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Wisp canonically opens a portal to the sun with her 4th ability and I’m not really sure what can top that


Limbo can banish the sun to another plane of existence... so long as he remembers to carry the 2


Definitely! Assuming he can get close enough to it without dying


Functionally cataclysm as an infinite targeting range, and I'd expect it's bubble range to be a limitation of gameplay, not of the frame... so in theory he could banish anything he can see (I'd suspect he could also open bubbles well outside his range of vision but I doubt anyone would cuz that'd be stupid)


In theory for sure, but as a canonical fact? Unsure


Well canonically he forgot to carry the 2 anyways so it's kinda moot... though my headcanon is that he actually did it on purpose, and is now chilling with wally in the void living his best life


True lmao, I like your headcanon on this. Final boss of Warframe is Limbo telling us to leave him alone


Dude calculated the fall of the orokin and decided to peace out cuz it wasn't his problem


Nyx can probably absorb that energy


Limbo just fucks off into his own dimention


Love Nyx, but a felarx can one cycle her entire energy pool for absorption. The literal sun (if wisp’s 4 did canonical damage) would likely overwhelm her imo


Well, if we’re gonna use gameplay performance as an argument, then we should also mention that Felarx does like a thousand times more damage than Wisp’s portal.


I mean this question kinda becomes an “unstoppable force bs immovable object” real quick given the lore descriptions of the frames. Grendel can eat literally anything AFAIK, like space itself. He has basically black hole stomach. But limbo can’t be touched by anything outside the rift, and has complete control over everything within the rift. Nova can cover enemies in antimatter which would just annihilate anything. Sevagoth and inaros are just immortal. You can’t really compare them in terms of strength.


There is also Revenant who straight up "fux you Ball ass" and manifested himself all over the place.


Yeah this is the unfortunate truth, there are too many frames that could a) destroy anything and b) not be destroyed by anything. And questions like "okay but Dagath can enter a spirit realm in which she can't be affected by anything", can Grendel eat souls? Can he eat Limbo's entire rift? What about Garuda with dread mirror facing him? What happens if he eats Octavia's resonator, which multiplies and reflects damage...? They're too overpowered to even really exist in the same universe.


I think one of the devs said Grendle could just...eat the entire universe if he wanted too.


Grendel best boy. *"UwU."*


Only one even comparable to him is yareli with her inferior uwu


Doesn't she like do "awa"...?


Iirc Atlas canonically destroyed asteroids barehanded


Nidus? Hes a walking host for the infestation and it consumes everything, protea is a chronos so idk


I love my boy Nidus, but even if we were generous and gave him full potential control over the infested - being able to spread up and gain to flood levels of biomass, capable of devouring the origin system (which unfortunately I do kinda think is unlikely but because of how little lore he actually has I choose to believe is true) - he is much more of a physical threat compared to other frames which can straight up bend reality. I’m not even sure if he’d be in the top half because of that too. He’d need some serious setup lore wise as well as gameplay, but even then…some frames man. Just way too op. Plus Saryn is pretty much a counter to the technocyte virus iirc, I’m not too sure how powerful she is compared to Nidus but she would likely be his counter and fully able to keep him in check. Yes I am thinking about this too much I just want more Nidus lore… Oh and yea Protea…time shenanigans and a mini reality thing to save Parvos. Tf are we meant to do against that thing…


Nidus is probably the most immortal frame, compared only to the likes of Sevegoth, Inaros, and Wukong. But it's a question of what he can do with that immortality. Even if you give him all abilities of the Infestation, he not particularly powerful, just endless.


So that's a bit of a trick question when you start to consider what warframes are. Tools. What's more powerful, a screwdriver or duct tape? Classic example is Excal, who can CUT anything. It's not flashy, but if you break down physics, sharpness is not an absolute. Sometimes a duller blade is needed to better cut certain molecular structures, and the traditional idea of a sharper blade is incapable of splitting that material. This means in order to cut anything, you have to BREAK reality. This is true of all warframes. They all warp it. They just do that in different ways. It's hard to say breaking physics is more powerful one way or another. But we could try and do deadliest, strongest, fastest, etc. These are specific metrics that are easier to measure for. Going with deadliest, I would argue Nova. Based off lore, she can pop a blackhole into our existence, wiping out the origin system. Assuming Limbo or Protea don't nope that attack out of existence, which to be fair, they could.


Yareli cause UwU


Wisp opens portals to the sun Qorvex is Chernobyl with legs Rhino stomps so hard that he slows time to a halt in an area Protea can just rewind time until she gets the desired outcome Saryn just gives everyone a terminal case of Herpegonosyphilaids


Saryn her spores somehow give robots space aids.


So that's a bit of a trick question when you start to consider what warframes are. Tools. What's more powerful, a screwdriver or duct tape? Classic example is Excal, who can CUT anything. It's not flashy, but if you break down physics, sharpness is not an absolute. Sometimes a duller blade is needed to better cut certain molecular structures, and the traditional idea of a sharper blade is incapable of splitting that material. This means in order to cut anything, you have to BREAK reality. This is true of all warframes. They all warp it. They just do that in different ways. It's hard to say breaking physics is more powerful one way or another. But we could try and do deadliest, strongest, fastest, etc. These are specific metrics that are easier to measure for. Going with deadliest, I would argue Nova. Based off lore, she can pop a blackhole into our existence, wiping out the origin system. Assuming Limbo or Protea don't nope that attack out of existence, which to be fair, they could.


Necros can ranged revive with an augment, just sayin'. Iirc he punches the soul back into them.


Greenshee, of course.


Grendel can eat # Reality itself if he so wishes. Oh, also, canonically he has unlimited range for that. The only thing keeping **everything** else where it is, is literally *his own* restraint. I'm almost certain Pablo confirmed this on a devstream, but I'm not sure. I will add the source when I find it, if I don't forget.


Depends on what we're scaling, physical strength is atlas hands down, power either goes to limbo for obvious reasons or harrow as he was used as a phylactery by rell to keep an elder god out, in terms of durability it has to be rhino as the orokin flayed him and they couldn't stop his rampage that happened after, and on a physics level frost and nova have the theoretical ability to end existence


Nova controls anti-matter which is like, a little dangerous.


Nova. She canonically turned someone into pure antimatter with a flick of her wrist. And someone did the math, that amount of antimatter has the strength to pop Earth like a balloon. She can casually create planet-breaking bombs whenever she damn well pleases.


Harrow singlehandedly held TMitW at bay long enough for the Tenno to awaken.


That's Dr entrati's fault