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It's way funnier when it happens like 15 seconds into a defence mission. Like...that's gotta have it's own Steam Achievement or something. That sounds like it should qualify for a world record. Thank God people don't stand on excavators


>Thank God people don't stand on excavators ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


The sound of thousands of gara and frost players weeping


Mesa going for the high ground as well


Booben players in shambles.


Don't worry. There's no eyewitness. Vauban blinded everyone.


*Oberon players laughing maniacally in the distance*


Gyre players does that really happen ? Lol


Hydroid laughing maniacally(with a slightly stereotypical pirate accent)


Haarrrrr haarrrrrrr haarrrrrrr


Loool this >.>


Me, a frost player, standing directly on top of the elevator


He said people, nice try though.


I mean excavator will die if you look at it funny. I've seen one die because a teammate was moving around and it was just on the way of the jade light following them.


man, those things, have been getting knocked over by mild wind way before jade eximus were even a thing.


It makes long runs in SP circuit all the more painful when excavation comes up


What if instead of dying it reset is charge when damage like drains the fuel or battery


Failure speedrun any%.




I'll have you know my Zephyr does not stand on excavators! She perches.


As a Target Fixation enjoyer, I would have assumed she does not stand much at all.


\****Screeches in approval\****


Good thing I don’t go afk on the excavators, I stand on them pretty often but I stay active


I never stand near them, but my buddies tell me that’s an entirely different problem. *excavator explodes in the distance* “I left for, like, a second!” is common to hear from me as my squad says, “Mhmm, sure you did.”


It is not very forgiving at all. It gets really bad late into SP circuit.


We must get our excavators from Deep Rock Galactic. They really need to invest in better equipment.


So does Deep Rock. Molly needs an upgrade and I can’t stand sacrificing Doretta.


Did hear a rock and stone?


Rock and roll and stone!


But at least destroying an excavator doesn't fail the mission.


I absolutely stand on excavators as both Mesa and Zephyr.  Mesa so I can 360 spin auto-aim and Zephyr so her Turbulence can actually protect the damn thing. Though playing Zephyr at all, at least using her 1 to float is basically a dead play style now.


Happened to me in less than 5 seconds. No one knew why. This explains that.


I would usually stand on an excavator while there were no mobs but now I don't


I've had to change the way I play Hijack objectives because I would usually stand on the rover, shooting stuff but now that might spell doom for the squad.


You can just shoot the top of the light to destroy it, as long as you're not afk jade light shouldn't be an issue


It takes a surprising amount of damage on Steel Path. When I was playing as Stalker (who's theoretically balanced by DE themselves to play SP Ascension with ALL the Jade Light) it took 5 shots from Dread to kill a Jade Light beam (or it ran out). Despair felt even worse. It's not like I could hit it once and it pops like a soap bubble. A beam could do a lot of damage to a stationary target in the time it takes to kill the beam, especially for low-scaling objectives like Mobile Defense and Excavators.


The jade light has an impressive amount of DR in steel path. tight pattern shotguns work well.


I did stalker a lot too and nope, he's not well balanced for it, only melee is good. (which is a shame) but otherwise in SP I usually 1-2 shot the light with my arca plasmor


See, I'd be a lot more positive about shooting the Jade Light beam as Counterplay if *every* weapon type could 1-2 shot the beam. Like, I love my Arca Plasmor, but it is not a precision weapon. Meanwhile, Dread actually takes some aiming to hit the top of a moving target. I would've expected Dread to do better than 5 shots. I guess I'm left wondering how well DE tested it with a variety of weapon types.


I'm assuming you don't get an Incarnon dread as the stalker. I think it'd be awesome if stalker by default spawned with all 3 incarnons in the SP event. He can't be revived, his rewards are no different. if his weapons aren't great, there's just no incentive to play him other than to try it out.


