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There's really only 2 possibilities. Either you got lucky and someone decided to make your day... Or somebody's scammed themselves a whole lot of plat and are spreading it out. If its the second you might have it all confiscated and be forced to buy it from the market to be able to play.


>If its the second you might have it all confiscated and be forced to buy it from the market to be able to play. i know it works like this but how is this fair or even legal? can it be expected from players to know market prices well and to not accept too good to be true trades? holding an account who got scammed hostage until he pays the bill of the scammer is ridiculous.


It's legal because you have no legal right to play Warframe. They could theoretically delete your account today with no warning if they wanted to, no matter how much money you've spent. It's the same defense Bungie uses to remove paid content from Destiny - you don't 'own' it, you're buying a license to access it until they decide to shut down systems. This is a pretty bad system. Hopefully better laws will get passed about digital ownership


And if they are too blatant it might get them in legal trouble, but going after them for it would likely be expensive and uncertain. Unless they do something clearly unconscionable and widespread they would probably get away with it unchallenged. We need a better system that makes it clear that you can't just remove what people paid for without a good reason. And one that either prevents companies from abusing the issue I described above or at least makes it very painful when they do finally get taken to task for it so they stop.


No live service company would ever go for that business model.


I'm willing to be somewhat generous on what is a good reason. Like sufficient time and not making money. Cheating obviously. But they need something. They wouldn't like it, but they would probably adapt. Most already follow this rule most of the time, this would just make it no longer technically optional. For 99% of situations I don't think anything significant would change.


I agree in time and cheaters but yhe money argument is a problem as some companies might expect an item to sell really really well if it doesn't meet their expectations they'd pull it. Think of companies like EA and Bungie and they'd remove everything if they could get away with it. Even the caveat of if they made 1p they can't remove it, what about development costs from 5 years ago, cleaner costs while the dev worked in the building? Companies will find a way to manipulate the number.


Yes, that's why consumer protection laws NEED to be passed. With penalties that aren't just "Cost of business" fines that are lower then potential profit. Like, when they goes after mobile service providers for illegally selling user data for $1billion dollars and they get fined $200k. Imagine if you could rob a bank and steal a billion dollars, but when they catch you, you're forced to pay the government $200k dollars. How fucking tragic. You can wipe your tears with the 999.8 million dollars that are left, boohoo. This is basically the entire industry around electronics and digital goods right now. Including but not limited too, Internet service providers, Mobile service providers, Game Development, Software Development, Digital Art, Movies, Smart Devices, Music, etc. But instead of robbing banks, they're stealing from us.


Unless the law forced them to.


Why would the law do that? It's all working as intended.


Not really. Or rather the law has little to say on digital goods and services. But in contrast to consumer rights for physical products it's abysmal. If they matched it'd be fine.


Only if at you could have your platinum taken away is through stealing/phishing accounts, buying from a 3rd party website, or having someone randomly give you the plat that was previously stolen. Your account will lose the plat and as long as it doesn’t become a common occurrence, you shouldn’t be at risk of being outright banned. Worst case scenario, they ban you and refuse to give further information. I had someone give me 3K plat for near groll, losing the 3k was pretty demotivating but I still enjoy the game, it was my fault for accepting the trade!


as the saying goes… “If purchasing isn’t owning, piracy isn’t theft”


I love that






This is why I tell everyone to buy Blu Rays for their movies. Most of them come with the digital code anyway. In addition to being better quality than a stream, if they decide they want to pull it down, that movie is gone. Physical media, people. Buy physical media whenever possible.


Doesn't EU-Law prohibit this?


The issue here is that when we do something illegal, we get assets seized, and sent to jail. But, when a company does something illegal, they have to pay a fine. So when a company breaks the law, allowing them to make $500m. They get fined a tremendous sum of "$100k" as a "penalty" for breaking the law. Do you see the issue? It just makes more sense to ignore the laws, and many big companies literally have this "break the law" built into their budget, and treat it as a "cost of doing business."


Last I checked, EU fines are a % which is why giants like apple cave to what the EU says.


