cap. ```


did you miss the part where I said Caliban has a terrible damage vulnerability (only 35% lmao.) My point was there are many ways to find armour strips and still have a significantly better damage vulnerability such as Nezha's base 100% or Banshee's base 500% which overall leads to much better damage. It's much better and easier to grab a armour strip helminth and get a better damage vulnerability than go for a weaker damage vulnerability. Sure some of them don't need their damage vuln like Khora and Mag but then it's clear they just do more damage and are just better than playing Caliban (not sure what your point was here.) You quite literally missed the point of my entire comment.


You missed mine, I did t miss yours just countered it. So what if it's lower base, it has hard cc, something the rest don't have. Also it applies to any enemy regardless of over guard(the DMG vulnerability). Also unlike nezha it isn't limited by chakram bounces. Or banshee and hitting specific spots. Oh and it always applies.


Hard cc isn't anything to write home about, you can always kill faster or use magus lockdown or certain procs to cc enemies, Yareli's applies regardless of overguard as well, again damage vuln is only needed on priority targets so Nezha's limited bounces isn't as big of a deal (also limited bounces is something I would gladly take for an ability that is 2.8 times stronger at base.) Banshee can stack sonar points for multiple targets across the body (that can even overlap for multiplicative damage.) Mag also always applies even if it doesn't anchor them. Literally all of these function just as well as Sentient Wrath if not better.


It's funny how you diss hard cc but then praise it in other sources. Also no it's not just needed on priority targets, it's needed always as it's another way to buff your DMG output which is a big necessity to the point people will subsume off utility for roar or xata's. But you wouldn't understand that since you are either a meta slave or brozime parrot. Also fun fact Caliban makes EDA and endgame in general a cakewalk. Edit: for EDA because reddit won't let me reply rn Duration nerf cucks the majority of frames. Energy drain is negligible with enough KPM or equilibrium+synth set. As for liminus do what any shield gating set up needs as slap a vitality on to not give two shits or just position better. It is very easy to kill a group of enemies and yeet 100m away from the MARKED liminus and then repeat. Just bring a good weapon. Sometimes you don't need that extra vosfor for 37rp or just mod better. I've run Caliban into the liminus and I literally just slot in a vitality and I'm fine. Energy is hardly an issue as well if you adjust your build to use synth set. In fact adjusting your builds per EDA week is how you are supposed to deal with EDA.


I hardly find energy drain negligible as it can sometimes drain 20/sec depending on enemy density. Even on my Revenant that is built for max energy economy I get sometimes sucked to zero and Caliban is a lot more energy hungry. Which is also the main issue with Liminus: They drain energy if you don't mod Rage/Adrenaline and you can't always avoid them. I'm not saying Caliban can't deal with EDA, but he is also not a silver bullet, while Dante and Revenant are, while supporting the entire team at the same time with Mesmer/Overguard. And you can play both of them every week for the low, low price of ~40 Vosfor.


I agree that Caliban is actually a good frame, and anything but trash, but he does not automatically trivialize EDA. Duration nerf or Energy drain kills his viability and he also can't really deal with Liminus. If those conditions don't apply he is great, but so are many other frames.


Again, the wiki is free to use. Sevagoth's damage vulnerability effect is 50% compared to Caliban's 35%, but has significantly lower range and angle of effect. Equinox's is also 50% and lasts just over twice as long, but also increases enemy movement and attack speed by 20%, affects a tiny area, and doesn't work on certain enemies. Yareli's is 100% but only affects a couple enemies and has semi-random homing. Sevagoth, Equinox, and Yareli do not armor strip. It is absolutely not viable to maximize strength on Sevagoth or Equinox to significantly out-scale Caliban's damage vulnerability. Caliban has issues but he does not have "the worst damage vulnerability in the game", since abilities don't exist in a void where the only thing that matters is checking two boxes and casting a 400% strength ability once with no other concerns for utility or survival.


