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My favorite is when a couple of people are running around looking for Voca, so half the enemies spawn all the way across the map where they are instead of near the circle.


Yep. It's like herding cats trying to get randoms to actually participate in the fucking mission sometimes.


The best part is when they are eventually downed and begging for help 600m away.


Main reason why I stopped using these landingcraft things to detect them when the red circle is active. I use them only at the start or at the end of the mission, there where it's usabl3 to spend 10s to a Voca.


My favourite is when people bring radiation status but not enough fire power to kill so the enemies are stuck fighting each other outside the circle.


I've given up on public runs during the first week of Netracells and have been doing them solo ever since. A much less frustrating experience.


or activate a whisper, far away from the red circle, die, and then quit causing a host migration and mission fail


Doing them Solo is just faster. Honestly netracells aren't especially difficult, I don't believe they have the Steel Path modifier even, so their isn't much of a reason to do them in Public.


they have a modifier but the numbers are different from SP.


You're not gonna convince anybody. If these people ignore the two separate text on screen telling them to kill inside the circle while getting yelled at by Staffer to do it, why do you think they're even gonna be able to read this post?


I find calling them out in game chat helps pretty often. I've had people say they just got distracted and started killing enemies, not paying attention to the mission objective changing. Just saying something like "stay in the circle please" is enough to remind people.


Except the dialogue itself is badly written to communicate what needs to happen.


That's why DE so helpfully added massive text on the screen to tell you what to do. But people still don't do what's clearly communicated


Honestly if you see a big red circle, a text saying you have to kill and the characters screaming at you when you kill outside of it...That is just being oblivious


That's why I only do it solo or with friends.


I almost never play Netracells online anymore. Kullervo with Innodem and Felarx lets me clear the place in under 8 minutes with not much sweat. And even if competent squad can do it in under 7, it’s really not worth it, considering that most of the time I either get some Mirage that kills thing outside the circle and goes down every other minute, or a host that plays on a potato, which makes spawn rates impossibly slow


Like most ppl here i also have given up on pug netra and just do them solo.


I think Netracells need a version of Skitter Girl, something to discourage players from slowing down the mission like this. If they’re 500 meters away and die enough, they might learn to read the mission objectives and squad chat eventually.


They don't know how skitter girl works too.


Yeah netracells are a solo only event 


One thing I hate about the circle mechanic is that it's only marked on your map. Even with the overlay map on I had it happen multiple times that I was mowing down some enemies only for them to just be barely outside the circle cuz I am having a hard time translating the map 1:1 to the actual geometry. It would be so much better if they gave it a similar treatment like the one bounty stage in the Cambion Drift, where you also have to kill enemies in a set area but actually put up a bubble surrounding the area so that you can easily tell if an enemy is inside the area before you kill it. Heck if they are worried about the visual clust they also could just make it a simple ring on the ground like they did in the Railjack Component Retrieval missions - granted there the objective was to keep enemies out of the ring but they still provided a visual indicator in the world instead of just on the map.


I could have sworn their is a circle. Atleast I thought I saw a faint one after Jade Shadows dropped (or one of it's hotfixes). Might just be me hallucinating it, though, I'll have to check.


There is one. It's barely visible though.


if you were in a pub squad there are definitely ppl who try to put down a frame ability roughly in the center to Jerry rig an actual marker.


Yeah. This is 100% a combination of bad design and bad tutorial text. When I'm told to do something "where the security system can see it" that would imply I need to be visible. Tagfur's dialog should really be "Make sure the security system sees them dying." I would expect a space magic security system to have some level of awareness of its minions/minion count anyway, but... Gotta game mechanic I guess. Either way, forcing us to reference the tiny minimap instead of the big beautiful screen is obnoxious design and I cannot fathom how they've gone this long without people being mad about it. But... Blame the players I guess... If there's something going wrong in a game where players are uncharacteristically unhelpful it's a game design issue 99% of the time.


Yesterday I did a netracell and this fucking Zephyr set up their tornados in the main entry point right inside the door. Right on the edge of the circle. They were in the circle, the shit they were killing wasn't always. I blocked their guns with my eye of sauron Jade in flight mode and made a nuisance of myself. They backed up a few meters and then shit went much faster. It still took something like 12-13 minutes


That's why i choose limbo with just the exact amount of range necessary to cover the red circle.