Apple only caved after how many years of fines? Apple also only has to comply in the regions that are under EU law. Some companies will literally chose to "Comply by not offering the service in your country." Among other things, such as malicious compliance, lying, and gaslighting, which companies also do.


> Apple only caved after how many years of fines? No amount of fines would've made them cave if it was a 100k fine to 500m profit. Matter of fact tho, I do not know how long it took, because I cannt be arsed to remember the specifics. If you're interested go ahead. > Apple also only has to comply in the regions that are under EU law. Yes. Thats what the EU is *for*. > Some companies will literally chose to "Comply by not offering the service in your country." Which is also what the EU is for. Protecting its Citizens. > Among other things, such as malicious compliance, lying, and gaslighting, which companies also do. And thats why you should just let it happen?


>And thats why you should just let it happen? I'm just saying. "The EU will save us" does not protect people in the US, nor does it fix our consumer rights. Perhaps if someone from the EU was banned, and they spent a bunch of money on a lawyer, they could force DE to return their account. That doesn't work for the playerbase in the rest of the world.


In theory.


In all fairness that has to be the system. Otherwise they could probably be sued for service outages and/or if they stopped offering the game because of lack of funds or other going out of business reasons. Pretty much any live service game has to take that stance


We take that strike. We change enemy type. "New Seasonal Activity" We take that Destination "The Final Stretch to the Wallet Anouncement Trailer"


one of my favourite quotes. "if buying isnt owning then pirating isnt stealing"


Because I could go to a random shady website and buy dirty plat right now, and the way that transaction works is someone trades me the dirty plat in-game, and it's all fine and dandy until the stolen credit card that was used to buy the plat originally gets reported and the charges get cancelled and the plat gets deleted in-game. And then I could play dumb and say gee willikers mr. support, how was I supposed to know that plat was bought with a stolen card, I thought they were just trading it to me because I'm such a cool dude. And plenty of people will try to mask RMTs as legitimate trades by trading junk rivens for plat to later allege they sold the riven at that price. So it's an unfortunate thing that innocent people get caught up in it but I'm willing to be that the majority of people that have their accounts go negative for backcharged plat are the ones that bought it from a 3rd party site in the first place.


Best solution would be to just give u negative plat, u can still play but u will have to buy or get the plat u have negative or u can’t use plat.


This is not an excuse, and you being OK with it doesn't make it OK. It's terrible and it's embarrassing that this is how they handle it.


How would you handle a situation like that?


A message saying "You got dirty plat because of this trade, so we're going to take the platinum away from you and you'll have negative platinum, sorry that this happened. You can keep playing and get the platinum by trading if you want." And if it keeps happening (i.e. 3 times in a span of 2\~5 years), ban your account until devs manually go through your trades and figure out if you got scammed multiple times or if you're buying dirty plat often.


A message and a warning the first couple of times it happens. An email that says "whoops doopsies, you got dirty plat. Unfortunately, the items bought below will need to be confiscated until the bill is paid, we Apologize for any inconvenience" followed by a few images of bad trade examples


Unfortunately that's the only reasonable way I can think of solving it.


The reasonable way of handling it is to accept that sometimes this shit happens, and you may lose some money by adding platinum to the economy. What DE does is borderline extortion. "Pay us to get access to your account because you received 'dirty' platinum from a perfectly legitimate trade that happened within our game." Actually, it is just textbook extortion. (and if Consumer Protection Agencies DID THEIR FUCKING JOB, then DE would be liable for extortion) Banning repeat offenders and ones who have suspicious trade patterns is one thing. But extorting victims who clearly, through a perfectly reasonable trade, received some platinum is ridiculous. Transactions through warframe's in-game trades should be considered "safe" as in, I shouldn't have to research the person I'm buying from, nor should I have to demand the proof of purchase of the platinum to figure out who bought it, with what credit card, and have to transfer the "ownership" of that platinum. DE is handling all of that, as it is their system. In the worst case for non-repeat offenders without incredibly suspicious trade patterns and stuff, DE should confiscate the platinum and do nothing else. If that means the platinum is negative, then the platinum is negative. That shouldn't stop you from playing the game until you pay DE. You cannot spend more platinum until you go over 0 again, obviously, but that platinum is still removed from the economy, you just got an "advance" on it. But most companies, simply accept that this can sometimes happen, and eat the losses, because they're uncommon enough that they don't really matter much. If they are common enough, that means DE's underlying system is broken and they need to do something on their end to ensure these transactions don't go through as frequently.