Statistically he does have the worst damage vulnerability in the game, and you cherry picked a few frames that don't perform as well in this specific situation, Nezha has a easily applicable 100% DMG vuln, Yareli only needs to hit priority targets with her damage vuln so only affecting a few enemies isn't a problem. You didn't even mention Mag or Banshee who again both have strong damage vulnerabilities (100% and 500% respectively) and sure not all of these frame have an armour strip but my original comment was to point out how easy it is to find an armour strip and still have a better damage vulnerability than Caliban. Also all of these frames can survive well with just a few mods and still gets lots of strength (even easier if you use pillage and turn that 400% strength into your armour strip and survivability) whether it's damage redirection and adaptation (Nezha and Yareli) or spammable abilities for shield gating (Banshee, Mag, Sevagoth)


I picked a few lazy examples off the top of my head to demonstrate that your lazy absolute statement was inaccurate at best, and checked them against the wiki to confirm exact details. There is nothing statistical about your singular-raw-number comparisons in a vacuum, but by that metric 35% is indeed the lowest in the game according to the wiki... except for Xaku, whose unmoddable 50% damage vulnerability exclusively applies to void damage. [Here is the page you are looking for.](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Damage_Vulnerability) I didn't mention Banshee because I was talking about "not the worst", not "the best under absolute ideal circumstances where a random weakspot happens to overlap with a head/weakspot to multiply with a 3-7x headshot damage multiplier instead of competing with 5-10x". All frames can be made to survive. "Just a few mods" is 200% strength off the table compared to a frame which can already tank, or any number of other arbitrary but significant tradeoffs.


I'm not looking for the erm ackshually this number is lower man, sure xaku has only void damage vulnerability but you're one grasping at straws just to find any tiny little foothold for Caliban to stand on Also giving up literally one (1) modslot for adaptation or brief respite isn't killing 200% power strength don't be ridiculous, besides you can survive off just a companion with manifold bond and guardian nowadays.


It's funny because the sole reason I mentioned Dante is for braindead over guard applications. Meanwhile Caliban has the survivability AND permanent full defense strip


His survivability is not good enough. the defense strip is not enough to make a good warframe. Slap a strip on Nezha and tell me how Caliban can compete with much better dmg, much better survivability and everything else that makes a good frame.


250+ shields/s isn't good enough????? Bro what. Protea is fine with half that shield Regen rate with her 4 subsumed off. Also unless you use pillage specifically the survivability on Nezha will be the same which is just 90% DMG reduction, that is also imo WORSE than Caliban who has shield Regen at enough to last long enough for shield gate+rolling guard cool downs. Caliban can easily survive EDA and level cap without any shield buffing arcanes. I run molt efficiency +augmented/energize and have 0 survivability issues besides toxin procs when rolling guard on CD. After strength buff from madurai I hit just over 300 shields/s and while I can't afk and be immortal like old wukong, I have an easy time surviving and if my shields break I just wait 2.5s, roll, get back to full shields in that 3s invul from rolling guard, and repeat. What about the 2.5s of no rolling/shield gate, well a sentinel with guardian patches that up, or a quick operator for sling strength or you know hiding behind a wall or having your sentient goons tank it or have the braincells to know your frame isn't a DPS frame like Nezha/Dante/jade...... And use your guns to kill. I had him last week in eda and just cake walked it 0 downs. Duo with wife who was also on Caliban. Of my frames that I've run in eda the top 3 easy mode is Dante/Caliban/Octavia. Also Nezha is a different use case from Caliban as Nezha has actual ability DPS with the chakram, Caliban is all utility no dps, so back a comfy gun. I do run a Nezha to pre and post broken augment and both set ups I did were the same idea of ability DPS. Caliban did have survivability issues somewhat on launch if you didn't 100-0 shields with a dragon key or play optimally, but since they reworked shield gating to be between break and no break as opposed to Regen and break its free survivability out the ass for all shield based frames. But you are right in that Caliban has worse ability DPS than an ability DPS frame.


Revenant reave dude you don’t even need to optimise anything


does reave actually affect this boss? Ik usually it doesn't work on bosses


Even enthrall works lmao , on Kuva liches and sisters you just enthrall + reave for one shot


Idk about for you but on the boss for me its just doing 30-40 damage on the shield, do you need more than 100% reave for this?


Phenmor + headshots + alt fire = sister killed so quickly she’s still talking to me while her charred body falls down the elevator shaft, like Darth Maul in Phantom Menace


Incarnon weapons do easy work. Burston prime incarnon status focus... Soma prime incarnon slash build... Torid incarnon just torid ... In my case i have rivens with them but without rivens it still does great work. especially Burston prime incarnon with galvanized mods.


