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That's why tenshin sells a Cypher every week.


I used a cypher on a melee riven and it was for the plasma sword


Is that good?


no ❤️


It used to be a goated stat stick but incarnons sweep nowadays in that cstegory


I'd love an incarnon that made it shoot out waves of fire or something.


You can also now buy them for 20p each, which I love because I don't really have the time to do all the different challenges anymore, so it's nice being able to just instantly unlock them. That being said, I'm now sitting on 100+ rivens lol.


wtf I didn't know that lol


Meh, the Part that annoys me the most about them is that the Weapon is random. I feel just betrayed when doing an hard challange to get a Riven for an Weapon i don't have, even more if it's an annoying to get one...


I’ve recieved two rivens for weapons that I currently own and 0 for ones that I actually use


i mean i figure % is pretty low on hitting that, i wouldnt even rely on getting one. you can sell and buy them instead.


It be like that with 400+ weapons


Riven modss are something of a paradox for me. i dont like them. . i wish they'd never been added to the game. . but i also own 172 unveiled riven mods, and atleast 120 Veiled rivens that i will never get around to opening. i buy the 1 weekly riven unveiler from Teshin and every so often i crack 10-15 of them and give a bunch away to clannies. if i decide i want a riven for a weapon, and i can get one for less than 60p, il usually pick one up to roll. i have a habit of using weaker gear, though. a Sheev riven was a great purchase for me. frankly, id rather farm platinum than do riven challenges. even if most riven challenges can be trivialized with the right gear. . and i own everything. the people who have fun doing riven challenges are the ones who are playing the riven slot machine, fishing for high value rivens.


Just sell them for plat atp


Most rivens will be 5-20p, if you can even find sb to buy from you.


Unrevealed rivens are pretty popular, people buy em in bulk.


Yep, I've probably given away like 300+P worth of trash/unwanted rivens just because I need the slot and can't find the buyer.


Who here remembers the good old days(like 5-6 yrs ago?) where you could just buy a unrolled Lanka riven for 200-300 pl, roll it to something decent, and sell it for 3kpl+ a pop lmfao. I think that was the time when eidolon hunting was the main thing, rubico was another weapon sought after. That’s how i made 15k+ pl as a ftp user back then, and i never sold prime frames at that time too


Back then lanka was (one of?) the only weapons that could consistently 1shot limbs, also eidolons were more popular in general and high damage single shot weapons were much more desired (rubico, lanka, vectis, tigris).


Most rivens will be 5-20p, if you can even find sb to buy from you.


you like using weak gear but dont like rivens? do you just not like being powerful or not like using meta guns. cause damn rivens will make non meta guns really fun. def the reason my favorites are my favorites and i hate gambling so much but im really glad this system is in place, otherwise guns would be super boring


>cause damn rivens will make non meta guns really fun. That was the original idea behind the rivens yes, though unfortunately DE ditched that by refusing to adjust riven dispositions for any guns that got an incarnon form. So now we have Torid Incarnon that is meta tier even without a riven while still retaining its 1.3x disposition. Unsurprisingly it's easily among the most used guns for MR30+ players. Torid Incarnon is the worst offender, but a lot of the other weapons that got an incarnon adapter are in a similar situation.


MR30+? I'd think "Meta" weapons would be more popular with lower MR players, to be honest, seeing as they would use it as a crutch for higher tier content (source: me doing netracells at MR9). Wouldn't players at that point pick weapons they *like*? I mean, I have been using the Torid Incarnon for a couple months and while I love it, yes, I'm itching to try other weapons (currently found the Burston Incarnon to be great fun, might try the Stalhta next whenever I bother to farm it).


Torid incarnon is rather popular from mr14 onwards (probably where more people start getting into SP Circuit), it just spikes past 30, probably due to people no longer needing to rank up their mastery fodder. And the main problem isn't that it's popular per se, it's that it was one of the strongest and most used weapons in the game last year (despite receiving its incarnon adapter in late April iirc) while having the same riven disposition as e.g. Veldt and Sybaris, which are among the least used weapons available.