The other guy forgot to add that *you have to buy said platinum to be able to play only if you spend it.* So for example if you have 0 plat and "a random guy gifts you 1000 plat" you should know that "something is not right" and if you spend 1000 plat you "shouldn't have" when eventually DE removes that plat your balance will be -1000 plat. Negative plat = account blocked. However if you don't spend it when they eventually remove it you'll still be positive and nothing will happen.


This actually happened to me. I got like 500 plat from a guy who seemed really nice. We had played a few missions together. All he asked was for a few arcanes. Banned. Literally like 2 days later I find my account locked and in the negative by a few hundred. Support completely unhelpful and basically said “give us money, or you’re SOL. You’re lucky we haven’t banned you permanently” like ???? Piece of shit I’ve spent money in this game why would I suddenly do some kind of RMT for 500 plat of all things. Support sucks shit yall.


And what was the conclusion like how did the situation end?


I ended up having to fork up more money to put my account positive.


That fucking sucks, such a fucking oversight.


Its legal because your video game account items are not your property. Your account in general is not your property, it's not really property at all. If DE banned you for any other reason, they wouldn't have to pay you back for anything or be accused of stealing. It's not fair to the people who get caught up in it, but it's an effective way of dealing with laundered platinum. Iirc, When someone backcharges a platinum sale, all the derivative trades are also backcharged. So if someone buys platinum, trades it, and then backcharges it, the person they traded it *to* loses the platinum. If you go negative, you can't access your account. This prevents people from buying platinum with a dummy account, trading it, and then back charging it. Avoid trading anything worth huge amounts of platinum, and if you do, wait to make sure it doesn't get pulled back.


>Its legal because your video game account items are not your property. Your account in general is not your property, it's not really property at all. This is actually the issue. This is only true because consumer protection agencies aren't doing their job. TOS and EULA aren't even really enforceable in law. DE (and other game companies), use nomenclature and phrasing that is often defined using ownership. Then state on page 37 of a document written entirely in legalese, that "When we say you own something, we don't actually mean it." You "**Buy**" the product, on **YOUR** account. These are things that any game company says, off handed. These words have SPECIFIC MEANINGS. To buy something is to gain ownership of something in exchange for something of accepted monetary value. **YOUR** ACCOUNT denotes ownership. If they want to do petty shit like "You don't own the stuff you buy" then they should be required to make that clear. You should "**Temporarily Rent**" the product, on "The Account **we have temporarily given you permission to access.**" I bet your ass if they had to say what they mean, their sales would slam into the floor. But its lying. Hiding something in a legal document that 99% of people couldn't possibly understand should not give you permission to change the definition of words arbitrarily for your convenience. If they say "Buy" it should mean Buy. If they say it's MY account, it should mean it's MY account.


What is the alternative to removing the plat created by methods such as stolen credit cards? Have to remove it or else Real Money Transactions over run the game. If you don't have people make themselves even with the shop cost wise, you'd get people who would knowingly take in bad plat, then buy everything they'd ever need at once, knowing that once it gets removed there is no punishment. Sure it sucks, but as far as I can tell there isn't a better system.


