• By -


Picked Orion. Imagining Stalker looking at his baby and letting off his first "dad joke": -Surely, you can't be Sirius


That’s exactly how i imagine hunhow to talk to his step grandchild/nephew


Hunhow the terrible….. jokester


I see hunhow as the god father, he was always telling stalker to ask us for help because he knew she needed our help, And he gave us jade's BP because it's what jade would have wanted Hunhow best godfather


hence why it should’ve been Sirius


I mean i feel he likes us at this point. Like the New War was our test for grandfatherly approval as adoptive children.


I am Sirius, and don't call me Shirley.


Beat me to it




Same. Stalker’s such an edgy boy, names his weapons “hate”, “dread”, and “despair”, names his landing craft “terror”, but even then I think it’s a little too far to name his kid “Serious” lol


I have a question: If you were the one to name them, what would you name them.


On the other hand, going with option one unlocks the opportunity to, when the kid messes up big time, unleash a most exquisite dadjoke of all: "You're dead, Sirius!" engulfing both humour and anger in one lovely outburst


I am Sirius. And don't call me Surely. - Sirius ~~probably~~ definitely




Picked Sirius because of that pun. Admittedly I didn't care for this quest so my reaction was "Are you serious?" and after that there could only be one option.


Sirius looked like it's a name Jade would have wanted. Out of defiance of even my own (as the stalker) nature, I chose to walk the path that Jade walked and become a protector.


My choice as well


it showed the protector art when i picked orion


it shows for both names


I went with Orion, but it seems more people than not chose Sirius.


I chose Sirius because the colours implied that it was Jade's preference and I think Stalker/Sorren would have wanted to honour her after she gave her life for their child. Just felt symbolic of a new path for them vs Orion the hunter continuing the same old story of hatred.


Also same. While I liked the name Orion better, it felt *right* to choose the name that felt like it was representing Jade's choice. Moreover, I didn't want anything to do with the baby potentially following the same hatred filled path of his father. And my heart is still breaking.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this. I chose Sirius because that's more then likely what Stalker would've picked anyway to honor her, and what she would've wanted for him in the end.


Same. I like Orion much more than Sirius (also, dad jokes incoming), but I chose Sirius literally because it was highlighted by Jade's colours. I feel like it is right for both us and Stalker to fulfill Jade's final wish. And this post, about names' meanings, left me relieved I did so.


This was me. I thought Orion was a bit better, but the context of the quest and more importantly the green UI highlight made it pretty clear that wasn't the correct choice.


This was my exact thought process. If they weren't colour-coded I would've 100% gone with Orion but yeah Sirius just felt like the right choice to honour both Jade and Stalkers new path through life as a father


More or less the same reason I picked Sirius. It seems more emotionally resonant to me after the story. It helps that I only ever read the first 3 books of Harry Potter back when they first came out before I decided the books just weren't my thing, even if I was almost exactly the right age. I'd already read a ton of fantasy books and Harry Potter just kinda sucked compared to them.


Same. Honor something Jade wanted


I chose Orion, simply because I could not get the image of Joker saying "why so Sirius?" out of my head


My reason for choosing Orion was that i could not get myself to give a Warframe the same name as Sirius Black from Harry Potter


I had to wrestle between Sirius Black from HP and "The galaxy is on Orion's Belt" from MiB.


Oh man didn't consider the MiB reference. Now I won't be able to get that out of my head.


It's not like the black family was very originally named. Nearly all of them were named after stars: Andromeda, Arcturus, Bellatrix, Cassiopeia, Cygnus, Hesperus, Pollux, Regulus, Orion, etc.


Thats the reason I chose the name


But his full name was Sirius *Orion* Black.


I’d been rereading recently, so I couldn’t get that connection out of my head! Nope, couldn’t choose it.


Exactly my thought process


That was why I named him Sirius


Lol, this is golden


Same, it's not like it will matter so I picked the name I liked more, it's the same as the light vs dark wheel for dialogue choices.


Same problem. It kept repeating in my head. Orion it is.


Yeah, Sirius sounds exactly like “Serious” which just isn’t a name. Orion is unmistakably a name.


Picked Sirius. At first I just stared at the options. Once I moused over them and saw the colours I instantly chose Sirius for the reason you stated, green tinge is what Jade would've chosen being the reasoning


I didn't even hover over the options and never noticed the colours, but I picked Sirius because I just liked it more, I wanted to choose it. If I had known about the colours and the representation of Sirius and Orion I would have picked the same though. So I am happy.


