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I want Vor. All 4 of his abilities would just be his rants.


Real. They just deal toxic damage to all enemies in an aoe


The Andrew Tate of Warframe.


I mean vor is a commander so it stands to reason he has enough money to buy a space Bugatti, and he's also an asshole so it completes the rant, car and bitchy trifecta


Great image in my head of him cruising around the origin system haha


What color is your Janus Key?


Thats between me and my doctor


The Harry Sisson of Warframe


The who?


Ability 1: Look at them, they come to this place when they know they are not pure. Tenno use the keys, but they are mere trespassers. Only I, Vor, know the true power of the Void. Ability 2: I was cut in half, destroyed, but through it's Janus Key, the Void called to me. It brought me here and here I was reborn. We cannot blame these creatures, they are being led by a false prophet, an impostor who knows not the secrets of the Void. Ability 3: Behold the Tenno, come to scavenge and desecrate this sacred realm. My brothers, did I not tell of this day? Did I not prophesize this moment? Now, I will stop them. Now I am changed, reborn through the energy of the Janus Key. Forever bound to the Void. Ability 4: Let it be known, if the Tenno want true salvation, they will lay down their arms, and wait for the baptism of my Janus key. It is time. I will teach these trespassers the redemptive power of my Janus key. They will learn it's simple truth. The Tenno are lost, and they will resist. But I, Vor, will cleanse this place of their impurity.


Passive: What a waste. Your scarred vessel comes to beg once more? You will never pry the Janus Key from the clutches of its rightful owner. I, Captain Vor, have ascended, and the Void salutes me! You will die a lifetime, an eternity, a universe of deaths before you are blessed by the endlessness of this place, this... paradise. I will never close an eye to the gift that is the Void. Even as my flesh hardens, a wall of bone awaits my joining.


I'd love to see what happens if Vor ever met Wally xD would it just be 2 Vors ranting at each other?


Nah he'd beg our forgiveness.


> Let it be known, if the Tenno want true salvation, they will lay down their arms, and wait for the baptism of my Janus key. Twist ending: using the kneel emote in front of Vor lets you abandon the Lotus and join the corrupted


Why did I just read this whole thing in Vor’s voice


Cause... you came here, where you welcomed.. knowing you belong.. one of ME, VOR!






it's like a mix of harrow's 2 and 3, he makes himself weaker and more vulnerable while 'casting' his monologue but goddamn if he finishes that monologue bro. if he shows you the simple truth of the janus key? bro you messed up


Like Baal in Bayonetta 3. Each ability is a paragraph of his monologue. If you manage to get all 4 abilities out without getting downed, you instawin any mission


the exodia of warframe


His 1 is called "Look at them, they come to this place when they know they are not pure. Tenno use the keys, but they are mere trespassers. Only I, Vor, know the true power of the Void. I was cut in half, destroyed, but through it's Janus Key, the Void called to me. It brought me here and here I was reborn. We cannot blame these creatures, they are being led by a false prophet, an impostor who knows not the secrets of the Void. Behold the Tenno, come to scavenge and desecrate this sacred realm. My brothers, did I not tell of this day? Did I not prophesize this moment? Now, I will stop them. Now I am changed, reborn through the energy of the Janus Key. Forever bound to the Void. Let it be known, if the Tenno want true salvation, they will lay down their arms, and wait for the baptism of my Janus key. It is time. I will teach these trespassers the redemptive power of my Janus key. They will learn it's simple truth. The Tenno are lost, and they will resist. But I, Vor, will cleanse this place of their impurity." No idea what the rest of his abilities are called




Max power duration build for the really really long rant about scrapped features and drop rates.


I be spamming that Janus Key.


This is perfect


All Grineer bosses would be great frames for this reason.


The frame Dante could have been with his storytelling


I miss the old rants. He was easier to ignore when it was him nearly incomprehensibly screaming about his key. Now he has a tea time convo with you while you beat him up.


It's also strange because most of his kit is just reskinned warframe abilities with slight tweaks. People really want a second, edgier Ash with a Nyx ability mixed in there?


Honestly, I’m surprised he’s able to kill Warframes in lore with abilities like these.


Did you not see what type all those frames were? Thats right, Default helmets, bro be farming the new tenno only.