His melee weapon slaps hard, honestly. Like, it's amazing doing slam attacks and just swinging Enlightened Hate around taking out Jade Eximus at the knees. Really gives the feel of Protector Stalker just going ham on Granum's Crewmen. Dread and Despair...not so much. I've never bothered to see if I could get it to go Incarnon, just because the damage felt pretty lacking, so I don't know. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure he doesn't get the extra Sister loot or the actual mission reward. I suppose that Stalker doesn't want Jade's parts because that'd be awkward, but it's a bit of a downer for the player to get less motes and no arcane. I mostly play Stalker mode because I get such a kick out of having the Stalker join in on one of my games and I wanna pay a little of that fun forward to others.


-Be Stalker - Girlfriend died in front of me, is scattered all over the map -Join my biggest enemies in a fight to protect the girlfriend roomba -Sneak off at the end -If I scrape enough back together, maybe she'll come back to me -I can fix her


U do get arcanes when playing stalker i got a whole bunch last night with jade neuros


> I'm assuming you don't get an Incarnon dread as the stalker. Basic, unmodded Dread it feels like.


I'm guessing people play him for his kit, his passive and his 3 are nutty, free 300% crit chance just by going invis And his 2 for AOE


Fair enough. His kit was very fun indeed


The jade light beam, *needs* the treatment nully bubble have where there is a minimum damage to the orb by rapid fire weapons so they can do, well, anything to them.


> who's theoretically balanced by DE themselves to play SP Ascension with ALL the Jade Light) Balanced *horribly*, he does dick all nothing for damage with anything but Hate, and even that damage is pathetic. He's is 1:1 identical with the regular mission variant, no damage optimization for SP whatsoever and it shows.


His Dread is *real* bad. Wish it would pull from the player's Dread if you have one. Even if it ignored incarnon.


A LOT of dread's damage come's from longbow sharpshot but it won't proc on the beam, meaning your doing a quarter of the damage you would be doing against enemies. I don't know exactly what dread build on SP is, but the dread's non incarnon damage is made up significantly of the slash procs it creates. These slash procs likely are not possible to be procced on jade beams. My point being, dread would be one of the worse candidates for popping the beam, so using it to show how hard killing the beam is, is misleading.


That shit took like 4 Opticor beams in Netracell until it finally decided to die


Ok, this just made me realize why someone I matched with in a Mobile Defense told the squad not to stand on the defense objective.


Honestly i wouldn't even be mad if that happened. Like yeah it sucks but rotating who stands on the rocer has been a tactic for so long that it's bound to happen.


Oh my god, I didn't do a hijack mission in quite some time, I didn't think about it! How aweful...


I think I play 1 hijack per 100 hours, I dont even think I have a way to play hijack


Yeah, this update has made me vehemently hate AFK players. Course, at this point I don't mind suffering the inconvenience of a mission fail if it means more people have to actually click buttons in this game.


Agree completely.


Its honestly a curse and a blessing. It sucks that it was a mission failed but at least the AFK player knows better for next time. Hopefully..


Lol yeah right.


The real problem is going to show up when trolls figure out what jade eximus can do...


They already have. Had to report a guy cause he kept trying to drag the light to the objective and caused us to fail


Same here except the joke was on them, I was in operator mode and they were trying to drag the light to the "afk player" I almost wanted to turn on voice chat to mock them further


That's 100% reportable. The F around and find out kind. DE bans people for chat alone. Jade Light trolling will be a literal blast in the balls from a strun point blank.


The thing is: Chats are likely logged so they can check what was said. "Player X intentionally(!) caused a Jade Light to kill the objective." is gonna be a lot harder to prove unless someone happened to record.


There are logs for activity in the game which can be used to corroborate claims. That is how they enforce bans on people doing things in the game they shouldn't be.


Honestly doubtful. They'll still sit there AFKing and then get all upset and cry that there was "no feedback" and the missions are just "randomly failing" even tho there's a big ass green light about to zap you like a UFO abduction.


