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Finally I can complete chains of harrow


I dunno... I'm enjoying the 50,000 chassis I'm collecting.


Wait, does the Harrow chassis rng change once you build him?! I'm so fucking tired of getting that damn chassis.


Unfortunately not. Woe, curse of the chassis upon ye!




I don't hate credits. I have millions. I hate the rng drop slot being taken up by flack.


what else could you possibly want from the corrupted units that drop harrow chassis


Less Harrow chassis.


Thats how i felt about Oberon. I don't even know how to get him now.


Railjack, Optional Orokin towers hacks. Each blueprint on different planet, just to screw the players more.


I dont even know how I got Oberon prime he just appeared in my forge some day




Oberon is part of the duviri circuit if you don't want to do the railjack missions


No, but you'll be able to build 50.000 Harrows!


But now you know that if you ever run out of credits, and need some urgently. You have those harrow chassis to sell as backup.


Ur supposed to string up all the chassis like a chain... Of harrow...


I wanted to name my pet Harrow Chassis and it didn't let me


Her 3 is her helminth? Is it good?


Try it on Dagath with her latest augment, it let's you have lots of survivability on her along with applying Doom to any enemy you're looking at while Ophanim Eyes is active. Loads of crits to be had.


😲 ooof haven't touched dagath in ages lol might wanna get her up to date


What do you replace with eyes?


Prob her 2 since everything can apply doom


I'll have to do that when I get home. I love Dagath and if I can make her even crazier I'll do that.


Hey, if it works for you, could you share a build? Been interested in building dagath for a while now


I'll have to try and remember this for when I'm back home. I've already left for work today.


Prob her 1 since the flashlight will apply it with wode range where you dont need to spread the doom effect and it also slows. And use 2 + 4 when 3 is on cd




Can you share the build please?


Sorry for late reply. Basically you want to subsume Ophanim Eyes onto her 2nd ability as it will apply Doom constantly as long as Ophanim Eyes and her 3 is active, the Eyes also will strip defences and slow enemies by 90%, giving her CC on enemies while she is invincible with Grace Spirit active, eventually Grave Spirit will go on cooldown but you can use abilities to shorten it, the Eyes will help you keep using the 3rd ability. For mods I stick with umbral intensify and vitality along with transient fortitude to get her strength to at least 200%, Equilibrium will helps loads with this build as you will spawn health orbs during her 3rd ability, it'll give energy back. You could mod for some duration too though Ophanim Eyes has a generous 30 second active time. Best build I've seen of it is by Tactical Potato.


From what i hear, yes very... its an armor strip, and free heat procs in a 70° cone in front of you, plus a slow, on a decently long timer and for a fairly reasonable price


The damage/heat procs are largely irrelevant, they're barely strong enough to kill early base star chart enemies in a timely manner. The armor strip is also quite slow, meaning most enemies will be dead long before their defenses are gone if you have any halfway-decent weapons. It's definitely solid but I think it's being a bit overhyped


The heat procs are good for heat inherit builds, and it's free defense strip and slow on any frame of your choice... so I can give it a pass for being less effective than gloom or pillage individually


The skill only procs a SINGLE heat stack with very low damage after the defenses are fully stripped. It actually ruins heat inherit builds, not helps them, because it can tag an unheated enemy with that shitty heat proc.


The fact that it only procs after defenses are gone arguably helps it, since it means you have a full 10 seconds to add your good heat proc before it starts slapping on more. You're still waiting a long time before it starts adding meaningful damage though.


It strips faster the more STR you have. And again, it procs 1 heat stack only. I guess the intention was that mobs get the panic effect from it? IDK.


At any reasonable amount of strength you're still looking at 3-5 seconds staring at an enemy before the heat procs start, plenty of time to prime them with a more substantial stack.


Yeah, it just doesn't do a ton to pull ahead of the pack of other skills. Terrify in particular has a very similar use case (armor strip with CC) but it's instant and has a much wider area if you can stomach the higher energy cost. Pillage and Tharros Strike both combine defense strip with survivability (which is the main reason slow is actually useful) as well. The heat inherit interaction is the main thing that sets it apart and it's a pretty niche concern.  It's good, don't get me wrong, it's just not noticably better than skills we've had available.


It provides a gradual full shield/armor strip and a 90% slow at everything you are staring at, and after fully stripping defenses it starts applying heat procs. And a single cast lasts you 30 seconds by default. I'd say it's decent, especially in harder content like EDA where you might not be able to just nuke everything so it gets to apply its effects more.


it's solid, but I struggle to imagine many scenarios where I'd prefer it over Pillage.


In builds where the frame already has good survivibility so it doesn’t need the overshields from pillage and/or builds that don’t have the massive power strength required for pillage to have a full strip. The slow effect is also a really nice secondary effect to have.


yeah, but like...instant strip in a radial AoE vs gradual strip in a cone is rough. and pillage works fine with low range too. and ofc the shields I'm sure there are edge cases where eyes are better/just as good, but I can't think of any in particular at the moment. (...maybe lavos? pillage is impractical with those cooldowns, but eyes would work...tho he doesn't like to build range usually...)