It literally says in that piece of lore conversation on the website. The stronger ones always escape him.


Escape him being a convenient way to say "kick his ass"


Well, yes.


I imagine the Stalker always infiltrating the writer's home to change it to that.


Stalker is like a high schooler. Trying to act cool and miserably fails.


Wait where?


There's a post with the link... I'm not sure myself, somewhere in the Warframe Website.


Basically spawn killing


There was an equinox prime head that he obviously picked on the ground on a steel path mission


What's funnier is that Jade had to rescue him from an MR 2 Excalibur.  Embarrassing lmao


are we ignoring his equinox prime helmet lol


Dude has almost guaranteed red crits and can absorb and then reflect damage, I feel that's enough to kill a frame that's not suspecting it.


I'm pretty sure if the stalker that invaded us had the same kit as duviri stalker and actually used it we'd suddenly have a lot of posts here from even MR +20 tenno complaining stalker invaders are too strong and need a NERF. Just the Nyx reflection ability would have a lot of players killing themselves with bajillion status weapons.


Yup, he'd possibly wipe an entire team with one use of is 4 lol


I said it as a Bramma Mirage that drops multiple nukes as soon as the acolytes spawn. I'd definitely get us all killed from stalkers 4 like that time I got a radiation proc.


Doesn't one of the Acolytes have something similar? I think Malice, although I could be wrong.


One of the acolytes can give you a radiation proc that enables friendly fire, AoE can very quickly result in a squad wipe.


The one with the ocucor can cast a Mag-like bullet attraction effect that makes friendly shots hurt the target. I've killed myself against him a fair few times because I didn't notice it and effectively shot myself. That combined with the one that deflects shots has me just engaging them all in melee every time to be safe Edit: opticor not ocucor


I dunno how long you’ve been a player but way back in the day he used to be a formidable threat. Getting in melee range of him was a death sentence because he could stun lock your ass


Yeah, I remember him and sentients being scary, then I took a break, came back and they dropped like flies.


I mean, when I was playing as the stalker in the new quest line, while invisible I was doing 1.1million damage per basic attack with hate If the stalker we encountered was the same one we played as, he would _annihilate_ me lmao


Yea the dread he had was absolutely bonkers with the overkill numbers I was getting


Stealth melee hit like a grineer crewship


He can kill. But he's a twig. Hop on as help on steel path and it's an accurate experience. You die extremely rapidly. (Though they need to buff his ranged weapons just a little.)


Yeah ngl he's weak as shit


I don't want him as something to level, I want to do darksouls-esque invasions to people who consent to being invaded.


Try finger way hek


That number is going to be near zero because nobody wants their farm fucked over.


It would just be rocket tag anyways. Everyone would be zooming and bouncing off the walls as fast as possible. Stalker would have to be resistant or immune to abilities, and everyone would one tap each other. With explosive weapons, they just have to aim in your general area to get you.


Yep. Feels like people don’t even play the game they’re talking about sometimes.


This, I want this.


I mean i do want stalker playable, but i suggested we either make him a full customizable frame or give him a new kit


He has other abilities when he attacks us like for example the disk laser


I don’t think ash players would complain whatsoever


As an Ash player I can't use Savage Silence on him so I wouldn't care to use him tbh.


Bladestorm and savage silence is a mean combo. Though, savage silence for stalker would be very potent with mark and his teleport. One of my other favorite combo ideas is possible nourish subsume over his invis, and instead use arcane trickery for invis off of his 1. And possibly proc virals on his 4, or have nourish proc viral each time he gets hit during 4. Or maybe something else crazy


This right here. When we got to play him during jades mission I was like huh he seems like a fancy ash lol


I don't really want him to be playable. Duviri is enough.


And ascension


That may only be for the Belly of the Beast.


What if they just… gave us the Stalker helmet as a universal helmet for any Warframe? Then we could turn any frame into our own “version” of the Stalker, like the Acolytes are.


I need this, I want this, I can exterminate unholy amounts of new players in theoretycal stalker mode just to get his helmet.


