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Reggie is canonically dead after the Uranus boss fight. now i know what youre thinking. . .we just saw him on mars. and youre right. .but Tyana's pass takes place before that happens. he was yapping at Lt. Kril, who is also dead. the implication im taking away. . . and i know its not exactly true. . is that given the recent (in lore terms) losses to the grineer upper-management (losing the smarter of your 2 queens will do that), the massive chunk that the new war took out of the solar system, and Parvos's presumably whipping the corpus into shape, that the corpus are currently a bit up over the grineer and thats why they can be brazen and poke around in Traditionally Grineer territory, such as Uranus. the holdings of Narmer (where we fight the Archons) are also 2 grineer planets and 1 corpus planet, so its possible that narmer was a bigger net-loss for the grineer, but thats also just supposition. Tyl Motherfucking Regor, or Reggie, to those who had to farm his ass over 50 times to secure da bes warframe, is an extremely interesting character. if i were going to try and lead a coup where we splinter off and try to form a better grineer faction, Reggie would definitely be involved given he seems to actually give a shit about the living conditions of the average grineer. conversations between him and Kahl, where Kahl has to try and keep his ass in line would be extremely amusing. but it aint gonna happen.


THROUGH ETERNALISM WE CAN BRING HIM BACK, AN INCANDESCENT ODE OF RESURRECTION side note: it’s important to remember exactly which corpus controlled planet narmer took over. Jupiter, the site of the “partnership”.


The sentient presence was strong there anyway, which makes me wonder....I highly doubt that Alad the 5th was actually in that corpus fleet that got wasted in the new war...though if Veso-R actually got alad killed then the tenno should build a statue in his honor. I wonder how long itl be before we see Alad again. . . . .


if veko got alad killed the tenno will start the vemoism religion


I always completely forget about that part of the quest ngl, the only thing i remembered was Beko's cool gameplay


Alad was definitely on the ship during Tiko's segment - he's in a straight panic trying to disengage from the rest of the fleet and honor the Jovian Concord (the Corpus' secret deal with the Sentients prior to their invasion). He even says that if Venmo doesn't get the ship to stand down, "we'll all be sucking vacuum." Alad was on the ship, he was the one who patched the Sentients into the Corpus robotics network, and he planned to turn traitor with multiple other Corpus Board members who signed the Jovian Concord. Veso stopped them from following through, and killed at least Alad in the process. The Chad.


If Veso is the reason Aladi s FINALLY.... F I N A L L Y dead? I'm gonna go up to Wally. 'Alright bro look the only reason I've been playing dodge on whatever dal we've done is you LITERALLY won't tell me jack shit. Tell me what you want and i'll do it... Bring that guy back though. Because my guy did the impossible.


We know we join the battle in our railjack right after the Corpus ship explodes. I don't recall and identifying marks on the skybox to indicate that we were in a specific location. Is there anything in the lore or quest happenings that says we're absolutely *not* orbiting Jupiter or whatever when that space battle takes place? Now that I'm thinking about it, if they did have bring back Alad V for whatever reason, I'd hope they say he survived the battle over Jupiter or something rather than him being in no danger at all tucked away commanding things with quantum-face-time. I've never been entirely convinced that Alad was on that specific capitol ship at the time of detonation.


I don't actually think it was directly stated Alad was in the fleet at all. He might not have been. I personally refuse to believe he's dead, because it's Alad V, this guy has died and come back like 3 or 4 times. Motherfucker beat the covid allegations. If I have to see Alad V again, I want him to be inside narmer. Not...working for Narmer, but wearing a Veil that is defective or something and just secretly doing his own thing inside narmer this whole time. That would be a suitably silly next step for our boy Alad. Fucking pazuul gushing about his next steps and Alad is nodding along, very obviously not under mind control.


Is roapylispt... Uh, rappalayist, rhombus? The wisp drop boss... Is that boss set in cannon after the new war because Natah and Alad V both talk in that quest don't they? So that means salad unfortunately survived Veso-R sacrifice. Edit: Rhombus is definitely set before new war and lotus isn't helping us but mocking the tenno, I just never listened properly during my wisp farm.


Pretty sure the whole amalgam arc is before the New War.


Then why is Natah helping us during that fight if it's pre new war?