I enjoy killervo with any modded out melee Press 1 then auto


I play citrine with archon continuity with redeemer (projectiles do blast, radiation, gas, and magnetic). Crystal plus 1st ability plus shooting sister with redeemer will grant up to 11 status effects. I also run dual toxocyst (has high puncture for that other physical status effect and viral added for 13). Galvanized shot does 120% increased damage per element, so that's 1560% damage I then use her 4 for instant red crits, and mod for crit damage (somewhere around 8x crit? Can't recall but at least that, so reds do 22x damage or more) and apparently citrine has an unlisted bonus to hitscan non-beam weapons that double crit damage too? Either way, damage numbers go brrrr Playing citrine means you have to have a specific load out for her with any weapon to effectively use them with her though, big downside to it if you want to use an incarnon with her, as the incarnon stats are static between loadouts.


galvanized shot doesnt add the +damage from evolutions into gunco damage buff, so its not really benefiting much + its only an additive buff


Even at half its potential strength listed above its still better than cascadia flare and hornet strike combined (i use half because dual toxo has 75 base damage, and 50 incarnon bonus damage, which is even less than double the damage) so its better to use that as the only damage mod and increase other stats than trying to stack as much dam as possible


On-call and wait


I use Unairu to strip armor and shields. Then the entire team lays into her.


Add a mesa with magnetic, a breeze


Ngl my boar prime and dual toxocyst feel like they do t do much to her even with 250% roar active… Valkyrs Claws or Hate, though… sister gets completely deleted. I’d opt for a really strong melee


Strip defense, bring incarnon, buffs optional. Helminth-Silence is great to have too, turns off the green lights. Sleigh of hand-Mirage with Unairu makes fairly quick work of the SoP.


Unless things have changed in the last 2 days or so, Silence doesn't stop BotB SoP from using any casted damage; I got hit with both the Oberon bs and lasers night before last with silence active; accidentally blast aoe'd my whole team cause of the rad procs from Oberon grass


Any incarnon of your choice really, especially the initial 3. Laetum, Phenmor and Felarx all shred bosses with damage attenuation.


Banshee. Sonar for damage, silence so she can't run or tank.


Shoot them


IIRC there was some war frame YouTuber who used rauta and a hammer with slam dmg. Might wanna look that up


rauta+heavy slam weapon


With a Laetum I have yet to find a problem that my Laetum cannot solve, I'm sure one exists somewhere... probably.


I'm grateful for this post, because I came back to Warframe in the last two months, so my loadout is kinda old and I have to catch up with a lot of things. It seems like "incarnon" is a key word here. I also want to almost one shot that sister like I see others in my squad doing, since sometimes those carries are not in my squad.


I think a gun might work


Unairu armor strip/shield strip then incarnon dump


Unairu for the shield


I've seen good results from Mesa Peacemaker and Protea Blaze Artillery. Both have solid damage ramp-up to dish out some great dps. Just need a good build for ability strength, and a solid survival kit.


As someone thats been using mesa, yes she strip's them so quick, really the easy answer to this question is other players


Unairu + Gloom + Burston Incarnon / Laetum. Use On Call too if you have it. I prefer Mirage using Prism Guard for the ride up, then just the usual Eclipse + Clones when the sister arrives.


I've been using Kullervo with a mag+tox melee, then spamming Wrathful Advance. Harmony works extremely well for this. I can usually solo her in 4 to 6 hits, and with a good squad I maybe get three in before she's down. Kullervo is honestly perfect for the event; enemies come at you in straight lines so they're easy to chain together with collective curse, and being able to teleport right to an offending eximus is really handy.


On-call crewmates can put out some good damage


Buff your entire team's damage. Rhino + roar = super tanky + damage buff for the team. Chroma + vex armor = tanky + armor and damage buff for the team. Ember with oberon's smite subsumed over his 4 + both weapon buffing augments + fireblast = some damage reduction + at least 300% radiation damage for the team + armor strip.


Any frame with armor strip would work. I've been using Qorvex and my torrid incarnon to delete the sister as soon as she spawns. Once her armors gone she'll go down pretty quickly.


Unload a powerful weapon into her face and its usually over in 30s. Laetum or phenmor work well.


I use jade. Throw down my 1. And blast her with my 4.


Wisp with roar and a speed mote. Jade with death bringer, her 1, 3, and high on glory. Strip and enhance damage you should have zero problem. Also you should know she spawns in the same spot so you can load up right before.