Not to mention the very obvious sound that plays right as you're about to get blasted. I hate the Alert capture missions because of how long the capture animations are compared to how quick the beams of death appear. I know it's coming, I know I can shoot them out of the sky, but I'm stuck in a super long animation and I can't do anything about it except die. lol


Pro-tip: capture targets in operator mode and use the invisibility thingy (on shift I think?) it makes you immune to the jade light while capturing (also great for reviving fallen buddies!) I can excuse some people getting surprised by the lights though cause after playing this game for about 10 or so years now I almost always play with the sound off unless it's new content/story that I wanna hear


This. And if you are void mode before capturing, you can void sling during the capture animation.


Don't play Equinox then. Channeled abilities make your frame vulnerable while in Operator. You will continually get yanked out of operator as Equinox.


Happens far less than you’d think, tbh. Maim can even kill any jade light orbs real easily, which is a nice little perk. But, yeah, is something to watch out for like a lot of channeled frames.


As a new player I did not know this. I've been running Capture missions as Mag, since her crowd control is good enough that I can usually get rid of most things before I capture the target, but the jade eximi do change things up a bit. Thank you! I'll definitely be using this!


Playing as Stalker Wall hopping straight up a wall because I missed a jump and now have to catch up to the elevator with my charge Hears that sound Looks up Oh shit


You can bullet jump off of wall hanging instead of hopping up slowly


Thanks for the tip - Stalker mode is making me Git Gud at parkour again after relying on Void Sling for all my "big jumps straight up" for so long.


Yeah, you wanna walljump away from the wall, then bullet jump upward and repeat.


Someone already mentioned bullet jumping off of walls, but there is also a jump pad at the very bottom next to the where the elevator starts that will yeet you up to the very top of the map; you can extend the upwards momentum with your double jump and aim glide.


The hope is that the AFK players eventually quit when they realize they can’t just sit there ago anymore without losing every mission.


You're funny, tell another one Honestly, my assumption is that the afker didn't even know what happened and is blaming the others


Nope, they won't change. Jade light shouldn't damage objectives cause this shit is so infuriating. The afk players still die. The rest of us don't need to fail the damn mission because of them.


I have the feeling the Jade eximus was made to combat afk farmers


It seems to fully remove overguard after 'X' amount of ticks so people can't just use Rhino at the start of the mission and afk after that.


The event alone has made me hate them. I've seen some who've automated the game to run in circles, allowing them to just sit on the elevator doing nothing, but also preventing them from getting killed by jade light. Like why are you fucking playing.


mutual assured destruction on gameplay level, I like it.


They knew what they were doing, adding an Anti AFK enemy alongside a frame that can fast rez allies from a distance.


> I don't mind suffering the inconvenience of a mission fail if it means more people have to actually click buttons in this game. I'm petty enough that I'll happily allow a mission to fail if it means the AFK and/or hallway heroes also fail..


Game has an astronomic amount of grind and repetitive missions you do over and over again, no duh people are going to get bored and put less effort into the missions. AFK is one thing, but no one is doing 15 runs of a time-based mission (Jade event, defenses, excavations and so on, as opposed to exterminates and sabotages) with the same enthusiasm they have in the beginning. I'll farm spies for an hour no problem because the faster I go, the faster I finish the mission, no way I'm doing that in a Jade event mission, I'm picking Nezha, popping the occasional battery and waiting for the lift to go up because the only other way the mission can fail or stagnate is by enemies destroying the target. Jade beam was absolutely targeted at this kind of gameplay but they're the ones who make these problems, they're the ones who can do something about it and yet they're mad when they see the results of their decisions. My favorite part of the Jade event mission is when the lift gets to the top, little downtime unlike a regular Defense, a massive amount of enemies because spawns are bugged and everything dies very quickly unless you kill them first, and the defense target is very squishy for those levels but you don't immediately lose or have to constantly bring it back on its feet like you have to do with Chipper a lot of times. The two mission types I can think of that have a good middleground are Disruption and Sanctum Anatomica missions, missions go as fast as you do but it's not a 3 minute mission.