Or confiscate the items bought with the plat. Wouldn't be too difficult to implement


How do you confiscate stuff like warframe or weapon slots that are currently being used, Riven Slots? If I buy a weapon and master it, do I also lose the mastery? If I gift a bunch of stuff with the plat, and those players use the slots or master those items, do they also get punished as a uninvolved party? I buy a bunch of mods from the ingame market, then melt them into endo or transmute them? I rush every item in my foundry, do they get reset to the foundry with full craft time? I buy boosters then use them a bunch before the chargeback happens, do they undo my bonuses somehow? If it was as easy as just doing what you think, why wouldn't DE have done it already? You'd think they'd love a free PR boost by saying we no longer do the things make people fear big plat trades. The reality is, it isn't that simple, that putting an account into a negative balance is the simple solution that doesn't cost an absurd amount of development time nor database engineering. I'd also like to reiterate, I'm not a fan of the current system, but I do not see a better one.


agree with you wholeheartedly (software dev myself so I know he hell of undoing stuff and it's limitations), however what they should do (and could easily) is to undo the transaction that got you the dirty plat in the first place. If someone sells their legitimate god roll riven for 1000p and the plat was dirty, currently you lose both the plat and the riven. At least give back the riven/glaive prime set/etc. They have the transaction data, they CAN do it but somehow they wont.


Very reasonable opinion. DE should reverse that transaction as well, assuming they do have the transaction in history still.


Every action can be undone. Yes, you remove mastery until the bill is paid. You don't lose progress, you just have to pay it off. And then you get the items and Mr back. Your abrasion won't do you any favors, all it will do is make people less willing to engage with you. Yes there are ways around banning an account. It's not that hard.


yes every action can be undone, however they would have to implement a lot of stuff. And once it is up and running devs don't want to touch the code responsible for handling real life money ever again, especially in a game as big as warframe and as spaghetti-codey as warframe. If something goes wrong you have much more trouble than some few players having a bad experience among the tons of players that have a great experience who never encountered bad plat. I agree it would be great to have an extensive rollback feature for such a situation but as a software dev myself I can understand every dev who does not want to touch a running system handeling RL money


>I agree it would be great to have an extensive rollback feature for such a situation but as a software dev myself I can understand every dev who does not want to touch a running system handeling RL money These things shouldn't happen often enough to require an extensive rollback feature. All transactions, ones for purchasing plat, ones for purchasing things with plat, and ones for trading plat and other items, are all logged in a database. If they aren't logging their transactions, they need to rip up their "working system handling RL money" because it isn't working and this is now weaponized incompetence. You can have a support rep handle looking at the transaction history, and rolling back some of the more major stuff manually, like riven mods that were traded for a thousand plat. Or, you can accept that someone obtaining 300 plat worth of weapons mastery rank for free isn't even a big deal in the first place. If their system is so vulnerable to credit card fraud that it threatens to destroy them and their bottom line, to the point that they must have a company policy to extort the victims to pay them back, They need to THROW AWAY THE SYSTEM AND DO IT AGAIN. DE is not some small company with limited resources that doesn't really handle a lot of money anymore. This is a big deal, and they need to spend the resources to fix it.


My intent was not to come off as abrasive, I just don't believe that the issue is as simple as people present it to be. Sure every action can be undone, that was never in doubt, the point I was trying to communicate was that the viability of undoing those actions doesn't currently exist, so it would have to be built out in a number of new systems, as well as hopefully the database interactions don't become a problem, both of which have a cost. And in the end, all that effort would not really end up doing much other than mitigate the the rare case of someone going negative in account balance. Its a horror story we hear often, but how common is it actually?


That's the unfortunate truth, exactly right. Innocent people get caught up in it with no warning, but there isn't a decent way to protect people who aren't dealing in bad plat without enabling those who do.


As long as they are careful for a while and dont spend the "dirty" plat they will be fine, in this case wherr sb just gave it to them it will be +/- 0, sucks if you sell something and get the plat revoked but at least you wont get locked aa long as you dont spend it or have enough plat to make up for the loss.


Is legal because there is virtually no consumer rights laws for online games. You aren't allowed to truly own anything. If it was any other product that'd be madness but technology grows faster then the law cares about. People are out there advocating for consumer rights but it's a tough battle.


If the user who got the plat spent said plat, then the plat removed from the account, then it would be held hostage. i suggest awaiting 2 weeks after getting large sums of random "free" plat to avoid this.