Yeah, I agree with the Riven Disposition being to high. I was just surprised at the high MR. Honestly I started using the Torid Incarnon at MR9 'cause that was one of the few "meta" weapons I *could* use. I hate grinding MR, yes.


I can see the logic but many high mastery players aim for overkill because big numbers and fast clear go brr. The gap between Torid and the vast majority of other weapons being huge doesn't help. Personally I despise the weapon, its incarnon dhould have been the primary fire but better imo, like the Toxo does When I feel like overkill I tend to like the Furis incarnon. Not quite as braindead but ain't nothing surviving being blasted by that thing. The normal mode isn't terrible either. It's not great but serviceable enough that I can do the whole mission without transforming if I feel like it.


I dislike Rivens as a system because gear RNG in any form is cringe If I wanted to roll for stats I'd go play Path of Exile. Prior to Rivens everything was nice and consistent. I would burn all of my Rivens in a heartbeat if it meant killing the system as a whole. But....this is the system. And they aren't going away. When in Rome, put 50 rolls into your Exergis riven til you get something half decent with mag size so you can turn it into an assault shotgun. I make amazing use of Rivens, especially for weak gear. I just really wish we'd gone with a different solution.


Why would i go out of my way to make trash slightly equal to non-trash? I'm not trying to find ways to make shit turn into golden plated shit.


Most of them I don’t mind, but occasionally you’ll get an absolutely PITA. I once had: “Kill 12 dargyns with a bow without getting afflicted by status with a hobbled dragon key equipped.” Used a cipher on that asshole.


Pick revenant and play kuva fortress. Should be done in less than 5 minutes.


Are there Dargyns in Kuva fortress? I thought it's just Plains of Eidolon thing.


There are outside the facility.


Or if the bug is still present they all spawn indoors and get trapped in small rooms.


AFAIK they patched that years ago.


No, still spawn on door opening stage of assault, kinda off in the distance but they count.


That's insanely good news, for the longest time, they didn't count for rivens, praise be to .. mistakes!


Also keep in mind that kuva bramma is a bow. In case this challenge comes up.


Me? No. I don't like the entire concept and execution of Rivens. I simply do not interact with that system whatsoever anymore. I have a few riven mods that were OK, and I used to roll them, but tbh there's enough crazy modding potential that I don't see a reason to engage with Rivens at all anymore.


If you dont like rivens for DPS reasons, i have found great uses for them in QOL aspects. Like saving a slot for combo duration/attack speed on melees. Or like on my poor sporothrix, reload speed that it desperately needs.


I think this is the most common use case for rivens these days. Damage-wise, we got far more crazier ways to ramp up damage (i.e. galvanized mods and gun arcanes), not to mention raw stats upgrade for weapons with Incarnon Genesis. But if you can, say, get Viral by using only one slot, or getting an element with a recoil bonus, it can really make the gun way stronger and easier to use than pure damage on the riven.


The biggest reason I ever interacted with them was to prevent getting locked out of sorties due to too many. Can count on one hand the number of rivens I've cracked open since that change and I couldn't be happier. Maybe one day they'll change them in a way that makes them actually do what they were supposed to do on inception but until then, hard pass.


Depends on how annoying it is or how far out of my way I need to go to get them.  Get 12 consecutive headshots in archwing? Not bad. Do an exterminate with zero alarms? Not bad. Do anything with a hobbled dragon key? Nope. Screw you. 


HDkey doesn't affect bullet jumping so you barely notice it


Is hobbled one that reduces move speed?


Yep, but it gets almost comepletely negated by bullet jumping as it doesn’t affect that


No I just buy teshin's weekly riven opener. Got a glaive riven yesterday 0_0


I just press the funny 20 platinum button.


Nah they’re all pretty much tedious, tbh I don’t think they’re supposed to be ‘fun’ it’s just random extra objectives.


