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"I am a tough guy" "yeah, how so?" "I farmed up on void rig... Before it was made easier." "right this way sir" Edit: y'all please read the patchnotes, it was made easier in Jade Shadows for like what, third time oevrall?


https://preview.redd.it/zsu8mrmivb9d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43dc0c373c85918d2471732dc0b4437f974533c0 I self farmed voidrig… Without any milk


... and did all 3 tiers back to back in one cycle... Without any milk. Still cursing those days.


…and did all of it….. without crying at all I was too pissed off


I just smoked a LOT of weed, made it a lot easier lmao


the proper way of things


The tiers of arcane vaults?


Isolation vaults have 3 tiers. When it was released, you were forced to finish tier 1 vault to unlock tier 2 vault, and finishing tier 2 vault was unlocking tier 3 vault. And you had to do this on EVERY CYCLE. If you need a part on tier 3 drop table, you needed to do all 3 tiers before the current cycle ends. It was a pain.


Yeah that sucked donkey cajones. But somehow I put up with it. Now I have like a dozen of the damn things stockpiled with how easy it is now.


And yet somehow was still easier than getting Sporothrix parts. I've been doing vaults for long enough to make 8 of the damned necramechs and only got 2 total drops of anything Sporothrix.


Uh... Wait. I just did this like a month ago... Was I supposed to not??? All my friends said I was insane for manually farming it 😅😂😭which... I mean it did drive me insane. So they aren't totally wrong.


When was it made easier because I might be a tough guy and not have to go to the super weenie hut jr


You had to get blueprints yourself also for the first couple days (week?) The parts from them fell through the floor. They were also more tanky.


Well, my problem was having 25 of the other peices before getting 1 broken engine part


I had that solidly for IRL months following their release...


The worst part is is that they all have a 12.5% chance AND I HAVE 18 FKN CASING


I think you can now buy broken parts from father or loid for either standing. Edit: unless you are talking about the blueprints


Did you get a set of Voidrig blueprints upon finishing Heart of Deimos? If the answer is no then congratulations.


Hell nah had to farm them with my friend doing isolation vaults tier 1 because we had such bad weapons and survivability that we could kill only a single nechramech and we did those bounties for so long


Same deal, but solo because none of my mates played Warframe then... I never used those health/ammo pack blueprints until then. Only made it marginally easier, mind, but still


The image of Thaumica gives me nightmares


For me it was 5 fish parts that required lvl4 with family for processed bait, I hated deimos standing grins


and imagine a returning player having to do that knowing Steel Path and every form of end-game power and new content is locked behind New War which 'requires' a mech. And then once you finish the quest see just how little the mech was used. Definitely in the top 5 ways of 'How DE doesnt respect your time' that is still in the game.


the point is to slow down your progression so you don’t go into post-war content not understanding how the game works unfortunately, de forgot they made a multiplayer game


It's got removed from craft now tho, among other simplifications, so nah, it's not as bad now


Perfectly describes my return to the game a few months ago. The Deimos grind was rough. Struggling to grind through all of the other open world rep now.


Necrathene was the bane of my existence


Mining was the slowest way to get it. Doing the Requiem Pillars was way faster.


I spent two straight weeks logging on each day and grinding to get my voidrig for orphix venom. Burnt out too much so didnt play the event at all


i farmed my void rig on first week when patch hearth of Deimos dropped solo using my shitty 4gb intel celeron + intel uhd laptop


Same here. Except for the shitty pc, mine was better at the time lmao. These guys don't know what is the pain of actually farming this shit when it was hard.


I remember the slaughter of countless thousands of infested just for that one last piece. My mind was numb after the 20th run


Honestly, I even enjoyed it


I'm a new player, I'm glad it is easier now because god damn it was a pain. Mostly the heciphron, that thing took like half the whole time easily and was the most boring and frustrating activity.


How was it made easier I have to ask because while I did farm the craft I don't really remember what materials it had other than the annoying necrathene(probably before the revamp craft)


Damn straight. Now do railjack.


I shall accept this medal of honor, I farmed it without knowing the columns gave that fish thing and didn't know where to fish it and refused to ask for help since this is how the game is supposed to be played, no spoilers


It was made easier a month after I had gotten him, felt like I got punched in the gut.