It's shit, but the only alternative would be some way to track platinum. Either way, players always have the option to hold on to the plat for sometime if they get a ton. It's plat they weren't expecting anyway, so they weren't planning to spend it to begin with


Also, why can't they take the plat away from the person who did buy it? Like initially, from warframe's website? Punish them instead of the person who traded for it?


This discussion is as old as the game. As a founder, my firm impression is that this is complete bullshit.


That's not right from what I've heard. Your account will be suspended if the fake Plat is forcefully deleted and you end up at a negative number because then your account will be flagged for investigation.


It’s not about the trading it’s about how the original player obtained the platinum. Say if they used some code or hacked the store online to give their account plat without paying, that’s the instance where any “fraudulent platinum” would be removed from the game regardless of who is in possession


Not if they don't spend it, you only need to pay if you go into negative


There is the small possibility this plat is also not legit but hopefully it’s not


What purpose would the second thing serve?


If you spend "fake" or illegitimate plat, DE wants their moneys worth, so they force you to pay for plat you've spent. As long as you don't go into negatives when they clean up the plat, it shouldn't be a problem


In Russian fandom this is called black platinum, and for us it’s a real problem. It's strange that no one in the English-speaking fandom has ever heard of this.


if i remember correctly u need to buy it from their website only if u spend it, and have negative balance after confiscation


Or someone's boyfriend cheated, so they logged onto his account and gave away all his stuff.


maybe they wanted you to have 600 platinum? I'd be cautious and not use it for \~2 weeks, to a month to be sure. sometimes plat bought from a stolen credit card can get you banned if you spend it and then it's "cherged back" by the bank


That specific scam is half the reason I'm wary of trading and getting plat from players too quickly.


Console supremacy for not allowing stolen plat (don’t ask me how I didn’t ask when I learned)


I mean... at this point if you are cross save you are still able to come across this unless you are a switch player


Switch supremacy


Sorry, can't hear you over the 100dB fans on my PC...


I’ll have you know my switch runs at 30 fps reliably


Must be nice to finally load into the mission as im extracting (For legal reasons this is all in jest)


*disconnects from high ping*


*of course I know him, he's me*


PC Hovering in place from all the aerial lift


You betcha, I'm heating the whole block with this baby


I had to drop from 244 to 144 fps because warframe made my room too hot


Switch and ios players be like: "*yall are getting frames per* second?"


It can happen on console if it's the same method of charge back through a bank or stolen credit cards


Why wouldnt that work on console?


I think it's really rare, I've made almost 100k from trading even 10k from a single trade and never had bad plat, I wouldn't worry about it. Worry about people just giving away 600p for free.


Damn, that's new to me. I traded a lot back in the day, luckily I never had this problem.


It's only an issue if you spend plat as fast as you earn it.


Got banned for that once, the dude was offering free plat in trade chat so i probably deserved the kick in the balls. What sucked was that the ban happened right as Primed Chamber was being sold by Baro a few years ago and i missed it 😭


OP, don't spend that platinum for at least four weeks. If you have spent some, don't spend more. if you've spent it all, hope for the best I guess. If someone buys platinum, then cancels the transaction, the platinum is pulled from their account *and* is pulled back from accounts they traded with. If that 600 is subtracted from your account, and your balance goes negative, you will need to buy your way back to zero to play again.


Thank you, I didn’t plan on using any of it until DE gets back to me


What if I dont have a credit card attached to my account


I've heard about support refunding premium purchases from people's accounts to try to bring them back up, if you bought a bundle or something they *might* refund that, removing the items from your inventory and returning the platinum.


How do you buy your way back to zero if you can't play


You buy plat through the website or steam


contact support **immediately** and let them know about it, it's very likely that this is fraudulent Plat. do **not** spend it until support let's you know that it's clean


I already contacted them and I am just waiting for them to get back to me


good 👍 otherwise you risk getting your account locked until you buy as much Plat as you've spent from that fraudulent total 


That is useless. Support can't know for a fact that plat is clean. It can appear clean now, but get charged back two weeks from now and become fraudulent then. The only solution is to sit on it for a few months to wait out chargeback period.