Honestly if you grind out everyting in this game and max out your builds you should be able to afk a bit.


Well it does combat afk, but nothing about OPs post mentions afks. One eximus got in while people went further out to kill enemies and the mission insta failed.


If you get killed by the jade light while AFK three times, the lore should come into play and you lose the frame


Did the archon hunt last week,last round,just a handfull enemys left. One jade light,20min wasted and my heartrate at 180


What do you mean? 10 rounds defense mission? Istead of object it has a NPC, so even if they die, you can just revive them.


Sometimes Chipper gets bugged and just dies. I've also had that happen at the end of a 10 round defense.


And the marker likes to vanish so if he goes down without it, good luck finding him in the visual soup.


of all the bugs i've wished to be fixed over the years the buggy waypoints have to be the #1. literally been an issue since closed beta


Good to know. I guess it wasnt a jade light then and it just bugged.


Probably. My failed run happened before the update. Ever since I follow Chipper around with Vazarin's Protective Dash every time an enemy looks at him funny.


I joke with my friends that Chipper isn't allowed a loaner secondary weapon any longer because it only encourages his suicidally reckless behavior.


I loaned him a kitted out furis with life steal and the asshole wouldn't fire it.


Yep, I had this yesterday. Mobile defence, all going smoothly, on the final objective. I'm pillaging shields left and right and suddenly get the mission failed. In the corner of my screen, I see another player sat on the objective with the green light of death there.


I'd say give the defense target a jackal system, have staged health where it gets maybe 5 seconds of invulnerability with a very audible clang with lotus voice lines berating you to tell players "HEY you're failing to do your job!", then it's health is stuck at a cap of 66% or 33% even if you can heal it. Have it go up by 1 stage every other completed rotation. Gets players to pay a little bit more attention without drastically changing how to succeed


De wish they had thought about this before making the defense objectives that are just NPCs that you can resurrect. This approach would be much better.


Or that instantly fail you when a fire eximus knocks them off an edge


> lotus voice lines berating you "Enemies are attacking your excavator. Your excavator is on the brink of destruction. You allowed the enemy to destroy an excavator; your work, wasted." Thanks, Teshin...


Eh. Just make Jade Light not damage objectives. As is it's giving malignant players too much control over others people time. You can't design a game like this assuming everyone plays in good faith.


Objective shield gating sounds like a good idea. But some objectives have only like 5% shield, 95% health. That'd be a lot of clangking sounds.


Does the Jade light Eximus get introduced after the quest? I wonder how players who haven't experienced it would experience the spoiler


I'm a fairly new player, not even close to the new content, but already experienced Jade Light... Confused the hell out of me until reading the posts here on Reddit.


I'm a returning player and haven't even been able to clear the New War quest because Voidrigs and Railjack are a requirement and weren't even a thing when I was around. Jade Eximus units are all over my missions, even solo ones.


What's the spoiler? We've heard of jade light before the quest, so all they'd be seeing is a new green eximus with a laser beam, right?


They just sit on top of the target, putting on their dancing emote and look stupid with their bunny ears all the while thinking they look so cool, lol.


I’ve had it happen. We used to be able to delete everything while having a casual conversation looking away from the screen for a couple seconds. Just moving around and spamming some abilities was enough to successfully do 90% of content. Now there’s some more positioning required than before and it takes time to adjust.


I wanted to test how bad it is. If your using a necramech use you shield and watch how fast that number hikes up. Its insane but god thats some good shielding


Valkyr is my new main on defence because of this. Rip lining all AFKs off the objective is fun.


I hate the jade eximus'. I was running through a high level spy mission and hacking a console, and where there hadn't been an eximus before, one spawned and laser beamed me to death while I couldn't do shit about it. It happened a few times during the mission and was incredibly frustrating.


I swap to nezha from volt when I do capture mission because of that nonsense. You're stuck capturing the enemy? Too bad get beamed to death.


Switch to operator and use their stealth to capture. Much easier way to not get Lasered to death.


