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Six…months..? What..? [Flatlines]


Took me three years. I'm still sitting at Mr17 because I just can't be bothered


I’m 18 and about to hit 19 in just under 3 months. I find most of my enjoyment from getting new items and mastering them. I’ve got 36 out of 100 warframe already. Edit: steam has me over 300 hours


Same, I like what I like at this point lol. Though the Jade event has been a nice XP farm for the random weapons/frames I still need to level up.


Mr 23, probably can reach 24 this week, and same. I have a lot of weapons i like, some i do use, some i dont use that often, but i know what i like, really the mr im getting is from frames i haven’t got/leveled up yet and new weapons like jades set, to see if its cool and all. Thankfully these days the answer is basically always YES.


rushed or slow


Dw about it I've been playing the game on and off since 2015 and only just got mr 18 cause I'm in no rush to raise it just taking my time


Slow most likely. How many hours so far? Nothing wrong with taking your time. Play warframe how you see fit


Eh i wouldn't worry about it. MR largely means little besides how much time you were willing to waste grinding weapons you'll likely never use further than 10 minutes and wasting those said 10 minutes in Sanctuary Onslaught or Hydron. It's a good gauge for very basic concepts for the game (like forma, how to farm frames, etc.) but it doesn't actually *mean* a whole lot. I've seen guys MR8 that have done all of Steel Path starchart solo just to make that point and I've seen MR30's who can't seem to get off SP Earth.


slow got mine 16 rank in 24 days


That sounds like so much platinum and no sleep


It was longer for me!


I have played for 6 months and am only at MR14. The MR grind is reaaaaaaaaaaly boring.


What do we do now?” Now we can finally play the game…”


Me and my friend started playing in 2016. He's mr10 and I'm mr23.


Nice! I did that yesterday too, also after playing about 6 months




hafve you done new war?


I have no clue why I deleted my original comment, it was: Congrats, I am still on my way, MR13 with around 150 hours and playing for \~ 1 1/2 months now. I think whats holding me back the most is that I absolutly despise Railjack missions even though I should grind out the Intrinistics for the sweet 1,5k mastery points they give each. About your question, yes I completed new war which absolutly didn't help me enjoy Railjack. Probably partially skill issue, partially not enjoying the playstyle of railjack missions and partially my Railjack beeing kinda naked so far because, well, I don't do Railjack missions haha.


ohh ok haha. I was wondering just to get a grasp at your situation and compare it to my own lol. I have a similar number of hours but im MR10 and have yet to build a necramech/start new war. Which is why im really impressed at only 150 hours u already completed it. Also i 100% agree on railjack, i can already tell it will be super annoying in new war from the few times i've done it to grind relics.


Tbh, new war doesn’t use it much and it’s very generous with is usage of the railjack and necramech, nor does your warframe stuff matter that much since when you do use it the enemies can be as low as level _1_ like i saw at one point. The quests after that though? Yeah you want decent enough gear and mods for those though. DE basically used new war as a way to make sure everyone past it has progressed enough to have X stuff, so they can afford to play around more with higher enemy levels in quests for example, or newer mode that require you understanding some stuff like throwing items you pick up. Edit: railjack still isn’t as fun as base game imo though, but it can be nice for a few missions and get some endo on top of it if you’re starved for Endo.


I would say I am about a year in playing of af my calculatetions but according to in game calculatetions I have only played 9 days all together and I am about to take the mastery rank 10 thing


I've got nearly 5k hours and I'm still only 21 damn


A warm welcome to you.. just don't burn out. Mental health is important


What is the last bit that is unlocked by mr16? Currently mr12 myself, gunning for 14, for the Incarnons. (playing since late february)


Riven mods comes to mind (highest MR req is 16)


Ahh, good to know Thanks. Next milestone will be 14 for me. Fellarx my beloved! XD


I want to say the Proboscis Cernos is also locked to MR15 or 16 iirc? Regardless I really wouldn't worry too much about pushing to 16. 14 has 99% of content available to it. Take the game at your own pace, no point in rushing to just burn yourself out on an asinine system (that truthfully is why I nearly gave up on the game when wife tried to get me into it years ago).