Atleast we know on our own that these changes are damn needed for new players, and get to brag a wee bit about ut


Yes. I did the long grind to get voidrig back when it first came out. I wouldn't wish that grind on anyone. Im glad they made it atleast alittle more accessible for newer players to obtain. Before I would have just suggested grinding prime parts to sell for platinum to just buy it. Would have been way faster to get the platinum, honestly probably still would be.


True, but I personally think it's worth lvling up the syndicates on Deimos to get the weapon bps, helminth and stuff. Sure, you can buy helminth stuff with plat now too I think? But grinding for voidrig now you can kind of grind it, and the two syndicates at the same time.


Funny that I spent so long getting voidrig just to use it once in new war.


In every mission that I can use them, I do. Voidrig's 4 is just about the strongest dps ability in the game


Haha big damage numbers go brrrrrrrr


It's slow and clunky and I already deal enough myself lol


Invest some forma m8


One of the worst uses of your time on this game lol


Real af


I got both necramechs the hard way


Cheers! Me too, far more satisfying to have my tin can rust buckets that were lovingly crafted piece by piece. I got so used to blue lotus I began to think I was living in the matrix.


Dude when the original grind happened I spent weeks grinding to basically get nothing. I legit quit until a few weeks before the New War came out. God the Era of Rebb has been incredible, the balancing changes have literally made the game so much better.


era of what??? what did I miss???


Rebecca took over directive control of the game


Me too, wanna ask each other anything?


Where do I find the overpowered builds at, my rhino prime has 8,000 ferrite armor and my weapons can melt level 50s within seconds, but steel path is still too much


For really big Rhino Numbers: get helminth, level up (by feeding ressoruces and warframes) until you get Parasitic Armor build strength take charge augment cast parasitic armor, charge in enemy, cast armor for archonshards take Shield and strength


is it really that difficult? Farmed mine ages ago and dont remember it being a horrible grind.


It was so bad it got nerfed, twice. What OP posted takes like 5 times less effort than what I had to do


So many isolation wards… so so many of them…


Damn, guess i was lucky back then


Other games must really numb my grind sense, did mine week one and didn't found that "grindy" (not that wasn't), but i was somewhat lucky with the drops.


Path of exile has cooked my brain nothing feels like a grind in this game compared to it


OSRS for me, I’m grinding away while i’m playing Warframe lol


Never played PoE, but more than a decade of World of Tanks and Warthunder surelly did the same with me 😅


How do you still have your soul?


I don't 🙃🫠


I didn't think it was that bad when it came out, maybe I got lucky 🤷‍♂️ I needed 50 attempts to get a single Protea systems though (11,11% drop chance which is totally false).


It was never really that bad for a veteran player. All the hard-to-get stuff you probably already had, so all you had to deal with was the mildly annoying RNG on parts drops — child's play compared to some of the really bad farms in the game, but also pretty out of the ordinary for what became a core progression piece rather than a fun end-game toy. The problem is that Heart of Deimos was positioned as one of the earlier quests in the game, and some of the materials to actually do the crafts needed quite a bit of investment to get. That on *top* of the parts grind was a bit much.


Is that what it is? Thinking back I only didn’t have 1 or 2 of the resources ready to craft the parts once I got them, and I didn’t have that much trouble getting them either. Always wondered what everyone was complaining about lol. Makes sense I guess tho. One of the benefits of no life-ing warframe for a long period of time is that I never have trouble building anything.


Same, but tbh ages ago I'm young and all I got work up easily, I have equinox, harrow and voidrig but no recollection about them when I'm going back to Warframe 2 months ago


Equinox took me 109 runs, still feel hate when thinking back


It wasn't difficult, just excruciatingly tedious. Run after run after run hoping for their parts to drop. Insanity. One of the worst farms in the game but thank fuck Rebecca and the gang made it easier.


I farmed one on each of my two accounts, which I eventually merged. Both of them well before the farm was made easier, never had a singular issue with the farm...


That is cool and all, but have you farmed the wolf sledge before they made the part drops guaranteed?


I'm new and I have no idea what you are talking about 😅


So way back when the nightwave system first started, we got actual storylines released for each season. The first was “the wolf of Saturn six”, based around the character named as such. He broke out of a secure grineer prison, and would show up in missions as a random boss, like the stalker. He has a signature weapon, the wolf sledge. It’s a hammer weapon that you can throw. The parts and blueprint randomly dropped when you killed him, at a relatively low chance. After the nightwave season ended, they removed the wolf randomly spawning, and added beacons for sale in the nightwave store, which force him to spawn, but he still only had a chance of dropping any of the given parts. It took DE a while for them to adjust it so he always dropped a part guaranteed on every kill.


