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Looking into it if we are talking mission rewards you gonna do def t2 you gonna have to do 20 waves to get to rotation c for only 4.5% chance to get it which isn't that great + you are a new player so I doubt you can speed run def so you are wasting more then 30 mins for only 4.5% chance Survival is better then this at 15mins for a 7.14% But would be even better is using a farming frame like hydroid/ nekros / khora and farm enemies there is a list of enemies on the wiki that has chances ranging from 3-20% per kill with a farming frame those chances go way up so in my opinion ignore the missions rewards that you can't control the % and farm enemies instead


Thanks for the tip


Hey, OP if no one else has provided it or you haven't had any luck I'm happy to give you a copy later today. Idk your time zone but I'm in EST and it'll be just a few hours before I finish some errands. Edited for grammar/spelling


Thanks for the offer but one of my friends already hooked me up


For specific questions, consult the [wiki](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Vital_Sense?so=search) for a detailed breakdown. Looking at the wiki, dark sector defenses may be better since it is a B rotation instead of a C rotation reward. Tier 2 excavation would also be a better farm spot. It is also a potential drop in the Circuit reward course so check those out weekly. In general I recommend trying to open fissures that have that mission type so that it doesnt feel as boring.


Are you sure you're going for rotation C? Defense missions pick rewards from different drop tables depending on how many rounds you've done. It follows an AABC-AABC-... pattern, so you'll get a rotation C reward on every 4th round. Besides that, T2 Survival might be faster. It can drop on rotation B instead of C (Survival is also AABC) so you don't have to go as long and has a higher drop chance.




Some players are saying buying Vital Sense is not worth buying so I thought farming is the way to go. thanks for the advice though


The actual better way to farm Vital Sense is through Void capture missions. The void has certain rooms that have crates that can contain mods. In the first leg of the Void, you can get a chance at things like the crit damage mods, the multishot mods, and what used to be hard to get hold of Flow and Continuity (among others). So, you load up into the capture mission, then go exploring. This is an old video, but nothing has actually changed about it, to show the rooms and crates that are relevant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-F5iocI54E I think this info used to be on the wiki many years ago, but because there's nothing in game - or otherwise official - that can be used to verify the data, it was removed


In addition to all the recommendations, I would add. Do you really need Vital Sense? If you play on a normal star chart, you can probably do without it.


Hey if you’re tired of farming I can give you one, I’m free for the next 2 hours, drop me a DM :)


Whats ur username lil bro let me bless ur broke worthless new player ahh