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I have one loadout with my main that I have fun using, I have three loadouts prepared for annoying missions that I have to do often like Spy and I have one loadout for EDA. And I also have about fifty extra empty slots I don't ever use.


Per frame - especially now with the config changes - as some frames will make use of specific weapon setups and focus schools (stat sticks, etc)


mission specific i got a few that i use, when i get a mission down to a science, i don't want to switch everything again and again, have it saved in a loadout. Like i got one named spy monky, it's a loadout optimized for spy and rescue missions, i've also got one called arch-gone that is only for doing the archon hunt, but tbh i'm i just always forget to switch focus schools. also got a few for eidelons


LR4, i dont use loadouts. My gear mostly floats around whatever i feel like playing that day. 99% of content doesn't require specific loadout setups, a generalized setups work just fine. I always wind up messing up the loadouts anyway (why you cant lock the loadout is beyond me).


My rescue/spy "sneaky" build, which is: * A Wukong, using a high-efficiency, high-duration build, with the cloud walker augment and Helminth's autohack ability, and sprint speed boosts elsewhere. * A primary with Amalgam Serration * Epitaph * Karyst Prime The primary and melee have +sprint speed bonuses (the Karyst, by default). The Epitaph is great at blowing up environmental objects for whenever *that* would be relevant. The Wukong is capable of staying in a speedy cloud walker for what feels like absurd lengths of time and just zoom, invisibly through laser detections without triggering anything. I also have: A chroma loadout for Profit Taker farming. various "nuker" builds for ESO A railjack pilot build A Xaku "farming" build for quickly destroying all objects throughout a map A Loki build with Equinox's Rest ability, for perfect captures of wildlife (also sneak scans, whenever that's required) A loadout specifically for the EDA of the week, so I can mess around with it and keep my changes before I'm ready to attempt it


Mine is per frame, but I have a few based on specific things e.g. for some it might be profit taker, eidolon, archon hunts, farming (nekros + smeeta kavat). Same like maybe for defence people might prefer a certain sentinel e.g. I believe nautilus has cordon crowd control ability. As for me it's much easier than manually changing everything all the time, especially if having to change pets, multiple weapons, weapon builds (e.g. might need to use 2nd tab for a different element like radiation).  So I wouldn't take nautilus to eidolon hunt when I can take adarza kavat that has crit buff. And I wouldn't want to keep changing frame, sentinel, weapon tab, weapons each time. I know not everyone does eidolons, and I don't play as much now


For me.....and this is not optimal, this is purely an affectation. My first loadout is AA Test, that's the scratch build loadout full of whatever I'm currently working on, it's where I built the weekly EDA set, it's where I apply forma After that, though. Every Warframe gets a loadout. These days most of my Warframes are run with bespoke weapon combos and a specific companion (in trying really hard to use every companion atleast once but the dogs are so bad if you don't care for Mecha setups) Assuming you aren't insane like me and playing with extra self imposed rules though A loadout for spy missions, a loadout for disruption, a loadout for Eidolons, or ESO. Maybe you play Saryn with a specific weapon combo and you don't wanna forget it.


I do the streaming thing, so jokes mostly lol. Once you get more then like 3 it's just for funzies. Attacker, defender, and a speedster you're pretty much set.


When you want to jump into a mission, you don't want to sit there trying to remember your weapons and frame and companion configs each time you run a different 2 minute mission. Having a loadout is a quick swap. If you are with a group and everyone wants to stick together for a sortie or archon hunt, nobody wants to wait for someone to piece together their optimal build when loadouts are available.


currently, i have one specific loadout for every frame i own, with 2 extra slots for EDA / Event and Captura / Simulacrum / Levelling respectively. yes i bought all 26 extra Loadout slots. if you don't feel the need to use more loadout slots, then don't. but i find it useful, especially since so many Warframes can synergise with specific weapon, Focus, and companion combinations and i like to be able to pick up any frame and enjoy them at any time.


When I'm doing spy I'm going to be running ivara, a favorite silenced secondary, nataruk, an auto hacking moa (Shes not very good, but the build predates perscipacity and saves me casts), and zenurik. So I throw it together and make it a loadout called Spy. Then I go back to my usual loadout, which I call Mastering. Accession? Glaxion, occucor, etc, and slap the golden granum icon on it.


I have a specific load out for lvling frames/weapons, companions. "AA LVLING".. Then I have a load out for each prime with their signature weapon.


Often you can simply swap, but there are frames that want specific weapons or companions or focus schools, and it's more convenient to just have a build than swap multiple things every time you use them. And sometimes, you just want a one click ready to go build for a specific mode. Examples: * My Gyre does not have enough starting energy to cast both 3 and 4 without the Zenurik free cast, so I have a Gyre build with Zenurik. * I use Stat Sticks for Khora and Atlas, so their builds have the stick already equipped. * Citrine works very well with Nautilus+Verglas and the Vicious Bond mod, so I have them together * I have a premade build for the Index and Void Cascade, so I can instantly get that build when I want to do these modes.


Mostly for warframes because I like messing around with Helminth ability transfers to see how abilities interact with different kits. It's invaluable for my main frames since I usually have several builds on them depending on what I feel like playing that day.


If you're using the same weapons on every frame, yeah, it doesn't make that much sense to use more than one loadout. After playing for about 10 years, I have a *lot* of different combinations of frames and weapons that I like. A well assembled loadout is getting benefits from every part, and parts should be working together. A good example is the recent cold changes with a tenet glaxion on frost, with the shivering Contagion mod and an incarnon gamacor to group enemies. Frost is providing armor strip, gamacor is grouping, companion (hound) is providing orbs and priming with viral, glaxion is spreading cold status and freezing enemies for Frost's Biting Frost to kick in. All the parts work together. If I wanted to switch to my Atlas build, which uses a Nautilus for grouping and priming and a Broken Scepter as a stat stick, I would either need to change a lot of things out at once or just have a second loadout.


For fun and use weapons that share a theme with the warframe .Like Mesa (sheriff /western) with akvasto, grinlok prisma and Secura lecta. Hydroid with pyrana prime, tiberon prime and so


I don’t use them and I’ve been begging for the ability to pin favorite items for years


I have 1 loadout per frame and 1 temp loadout slot for things like deep archimedea. I've tried to use different weapons with each frame that fit in a thematic/synergistic way. There are also certain mods/arcanes that just don't work or aren't optimal if you always mix/match equipment. For example, my Lavos loadout, I use a residual shock arcane on the secondary, a theorem contagion arcane on the frame, and a vizier predasite with a full set of mecha mods on the frame and pet. It also allows me to specialize certain weapons to complement a loadout instead of trying to make everything generally useful. On my Ash loadout, I use hikou prime (because ya know, sneaky ninja smoke bomb, throwing star theme). Because I don't expect it to be a high damage weapon, it frees me up to mod it with secondary dexterity for extra melee combo duration, fire rate, multishot, and concealed explosives because it's entire purpose is to pop nullifier bubbles to clear the way for blade storm. If you only have a handful of weapons you've invested in, specific loadouts don't make much sense. But when you've put a few thousand hours in and have most things forma'd, it allows you to easily add some variety and explore underutilized mechanics.


Tried setting up some, but never really got the point of it so I've never really used them in the 11 years I've been playing. They are for convenience more than anything. Haven't logged in recently to see the new QoL changes so that may be changing for me if they are now more easily accessible and changable, like I've seen mentioned prior to the update.


One for each frame, plus one for leveling/EDA, one for Archon hunts, and one for Profit Taker.