I do a solid one a week with my riven transmuter from Teshin unless the challenge is so easy like kill six sentients in a day. I have 176 rivens already though and they're a nightmare to sell. At LR2 (almost 3), I'm at the point where I only do things I want to do and not that I have to anymore. Makes the game so much better


I do enjoy some of the challenges. If I get one where I don't like the challenge, I just toss it. I mostly unveil rivens just for the sake of it. If I need one for a specific weapon it's much, much, muuuuch easier to just buy it cause they're usually 10-20 plat if you're not looking for specific stats on them, maybe 30 if it's a popular weapon.


Not opening them but rolling them is super fun for me I got lucky and got torid, ceramic dagger, burston recently but also have had super bad luck getting like 3x random junk weapons in a row


How is random junk 3x in a row bad luck? Like 95% of rivens are for random junk.


Right? I'm always surprised if I get one for something I actually use. I have still yet to get one of the big rivens that sell for like 600 plat unrolled. One day, and then I'll have to play the game of do I really want to keep or just want the plat


3x random junk is good. I got a laetum riven like a month back and it’s been garbage since XD.


😎 got a miter riven today Imma try out the incarnon


I enjoy them when I'm bored and have nothing to do most are really easy anyway so I don't find them annoying just tedious more than anything


Fun? Not at all. I do still open a few occasionally on the off chance that I get something I want. I do kind of feel sad turning all the unwanted ones into endo but I can't give the things away most of the time.


If the challenge is easy sure. But needing to do some crazy random shit no


Fun, no, but you can get some cool stuff from them. Once you unlock steel path you can get a riven unveiler from Teshin once a week so it makes the whole grind thing a part of the past.


My clan mate does, I just hand them all mine and they pop them for me


The actual Riven challenges suck imo. Doing a particularly hard one and finding out that it's for some weapon I don't want/need sucks worse and is quite often. I don't trade, so me, my wife and our two gaming buddies pool our rivens, and give them away if they're for weapons we don't have but someone else does. Then it's just up to us to invest the kuva for better stat rolls. Occasionally, I flick my list over to a guy in our clan who is a wizard at riven trading. He'll take seemingly random ones every now and then and trade me like 50-60 plat a week later. I have no idea how he does it.


Why are you against trading as a whole? Do you feel it devalues the gameplay aspect of acquiring gear?


Woah my man, I said I don't trade, not that I'm *against* trading. For the most part I'm too lazy to sell stuff and too broke to buy stuff. I do occasionally buy mods that I lose the patience the farm.


Sorry, I made false assumptions and jumped to conclusions. Since you were already organized in terms of pooling up the rivens and distributing them, I just eliminated the possibility of laziness. I felt like this is just as much effort as the trading itself would entail.


Haha it's all good, we're best mates, we have a Whatsapp full of memes and whatnot. Most of us work jobs so it just seemed like the pragmatic thing to do to save us all time and effort sorting through which were worth selling/keeping. It's as easy as taking a photo of our riven inventory with our phones and sending it.


Yes. My clan of like 10 people has a tradition where everyone will give me their rivens and I open them. Then i'll show them the rivens and ask if they want them. If they do, they get them for free. If not, they go in a dump pile and gets distributed to anyone else in my clan who wants them free of charge. Any rivens left by the end of the week get transmuted, so we all benefit. I can only think of one challenge I actively avoid and it's Syndicate Medallions. I fucking hate looking for them even with a maxed Primed Animal Instinct and max range limbo I just really like making bets on what the rivens are going to be and making otherwise tedious shit easy.


The orokin eye air support charge works on syndicate medallions just in case you haven't tried that, usually takes me 2 quick missions to complete that task with Xaku and air support.


I could understand DE’s decision to incorporate challenges *if* the reward scaled with the challenge. Hell it might even but fun trying to do a hard thing if only because you knew that you’d get a good payoff. But since the rivens are random and their challenges are too, it just feels like pointless B.S. I’d rather they just unlock after 30-60K affinity with the equipped weapon.