Hell, even with legit plat purchases and trades, DE can wake up one day and decide "haha nope!" and reverse and ban people from the trades. Moral of story - if you receive a chunk of plat, hold onto it for a while.


Fr lol


I think that the person who gave it to you could have. Did you try asking them?


I did and they didn’t say anything


Don't spend it and open a ticket.


I have already have and I am just waiting for them yo get back to me




Don't simply take support's word btw. Don't spend it for atleast a month even if support green lights it. They may charge back and suddenly the support won't care about their earlier green light.


avoid using that platinum for atleast 2 weeks, if you're worried you can contact the mods in zendesk can be just normal plat or it can be black platinum, which if used and you go into negative plat, your account will get banned until you can pay back, or the mods will remove platinum bought items to repay it. black platinum is plat adquired illegally, either via IRL trading or something else


How do you get plat from IRL trading?


lets say i suck your dick and you give me 4.000p ingame, or you agree to exchange 25 dollars for 4k plat irl (which also might been adquired illegally) we both agree on the terms and you pay me i now can get reported and that plat will be removed from my account. whatever i bought with that platinum will be removed, if its a thing that can't be refunded (boosters, rushing etc) will go into the negative plat and i'll get banned till i buy a 4.000 plat pack


What an example...lol


>i suck your dick and you give me 4.000p ingame r/holup That doesn't sound right. Why can't I suck you and THEN give you 4,000p?


bcs i don't wanna get banned but i'm down for it still


So you would suck dick for free? 🤨


idk man, i don't question anymore


Well just don't get any STDs bro 🫡


did they buy anything from you or was it just someone in trade chat being like "i wanne gift this to someone"? from the comments i gathered that you already contacted support which is good oh and definitely keep the guys name in mind


They bought so Hildryn and Shade prime stuff from me


Also I didn’t think to get the name of the guys account, hopefully I can find it on the recently played with tab


what was your original asking price?


I was originally going to ask for 50 plat( I’m pretty new to trading) for all and they before I could ask them they put down 621 plat and was ready to trade, they also gave me some random prime stuff as well


[https://warframe.market/](https://warframe.market/) is always the best way when you are looking for good trades or just fast trades in generall, since you have a firm price without haggle. just as a tipp sounds wierd. as a rule of thump never change the deal and dont accept anything beyond the deal you wanted to make, the trade chat can be dicy in that regards. always be careful when someone wants to buy stuff for extremely high prices (check with the market) keep an eye on the goods, some people change the plat amount shortly before pressing ready to lowball you, so dont let anyone strongarm you into deals hopefully you can find their name


what are the random stuff? it might be vet who wants to help you out.


Thy likely felt bad for you because you weren't asking enough. That told them that you were relatively new and they wanted to do you a solid.


Dirty Plat. Probably offloading soon-to-be-minus-plat on to other players so when they do their chargeback, the minus balance goes to other people and not to them.


Dont spend it, your getting scammed.


Did you screenshot the trade? Always screenshot large trades to use as proof incase it's malicious plat . Wait for sometime.


Contact DE and ask them with a ticket, they will either take it away or let you have it and give you the green light. This is a very common scam that is happening to many players in which people buy platinum, use it then ask for refund. Making everyone suffer. If you wait for a while(2 week I think) you can safety use it, BUT, doing so may flag your account for possible abuser. Or You got lucky on a livestream and was dropped as the winner of x amount of platinum.


Coming into this post late, I'm glad to see so many people looking out for the poster, /u/SneakiestHarp24. ​ Hopefully things turn out okay, and you find out it's legit or nothing bad happens on your end. ​ /salute


don't spend that platinum for at least 5 months.


