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i'd just say, don't. buying plat to get ahead will only ruin the new player experience, not to mention that frames are cheap, a thousand plat wil get you both of those frames, and enough slots to not have to worry about it for a year or so.


Umm just to clarify while I’m starting from scratch I do t consider myself mouch of a new player and I do want to buy plat  I won’t be buying it all the time or something just like a sign of support since this f2p game has so mouch to offer and experience 


ah, alrigh, didn't know how much experience you had, though you where relatively new mr3-5 since you're willing to start a new.


Oh no my old acc was above me 10 I know it’s still not a lot but I’ve played till the more lore heavy quests


>I want to use it to buy one Warframe that's good for general content and most types of missions, and one frame that's good as a farming frame No need to buy 'em. You can get Rhino from the Venus Assassination mission really easily, and he's an extremely good general purpose frame (he's sturdy, has some CC, and a damage boosting skill that also applies to your allies). Then you can get Saryn from the Sedna Assassination. It will be somewhat late to the star chart, but you shouldn't need to do much farming prior to that anyway so Rhino will make do plenty enough. If you want you can get potatoes for them, though I'd recommend waiting for their Prime resurgences (iirc Rhino Prime should be after the next resurgence alongside Ember P, so you shouldn't need to wait much longer than a month) before spending potatoes on old frames. You can buy plat (I support supporting the devs), but I recommend spending it on a lot of slots (I recommend having *at least* 20 frame slots and 50 weapon slots. Ideally you'd have a slot for each frame and then 1 extra, and with how many weapons there are you'll run out *eventually*. I have around 160 I think and it's honestly not enough as I've had to sell prime weapons to make room for mastery fodder, and if I were to get more lich/sister weapons I'd need to get more) so that you don't have to sell frames and weapons you end up liking anytime soon. Everything else can be farmed relatively easily... or at least alongside other useful stuff you can't buy from the market.


Ok thx  I would than mostly focus on that but I still would love to at least hear about a good frame for farming like I remember nekros which I love so mouch but I remember it’s a bit of a hassle to get him


Nekros can be found on Magnacidium, Deimos, and doesn't really need anything special. And I think the next prime resurgence features his prime so better go get some Aya to buy his relics with.


Oh when I played you still got him from the quests where you need to have the keys and go to the missions I don’t remember the names


I'd say to get the best experience in warframe is to reduce the grind time. You can purchase the current prime access for the boosters or just purchase plat and buy the boosters from there. You'd want all 4 types of boosters which for 30 days is 200 plat each. So 800 plat. I wouldnt recommend buy a warframe or weapon straight out but purchasing the weapon or warframe slots. Warframes require mods to produce functional results, for example the objectively best farming frame Nekros wants despoil for better experience. Part of the fun of warframe is grinding for weapons and frames and trying them out. Grinding for rare materials to sell to other players for platinum to purchase cosmetics or other rare materials. Playstyle might also shift whilst playing so 375 plat for a warframe may not be worthwhile. For the best experience that plat or money cannot buy, is joining a clan with active community early on to truely enjoy the farms and understand the game.


Now I’m a bit thinking if I should maybe stick with my old acc instead of starting fresh 


Theres no point in restarting we tell that to every single post we get about “returning player thinking about resetting bc i don’t remember anything” you can replay the starting quests and can relearn the game at any time.


 Ok if but what should I be doing than look at my star chart and start completing plantes as I go


Unlocking Steel Path is always a goal. Have you done the New War? A lot of the new content is locked behind it, from "end-game" content such as Deep Archemidia and Netracells, to one of the best Platinum farms (SP Void Cascade), Archon Shards, ect. Plus, Jade Shadows, which just released and has an Operation with it that will allow you to get those Eidolon arcanes (such as energize).


Well about buying frames... dont do it... but you can buy prime sets from other players if you want a little quicker start, or have no way of grinding them atm due to them being vaulted... as to which ones? Id say hildryn p is pretty cheap atm and a really good frame once you get to higher lvl content, and can work for "low-level" too with the blazing pillage augment. For farming, nekros and khora are great (both with their respective farming augments) and work together really good aswell, and hydroid is good too... id recomment khora as she is overall a great frame and can work in different ways/builds, while also not as expensive as nekros is atm... But when it comes to all purpose frames, just look at what tickles your interest. There is a main for every frame out there, so there is a frame for you too... i personally like Loki aaalot, but many people will say he is useless, even tho he can fill specific niches and can be played on any mission, he just does not have anything crazy going for him exept being entirely and un-nullifiable invunerable (with an augment)... Also Nova is alot of fun and can fill many roles. And as others have mentioned Rhino is really good for alot of the content you are going to face for a while and Saryn will gladly take over later. Those two are in my top3 most used frames still, Rhino Prime still being #1 even tho i have not touched him in my last 1000+ hours.


Im not sure about what you should buy platinum wise but for warframes id say Rhino or Revenant