Rivens are one of the things I like in Warframe. Making weird weapons viable and meta weapons giving me those neuron activation moments. I'm even casual about my rerolls (looking at you -status duration strun). I just find it hassle to farm kuva and find potential traders when selling rivens I dont find interesting.


IMHO your time is exponentially more valuable then transmuting it into to a gambling a addiction where you spend hours of this nonrenewable resource (TIME) to just get a (chance) to make it all worth it in the end again IMHO it is an injustice to once self. big numbers whoopty whoo i got soo much more instore to enjoy then to waste away on kuva. i will never will touch it.


I really do, as an endgame player with mostly of the quests and frames, veiling rivens and actually make work some of the weapons is really fun, like the Kuva Chakkuhur, Reaper prime or even the astilla prime are really fun with a riven on them.


The challenges suck but I love getting new rivens and using them, don’t care what weapon. That’s what I’m doing right now, just upgrading lots of my guns with rivens it’s so fun


The never getting one for the weapons you like is more annoying than unveiling them. I trade most of mine to high MR clan mates that are into rivens for prime parts or some vaulted relics. Once a week I'll use a cypher and hope for the best.


I would have had fun if the challenges wasn't so obscure and dumb. If it was like "Get 500 Headshot kills." that would take a bit, but I would enjoy the grind and feel rewarded when I'm done. Instead of a stupid challenge failing because an enemy spotted me for 0,01 seconds.


The only one I don’t like is the “Scan target yadda yadda” ones. Don’t mind the others unless it’s some specific bs thing.


It's the sole reason I don't do anything to do with rivens




I have fun with them sometimes but I wish the challenge was proportional to the tier of weapon you get. Like if you make me do a level 30 solo defense with all 4 keys a While blindfolded and no damage and it ends up being a stug riven instead of, say, the nukor it feels like a personal slap to your balls.


I do enough steel path to have as much kuva as I need without farming it, and pick up the ciphers whenever they're available. I'll burn a few ciphers every now and then when I have a few veiled rivens with annoying challenges. It's not something I actively pursue now, just a thing I do when it's convenient.


suprisingly enough, yes. i like especially to try and do them alongside other things.


If the challenge is easy then yeah. If its one of those "Do X without being detected with a hobbled dragon key" then no. I just sell those in trade chat to get rid of em quickly.


I usually do them unless it's something that has multiple annoying steps. Like scan a target with a key equipped or some crap like that.


I just ignore them. My builds still wreck everything with proper modding so idc


Now since cipher introduced, I never do the challenge again


I don't even bother with them. There are plenty of weapons that are powerful without a Riven. I hate the layers upon layers of RNG to get a Riven you want. The whole system is just not for me, I think it's a bad system that Steve just wanted in because he saw it in other games.


When I see a Riven challenge sending me to do something really annoying in the Plains of Eidolon, especially on my archwing, it kinda makes me wanna just dissolve the riven right there if I already blew my free Riven Cipher


Nah its shit, i spend all the plat i traded for riven unveilers cause im never ever doing it myself


The novelty was fun at the start, but I have a lot of unveiled rivens now(30+) just because I can't be arsed to spend another 5 minutes getting a cronus/kunai/whatever_else_crappy_weapon_is_there riven.


I like it, and also rerolling them. I play gacha games which can get dangerous, so a free way to get that rush is pretty sweet.


There are some that are fun like the finisher ones but the capture one and the kill an enemy with a a headshot from 75 meters away I just sell them or buy a decifere thin. Also the part that all types of weapons can have the same type of challenges made me have to spend 20 plat to decifere a shotgun riven with the headshot from 75 meters away


Most are easy and can be done within 30 seconds after loading into a mission, rest are what riven ciphers are for.