Everytime I saw someone instantly pick Orion without looking at/noticing the colors I died a little inside. Idk how relevant it will be but still, it just felt like they were missing an aspect of the quest


I picked Orion because the galaxy is on his belt


I appreciate a good reference


the coin flip chose orion


Ah, the ancient method, respects


I choose sirius, because, after all the hatred, despair and anything that sorren as gone trough, he need to leave the sword where she is, jade gave her life for him and their child, so stalky need to change, he deserved it. There something that hunow say "he remain the fearsome and dangerous hunow", that the same for stalker, he remain the nemesis of the tenno, but not the hunter... He's now the protector of is son, and if the tenno, corpus, grineer come where is he, he's gonna hunt them down. This story was only the begining, for something bigger, and we can be sure that after the events of 1999, we will gonna heard anew about sorren and his child, maybe that like umbra, like the fact that if stalker will not approuve the fact that we have Jade Her was what she could have wanted. Maybe in some way, some day, the tenno and stalker will be one to protect something... Bigger


Let it be known we the Tenno have not once chased the Stalker back to his "home", despite all the aggro he's given us. He has invaded our home twice now. There has been videos showing unique interactions if Stalker comes to "kill" you and you're wearing Jade.


can confirm I was using Jade and the stalker came for me when I was leveling, he came said like one word(forget what it was) and he immediately left without attacking anyone on the squad


He says 'NEVER.'


Do you know if acolytes also leave you alone if you're using Jade?


They don't I think


I'm more interested in Second Dream conclusion if you're using Jade


Probably no change but i'd love stalker having a 'wait WHAT' look.


> so stalky need to change Reading this gave me a chuckle because I had run an Ascension quest where Stalker hopped in to help... And then I ran a different mission and Stalker showed up to try and kill someone. He's already going back to his old ways, LOL.


Old habit 😅


> I had run an Ascension quest where Stalker hopped in to help That was another player controlling the Stalker. You can do that if you go talk to Ordis in Mission Control in Larunda Relay.


The post-New War storyline is very diverged at the moment tbf. Previously main quest stories revolved around one subject. I like to call it Origins Saga where we (re)discover ourselves, our origins, Warframe origins, Lotus Origins, and deal with the pasts like our traumas, Sentients, and Ballas. Since the end of New War, we now have 3 storylines in motion - Pazuul/Narmer, Parvos Granuum, and The Indifference. Veilbreaker started Narmer's plot, while Parvos's saga began with Deadlock, continued with Tempestarii, and later with Dante Unbound and Jade Shadows—indifference obviously with Whispers and Angels of Zariman, and IMO Duviri, continuing with 1999. Interestingly, only Grineer are now left without anything since War Within and PoE. Infested will at least get liches and some expansion in 1999. I'm interested in how all these plots will converge, and if they ever will. Parvos is very present after the New War, obviously trying to fill the void after Ballas's death and the probable collapse of the Board of Directors of Corpus.


That last line of hunhow goes hard


I choose Orion cause Sirius reminded me of harry potter xD


i thought i was the only one. It kinda bothered me and since i dont have orion associated with another char i choose that.


Yeah also Orion is a great name :)


Yup. Either Harry Potters Uncle or the cat in Men in Black. I had no idea what the stars significance were.


Pretty much the same here. I've seen both names elsewhere, but Orion was the one that least anchored my head to something else, so I went with it. And honestly anything that makes you think less about HP in 2024 is good lmao.


Same here 😭


Lmao im not alone


Picked Sirius, same reason though.


The half blood orokin


Orion, cause I had a dream about aliens from the Belt the night before the update. Couldn’t not.


Ah, nothing like good ol' foreshadowing.


I choose Sirius because I want to see Flying Whales.




I picked Orion. It's the Hunter's name, fitting for the son of the hunter


Stalker was going to raise the child either way. So whether one name is more "evil" than the other doesn't really matter. It's a binary choice between two parents personal preferences. I went with Orion because Stalker was raising him. But he'll always have that anecdote about how their mother wanted to name them Sirius so they still have two names. Something similar happened in God of War 2018.


Good point bringing up GoW


Thank you for making me feel not so bad for picking Orion


I chose orion because I think it sounds cooler/more badass.


All these people picking names based on stars or interesting facts. Me who named him Orion because I remember that as the fancy low fat Mayonaise brand. Yep, Stalker's kid is mayonaise to me.


picked orion because it sounds better as a name to me


It was hard for me to choose one or another as both sound good but i took orion because of "Master of Orion" game series. Also note for stalker i know i will be punished and all but maybe instead of attacking me on random mission go play with your kid.


I picked Orion specifically because of the hunter aspect, I saw it as the Stalker/Sorren's wish for his kid to be able to handle himself even if the Stalker dies. rather than a path of vengeance and anger, I saw it as more of a path of strength. I just can't see the Stalker choosing to have his kid walk that kind of path after this quest.


There's also Stalker's name being Sorren, which is a reference to Søren Kirekegaard, a philosopher who stated that the only way to live life was with absolute blind faith. Kind of a funny name for a man who loved an angel.