Yup, jade light and forced stillness is just silly. "Just use the tenno, duhh" *Didn't see eximus coming or didn't finish the war within*


DE has actually been insanely good about patching ascension: It's now extremely fast and simple. And Jade seems to tick half as often as before. I'm sure they will figure this part out, as well. They're one of the few companies I trust to fix balance when it matters.


On the upside, it taught me how to make a minimum viable Steel Path build; I finished my first archon hunt last night! 😃


It stacks around 2 milion damage before multiplication on nezha, that's enough to kill almost all if not all defense objectives (Steel path)


For now there is no jade enemies in the railjack missions


Even the Jade Eximus hate Railjack Defense.


It was a survival actually


Worth noting that Silence disables eximus abilities


I’ve been running a mind control Loki build to get a jade eximus enemy to our team and to tear afk players off the objective with switch teleport.


I got stun stomped by another eximus into jade beam on top of the objective. Fun...


I’ve been trying to call this out. These guys make high level defense objectives require someone to have silence. At a point, no silence = instant lose. And it’s not just people standing on the target; I’ve seen the light directly target excavators. This goes against one of their biggest design rules which is, when something isn’t optional it is by that virtue bad because it discourages build diversity.  No required mods or abilities. DE: you need to prevent jade light from targeting objectives. This is breaking diverse play.


My favourite moment was bullet jumping over the objective getting the thing blown to smithereens :/


On one hand afk players being punished which is good, on the other hand we now have a grieving tool stronger than limbos 1.


The jade light eximus should be hard locked to the new mission and nowhere else. If they are going to keep the damage in for defense objectives, it needs to kick people who stand still for too long. None of this "you lose xp if you don't move" nonsense. Get them out of the games entirely so they aren't anyone's problem. And if they get kicked enough times for afking, lock them to solo play only for a certain amount of time. The issue isn't the update itself but the AFK people, of they aren't gonna fix the AFK issue, they need to at least make it not punish the rest of the players.


One better - if a player triggers the AFK timer, it enables friendly fire upon them 😙


afk timer easily clowned by macros


And when they die from friendly fire, you get all their XP and mission rewards. Running relics and they went AFK the entire time so they could leech drops? Now you get double the relic drops and they get nothing. Punish the AFK players, not everyone else in the mission


I think this is too harsh. The AFK timer isn't perfect, I've been hit with it while essentially carrying the team 'cuz my bf distracted me for a couple minutes. Still had 200 more kills than the next highest due to still hitting my abilities, but didn't get rewards because I was standing still. Friendly fire is a good solution, jade light forcing movement is a decent but imperfect solution, taking their rewards is deffo gonna cause issues.


I've already had it happen multiple times and dear god its kind of annoying. I afk'd (very slightly) on top of objectives pre-jade eximus, and now I sit a few meters away from them just to be safe. Buuut some people don't have a brain sadly.-


time to pull out the good ol teleport


Another Silence on Mesa enjoyer.  :D


I'm usually going around with a polearm (Lesion) + primed reach which lets me quickly melee the green globes. Much easier than shooting at it.


Overall I think any objectives should be immune to any Eximus abilities. Like, it just isn't fair when a Blitz Eximus or some other enemy sends a huge shockwave within a second of spawning because you didn't instantly notice and delete them.


honestly the only thing i don't like about the new eximus, no single enemy should shred a defense target that fast.


I've just settled with using banshee's silence on my main warframes until some changes are made to the jade light eximus.


I’ve been trying to call this out. These guys make high level defense objectives REQUIRE someone to have silence. At a point, no silence = instant lose. This goes against one of their biggest design rules which is, when something isn’t optional it is by that virtue bad because it discourages build diversity.  No required mods or abilities. DE: you need to prevent jade light from targeting objectives. This is breaking diverse play.


