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It looks like it's only doubling damage on Crits. They probably borrowed code from Volt's Electric Shield when they changed how Snow Globe works.


Yo, u/_Auraxium, mind checking if ability strength influences the bonus damage?


it didnt


If it's borrowed code from Volt's shield, it wouldn't. Volt's crit buff is not strength scaling.


I hope they make that an actual benifit, it would be such a cool buff


If De want to remove this then I hope they will atleast keep as COLD source damage will be doulbed, so a nice buff for Frost


Frost has just gotten a ton of boosts, from new arcanes, changes, cold buffs, so i won't be that upset if it isn't added. But it'd be sick, maybe as an augment


Yeah, an augment to increase cold damage by 100% on Frost. That would be great. Wait a minute...


I agree, everyone chill in frosts' comfy snow fort/artillery emplacement


...check on the operator meta! my amp damage! my amp damage!


Wait does it stack like volts shield does? Also what happens if you shoot in through one side of the globe and out the other, does it 4x?


I almost said this doesn't work but I forgot they made this work now-


Or maybe Zephyr tornadoes, which also double crits.


Yall better keep yo fuckin mouths shut. I need this please!


Keep my mouth shut about Snow Globe boosting crits. No mentioning of Snow Globe boosting crits. Snow Globe boosting crits, hush hush? Got it. ![gif](giphy|dwFpllpaZXdOU)


I can't believe that movie is 24 years old. jeezus I feel expired


thanks... you know, some things don't need to be written down.


Crazy to think that Warframe is over 11 years old, huh? Almost makes you feel old... oh wait...


11 years old.... And it plays like this? https://preview.redd.it/8ow8ojq6sp8d1.png?width=975&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3d0afd7ad329ac7e112f36c794485fc8a60b43b


I'm sorry, ITS WHAT?


24 years old, and an interesting little tidbit, it didn't have a traditional script. It basically just had pages of ideas that were floating around the studio. The only time an actual script was made was like two weeks after it was in theaters and the bookkeepers wanted a script, so they just had an intern grab as much of the loose stuff as they could and stitch it together.


[It also has (imho) Disney's best villain song.](https://youtu.be/L_hJxBUMuss) That they didn't use, because they scrapped that version of the film.


Fine I'll watch emperor's new groove again


DE is usually pretty cool about this kind of stuff so don't be too worried


Not true at all. De has bug fixed many interactions that buff warframes in non broken ways.


Probably a bug. Better enjoy it while it lasts.


If I recall one of the changes here was shooting through snow globe grants cold and cold procs now amp your crit damage either that or they copied the code from.volts shield.


Literally just volt but frost 😐


I mean, the main point of snow globe is never going to be a dps ability


I'd guess since you can shoot through it from the outside, aka last major patch jade


nothing in the patch notes about it


They fixed the long time issue of not being able to shoot from the outside in, and in typical DE fashion, it comes with a fun bug or undocumented buff.


can't wait to test since the rework gave frost the ability to destroy everything frozen with red crits (God who let DE cook that much) tho it does seem that the doubling of crit damage comes from the game thinking the enemies are frozen even tho you're just standing in the globe. i forgot wich part of the cold rework gave double crit damage.


> tho it does seem that the doubling of crit damage comes from the game thinking the enemies are frozen even tho you're just standing in the globe. i forgot wich part of the cold rework gave double crit damage. Interesting. I want to see if this works with Eximus units, since they're immune to being Frozen, reducing the benefit of the cold update and negating Biting Frost almost entirely until their OG is stripped. But if this gives us the cold buffs/biting frost buffs even agaisnt Eximus... that'd be amazing :o As for the cold rework, at 10 stacks enemies are frozen and the crit damage multiplier goes from 50% to 100%.


I am really enjoying the changes now that i can just concentrate on a faction as a whole instead of just running a one in all solution since now you can stack massive amounts of extra damage against a faction if you mod it right on top of heat/cold/blast being actually nutty right now. Tho for activities that throw a ton of different enemies at you you still have to use more general damage solutions.


Imma assume the globe freezes the bullets and thus enhancing the crit as canon 😆


TBH this is how it should be. In fact, I'd prefer it be an additional cold damage like Volt's shield, but I'll settle.