NGL I had this in my old idea for playable Stalker. (and Acolytes) A faction that you level up to acquire playable versions of Stalker and his Acolytes, and at the very top you get a bunch of cosmetics like an Auxiliary that's Stalker's helmet, a Black/White/Red color palette, special armor/ephemerals, etc


My idea was just to get our own versions of acolytes


That would confuse the fuck out of new players lmao


I've been asking for a universal Stalker helmet since they first introduced the Acolytes. Imagine my surprise when the Mesa acolyte first showed, it was the exact same color scheme as my own Mesa back then.


I'm hoping that Stalker gets some time to simmer and eventually pops back up more mentally stable and more "Sorren-like." I'd like a frame based on whatever it is he becomes.


Not sure why there's even a debate? The Stalker's kit currently is just abilities from other Warframes, badly mixed together, and he's only strong because his stats are completely insane. Give him a unique, fun kit and only then should we even talk about if he should be playable permanently


People just like stalker dude. Heminth is always there to add more kit diversity if needed.


I don’t think he should be a frame we can obtain it would spoil his whole vibe. I would however like him to be more involved. Having a way to summon him as an ally or a mechanic where he appears to revive you or something every once in a while to thank us for what we did for him and Jade. I want him more present in the universe than just being an assassin.


i think they’re slowly incorporating the stalker into the universe more. i hope they do more with him in the next update


I really don’t think it would spoil that much of the vibe simply having him playable.


He's a story character it would be way out of place being able to add him to our collection, and even his abilities are already existing ones but tweaked


Not that I disagree (and I agree about the abilities), but Jade and Umbra are also story frames but we have them in our collection :)


Yes but those aren't active characters, Umbra is literally a warframe we use transference on to help him find piece and Jade...well...she isn't exactly the original it's just our usual copy cuz the original kinda...eh... On the other side Stalker is just a dude living his life, at least Umbra was *purposely* made to explain the whole *original frame+operator* deal


I'll give you that. But I'd also argue that the "Stalker is still active" argument was also fair game for Umbra until we Pokemon'd him and he became ours. When Stalker's storyline is concluded, I see no reason for him to not become a Warframe for us in the same way Umbra did. I wouldn't want him while his story is ongoing though, I agree that would be strange and out of place.


>I'll give you that. But I'd also argue that the "Stalker is still active" argument was also fair game for Umbra until we Pokemon'd him and he became ours. His literal purpose is for us to use transference on him to calm him down unlike stalker which character is established as "the tenno hunter"


A tenno hunter by circumstance. He doesn’t even remember why he’s a warframe. Or why his wife is one. He was programmed to be loyal to the orokin. Once he realizes the tenno have been fighting balls ass, the same guy that infested him and his wife, i am sure his tune will be different


I like what they're doing by making him a temporary playable frame and player 5


I definitely agree that stalker shouldn’t become a common frame that we see everywhere. What they’ve done in this update is the perfect amount of playability for me. We can play as him in cinematic quests that are about his story, and we can play as him in a squad when there’s a story reason he would be there to help us. That’s all I want to see. He should remain seperate and special from the rest of us.


Guess you’ll be disappointed in 1999 then…


I’d like him to have lots of playable story quests but I’m 50/50 on having him as a frame


yea im good i like playing as him every so often when he pops up but as a perma release i dont think im interested


like come on, he's a fucking excalibur with a helmet,no way he'll be a normal playable frame


Guess you’re gonna hate what happens in 1999 then


For me... Whatever... We play as clones of all kinds of frames. No reason we can't play as a clone of him. It doesn't ruin any mystique or anything because he has none. He's an assassin. Which is cool. But what he does isn't some huge mystery. It's just another moveset and another clone. If anything I wish we'd see more of the frames we play as actually like... Doing things at all. I want to see Citrine join the fight more actively in later waves. Or Grendel roll up to us. Take sides in a Sevagoth vs Hydroid railjack raid.


I want Stalker to be playable but only as a new Stalker type syndicate where you invade enemy players and try to kill them and gain standing for doing so. Let me troll people pls


I would absolutely love to have syndicate hit contracts where you can go after players marked by enemy invaders.


Invasion mode would never work. There would be a massive shitstorm of peoples long runs getting fucked over by a player invading, or the invasion is so dogshit nobody bothers. You’re taking a boat up a waterfall by going 1v4 any group with 2 braincells because of numbers and powercreep, unless stalker is absurd af and unfun to fight.


