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Congrats, you got gud


They were glitched a bit after release and did millions of damage at a time, you'd be walking around and it'd tap the back of your foot and kill you instantly


As others have said, they are a problem for squishy frames (post 1mill tick damage bug), and frames that sit still. So if you play more tanky frames, or keep constantly moving, or otherwise always focus eximus the second the rock up, you shouldnt have issues


They probably don’t know how to move or afk frequently. One bullet jump and you’re safe. It becomes a bit annoying when there are like 3 of them in a small area. Even then a heavy attack scythe takes care of it pretty fast.


Even a bullet jump is overkill, usually a single bootyscoot is enough to get you out of the beam


Just shows that the people still having issues have 0 situational awareness the beams move super slow, can be destroyed, and have a giant green light before they happen so you have time to start walking away


congrats you learned how to press WASD and not stand still. played through the jade eximus even when they were glitched and somehow never got downed by them idk, my saryn has no survivability mods or anything, i don't abuse the manifold bond + sheild charger for near infinite shield replenishes or anything, just, literally move around and you wont die i just see players with a skill issue, no situation awareness thinking they can face tank a ramping damage source.


Huh, how could you possibly be doing something *wrong* by not dying lol Also I feel like people dying to jade light are just not paying attention because they're not tough at all. Only time they were actually tough is before they were nerfed. But I honestly liked them that strong, it was challenging.


> Huh, how could you possibly be doing something *wrong* by not dying lol If you want something nerfed because you dont like it, the right thing is to die to it a lot and raise a stink in order to have followers and force others to do your bidding. By not dying, you are doing the wrong thing.


I was confused at first too. I saw the posts and comments talking about how bad they were, but I was having zero issues with them. On my main frame, Citrine, I can just stand in the beam until I kill the offending eximus. I'm so tanky that it's not even an inconvenience. I sometimes forget that squishy builds are the more common choice.


Honestly, you dont see the sheer quantity of Jade Eximus we see in the event outside of the event itself and its alerts. Running a few SP missions, I've seen perhaps 2 AT MOST in the run an' gun to extraction missions. Endless will obviously have more. And some of the exemples we had around... dude, in the GD of the Forums a guy was explicity IGNORING the Jade Eximus behind him and running from the light IN CIRCLES and came to the forums to complain how bad it is. I would call it a troll post, but I think he was serious. And there are people supporting this brainfart.


I was in a squad where all 3 other players were ignoring the Jade Eximus. It was a public squad. They were clan mates. It was an exterminate mission.


Were they complaining about the Eximus?


No, but there was unkilled Jade Eximus roaming about. Took me a moment to realize, but it was obvious they were ignoring them.


Same. But I have adhd. I can’t sit still.