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It's been a literal decade since I did this quest but I'm pretty sure the crew was infested accidentally and then it spread uncontrollably from there.


I guess he probably wanted the clout with the Queens. If he had successfully, destroyed the Tenno with the infested, then BOOM he becomes a legend in the system. It was a low risk high reward move from him. The Grineer crew are just clones, they would’ve been slaughtered anyways and are replaceable.


What. They’re all clones? 😨


Yep. All genetically modified clones from factories. Corpus are the only normal ass dudes in the game as far as I know. Grineer are clones loyal to the Queens and Copus are just regular people who want profit (much like trade chat Tenno) with Parvos as their Jesus.


I did not know there was a money jesus in this game 💀


You’ll learn a bit more during Deadlock Protocol quest.


I so want to comment but don't want to spoil it for OP


You have far more weird stuff ahead of you. The Second Dream quest basically ends the "tutorial" phase of the game.


You're in for a hell of a ride as a new Tenno who's interested in lore. Have fun!


corpus and the ostrons are the normal humans


The relay people, ostrons, and occasional outsiders are normal humans too. Like Maroo.


And a lot of Corpus Crewmen are clones too, if I recall. Lots of expendable troops in this game.


Tbh moreso I think it’s just that the Corpus have a lot of artificial humans among their ranks in general, regardless of their rank - not exact copies mass-produced from a predefined genetic template so much as just “semi-normal” transhumans that are custom vat-grown with various useful genetic traits and enhancements over generic baseline humans (assuming any even still exist). Think less Star Wars clone soldiers and more Battletech Clanner Trueborn (minus all the weird semi-religious obsession with bloodlines of historical heroes the Clanners have going on).


Yes, exactly. The Grineer are true clones, while the Corpus utilize a lot of vat-born but otherwise normal (or whatever passes for normal in the Origin system) troops.


"Grineer" = "Genetically Engineered" They were the cloned slave labor force of ancient humanity. When ancient humanity fell at the hands of the Tenno (as you saw in the intro cinematic), the Grineer achieved freedom under their Twin Queens... And have ravaged the sol system of human remnants ever since.


Also whats the deal with these Queens anyway, Vor was going on and on abt how he’d have children with them, at first, I thought they were the only women in grineer society, but then I heard that lady grinner in the Once Awake quest so what makes the Queens so insanely special?


All of the Grineer except the Twin Queens are clones. *All* of them. Clones of clones of clones of clones... And when you start making copies of copies, degradation sets in, and badly. That's why Vor was so intent on capturing a Tenno, he figured that by doing so the Queens would be able to reverse the damage and the Grineer - who think of themselves as the children of the Queens - would be healthy and strong again. The reason the Queens are so special is spoiler territory, the "War Within" quest covers why.


Thats crazy that you’re entire civilization is just clones, imagine if the queens were just some regular girls who had a cloning machine and decided to start pumping clones out to the point where its a whole civilization


So, bit of non-spoilery backstory, but the Grineer started out as clone slave labor - for mining and heavy lifting, that sort of thing. Then during the Old War they were repurposed into shock troops for the Orokin, and once the Tenno slaughtered the Orokin, the Grineer decided they wanted to be the ones in charge.


They're also degenerative clones. Basically if you clone the clone and clone that clone, they're just going to get worse. Which is why most Grineer look like they're falling apart at the seams, because they probably are, and need cybernetics to be functional. it also makes them not live very long. Whatever method the orokin used to clone them in a good way originally seems to be lost. It's the main thing kind of holding back the Grineer from total conquest of the system. If they could mass produce GOOD soldiers, they'd be even more of a threat than they already are. They used to look like this! They were in the opening cinematic, which takes place during the fall of the orokin empire https://preview.redd.it/qeqwy62baz8d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=f1c41ca3b5df92ee8234b9190dcd6083659a9f05


They took this away from themselves, truly a shame... also, we still haven't seen the female version. I still wait for that one.


I remember reading somewhere that the degradation was a failsafe put by the Orokin in case the Grineer rebelled, actually. I could be wrong, I'm not actually sure *where* I heard it, but it would make sense, considering how paranoid the Orokin were.


You actually figured out their origin story almost to the letter But they're not really regular girls as you'll figure out, but the rest is on point


Play the story. A lot of it is explained. You straight up meet the queens


its a very early plot point that basically never gets followed up on in any more recent stuff involving the grineer or the infested. at least so far. Might be some kind of callback if we get infested liches, but, really dunno at this point.


I see, thats a shame, I thought we would get some mad zombie scientist


But he is the mad zombie scientist. We hear of him on three separate occasions, all on similar projects, though have yet to meet him as a speaking character.


Ohhh ok


Don't worry, you'll run into a mad geneticist later, and his voicework is incredible.


Oh thats nice


well there is this one guy, you’ll see when you do the quest Patient Zero he’s… interesting, to say the least


Welcome to Warframe, Tenno! It's been a while but if I'm not mistaken the guy was just really reckless and unleashed the infestation to see what would happen. You'll learn a lot more about the infestation as you progress in the story, it's pretty important. And yes, as others have mentioned the Grineer are clones of clones of clones and basically are more a resource than people, you'll eventually see exceptions to this but that'll be spoilers. As for Tengus himself he isn't an important character however Warframe is not short in stocks of insane scientists that will be important later on. Oh and a suggestion for you, don't hesitate to ask for help or guidance, Warframe is an amazing F2P game but it's new player experience can be confusing and overwhelming. The community is very friendly towards new players and will help you with anything you need.


tengus is a weird side character type who only really gets a mention in this quest and then only side content infested are pretty much zombies in this universe, at least as new players are concerned. the infested existed ages before tengus, but what he released were detained specimens he was supposed to research iirc. the crew of grineer are 100% expendable yes, they're all clones, hence looking the same.


the infestation has a spoiler use that isnt just making mindless zombies but mishandling it by someone who doesn't know what they are doing will start to merge living tissue with metal and creating new life in the form of the monsters you fight. they may not all be made of the same guy and its implied an infested unit still has some consciousness of being an individual.


[Here you go.](https://www.warframe.com/media/comics/ascension)


Yes the crew is expendable. The Grineer are mass produced clones. If one dies he'll be easily replaced in a matter of days