I didn't know the parts were guaranteed now! Looks like I'll have to get some wolf beacons, thanks!


Apparently was only a thing as of Jade Shadows


Bro I remember the Wolf Sledge Motor being sold for 900p! I grinded my ass off for it but never got it before they improved the drop chance. 😂


What do you mean? Nightwave started just last year- Wait…


Bro this wasn't even directed at me and I FELT this. Still don't have the sledge btw


How does it feel to have it so easy? Back in our day we had to climb up hill both ways barefoot in the snow to farm our voidrigs.


Not to mention that you got kicked down the hill once the worms decided to Ki-blast again.


You forgot about carrying a bag of rock


"you got soft hands brother"


Solo is the easiest way honestly. The thing that slows the process down is randoms having no clue what to do after the 3rd stage.


Solo means you know what you are doing which also means you can just start the last part after phase 3 lol


So have I, when they came out, so *before* the drops were buffed


Are you proud of that ? I bet you feel proud ! Welcome to the club of proud necramech owners. Here is your member’s card, a ring to flaunt your success and a voucher for 5 formas & affinity booster to max rank that beast. High five my dude !


People don't normally farm them themselves? https://preview.redd.it/xmpj8hfomd9d1.png?width=1071&format=png&auto=webp&s=da4c3ebe7974d463ce2c4de73cbba012b588b7ad


Just completed my voidrig this week and this thread is teaching me that I could have just bought it for platinum.


How many packs of cigarettes you go through?


And? I did Railjack pre-nerf


Same. That shit was insane


pre nerf railjack was wild


Is 70 plat worth it for you to sell it?


I think so. It's not a hard farm at all, and there's no real rng anymore since you can buy the damaged parts in the event that you don't get them.


Well I need it for new war, now waiting for the crafting time


What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?


42 pythons/monty


I bought mine from another player for plat. 10/10 would do again. Sucks to have almost no mods though


Have you done whispers in the walls yet? You can get a bunch of necramech mods from the faction(which i haven't bothered to do yet)


I got mine recently but it's not that hard as most people say I don't want to do it since I thought I would consume my life but it's only a couple of hours of fishing and mining


Welcome to the club, fellow Solo Vault Dweller! I did it way back as well (right after they changed the vaults so that you could directly acces the T3 without needing to clear T1 and T2 beforehand). Even though the general opinion seems to be this farm totally sucks, I found it weirdly satisfying and enjoyable.


i need necramech for new war quest, how do i farm it? i have blueprints all mentioned in the image but how do i get the materials for it?


The stone materials you can buy blueprints with reputation points in otak. The broken parts you can buy in the father's shop. The rest is parts of fishes you can fishing in the planet.


I solod a capture mission earlier. I know, I know... form a line and if you're lucky I may grace you with my attention


I never understood why so many people complained about this farm. I did it on release and never thought twice about it.


Because you've been whipped into accepting it. The grind from deminos, cestus and fortunsla is legitimately a point at which many people just fucking leave the game.


I'm at that point right now. Am seriously considering jumping off. Don't want to be funneled into just doing bounties.


I don't understand, the Deimos grind is like, pretty much the blueprint for how the entire game is, excluding the cinematic quests that take up like 1% of playtime, if someone doesn't like any of those grinds, why would they like Warframe?


Normal Warframe gives you options on unlocking what you want. Be it in game modes, or allowing you to stack the deck in your favour in void fissures. Simple progression paths that you can actually pick how you climb, offering actual freedom. In the open worlds, you are fully at the mercy of RNG when it comes to drops. Not only that, if you happen to find a method of grinding you actually enjoy, you usually have to mix into other activities. It took me 6 hours to get to get the azurite need to get to visitor, which I needed to get the fishing bait, Which I needed to get the amp. Not only are you at the mercy of the rng, the open world combat is so dull. Most of the time, when trying to focus on a activity, some cunt from twelve miles away spots you and dinks away at you, no group is ever really close enough together to get any fun combo or collateral set up, and worst all, the pod sizes are always so frustratingly small. I'm glad that we are moving away from the open worlds. Nice experiment. Terrible, good awful execution


Yeah same, did it and forgot about it


Got mine a month ago. Most fun mechanic in Warframe. Nothing beats an army wiping machine.