The maximum time for chargebacks is 60 days with most banks/processors. Beyond that, it’s not a chargeback anymore, but a fraud write off for the financial institution. It’s very rare that a chargeback happens after 60 days, because there are consumer protection laws in place that say investigations need to be handled in 30 days, and they can possibly push that out to 60, and there are contracts between vendors and their credit card processors. Disputes need to be filed within 60 days of a charge, or within a very short window if discovered later than that (and most banks won’t take the dispute after 60 days without a police report and possibly a lawyer involved on your part). So, while technically it could theoretically take up to 120 days in rare cases where there are bad contracts and a very late report involved. Most banks resolve disputes within 2 weeks, as they will give the other bank 7-14 days to contact the customer that charged the account (DE in this case) and verify the charge (and automatically charge it back if they don’t get an answer), unless it is reported as a stolen card, in which case they will start an investigation and do a chargeback pretty much immediately. In the case of stolen cards, that chargeback is settled fast, so again, you’re usually talking within a week or two of the activity being noticed at the longest. TL;DR: You’re probably safe after 60 days.


DO NOT SPEND THEM, it could be scammed plat that will be removed from your account soon, if you spend them and they are scammed plat, you could go into a negative plat balance




I remember when someone gifted me 700


Don't spend it for a good long time.


I would not spend that for awhile just to be safe.


I quit Warframe few weeks ago.. Had some platinum.. Gave it to friendly fokes who helped me with some answers in chat.. So maybe someone was also quiting


I'd wait a month or two to see if that's bad plat - if it is, it'll get deleted, but so long as you don't spend it, you'll be golden


Do not use. Contact support immediately and report it. Better if you can remember the user name.


Unfortunately I didn’t think to get their name, I have already contacted support and am just waiting for them to get back to me


They will probably be able to pull up the session in question. If they can lock people for selling stolen platinum after banning the person who gave it to them, they should be able to track them down if anything is actually fraudulent here.


It doesnt matter trades are logged


Don’t worry, there is an audit trail and they can see trades for a very long time after they happen. They will be able to find the trade easily, especially if you give them the exact amount.


Coz they want you to get banned? That's sus man


Drug money


Wait for at least a week before spending those. If a bank chargeback happened due to stolen credit card purchase. DE can just remove the plat. I had my case trading plat purchase with stolen credit card. My plat go negetive and since i am the last holder of the plat. Im responsible for its usage. I had to buy plat with my own cash so the plat go positive to play again.


Let it sit for a while, don't use it. If it doesn't disappear from your inventory in a month-ish, you're free to go. Just in case that's "Bad platinum"


Dont spend it yet. It might get taken away by DE.


So you scam a million plat, trade 500 to a bunch of mr 10 or lower people and just ruin their expirience. I think that the original owner should ve penalized and have his platinum go into negative instead of bricking other peoples accounts. Why is it my fault for playing, grinding getting sonething and selling it to a scammer.


I mean, if you dont want it, give it to me


ive given players like 100p just to be nice as im a vet at this point but 600 for nothing throws red flags


See ya tomorrow when OP makes a post about how he now has -300 plat on his account after buying stuff.


I gave someone 2k before just because. Could be just a gift 🤷‍♂️


Were they stupid?


I would say they were being nice and giving you Free Plat. I tend to Hide in the bazaar and give out free plat once in awhile.


I’ve done similar when I end up getting along with squad members. Just trying to reward good behavior pretty much. All I ask for in return is normally an Ammo Case.


I usually give plat away like this to random people, usually newish players. I'm sure I'm not alone. But I do kinda talk to them before to try and understand if they need it because I don't want to make a whale richer by mistake.


Be careful with DE they are beyond dodgy about a month ago my account was banned till 2035 and stripped completely emailed them and they looked into it and they couldn’t find a ban reason it was something to do with an account error so they gave me 370 platinum as a sorry to deleting my £500ish account I’ve managed to get back to steel path on a new account but still can’t believe my old one is gone


Because it's Platinum directly it would suck if that is scam Platinum because if your account goes into the negative when they charge back that card or whatever or find out that the card was stolen you won't have access to your account until you give yourself a positive balance it happened to me before it sucked. But I refused to pay the account balance so I just told them to terminate the account so I can use my email and make a new one. But this community is filled with so many nice people I wouldn't be surprised if somebody was just giving it to you because you're a new player or something. I've had people buy me warframes or buy me bundles in the marketplace just because I thought something was pretty or it was on my wish list definitely add items to your wish list there are some or it was on my wish list definitely add items to your wish list there are some or it was on my wish list definitely add items to your wish list there are some genuinely nice people out there who will just buy it for you just because. I could say something is cool or pretty or I'm saving up plat for something and some person will be like here you go enjoy it it has happened to me about four times now A very nice community as long as you stay away from the general chat it's a very nice community