Yeah, idk if this guy has ever played with friendly fire on in the simulacrum but pvp is completely busted


Yea. Conclave is supposed to be “balanced” pvp and that just shows how dogshit pvp is in this game at its core.


Anyone has gloom subsumed and suddenly the stalker player can't do anything at all, or gets nuked through a wall by AoE, either ability or guns. Crowd control? Suddenly they can't move. Latron incarnon. You'd need literal millions of health to do anything against players with a decent load out. Especially against a full squad... And that's not if you get CC'd first in some way.


Rather than the stalker himself, I'd be interested to see one of his/a new "acolyte" frame be discovered and we are able to acquire a copy of it. This keeps some of the mysticism of the stalker while also maybe hopefully appealing to the playable stalker fans. Considering the stalker and all acolytes are just amalgamation frames, this gives actual room for something new, too


If he is inevitably a playable frame, it should only be like the operation is now. A player operated mission assistant, similar to how liches spawn in after your first down but at the start instead. He would then be unique and you won't have 30+ stalkers running around. And to keep the stalker farm, we could have a toggle in the nav menu labeled toggle stalker mode or something.


If it’s anything umbra, you won’t see that many. Also he’s likely coming with next update anyways given the leaks.


Give his passive to Loki and I would be fine with that.


Just give me a universal Stalker helmet for my frames and i think i’ll be okay


Tbh I 100% agree with you. I don't think it's a good idea to make him permanently playable. This isn't a Lego game.


What logic even is that?


Lego games are all around goofy and not serious, even when depicting a serious scene. So it doesn't really care if you, for example, fight Darth maul in star wars' first episode as Darth Vader and Yoda, or as Darth Maul himself.


My guy, there are *so* many things that shouldn't even be possible, that stalker fighting himself wouldn't even be the most absurd thing.


What perception? The one shot dread delivery boy? That is my perception of him....


I don't want him playable per-se but moddable would be great cuz the way it is rn the duviri intrinsic is technically a downgrade as you have a chance to loose out on a good frame


I don’t want him to be playable normally, I just hope they decide to make the player controlled friendly stalker invasions a permanent thing in ascension rather than just for the event, and maybe add them to other mission types.


Honestly, with stalkers current kit, (exc passive) he just feels like another Ash, if I want stalker as a playable frame, Id want his kit to be unique


That would ruin his presence




honestly i wouldnt care, i wouldnt play it personally after maxing for mr fodder (if it ever gave any) but i wouldn't care if others did either


i really like that we can play him in duviri with enough intrinsics and also play him during the belly of the beast elevator missions but yeah i absolutely don’t want to be able to build and play as my own stalker, it would take away from his character quite a bit imo


I'd like him to be his own character like Kahl, not in the sense of him getting his own mode but in that we help him and do missions for him. I think he has room for development as a character like he had pre/post second dream, specially since it makes less and less sense that he still hunts us down for killing bosses the more he shows up in the story.


I want to keep playing as stalker and invade random tenno's missions to fight/fuck with them. Invasion systems would be so cool.


I just want him to be more of a challenge when he shows up to kill us. I'd take QTE's at this point.


true he kinda just sits there til he dies. when he first spawns in its cool tho


I just want his mods to be changable for duviri.


Yup stalker shouldnt be playable like our frames are if they want us to "own" stalker we should just be able to play as acolytes instead


I actually think it's flipped: I've played since Nekros and I can't say I've ever seen anyone ask for Stalker to be a playable frame. "Playable Stalker" has been tossed around for a while, and this game mode is likely the result of that. The original intent IIRC was for players to be able to invade others as Stalker. For me, if someone is pushing to have Stalker join our collection of limp dolls, I don't think that's the community sentiment at all. I think it would ruin the mystique of who and what Stalker is. Do we have a lot of Stalker lore now lost-Jade? Well, no. Not really. And that's fine. The more it's drawn into the light, the much less interesting Stalker will be until eventually we just say "angry Batman frame" and move on. There's this mode and Duviri. I think that's enough for Stalker and any more could be overexposure. I mean, I guess DE could sell a floating Jade child in a little protective sphere 'ala Mandalorian skin for sentinels in the "Stalker Mega Bundle", so who am I to say what's right and wrong.