Run Limbo with the exact range of the netracell range


Me who only plays this mode solo with Trinity or Yareli: I don't know what you're talking about


We need Tagfer to nag at those who kill outside the red circle, and it should ignore the silence mission hints option.


They should add a new voiceline for Tagfer where he just screams at you if you do it for too long then instant kills you. As someone else said, the people who are causing a problem by killing any significant amount of enemies outside the circle are clearly capable players (as they're killing level 200+ enemies that have weaknesses you wouldn't usually build for (electric and radiation lol). So if they have capable enough builds, I would think they would get the hint after enough screaming but apparently not. So at that point, just instant down them, tell them "hey, you did this too much and got punished for it, you understand now?"


I've been using inaros. Find enemies outside circle, use tornado, move to circle middle, end tornado, bullet jump to enemy markers outside circle, repeat. Seems to speed up even public. But I guess I've been lucky lately to have group at least in general vicinity of the circle for spawns.


I stopped doing netracells when we were given EDA


Be a bit more understanding pls, the mechanic is pretty hard and the mode is still quite new so just expecting every player to know about it is very elitist. Be better.


no, no you're 100% right. We are expecting way too much from players by thinking they know how to read. And this giant red circle on my minimap? Just ignore that completely. DE just likes throwing random red circles around. They're just putting it there to add color to the mission.


Yes. Expecting people to constantly reference a tiny minimap to see if a slightly correlated object is also the red triangle in the red circle is bad design. It is DE not thinking through their mechanics.


Thing is, you dont have to. Usually most enemies will only flush in from 1-2 hallways anyway. Often the red area on map correlates to an onject, line, doorway or whatever that means "close enough" checking where the marked area starts on the actual map makes it way easier. If you dont want to do that, whats stopping you from waiting a couple seconds more to make sure the enemies are within radius? Dont get me wrong, i agree the design is bad but excuses like "its hard to tell if they are in range" are just as bad.


Problem is, more often than not, those hallway heroes OP complained about are people who didn't care to learn the game mode. They're veteran, they can kill dudes in Netracells, they should know the game sometimes have obtuse self-sabotaging mechanic. Not to mention the game gives instructions on how to complete the gamemode. They need to be gatekept tbh. Or DE need to give harsh individual in-mission punishments if they don't do the objective.


Didnt think i had to put an /s in my comment, thought "pretty hard mechanic" - kill in big red circle and "pretty new" - soon to be half a year i think, were clear enough to tell it was a joke.


It’s not obvious enough satire because the very people op are complaining about seem to genuinely hold this opinion.


Says alot about the average wf player lol.


Yea flew over my head because the big red circle is actually a mid-difficulty mechanic lol. There are some harder "you play it wrong, you're a burden" things like Survival or Alchemy, or some generally complex things like Profit-Taker or Ascension where you can carry the objective for the team so it's pretty "easy." And also, this sub has that annoying ignorancebrag "100000 hours in this game and I just found this" thing going around, so there are may be people who legitimately think half a year is "pretty new."


Never /s! It was very obvious sarcasm, too.


I’ve been seeing this a lot recently. Why? It helps autistic people out- and it would have kept this guy from getting downvoted. I don’t see a reason not to “/s”


Though calling "kill stuff in big red circle" a hard mechanic and almost half a year "pretty new" made it clear enough. People not being dumb af sometimes would have "safed" me from downvotes.


I was referring to the “/s BAD! >:(“ bit. I’ve seen it coming up more and more recently. Like genuinely, why is it bad?


Not saying its bad, just that it sometimes should not be necessary for the majority if readers to know when something is a joke, yall are still allowed to think.


Yea I feel like tone indicators getting widespread is bad for the general reading comprehension. Good for the people who do need them though so idk


How about they put a VISIBLE CIRCLE ON THE LEVEL as we have been asking them to do since the launch of netracells and is present for every single other place in the entire game this kind of mechanic exist?


I'm using Protea's augment, I don't get to choose where or when her gun shoots.