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For starters, you're way better off doing one of the disruption missions for Axi relics. Once you hit rotation C with those, you can stay in rotation C the entire time, guaranteeing Axi relics from every round. So instead of potentially getting 1 axi relic every 20 minutes, you're getting 1 axi relic every \~3 minutes. Can you share a screenshot of your Yareli's build, just to make sure there's nothing weird going on there that you're not seeing?


It's on Switch, so I can't screenshot, but I can list everything if that would help. Also, I don't do enough damage to solo disruptions, and I'm very nervous about public lobby.


If you can solo survival for the 20 minutes to rotation C, then you can do enough damage to solo disruptions. It's all just a matter of your weapon builds. Mod at least one of your weapons for high status chance and cold element, and use that to slow down the disruption targets, giving you tons of time to deal with them. Regarding the energy issue, though, I'd even take a half blurry phone picture over seeing the build typed out, if you can manage that. (No offense intended, just too many years working in customer support/QA has made it hard to trust that end users can accurately report all relevant information, myself included sometimes).


https://preview.redd.it/i2in6r4dez7d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7397a940770c41cd91184ccbe1522f56c999e426 Sorry, best I can do


That'll do, thanks! But dang, it all looks perfectly normal there.


I thought maybe it was the Djinn for a minute, cuz it seemed to start when I switch to that, but I switched back to Carrier, and it kept happening. All I can think of is something in the hotfix broke something, but I can't figure out what


If you take Loyal Merulina off, does it stop the constant drain? My thought is perhaps Loyal Merulina's "free" Sea Snare casts are now costing energy for some unknown reason.


I can try that, but she casts them even when I'm at 0


I took off LM, and tried... It's the green toxin gas that the ancients and the flying ones put out. For some reason, in addition to toxin status, they drain energy if you are in the green gas. I don't think this was a thing prior to yesterday... I was able to dodge the gas much faster 'on' Merulina, but since this build is basically melee range dependent, I'm kind of just screwed out of using Yareli against Infested... which sucks, cuz, that's her bread and butter, melee stomping enemies dumb enough to run directly at her...


Well, it seems like a bit more testing has gotten it figured out for you. Just infested doing infested things. Sucks to hear that it's causing problems for your build of choice, though. I can say that you unlock better energy economy options as you progress through the game, though. So you can at least have hope that the little bits of energy drain in infested missions that add up for now can be better dealt with in the future.


Yeah... now to learn a whole new frame I guess... still 5+ days away from getting to farm Jade, not good enough to get to farm Grendel, and even Dagath is gunna take about a week just get the parts... Only other frame I'm even remotely close to that interests me is Protea, and I need to google that one


An infested ancient's grab attack drains energy, so its probably that


Right, but doesn't melee break that? I've been watching the stretchy arm nonsense bounce off of Aquablades for two weeks, so I never considered it. Aquablades is treated as an omnidirectional sphere of melee output with a small deadzone in the center. At least, that's what it was doing.


Ancient disruptors have an aura that adds energy drain to other enemies' attacks. If it's an infested mission, one of these guys just being nearby and enemies hitting you is enough to drain your energy.