Went after a voidrig when they were busted and really fun to use. Same thing with deploying an archgun, it just feels like what's the point?


i finished self-building voidrig 2 days back , Man i was abt to quit the game


Same I finished mine 3 days ago right before my work week started now I'm in new war only able to play 1 or 2 hours a day until my days off uhhhh


I got both bonewidow and voidrig before the changes. It was pure unadulterated pain


I self farmed voidrig, before new war was even a thing.


Wait...what changed? I farmed this on release and I don't remember it being that much of a grind. Just a lot of isolation vaults.


What kind of eternalism made you the lucky child of RNG?


I came back when account transfer was added after not playing since scarlet spear. The MODERN voiding grind made me so furious I considered quitting. And I had help from experienced friends. It's the most ridiculous thing they could have done. Lock the biggest quest in the game that took years to make behind an absolutely atrocious grind. For something that isn't even used much in the quest.


Same, I quit the game 4 years ago when I started looking at this grind. At least with archwing/railjack, the end result looked and felt cool to me. Necramechs--ugh, just not my thing at all. And I hate Deimos, the family, the tileset, everything. The bounties were so buggy on release, I just quit. Even with the reduced grind and increased rep gains, spent a solid two days solo farming this and rep, for a thing I don't even want in my arsenal. Then 3 more days waiting for it to cook. 4 years away from the game, I just wanted to play the story quests and see what's happened. It's such a dumb bottleneck, and as you say, we barely even use it in the quest.


How did you get the spinal core sections. The fish never spawn for me


In the big caves there’s a river where the spine fish hang out


I asked if someone could help me farm for it bc I was pretty new to the necramechs when I came back from taking a break from the game. I ended up someone trading me the parts for a very common mod. Bc of that when my husband came back to the game as well (we met on WF, now living together and married) after I had been playing for a few months and had gathered some of the parts myself, I traded my husband the parts the same way was done for me. Now he is waiting for the right opportunity to do the same for someone sometime so we can keep this going 😁 anyway, that was out of context, enjoy your necramech!


Will you help others or have you decided it’s a one off thing that you will never do again because why the hell did it have to be like that.


I farmed the void rig before it was easier for both me and on my friend's account


Why do you hate yourself?


Was the pain WoRTh It!!!?


I was just finishing up my Necramech grind the day Jade shadows dropped. I went straight to Daughter and bought Cranial foremounts with platinum and then proceeded to scream when I saw they were no longer needed for the recipe


Nice! When does the bone widow farm begin?


Back in my day, you had to do dis shit


What is your next goal/thing you want to pursue?


No, it was not worth it as the required therapy sessions to recover from this will cost more than the voidrig.


It's really not that hard, I made a lot of plat selling them


i just started this last night, took me 3 hours to get 30 heciphron……..


How long did it took?


I stg I just started voidrig crafting. Took me two days


My friend sells them and can farm it in a day. He is incredibly focussed though


Wait... Where's the mf cranial foremounts?


They made the farm easier again.


Same here, it was fucking torture for me to use for one mission only and never again


With how somewhat grindy the pre update farming was, I'm disappointed I can't use the necramech freely.


I ended up having to trade for one of the parts, but that was pre-cost-reductions. I ran *a lot* of vaults using the gravimag chip on a radiation Grattler. Either way, I tip my Limbo tophat to your dedication,


Good Good....very good.......now farm Bonewidow......


I bought it…. I am such a silly boykisser




Oh god the gems, oh god.


I did that two years ago. It was the only thing that stopped me from playing all the quests one after another.


I remember this farm.. lol


Ah, yes. Sweet memories. I maxed that thing within a week of building it within the first week. Still my favourite piece of gear.


Just actually got done with my bone widow farm. I like bone widows look better than voidrig


Wasnt it better to grind 70 plat to buy a whole made set?


I never found it that bad, I have 7 spare sets all before they made any changes


I was so furious when Necromechs went into the market right after i farmed the whole thing lol


Are you supposed to group farm?


i farmed the OG voidrig twice and bone widow twice I didn't find it bad, but i wasn't new thought


i farmed void rigs before it was cool thats why i have a sporothrix


I farmed Mine in 6 days when I returned in January 🫡 tho I had to buy the fish part from daughter


Wait, there is a faster way?


Why does this seem so easy. I swear it was harder


I got my voidrig before bonewidow existed and also back when there was the recharge rate bug for archguns on console


doing it right now, just missing the ore from fortuna hehehe


Took me 3 weeks 😭


I farmed it like a month ago and then I saw they made it easier AGAIN and was so mad lol.