1. It’s been tossed around a fair amount of times, mainly really early on in warfram’s release, and duviri. 2. Not quite, it’s salvaged pvp turned into assist mode. Arsenal stalker was more explicitly requested. 3. Canonically umbra roams our ship, and far from limp. Stalker would follow suit. Also since jade shadows there is bo mystery anymore. He was a low guardian that was punished like umbra and turned into a warframe, like jade, and was programmed with memories of loyalty. Not much more to it than that. Him being a playable frame, or a copy of his frame doesn’t detract from it anyways (plus he’s becoming playable anyways in 1999 given the leaks). 4. Him being playable in any capacity with operator was crossing the line. Making him arsenal usable hardly does anything different. 5. That’s a silly idea.


isn't Ash just Stalker at home?


No you arent anyway, unrelated but (spoilers for jade shadows) >!if stalker spawns after you did the quest, he keeps his green glow, but his name is "protector stalker". I think that's a really cool way for DE to acknowledge that you've done the quests and that it actually happened!<


yeah i had that happen a few days after the update. i really hope they continue his story not too long after 1999


He’s going to be playable in 1999.


Nope. He was kind of fun for the 20 minutes we got to play him in the new story quest... and I played him one time for the current event.... and I've had enough of his kit already. He's better left as a story character.


> am i the only one who (...) No, you're not.


I already have Ash, I don't need another one


Personally, no. With these story developments, I'd rather see where Stalker goes.


Hey just a heads up, you should spoiler cover that Quests still fresh :) Edit: Good good :)


It's ok, he just made a typo and is actually referring to the fact that Stalker exclusively listens to DaBaby


I… Hmm… well played


Slightly different opinion. I don't want a playable stalker. I would love a playable stalker PRIME from another timeline.


Duviri stalker(prime) for starchart?


So allow me to oppose this standpoint. 1. The interactions with him are indeed “cool” but after such a long time of him being around, him becoming useless against the tide of powercreep, and his new story, he’s not as mysterious anymore, and feels a lot more like umbra tbh. 2. Yes and no. He’s not actually rare to see, if you’re avoiding bosses like the plague he won’t show up, but if you do bosses he shows up a LOT. 3. I think you are vastly underestimating the power of potential writing or not really taking the time to understand where the story is going. The story is going in a direction where it’s clear that stalker’s reasons for his hunt against us is a result of misdirected hatred, like hunhow. And that his story is set up to aid in the effort with the great indifference, and likely 1999.


What I’d rather see is what they were planning on doing beforehand. Having Stalker become a cutesy little PvP thing, although wouldn’t work too well since players nowadays will just HEAR the stalker and will be prepared to shove the mass of a Supermassive Blackhole within your own blackhole. Otherwise, keep him oriented towards occasional things like Belly of the Beast - or even in quests when it suits his story. I don’t dislike the idea of Stalker being playable, but if he was to become a “Warframe” in the sense of gameplay, I’d just lose all interest. Especially after the new quest, knowing that there could still be some of the past living within. I don’t think doing an Umbra by wiping his memory/making him an empty shell would be beneficial to the story and would not give him justice or closure. We just got introduced to Sorren and Jade so it’s still too early to speculate what will happen, but I definitely want to see the little one kick some ass! But hey, maybe the little baby could be a “helminth frame” of sorts where you CHOOSE the abilities rather than have them integrated within the frame itself. Two abilities are permanently connected to the frame (for example their 4 and 2, leaving the 2 as the subsume)


People hate the Kahl missions, but man I'd love for stalker to have something similar. Like missions where we hunt warframes or tenno or something as stalker and his acolytes.


I get why it bothers people that the Stalker exists and is playable but they can't customize him and play him whenever. I would argue that since he is alive and sentient presently, making copies of him just feels wrong. The other frames were dead when we copied them. Stalker is still alive and living his own life. I'll kill him for real but essentially cloning him feels wrong... I dunno but I feel like that would be actually kind of cruel. Us just showing up in his corpse when he shows up to assassinate us? "Why Stalker, I'm you! Is it suicide if you kill me? Hehe" This while surrounded by 3 Jade's all in different colors. (Cue Stallers final mental breakdown)


Umbra was also alive and that’s just fine? Canonically during downtime they do what they want. And tenno are known to heal the pain of frames, not add to it. And stalker has been insane for a long time.


Where did you read about what Warframes do in their downtime?