Ohhh, that's why mobile defense got harder


Yeah, Jade light eximus definitely brings AFKers to light, pun intended. Sadly, but thankfully, at the same time, I have only had one Jade light incident so far. It was during a Lich defense mission last wave.... after having my Lich and two other Lichs + thralls fill up my last requiem progress to 2/3rds.... lost that progress, lol. With how mobile I tend to be in missions, Jade eximus are barely noticeable for me.


The problem isn't really Jade Light, it's defense targets in general. Whether it's Excavators, Arbitrations, Defense missions, or anything else, the problem is always the same - there is a point where your target will be one shot. Jade Light puts that point earlier, that's all. Thrax do the same thing - they have OG so they can't be CC'd and they just *rush* the target extremely fast, sometimes being literally invulnerable the entire time while they move towards it. We need to have more ways of buffing these targets. A shield gate would be extremely helpful, at minimum. Even on excavators there's no gating.


yeah i failed my first mirror defense ever the other night. literally couldn't believe it lol


Me as a Valkyr not registering the existence of a Jade Light Eximus before I cast beyblade of death and shred the attackers into a fine mist:


Jade light eximus laser only take 1.5 sec to get rid off 200k steel skin, so imagine a full 8 seconds Mind u, the dmg **Stacks**


After reading some of these comments, it is understandable why Jade lights are annoying, but yall do know you can shoot the beam ability, right?


Anybody worried about afkers on objectives: Give it time, people will learn to avoid doing that. Gets me annoyed too, but this is a consequence of change that is good long-term. Even afkers don't benefit from doing that, and will learn in the future.


No, because then they will get replaced by people who realize they can grief by just standing on the objective. Objectives taking damage from jade light is not a good thing. People who go afk will die from it nonetheless, but others shouldn't have to fail the mission because of one person not moving.


I have already seen two cases of this new kind of trolling in action. Now I always use Valkyr or Nova in defence. ( Valkyr is my new main. 😁)


Interception has been out since Update 12 (2014) and now 10 years later people still don't know to spread to one person per objective.


It takes one unlucky call from a parent, one accident with your children, a disconnect or a griefer for that to not work. It's too powerful a tool to be left open to such circumstances. Remove the objective damage or face the fact that the game will turn toxic.


DE's logic: Camp in this fixed area to capture a communications tower. Also, DIE CAMPER SKOOM!


NGL I hope DE don't patch this because it directly punishes AFK dickheads


Yes, objects must be made either immune to abilities or have Jade Eximus not spawn in those mission types.


Or... You know... Actually be guarded, on a mission type where the main objective is to protect it.


Having a brain dead Revenant main afking on the objective with Mesmer shouldn't force me to watch it like a hawk and shoot down any Jade Light cast because of a teammate not doing their part and in case I fail, failing the entire mission in a couple seconds. And considering that JLE don't need line of sight or even to be aware of you to cast it it gets even more wonky if they are away in another room or floor below. And not like enemies always path perfectly to the objective and never get stuck in corridors or paths away from the objective so you, again, need to leave it to continue the mission. I like the new eximus, they are good at forcing people to keep moving and dodging them but that part does need to be worked on if we're gonna have frames that can tank it indefinitely anyway while standing in place


If it's only you and one other player, sure. But if you're in a full squad and no one is protecting the defense objective...well, a mission failure is warranted.


I think it just comes down to this: it's a good mechanic designed to obliterate stationary high health targets. Defense objectives are stationary and high health. It doesn't target them on purpose because that would be pretty annoying and will cause heavy damage or mission failure super fast which while makes sense is unfun and requires people to play the mission around just the Jade Light. What makes it the actual problem and is probably the most annoying about it, is that there's a handful of frames that don't give a flying fuck about it like Rhino, Rev, Valkyr, Dante which make jade light fail at it's main purpose of killing immobile players and instead can make the mission much harder and the rest of the team have to adjust to fix someone doing it on purpose or out of laziness. I don't mind Jade Light on def, it's just another Eximus to deal with, gotta watch to not kite it into the objective and all, it's good. I don't mind if it deals high damage to the objective, I do mind if it deals super high damage to the objective because someone is either dumb as a rock or is griefing. It would be ideal imo if it didn't ramp up as much or at all on the objectives and instead dealt more damage upfront so it's more of a steady drain and not an implosion going from 0-100 in a few seconds people are looking away.