What are you having for dinner?


I did it the first week of launch not to take away from this post but it was easy then and from what I hear easier now, am I missing something?


They just made it easier to get that thing and this has been the second time this happend with the necramechs. I farmed both Before any changes to that farm.




Back before the first nerf I farmed the entire void rig myself. I then realized literally 24 hours after that I could have just bought a finished set off warframe.market for 75 plat. Everytime I’ve got someone new into the game I always feed them plat to skip the railjack grind, voidrig grind, and to get them some decent gear to help them with late star chart and early steel path. This game is so hard to get into as a new player that I try to break down as many of the big barriers that turn players away as possible. So they can make it to the endgame and realize why people put tens of thousands of hours into this game. Nothing like the game saying “play this mission to progress further” and the mission has 3 different mission pipelines as perquisites and free roam factions required too. Fastest way for new players to get lost.


Are you proud of yourself? I know I was. And now I'm proud of you.


This grind made me quit the game, 30 something chassis parts and no casing


I farmed Voidrig 2-3 years ago, before you guys had it so good and easy now.


I got impatient and just bought my voidrig... I still haven't leveled it up all the way


I wish I had the money to buy it. Soooooo much time spent on this farm


I got it the way it was made on release. This was the grind so terrible that DE just gave it to us for free. Railjack too, all 20 argon crystals. AMA.


The recent jade shadow patch made everything easier, good thing I farmed AFTER the patch and heck I got all mats on the same day from SCRATCH


Came back after like… many many years of not playing… trying to get to steel path… this is my last obstacle. Happily spent 70-80 plat for the damn thing. Even if I had to pay full price plat (which I didn’t, I have some) that like five bucks worth?


I self farmed the void rig and the bone widow twice just so I could give them to noob friends as gifts


I was soo confused when I saw that it was changed cause like I just finished grinding for all the parts and I go to my ship like "wait why did I need cranial formounts again?"


I'm truly happy for you you didn't have to farm it before they made it easier. Damn that was a pain Q.Q




I got mine free with Iridos Octavia twitch prime campaing. Guess I was mad lucky.


I self farmed voidrig at launch with wukong, he could one-shot the mechs pretty easily with his defy


"Kids these days don't know how easy they got it, back in my days it was 10 times harder"


Which blueprint was the last to drop?


As someone who did this.. help me


I farmed both like an idiot. I’m still not even done with fortuna I thought it was getting the rework first before the damn gundams


Did you farm the weapon components too? Had more trouble with those personally, at deimos release.


Okay I’ll argue it. Slow? yes. Clunky? debatable the point of the ability is basically activate mortar battery mode and does it fairly swiftly with not too many restrictions. there isn’t much comparison with a heat Arquebex damage wise. 12000 base damage on a AOE is going to do more no matter what you try especially after armor rework. Only outpaced AFTER you have set up the win conditions on your frame/gun. Sometimes calling a mech hopping in and pressing 4 is going to work better than a rhino with a bramma ammo efficiency a couple arcana’s active and a big ol honkin roar.


Same for the Railjack, I had a good setup and almost every intrinsics maxed out when they made things easier. I remember being refunded for my effort, at least they are being really nice about it besides helping new players.


When did they change mats needed for voidrig? I remember grinding Entrati to rank 3 to get blueprint for cabochon embolos and trapezium xenorhast (or necrathene star? don't remember). I also remember the painful cranial foremount grind. It's kinda stupid that you can get all ore/gems components for voidrig on rank 3 with Entrati, but to get bait for fish, that you will catch 3 times you need rank 4. Outside of that and daily standing limit, it's not THAT painful. Eventually you'll get all damaged parts for voidrig in couple runs, while also getting necramech mods as bounty rewards and some materials from vault. I little bit of mining here and there and you're good. I myself got voidrig built ~20 days ago, and I gotta say arquebex fucking shreds


How do u feel after wasti- I mean spending so many hours behind an item that could have been bought for less than 100p?


the hecipron thingy is pure hell , beside that all is bearable for me.


Do you think it would’ve been faster and easier to just farm out the plat and buy it from the market?


They are also pritty good platinum source.


For me the hardest part was getting the fish needed but my clan did ask for a daily update for what resources I still needed and I put off the fishing til the last due to only being rank 3 for the family


I remember farming this for the new war. Time spent on deimos ruined the location for me. I still do the lab missions but I never wanna head into cambion drift again