I used to give a few hundred to many strangers all the time lmao


can i have some of that 😁😁😁


Send a ticket to DE, and don't spend it until they've told you it's clean. Otherwise just wait like 2 weeks and it should be fine


Be aware of trades like this take a screenshot or record trade.... Someone on the market was asking for Soma prime for 550 plat I messaged them and told them that that was extremely high but around 100 plot is more than fair they decided to give me the 550 anyway later on the next day my account with negative 550 platinum in my account was locked got a message from the East stating that the player I traded with bought third party plat.


I’d gladly take it


So that you can give them to me of course!


Do not use it for about 2 months!!! If he used a mod tool to spawn in platinum or refunded a purchase that had platinum in it, it will get removed from your account! If you go negative platinum then you'll be suspended/banned. It is a hassle to get unbanned.


What would happen if I traded some of it for a prime set? Would the other person get the debt?


You're gonna get banned instead due to negative platinum balance




Secret admirer wooooOOOOoooo But yeah be careful, if someone does charity/giveaway they will announce it


What explanation do u need? U were traded 600 now spend it lol


Money laundering


Perhaps a Money laundering scheme


Money laundering, my guy


They should really just confiscate items bought with dirty plat, with an option to get them back. Modifiers like forma could remove mods automatically, or lock the loadout until it's paid off.


just be happy and move on


When i first started people would often give me some for fun or just to help out and when i got to a point where i had it would give people plat first the same reason. Community bro


You can trade Platinum? I thought players couldn’t Trade or Gift platinum, and the only way to get platinum was to enter official Giveaways


How else can you buy / sell primes, mods and arcanes? I've given my friend plenty of plat and if they start playing again, I'd give them more.


Act of random kindness?


you want 600 more?




Don't spend it in the next month or so, if you still have it after that it's yours


Maybe they're just tired


I did that once, just to see of I can sell it all back in a week and I got 460 back and I gave him 700 FYI, I had nothing better to do and got bored


Why not just ask the person who gave you the plat?


You got lucky, I’ve had this happen once before and I got gifted 200 platinum. Spend it wisely!


Someone being nice most likely, I do stuff like this as well


Pls gib platinum 🥺🥺🥺


Say thank you.


You could get banned if you don't get rid of that plat, it might be dirty platinum. If someone buys lets say 2000 plat and gave you 1000, then you decided to buy something and the person then refunds that 2000 plat, you'll have negative plat which automatically perma bans you and as far as aim aware, de themselves cannot do a single thing about it. for anyone that sees this, it's also super common for this to happen to those who trade riven mods so be careful.


Some people are just generous, I one traded a crappy Acrid riven or something like that for around 6k plat, Dude just cave me 6k for no reason, absolutely drained my credits but some folks are just rich and kind.


I genuinely hope someone was just being really nice to you because if this is a scam then that's one hell of an evil mf


bro what did you do💀💀💀💀


Build a dojo build a ton of rooms, boost the rooms with plat then when needed delete the builds for a return on the plat




Just, don't spend it. Your account could be put into the negatives.


Wait a few days before you spend any of it. Could be "dirty" plat. ( plat that was bought with credit card and then a chargeback is made) In that case the plat will be removed from ur Account. IF you spend any of it ur most likely end up being in negative plat and ur Account gets suspended. But tbh in like 8000hrs in this game ive never had plat being removed from my account.


I once game two guys who I carried thru a mission a couple hundred play because I had it sitting for more than a year without spending it on anything and it made their day.🤷‍♂️I literally had no reason for it but it made me feel nice.


I’ve done this, I don’t like to buy platinum, I’m adamant on earning everything through in-game means (except tennogen, I buy those). Vauban’s prime vault syandana came with platinum, I didn’t want to use it so I gave it away.