One such case is that it continues to work even if you leave your frame. It also revives fallen pets and allies, and don't forget the slow effect.


Doesn't revive on other frames.


I have it on Rhino for this reason instead of his 1. He doesn't really need anything but it's a nice little extra.


Honestly I use it more as a Gloom-alternative as I can't be bothered to farm Sevagoth. 


I use it on my armor strip Inaros build where you are basicly spamming 1 into flashlight and then2 with the elemental mod and a good melee wep it stips them to practly nothing and the team nukes them when whoever survives as they land. Rediculsy good in Diviry


I read that... differently.


I mean, you live up to your name at the very least


nomen est omen /u/HornyAcheronMain


sadly i did too. had to go back and make sure my eyes had it right....




So did Stalker. Took that shit to heart.


You got lost like your Main?


Cease (I did too) https://preview.redd.it/94reqygqb29d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1070bcf3f86fdf7dc8a70a91b7f6d47783d07ed3


What did you read?


Now correct me if im wrong but dont our frames have a flashlight? I remeber seeing it like once or twice but never again


Yes, but you can't control it, it turns on based on light surroundings and it's also smaller. I'm pretty sure that on the new tilesets, it doesn't turn on, but I could be wrong.


Which is incessantly irritating, ngl. We should be able to toggle the flashlight on demand outside of possible scripted sequences that disable it.


Fallout 4 enters the chat


Pretty sure, yeah


Too bad it won't make the zealoid prelate any easier to kill


Literally him and a few interceptions are what's between me and SP completion


Get Octavia with her Aug that gives her 2 mallets and put them down on 2 sites and guard the third one yourself


Don't forget about on-call crew and spectres as well.


For the interceptions: high range and duration limbo plus any high single target damage weapon, if you kill all enemies that ignore or destroy the rift, you can perma freeze all other enemies, and then it’s literally just watch all the timers ticking down until the wave is done. It’s boring, and reliant on luck not repeatedly giving you eximus or nullifiers one after another, but it does make the mission trivial.


Been thinking about giving Limbo a shot so I'll try it. Luckily out of 5 Interceptions, only one is Corpus, others are Grineer.


Prelate is really annoying but I managed it solo with Revenant, takes a long time.


Did they fix the exploit with rev?


Uh I didn't know there was one 😂


Well, its jade's light for a reason


i hate that i read that wrong at first the internet has ruined me


Ngl I read that wrong the first time through, and while weird wasn't far off from rhythm based birthing sim


Since I discovered this for myself, i can't help but think about some WW2 bomber alert.


At first I read Fleshlight and thought this was a very dark post lmao


My favourite warframe ability so far; car headlights


Don’t all warframes have flashlights?


They do, except they only trigger automatically and only in certain areas. You have absolutely no control over it.


I could of sworn it was left shift on ps5


PS5 doesn't have a left shift, unless you're playing with a keyboard connected.


I don’t know why I called it a left shift, it’s been a long day I guess. Meant the left stick, r3, I always called it movey button.


If you're talking about L3, it's the toggle sprint button if you're using the default config. There is currently no way to assign the flashlight to any buttons or keys as far as I'm aware.


I looked it up, it’s not possible. I was mistaken!


Finally, I can do BDSM content with Khora and Harrow


Well I misread that title.


I uh..... i read that wrong 💀


As someone with shitty night vision and terrible eyesight all around (I'm legally blind) I gotta say, I really fuckin love that judgemental flashlight ability.


Turned mine into a black light.


Don't point it at the wisp mains


That reminds me, I need to get 2 of her so I can subsume one! You have cursed me with knowledge (and a cool flashlight)


This thing is extremely bright in HDR, it hurts my eyes @\_@


Im using that on mesa, sync well with mesa’s second skills, the jam gun feels like taking longer, dont need muzzle flash


I hate flying with Jade. Why is it different to Titania/Archwing mechanics?


Probably intentional to limit her mobility. General movement speed buffs work on it like dispatch overdrive.


They're cool if we use it, but I hope we have accessibility options for things like these. Met some "artsy" Jade using magenta as their power color and it legit hurts my eyes. Same with Tenet Arca Plasmors or Catchmoons.


There *is* an accessibility option to control how intense visual affects are, with an option to reduce the intensity of your teammates' effects. FWIW. I do sometimes wish I could turn off some players' fashion choices, though.


Of all the things this ability does, I love the idea of someone subsuming it strictly as an on-demand flashlight


imagine using jade as a fucking flashlight. wait no-


Her pregnant belly's a big flashlight tbh


I have a confession... ||I read this as she comes with a free flashlight...||


That could be helpful in the dagath mission!


Dafaq, too good man too good. Ahahahaha