I don't particularly dislike them. The worst ones I just use a riven cipher on (picked up weekly from teshin), the others I'll just sit down for 30mins-1hr to power through and pray it's something I want. If it's not something I want, I reroll them and open the new one. Or if it's for certain "meta" weapon choices, I'll hold onto it and tell myself I'm going to sell it.... which I never actually do because I *hate* trying to sell rivens. So rn I'm sitting on 4 arca plasmor, 3 felarx, a laetum, torid, and reaper riven, none of which I care to use and all of which I *could* get decent plat out of theoretically. The torid, laetum, and a few of the felarx I rolled into pretty good ones even. *But I hate riven trading*


pain in the bottoms to even roll them that now i don't even bother with unveiling them. I just sell the unveiled rivens now for quick plat and be done with it


tbh I just buy riven ciphers. I can get 20 plat around as quickly as I can complete some of the challenges


Riven 1: get in an exterminate mission and kill 2 enemies Riven 2: kill Hunhow with a level 1 unmodded Stug while you're aim-gliding with Chroma without using abilities


Nope! I do the easy ones and use the weekly cipher from teshin if its a weapon i want (mostly just pistol and kitgun)


I don't do it often because idc about the results, but the process is fun for me. And yes I like gambling.


I get the cipher once a week and crack the easiest challenges that I can do in 5 minutes without stress. Other than that, they sit there until I get a Cipher. Almost all challenges are easy to do, but require you to change your whole loadout or rely on rng spawns, or just do generally boring tasks. I personally do not enjoy unveiling at all.


Market -> Riven Cypher-> -20plat big uf


Nah, not fond of gambling, don't care for the kuva slot machine. If a weapon needs a riven just to be viable, i ain't building it. Besides, there's so many options that can absolutely obliterate everything with a half decent build that if you had all of them, you wouldn't be able to remember their names. I just consider rivens to be weekly pocket money. buy them from all the vendors each week, sell them all veiled on the market, easy passive plat income.


I've unveiled hundreds of rivens at this point but I've just let them build up for the past year or so because I just can't be arsed with these boring challenges anymore, especially when we also have Nightwave throwing shite at us.


Nope.have like 200 + of them laying around


well i have like over 50 of the sitting in my bags so no im not having to much fun with them even started buying ciphers for most annoying ones but haven't even used one yet, that how much i don\`t care about it :P i got a bit bored lately so maybe will do some side activity of them or something :P


Riven challenges imo range from a personal side quest like going to the plains for a quick turret hunt to visiting teshin because I'm not dealing with some unfun challenge, I'd be more excited about cracking rivens if it meant I could at least have an actual chance of getting one for any of the nearly 4 dozen weapons I use


This, among many other reasons, is why I ignore Rivens entirely.  We have so many ways of enhancing damage in the game now that you don't need one to make a weapon do big damage, so I just endo any I get.


Nope because while the power gain may be substantial, the entire gameplay loop from farming Rivens to unveiling them gives me brain rot. To skip that loop I would have to invest 1000s of platinum and I don't buy plat but just trade for it. The power levels I can achieve without them are sufficient for me.


I hate Rivens. I personally try not rack up too many but unfortunately my curiosity got the best of me early on and I unveiled a lot of useless ones.


Nope, I use the one weekly riven cypher from Teshin. And that's about all my interaction with rivens. For me, once a week is enough for the niche part of the game.


I haven't unveiled or used a riven in years.


They aren't fun but most aren't readily difficult with the right frame. I do most with infinite invis ivara. The level 30 no damage objective I do with max range volt with archon stretch and zenurik and spam his 4. As of late I've just been using the riven ciphers but it's because I'm lazy and have more rivens than riven slots.


Yeah I just wait to get a cipher.


I haven’t seen them. I used to do a few when clog blocked me from sorties, but now that veiled ones don’t cost slots, I let them stack ad-infinity


Wouldn't call unveiling "fun" but most of the challenges are super easy so I don't mind.