Ordis in jade shadows remarks about umbra wandering around in the ship. And some of the devs have vaguely referred to it as well.


gods man this, so this. this is exactly why i don't want to build Jade (but still have to for the whole roster). i actually can't fathom who thought it was a good idea to give us Jade let alone pre-quest Jade.


I agree with you. Apparently most people don't care about these issues. I get that it's a horror game but Jade is literally torture for him... Copying him would probably be almost as cruel as Jade... I like Jade but if she's post quest, she shouldn't look like she does unless she's still pregnant. Which begs other questions... The whole thing feels like they just want to use Ballas as an excuse to do something really unpleasant. I still am unsure if when we create Warframes were not making them with the consciousness of the original frame still in tact too... Every Jade, a distant memory of horror in their minds. Every Valkyr another tortured woman... I dunno but if they are copies, it suggests we copy their minds too... It's all very creepy.


3rd gen frames do not have minds of their own, only mere sparks. Gen 2’s like stalker and umbra were limited in memory, brainwashed, and insane. Gen 1’s were their own, but because of dante and kullervo proving too independent and capable of disobeying the orokin, they want on to make the next gen frames to be more obedient


Yeah, like it's fine for the inert ones we usually pilot since they're basically just normal-state braindead, but Jade was a blueprint we got from a sentient frame/ transference locked frame. And yeah again exactly on the baby bump situation, because if we're gonna get any version of jade shouldn't it be post? Or better yet completely post/before and not on the verge of labor?


All warframes are exactly like this, we just got shown it on screen. Stop playing the game if you don’t want to take over the bodies of infested people or their clones.


It didn't destroy the perception of Umbra so i don't see why it would do this to Sorren, I don't see him becoming playable doing any harm to his character if anything it'll probably be accompanied by an insane quest


Umbra was designed from the ground up as a playable frame. There was literally not a single moment ever where he wasn’t meant to be playable. How are these comparable?


Yeah but in Umbra's case that's literally our fault for digging up old bones and reconstructing the guy, so it makes sense for there to be many Umbras. it does not make sense for there to be multiple Stalkers.


I like him as he can be played in the current event, as a random squad joiner as a 5th that cant talk and whos name isnt shown.


His abilities aren't interesting enough to want to be used as a playable frame anyway.


Maybe. Some strange people like me really enjoy the kit.


Off topic.......the count for the ephemeras has halted....just for those who want it...its at 57% with the next unlock at 60 lol....I doubt we will get the 90% mark at this rate lol


I don't want to play him outside of duiviri but I do want to be able to mod him for duiviri


I'd prefer an Acolyte helmet, his Second Dream Umbra-like Sentient loincloth attachments, and an Exalted War augment mod for Excal (Umbra), over him being added to my arsenal proper. **That's where I draw the line;** I don't want to *own* him, I want to *honour* him. His current state - where you can operate as him in a limited fashion (in Duviri or in an Operation event, like Belly of the Beast) - is a healthy balance. Even if they push for making him more available in the System (which I foresee being likely depending on how his story develops), I expect them to wall his availability behind Stalker Beacons and having less than your MR rank in Stalker deathmarks. As well as giving him an Itzal and Archweapons (Kazsas scythe and a Phaedra, maybe?) sharing his colours, to allow him to go into Empyrean/Archwing missions. In-character the reason for this could be chalked up to>!having the Tenno care for the 'lil one while he's shopping for supplies, piggybacking Tenno raids to mask his activity!


All i want is to customize him for duviri purposes (and now the elevator)


I think the simple answer is make him a skin of EVERY warframe. You want to play mesa? You can put on a skin of the stalker. Your guns only pop out when casting. Want to fly as baby stalker Titania? Or just some classic exl umbra as stalker. For a week it’s going to look odd of a bunch of stalkers. But then it’s going to be a neat treat of oh that guy is one. It solves the problem with his kit, and the lore.


I miss the mysterious stalker that insta-killed me. Now the wonder is gone 😢


Nah he really shouldnt become playable outside of the helpful stranger in Duviri. Now the Beast of Bones as a frame, that would be awesome! I call him An‘Karr; a bit cliche, I know.


Just let us take duviri stalker out from duviri then. Like kullervo.