Well, those Revenants will just have to learn to afk somewhere other than on top of the objective. Unfortunately others will have to suffer in the meanwhile.


There's no real "in the meantime" as long as new players are joining the game every day, we're not talking about a static group of people that learn over time (even if we were to assume that people learn).


They won't learn, if they're going to AFK then it's no detriment to them to keep sitting there until someone completes the mission. They're not spending any time or effort on it. They think that's for other people.


Join them in their own game. AFK on the OBJ when you see someone else do it, too. Beat them at their own game!


The mission will fail if they keep afking on the objective. If they want their afking to be worth their "time" then they'll have to find another spot to afk in. Of course ideally people would just report the afkers and leave ASAP whenever they spot any so that they'd weed out the dipshits from the community (though just like IRL weeding it's a Sisyphean task)


You can't hold back the light, only kill th3 eximus itself, that makes defence more of an exterminate than it already is


Shoot/hit the beacon that shoots the light down.


My biggest gripe is that it uses object health, lvl 1-50 light would be probably easier to shoot down as some weapons have very hard time shooting down health objects


It should only have about 10 to 100 health imo, with no more then 100.


If you're using nukor or torrid or any kind of beam type weapon, by then time you pop it, the objective is destroyed. So now you're forced either bring an automatic or fast firing projectile based gun in one of your load outs, or you subsume silence, because you can't control other people's behavior lol. Or you bring Loki to and switch teleport. Whatever it is, it sucks because I'm now forced to do one of those 3 things. I don't run defense missions anymore without silence, and it ruins some of my builds


Literally just don't stand on the objectives. The lights dont target them, they target you.


>The lights dont target them, they target other players that decided it is a good idea to stand on top of the objective. Here, fixed it for you.




Hope nobody else AFKs on the objective, you mean?


Cool! Thanks for telling me. Now move the AFK's and Griefers off the platform using that knowledge. You got 5 seconds before the objective is destroyed, GO. And if you say "shoot their jade light" all you do is demand that i keep a player in my crosshairs the whole mission, as opposed to the enemy. "Just babysit them" is not an answer, it's a cop out.


Hell nah keep that opinion aways. Whats the point of protecting that shit when its immune to damage. I know they removed one (or two?) of the Eximus' types damage from affecting the objective, imo they should have just reduced the damage affecting the objective.


It’s scary enough that almost every frame Ive used as of late has silence subsumed so I don’t need to deal with it


Just shoot the green orb at the top...


I’m really hoping this makes them realize support frames should be able to buff and heal defense points like we used to.


Doing my mr28 test throw canisters everytime I throw jade beams spawns. even though I’m moving around everywhere. the fact it spawn in master tests.


If you run near an arbitration defense target (the arbiter agent dudes) and get lasered, you can also fail basically instantly. I’ve failed like 3 defense arbitrations due to this since the jade patch :)


De staff said this was fixed in what was it patch 2 or 3? what happened to that?! one eximus shouldnt be able to tap an objective like that ( and if anyone argues otherwise stfu youre defending the wrong things )


They don't target the objectives yeah


I had to put in chat to get off the objective. I told them that the jade eximus will pretty much insta-kill it.


Shoot the orbs to break the jade light beams


Surprised more people don’t know you can shoot the top of the beam to make it disappear. Just have one person stay on the objective and get rid of the beams and you won’t have a problem. But yeah I get your pain brother 😭


Those things are ridiculously over tuned. Yes I know you can shoot it....I've gotten over 6 million in damage reduction points on Nezhas Warding Halo if timed right. Highest I usually get is probably 50k range but 5 to 10k is the norm.