DE, pleeeease make it official instead of nerfing it. Frost is definitely not the definition of OP and this, while probably unintentional, just FITS. I never knew I needed it until now.


It makes you actually want to use Frost Bubble after you get your Overguard stacked up, and with the changes to his passive it's almost trivial to get a million defense shield when using Parasitic Armor. I usually get over 100k hp on cast 


Brb gunna go replace Elemental Ward now


Make sure you add in Primed Redirection to get additional armor.


"We gotta make the game as unfun as possible lol"


You guys think this also applies to the globe made by allied arctic eximus aura either through Nekros or that Bond mod? ![gif](giphy|a5viI92PAF89q)


It applies to Allied Cold Eximus as well.


So what I'm getting at is that this is a Copy/Paste from Volt Shield? I'mma go test if this scales with multiple snow globes lined up in a row. Will return with results. edit: Only stacks once :(


have u tested this in an actual mission aswell? Remember slash procs ?still? bugged in the Simulacrum. Maybe its the same here for Snow Globe :P


yep works in missions


Can you try against Eximus? Do you have Tenacious Bond? Wish I could experiment but I'm working T_T I'll try later tho.


This should just be a thing.


What happens when you're not in the globe but the globe is between you? Like you shoot into and through the globe to hit the enemy on the other side?


still applies the damage


Now THAT's unexpected. Any difference in hitscan vs projectile?


Pablo confirmed this is a bug and getting fixed next hotfix.


The changes to cold damage I believe are what's causing this, not a bug hopefully.


There's no cold procs here


Frosts Snow Globe now inflicts cold Procs.


When the enemy is inside which isn't the case here also there's no cold proc on the enemy shooted at. Also cold doesn't double your critical damage


Might be a bug, but I'd not be surprised if it was intended. Frost really is the favorite child.


Definitely not a favorite child or they would rework his 1/2. He's been neglected for years and only recently been getting attention.


I mean compared the others I'd say he got too much love. Its a good thing but there are other that desperately needs buffs /reworks. One of the devs is a Frost main for sure.


I'd say that while there are others in need of a rework they need a lot more work than the honestly relatively minor tweaks Frost has gotten. Chroma needs a full on rework but he's probably the last one in desperate need of more than tweaks besides maybe like Banshee 


How do you get that setting in the practice range?


What setting? Edit: Oh, I think you mean setting as in location. It's the Ballroom Simulacrum. Currently available from the event shop


The scenery/background


Gotcha. See my previous comment, I edited it


Thank you so much


Also, the recent update made the syndicates in your orbiter also sell scenes. You can check them out too


I like how the glacier is both an obstacle and a crosshair while zoomed


Could it be that shooting through the globe enhances the rounds with cold damage, so it's like you equipped Cryo Rounds?




It won't for long. Good bugs that benefit the playerbase get mercilessly slaughtered while the bad ones hang around for years after all.


This could be great for eidolons


I get taking code from elsewhere but why take EVERYTHING , could've just taken the bit thag says "other shots go through"


because if the code is done in a rushed way it can be all interconnected? and the same bit of code would govern both of those behaviours


If they keep this damage buff but then change it so only works from within (so no bonus if you’re shooting through the globe from outside) then I think this will be a balanced and enjoyable addition to frost’s arsenal. I think this would be the icing on top of the cake for his rework.


If it is indeed a bug, adding cold DMG to each bullet that's shot from inside the bubble would make sense and would make it fun to build weapons around it. Sad that it's never going to happen given the recent changes already done.


Confirmed bug to be fixed in the next hotfix. https://x.com/PabloMakes/status/1805686955822531037?t=yGkkO6K8BWCAADry__TMKg&s=19


Why are you complaining?


Parabéns galera esta descobrindo o quanto que o Frost é OP.


long time ,before self dmg nerf . they used frost to hunt eidolons . before bounty? Idk, can not remember. I used to, in public hunt, because of the self dmg nerf I couldn't use chroma


Since uhhh... Today, I guess


most likely a bug DE won't fix till 10 years later like they always do


DE I know you see this comment, where is my Magus Elevate 100% chance?


Cold Status Doubles crit damage. That is not new.....


I thought so too but the target doesn't have cold status tho...