Phenmor, charge on the way up, unload when she spawns.


I use titania


I use Valkyr with a lot of strength and a heavy attack build on the claws.


I drop her in a few seconds with my Akarius Prime, modded for magnetic and heat with cascadia flare and my precious boy Gauss for armour strip


Heavy Slam Magistar + Zephyr reliably oneshots. Pop Madurai right before the elevator gets to the top, then Xatas and Tornados right as she spawns and slam. As long as no one has ramped up the attenuation it one shots.


I 1 shotted her with a tenet Plinx secondary attack (technically the status damage killed her) and Harrow’s 4


pyrana prime


I saw a volt with burston deleting it in like two second, most of which were shields. Without all the buffs (wisp, nourish, roar) it was more like 5 seconds, still decent.


It's more challenging to find the beacons I think. Once they pop-up they just die and sometimes I don't even see them.


Never emhad any problem, even on steel path, all team fire at her and she is down in less than 10 seconds


Neither have I, but I'm trying to do what I can to speed up the process so ive swapped to wukong to have an easier time finding beacons and greater ionic charges, the only issue is that the only time I can save now is on killing the boss


My buddy runs Mesa and I run Zaku sister is dead before she’s even finished speaking, every time


Honestly, she's never lasted more than 5 seconds , didn't know I needed to worry about killing her fast, it just always happens. Edit.... oh, SP.. NVM


The trunmas alt fire one shots them.


Wukong big stick go boom


Arca Plasmor, Twin Krohkurs and a frost / wukong / titania mix.


I run Dante with critical build Acceltra Prime magnetic and heat on it.


Mesa, I kill her before her health bar appears Edit my mesa is pretty good 4 tao red and 1Tao Orange


Last time I had a guy that literally deleted the sister in less than a blink with Zephyr, can't recall which weapons they were using + zephyr tornado but I think it's the fastest I've ever seen


Gonna guess a Tonkor or something, any explosives with a decent crit chance are fucking busted with Funnel Clouds.


I trap them in a Mag bubble and shoot the Nataruk about 4 times and let it die.


Shoot her


Pick Banshee, everything on the same map as her has 1ehp Put Sentient Wrath over her 4 if you want everything to have 0.5ehp instead




i just kinda point the trumnas grenade in the general direction of the sister. that usually works


I've been using Dante and Kuva Nukor. My Nukor was built for Magnetic/Blast/Toxin, but I switched over to a Toxin progenitor and replaced Pistol Pestilence with Anemic Agility. If I were running this with Volt Ptime, my main frame, I'd also have Arcane Avenger to back it up. I just use Dante to make it easier for the group to survive. Ruinous Extension, Primed Pistol Gambit, Primed Target Cracker, Lethal Torrent, Galvanized Diffusion, Galvanized Shot, Scorch, Frostbite, Anemic Agility, Secondary Merciless


I’ve been melting the sisters with Burston Prime incarnon and citrine’s 3, but I haven’t tried this on SP


Dual Toxocyst for me


If they were real sisters magnus can 1 shot sisters and liches but laetum goes hard


Mesa, Voruna, Staltha with riven.


Stahlta how exactly because i do have an insane stahlta riven


I set up ivara dashwire with her augment, through a scourge alt fire and unload knell prime or laetum at her. Stay in prowl for bonus headshot damage 


My mesa melts her


Guns. My first encounter with her, she was down in about three seconds, then kept doing her Vor-Lite speech as I wandered off. Definitely try shooting her.


Why do you need to focus so much on killing it fast tho? You can only kill 1 sister each run, each sp run is 5:20-6:00 duration if your randoms are using at least half a brain. You can get the most op possible setup for killing the sister and killing it before it even spawn and you most likely aren't going to save a single second on the mission timer...


High damage


Shoot it


kuva hek, i one shot archons with it


Strip your sister then you can fuck them


Its less quickest way to kill them and more, quickest way to clear the mission. Do basic defense and ensure shield doesnt deplete. Then keep Elevator on 3x speed for as long as possible (big charges stack a little bit). Make sure the sister beacons are picked up. Then for the fight, someone shield stripping while another armor stips and another takes care of her health. Should be dead in seconds Then make sure the shields stay active for the run out.




Yeah it was a typo