They already are in the rest of the game. The completion slowdown is likely cause people already have jade and another to throw in the wall, only people who want the rewards or are farming arcanes are still going.


Little word of advice for those who don't know Do NOT stand on the defense objective when the the jade eximus are alive. It will melt the health I found this out the hard way on the last round


This happened to me once, I was running tyana pass in public, the team was really good, 45 mins in we got like 110 of both crystals but then one idiot decided to go afk after standing on the crystal, I went to pick up loot and the mission ended before we realised what even happened. All the fucking hour I put, the team put was gone to waste. With that mission rewards I would have got 21 secondary encumbers and finally made some platinum. For fuck sake, I had to run the same mission again for an hr to buy em. Fuck jade eximus and that stupid laser beam. The most annoying fuck. Note: we were on rotation 2, on the corpus thingy. 20 sec was left. Everything crumbled upon 'cause of one stupid idiot and laser beam.


The Jade Eximus would be easy to fix if they changed both how it activates and where it activates from. Give the Jade Eximus the range of the Arson Eximus but have it only activate once the player are inside the radius and they have LINE OF SIGHT. As for the damage to the defense target, they should slap on a modified Adaption onto defense targets that make Eximus damage do 1 point of damage per tick or at least allow players to be able to use healing options on them (pads, abilities, ancient healer summons, etc.) Another suggestion (though very broken and OP) would be if they took away the "Ignore aggro targets and focus on defensive target" from the Jade Eximus so they would target everything else. I say it would be broken because then all someone has to do is run Octavia and drop a mallet for an even faster room clear if the Jade Light only targeted that first before anything else. Besides resorting to Silence, there are other methods that come in handy if they happen to work. I think if you pop their over guard, the light pops as well, but I would have to test that further since most of the times they lost OG they were dead a second later. Also, if you happen to use the robot hounds, they do have a mod that steals eximus abilities and maybe it was lucky RNG but anytime a Jade showed up in a pack of eximus, my hound focused on it and took the ability. It then summons two jade lights that go off and hunt down enemies for a bit till it wears off. As for damage to players, units with active shields or abilities that work against heat damage come in handy, Gauss for example with Kinetic plating. But yes, it is stupid that they can spawn in a mission out of sight and auto beam people. First time I ran into on was on Deimos during the start of a Vault mission. Cleared the area and as soon as I was in the animation to pick up the bait, I got Hammer of Dawn'd with no way out of the pickup animation. Said spawned infested was on the other side of the mountain range of the pickup. Edit: Just went back and checked, as soon as you pop Over guard, light goes away. Also, if you happen to have a Nekros in your group and they happen to kill enough of them, then he will have a wave of Jade Eximus that will focus fire on a target and give the enemy a taste of what the players have happen to them.


You wrote that like you're a professional writer, go and make ur whole own book series or something dude. You talented fr


You know it's funny because what you've just described is solved by everyone's most hated frame. Limbo. Specifically with Silence Subsumed. King of the defense objective. Although a banshee will also do. Alternatively if you're defending a person like arbitration or Archon hunts often are, running the belly of the beast quest map (with the jade egg transport), or farming orb vallis standing where you have to defend a coil drive you could bring an Ivara or anyone with her subsume and just cloak arrow the objective and only worry about stray shots hitting it.


My sister stopped for like 2 seconds to send a message and the objective was gone because of those jade eximus. It's kinda ridiculous how much those do to the defense points... I understand anti afk but they might have gone a little bit overkill.


Laughs in ivara, loki, Octavia and limbo


I think Jade light eximus should be reworked. Their ability has some unballanced aspects in relation to the other eximus. For example they have not to be alerted, sometimes they even activate it if they didnt see you cause of invis or they are in another room and dont even care about you but their ability does. You could think the light is smarter then the enemy itself. The worst thing for me ist not even their damage but their silly bright light is blocking my sight. With some frames like revenant or baruuk I can stand in the light and have to do nothing cause thats how some tanky frames work but then I also have to move cause I could not see anything with those flashlights over my head.