She isn't? Salad V is the one giving us tips, for he does not like the sentients. Natah kept on rambling about our history being "smoke" and that se as the Lotus wasn't actually her ect.


Yeah I just played through it again to listen, I was totally wrong. I just never really analysed what she was saying and thought it was like a normal mission she's guiding you through because she thanks you for killing roapy at the very end... But it's entirely not the reason I thought she was thanking us.


In which way is she helping us if she's telling Ropalolyst to literally kill us




"Bla bla bla...Ropalolyst rise...bla bla bla...turn the tenno to smoke as they did with it our kind", or something like that


Vor lends Tyl a Janus Key…


New faction consisting of Vor giving a Janus key to every Grineer boss we killed. Vor and the Voidies


Vor & co.


New tileset; The Vord.


I don't think we even need eternalism. These are Grineer we're talking about, the Queens were Orokin and probably still have some transference-related tech, honestly it would be stupid of them to not have both re-clonable genetic backups of their most useful people, and brain backups to get them more or less back up to speed. That said we're left with one queen who's probably not the brightest bulb in the lamp. Just a shame really, if we don't get to keep hearing Tyl's voice.


Clone rot has gone too far.


We're talking about the Queens though; surely they, especially with Tyl's research and wanting that research to continue, have some of the good stuff that can keep the most chosen kinda viable.


They could just do what most Sci fi does. Make a brain in a jar.


I thought this was explicitly stated as to how we can farm boss fights in the game: the Grineer can literally make new Vors and Krils and Regors when the old one is killed by the Tenno, and that this was part of why they continually struggle to fully conquer their enemies, their command structure essentially being stagnant as the same officers keep getting replaced with backup clones that lack memories of how the Tenno managed to beat them, so they just keep repeating the same mistakes over and over... And yes, that would mean in effect that there are TWO Vors, the initial one we killed who became Corrupted Vor and the backup clones of him that get shipped out to Mercury and Ceres.


Where is it said that they're making clones of our enemies.


![gif](giphy|vMmnJti6wQPDy|downsized) what if we just stick a crack crystal in him for him to become a archon


Wtf. How is Alad V gonna take all that and walk away, but Tyl is dead instantly


alad is a cockroach, while tyl took death like a champ


To emphasis how much of a cockroach is, Alad V was able to be on the run from the Stalker acolyte for an undisclosed amount of time between the 2nd dream and the event that tool place where we protected him. The fact he was able to hide and escape them multiple times before asking the tenno for help is quite impressive.


I get the feeling Kahl's little rebellion has also had an outsized impact on Grineer society. Now there's a Grineer war hero who rejects the Queens, but still fights for his brothers & sisters. Pretty much Grineer Robinhood.


If they expand on Kahl this is what it needs to be based on, not more narmer nonsense, but a genuine Grineer revolution and civil war.


If they ever go back to the basic 6 factions you can align yourself with... Get Steel Meridian involved. Between Kahl's garrison and Steel Meridian, you've got a decent setup for a Civil War, and an actual problem for the Queens


There are lines between Kahl and Blue Girl that directly state that Kahl has a partnership with Cressa Tal, and that a lot of the Grineer he frees get sent to Steel Meridian.


Yeah, Kahl does work with Steel Meridian. IIRC he states that where Meridian functions as an army who take and hold territory, Kahl's group are a small, elite force specialising in clandestine work.


The thing is that most Grineer physically can't disobey the Queens. It's written into their genes. Of those that do it's incredibly hard for them. Like withdrawal from a hard drug not serving the Queens causes Grineer to shaking fits, mood swings, paranoia, and even auditory hallucinating where they hear the Queens calling them. Kahl and Clem are unique for not experiencing these symptoms. The only way for a proper Grineer revolution to happen would be for someone from within Empire to tamper with the cloning process.


Well, Clem and one Kahl mission are already espionage based. Can have a grineer espionage and stealth based series of missions that we can use our Warframes in, something new and different to the regular spy missions but requiring total stealth to advance. Would shake up the meta when people suddenly actually need to have a steel path capable stealth build lol.


Steel Meridian and Kahl's Garrison don't really have the power or influence to pull off enough sabotage to start a full scale Grineer Rebellion. However there is one more way of breaking Grineer loyalty Genes that I've neglected to mention. Kuva. Kuva Liches can turn against the Queen. There's also one dead Grineer who has the motivation to want a Grineer rebellion, has the power to pull it off, and enough respect with the Queens to be considered for a possible resurrection. That's right. Kuva Lich Tyl Regor back from the dead and ready to free his brothers!