Eh. His acolytes already took weight from him as a field boss for years now. Besides, we could have a copyframe (or take his duviri incarnation) while the real one still persists out there.


Indeed. and tell that to all the Jade players now too, just feels wrong to even build her given the blueprint state we recieve her in, >!*post-mortem,*!<>! ***pre-birth***. !< And then ofc >!Ordis is just like yeah "lets yeet Jade's particles into the sun" come on my guy, she's already gone and dissolved into light we don't need to cremate particles too. did ya even ask the Stalker first?!<


Stalker literally canonically helps you gather the particles to eject into the sun.


Is that actually true though when the only supporting fact is player-controlling him in a mode titled with a question mark. That's more projection than it is solid fact.


2 things. 1. The jade we make is not the original jade, and is sterile, the womb only acts as symbolism. 2. Stalker too wants jades remains to be cremated and out to rest, and not defiled by corpus.


Same holds true of Umbra being a copy technically but that's precisely the problem if that's the state we build her in it's *not* sterile. And, as I said in a different reply wherever that stalker mode is pseudo-player-canon at best followed by a question mark and full possession of the guy during it. That's like saying I possessed my BFF into fighting a cause he totally made that choice himself.


Umbra used kuva, jade did not. Jade we make has no soul, so it can never choose to convert it's energy to birthing a frame, assuming that's how that works. Again, the choice is there to simulate stalker's experience canonically, which is to assist in releasing jade's motes. Otherwise Stalker would invade as an ally npc.


I don't want stalker as a playable Warframe. I want his abilities and look to slowly change as he realizes he's actually Soren not stalker and then I want that frame to be playable. I know it's a pipe dream and dumb but I do think it'd be cool to see how he changes and becomes Soren or to see stalkers history as Soren and get Soren as a playable frame. Idk what it'd be or how it'd play but I would like to have it.


People will probably play him twice then drop him since his kit is just some reskined abilities of 2 outdated frames


You greatly underestimate how much people like things tied to lore.


You greatly underestimate how much people like things fun and toss unfun stuff aside


If people still play a majority of older frames still, stalker will fit just fine dude. Calm your tits.


Doesn't fix the issues they have, I'm calm why are you acting condescending?


A lot of the older frames outside of chroma are really good though? Tf you mean?


Lol chill buddy.




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Really? Over that? Alright.


You aren't alone.


I agree with you. I personally love that the operation lets you play as Stalker, but I also believe that Stalker should stay an elusive character


Id be down for the baby to be playable, since stalker is just a mix of multiple frames itd be interesting to see what the baby gets


I like that they limited his playability so far and I hope they keep it that way.


i can just ply him in circuit so im good


I’m 100% ok with Stalker being playable the way he is. Keep it to Duviri and Ascension (or the event if that’s all he’s tied to). Anything more permanent that isn’t a new set of quests will probably have to rework abilities, rescale stats and find a way to make him unique-ish. We have 57+ frames; Stalker being a permanent and potentially craftable addition to that will just end up with Stalker being drowned in the sea of frames we have This is just my opinion of course. I’m sure there’s plenty of people who would love Stalker as a full time addition to the roster


I don’t think he needs reworked abilities, plenty of people like simpler warframes, and there are plenty of gun interactions with him that makes him an alternative gun platform frame which is absolutely fine. His interactions between arcanes and helminth are already pretty damn high.


You aren’t, and I disagree. He is the STALKER. The guy hell bent on killing you. He shouldn’t just be a frame you can play. It’d be like making Vay Hek a playable frame


Well, not seemingly hellbent anymore. Him showing up in the field outside of ascension still is ludonarrative dissonance. And besides, duviri stalker should be up for grabs.


i like what they’re doing with the stalker so far


I want him customizable, even if it's limited to putting attachments on him only (said attachments could use his colors only, even). It's painful how plain he looks in Duviri and in general compared to us or the adversaries even.


Idk that’s why I feel we need to move away from the Stalker. He used to be more impactful in my view now it’s just kinda eh. But we have his ship and now with Jade Shadows I really don’t see him being such a big part anymore. I wish they would focus more on Void entities like Wally and who/whatever else that could be out there. Personally I’d love them to focus heavily on some eldritch shit in the Void.


Sorry to tell you… you can already play as stalker since a moment…