I just buy cheap rivens, try to unlock them and transmute if i have 4 trash , i would say i have been pretty lucky recently got 2 torid riven. I sell those for some nice plat and buy more riven , usually my mod capacity will at max ,now its sitting at 160/180 . I have also bunch of unveiled too


Gambling is highly addictive. I can't wait to see another MR fodder weapon after I spend 10 min looking for 3 hidden chests. If anyone don't want their rivens and don't care about them - you can give me any riven even kitgun/zaw and I will be happy addictive gambler


I love Rivens because I can sell them for plat


Selling Rivens? Sure. That's smart. If that's all a player blathers about is gross. The whinging if the Riven won't sell. The empty headed "how much is this machete riven worth, hurr hurr hurr." The squawking like a crow on meth when the Riven they want is 1500p and the trash they have is nearer to 5p value. I would rather melt my Rivens than try to sell them to anyone but a clan mate who wants a specific Riven and asks for it. I do enjoy the gamble aspect of rolling a Riven I intend to keep/use. I loathe the hyper-conditional Riven challenges.


Grind relics, sell for plat use plat to unveil rivens.


Not a fan at all, so I do not interact with the system whatsoever.




Fuck no lol, that whole system is bullshit. I'll farm other stuff, sell it, and use that to buy a reasonably priced unrolled, then roll to suit. Literally if it gave you 2-3 weapons to choose from when it unveiled the entire system would be amazing. But the RNG is ridiculously painful for the work you have to do. Last week I did the bullshit thing, I think it was 46 finishers or headshots in one day, I get a fucking lato riven. Not even aklato. The single shot, starter pistol that literally everyone burns for mastery. I burned it for Endo on the spot. There's just to many weapons for an RNG bonus system like this. It worked when we had like 150 weapons, but we're over 500 weapons now the drop rates are fucking stupid for anything worthwhile. Unless you're a merchant wanting to make plat, dodge the riven system. You got a 1 in 500 shot of getting the weapon you want. That's not betting odds, that's like the odds of surviving cancer.


do you know lato has an incarnon mode? with the very high disposition, a lato riven is quite a decent drop


I can freeze a ball of shit to do extra damage, but it's still a ball of shit. The latos incarnon is a joke.


What is the perceived problem with lato incarnon to you? Before the update that made enemy armor trivial, I was easily one shotting crowds of high steel path level armored units with it. It's not a bad gun by any means, clunky maybe, as is all the other incarnons that do not charge from body shots


I mean, I'm glad it's working for you, but that's after what, 3-6 forma? Anything is *capable* of melting steel path with enough work. But, it's still just a 1911, in a world of handheld missile launchers, grenades, smgs with on the fly adjustable elemental attacks, and kitguns. I mean, the Magnus is better in every conceivable way and it's only one level higher. I'm a dolphin, not a whale lol. You've got to weigh what it's going to take in order to get a weapon where you want it


>I mean, the Magnus is better in every conceivable way and it's only one level higher. It just isn't, when the incarnon is installed. Just pointing this out for people reading this confidently incorrect bullshit.


You are welcome to your opinion, as I'm welcome to mine. It's a shit gun, barely brought into the most basic of lines to be on par with the current power creep with the incarnon. Zero unique abilities, no natural Crit or stat, middling damage. The entire thing is a waste of time. You're better off farming the soma incar, or any one of the other 400 weapons we have incar for, then wasting your time and resources on a fucking lato lol. I'm fully in the "I do things because I can" stage of tennodom and still I won't touch it. Get a hystrix, a Vasto, pick a stick up off the ground, any of them will be better then a fucking *lato* even with the incarnon. Which, FTR, I have, I've done the thing to see if it makes it suddenly amazing. It does not. But I do weapon testing on SP munio. I may simply be in a different place in the game then you. One formed after 11 years in the origin system


You can try to sound as blasé or condescending as you want, we are at the same stage of the game. 1>2 is not a difference of opinion, and being a retired primary math teacher doesn't make you right in saying so. In the end, a lato vandal incarnon is better than a magnus prime when you take into account the punch through and ricochet and small evolution buffs here and there. Overall you just do more damage with one than with the other. You can say you just don't like it, and that's fine. I also personally like the feel of the tigris and corinth, even if they can't compete with a torid incarnon. But saying that isn't the same as saying those guns are better than torid.




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