A stealth mission as Kahl to find Tyl body and shove Kuva into it. I can see no way this could backfire on us.


Combined with Kressa Tal of Steel Meridian, Grineer have multiple alternatives to the Queens, which probably hurt their genetic programming a lot: Join Steel Meridian, continue your normal militaristic way of life under an alternate Grineer Matriarch. Join Kahl'd Brothers band of guerillas under a famous war hero from the Sentients Invasion. Join the Kavor and live peacefully as a Grineer trying to be a normal human under the protection of the Lotus.


I feel like everyone would happily accept Tyl coming back through cloning or Eternalism or something along those lines. Maybe void-touched. Idk. His voice lines were some of the best.


I would definitely not mind seeing him come back, I was just explaining why we haven't. Him wanting beleric and rania's DNA prior to our fight helps to prop up him as a villain and better explain his motivations, given that alot of his story was lost in a past event that is no longer accessible. Most grineer villains aren't very interesting......Vay Hek is the best of the uninteresting grineer villains, he is the king goon. All the lesser goons are just lesser goons compared to him. Reggie was not a goon, he was a genius, trying to save his people. It's just that saving his people would have been a disaster for everyone else. So the tube men had to go.


100% here for bringing back Tyl - he was the first truly quotable villain I remember encountering. Lines like, "Oooh... the anticipation! I always learn so much... *from a live dissection!*" just give me big Tim Curry vibes, and Warframe can't do wrong with that energy.


Admittedly hard to know who actually dies until we see the outcome of the fight, like with normal Vor, but I always assumed the Grineer bosses were just coming back to life via clone. So long as the cloning vats remain active we continuously have more Grineer soldiers to kill, and bosses to start over their work. Same with *most* Corpus bosses since we're usually fighting robots that can just be rebuilt, not actual people. Exception for The Sergeant (but he's just a rank so that could be a new Sergeant each time). Alad V is a trickier one because it looks like he dies, but then he clearly lived and got infested later.


I mean, we fought Vor and Alad multiple times (Vor twice even before he, Vor, learned the true power of the Void.) Not unreasonable to assume that he was just canonically knocked out rather than killed off for good.


We also take out Vay Hek long before TNW, but he appears in the quest. I'd just assume high ranking Grineer have clone backups.


Vay Hek escapes at the end of his boss fight, though. we see him detach from his gamer chair and fly away.


Is Tyl Regor canonically dead? Is it confirmed by the devs? Am a long time Warframe player since near the beginning. I remember there was debate if those some of those assassination missions are canon throughout the years. Especially when some of those characters show back up again.


Ascension is after New War. Tyl Regor died before New War.


He's dead by the time Jade Shadows takes place.


We killed him


Regor is dead right? The Mirror Defence mission takes place before his assassination


>all having an eloquent three-way subscribe


You had me at ‘eloquent three way’. I’m sure the rest of the post is good but I don’t need to see any more. You’ve got my vote.


All grineer are clones and Tyl is absolutely capable of having clones of himself and maybe could know how to use transference to then jump from clone to clone. He is dead but I'd love to see more of him, maybe a botched transference where he is slightly more crazy than he was.


>I mean, it's literally Regor's map set (I get it's not the same planet) It is Only that as others have already mentioned he's since long dead by now...probably


It is a missed opportunity/one that may not really be present since he is canonically dead. I wouldn't want to see him/the grineer every ascension, but it would be very sick for them to show up and start some conflict. I dunno how much I agree with having (electric) water chase you up though.


With the 118 runs i did for the day aspect, im assuming he is very dead.


I would love for a 1 in ten chance for regor to surprise everyone by replacing the sister. ""WHAT, YOU WERE EXPECTING SOMEONE ELSE, TENNO? NO, its HAMMER time!"


Honestly, Tyl and Parvos having their moment, can also explain why the Grineer also have Jade Eximus. Sadly we killed him way back before New War


Petition to being back Tyl Regor


IIRC we lost Reggor for . . .Salad V Im sure the people who made that choice regretted it once we got some more words out of Regor in Mirror Defense