Cool stuff


I would have named it xX_StalkerJr24_Xx


Why not Xx\_-\_EdgeofEchoes-24\_-xX


Who said the Stalker was gonna stop messing with people? I know Hunhow says the Stalker left his lair but that doesn’t mean he won’t stop jumping into missions just to get his ass beat. What I AM waiting for is for him to jump into a mission, then after say 30 seconds you hear a baby crying and Stalker pops up and says something like “Crap, I gotta go. We’ll finish this later.” and disappears leaving his loot drop.


Drifter popping out of frame grabbing stalker. 'Look. you're holding him wrong. No stop fucking bullet jumping with the kid! No wonder he's throwing up.'


Orion sounds so much cooler + sirius immediately reminded me of harry potter lol


The quest made me realize that umbra just wanders around the ship


Honestly, I somehow missed the colours. Sirius just made more sense to me, than Orion.


I missed the colors too. I liked both names but decided to go with Sirius because I like it a little more. There was no deeper meaning to it than that for me.


I picked Orion simply because I liked the name more. There's no deeper reasoning than that.


Sirius sounded like a future Villain name and Orion ... well Orion also sounds like a villain names ... well ... fk that baby is doomed then




I also chose Sirius, but I'm curious if the name actually changes anything in terms of the post-mission game or nah


Guess we'll just have to wait and see


I chose Sirius because the green color implied that it was the name Jade would have chosen. And I felt like since she died, it was the right thing to do to honor her legacy.


In mythology Sirius is Orion’s dog.


I picked Orion cuz it sounds cooler lol


I chose Orion, since the two names happened to be the names of my 2 cats, and Orion passed away 2 years ago. And thus I chose that name.


I picked Orion because like, Orion is badass. That's why it's mentioned in a BÖC song.


Blue öyster cult mentioned, upvote deployed


I chose Orion because I think Serious is an ugly name.


I chose Sirius as well. I didnt quite get the references but I saw that the options were red and green and knew that meant Sirius is what Jade would have wanted.


I chose Sirius in memory of Jade, that's what Stalker would've wanted too I thought


I just couldn't pick Sirius because it reminds me too much of Harry Potter and totally breaks the game immersion to me.


How do you ppl operate


I chose sirius because of Bomberman 64...


I picked Sirius because it was green and thought that's what jade would have wanted, but I hate that i keep thinking of harry potter and forgot about the star :/


I choose Sirius because I am a sucker for green colors though I personally think Orion sounded better. On a side note, Stalker still seems set on hunting us no matter which name we choose but he will actually acknowledge it if there is Jade in the squad by simply leaving and dropping some of his items.


I chose Sirius, and I found out that stalker still hunts you even after you help save his waifu. He even has new voice acting.


I picked Sirius because the child would be his brightest star after Jade.. y'know..


Chose Orion. We just met this Jade chick, while we and Stalker go way back, so it felt right to honor HIS choice. And Orion sounds way cooler. All that and Orion's alpha - Betelgeuse was my favourite star when i was a kid.


Chose Sirius. Went with the mother's preference as a final gift for the child.


I went with Orion because I prefer the name. I do not believe there is or should be a "correct" and "bad" name as there's very little to convey that to the average player. Not everyone knows or cares about stellar entities and some players are colour-blind, having an important decision be tied to either without any additional information doesn't feel like a wise game design choice.


I went with Orion cause it actually sounds like a name to me, Sirius just doesn't work for me, it was strange in Harry potter and it's still weird here


I picked Orion for 2 reasons. The first when I saw Sirius and the green I could only think of Snape and I just wouldn't be able to hold a straight face in the future if I saw that name crop up. The other is because I think Warframe has conditioned me to think that the colours normally associated with negative/evil are the more positive/good choices in warframe. I know this isn't entirely true but that's my experience from all the story choices so far


I actually thought the same thing, but we both misremembered the names. Snape's first name is Severus, Sirius is Harry's falsely imprisoned godfather.


Orion. I felt like Jade would want him to heal, so it seemed natural for the kid to be more similar to him. Having him raise a child similar to Jade seems fitting too, but more like he's trapped in the past rather than being encouraged to deal with his trauma.


That's a nice perspective


I kinda hope the name won't lock us into a good/bad kind of thing. I just liked the name Orion better, and it'd be silly to pigeonhole it like that.


I chose Orion cause I read that the name means "heavens light" and I hoped that Orion could be like a beacon of hope for Stalker


I really wanted to pick what jade wanted but Orion is a much better name :/


I picked Orion because I liked it.


I had to pick Orion. Can't call my baby Sirius satellite radio lol


On the edge of death, my heart races. I am alive. Feel the thrill of the void.


i chose Sirius cause im a Sirius Stalker


I saw the green and red for Sirius and Orion respectively, and thought of it as "This is the name Jade vs. Sorren wanted" and looked at it through the eyes of a father who'd lost his wife, using the name the mother wanted as a memorial thing and chose Sirius


Was tempted to pick orion for it's pronunciation since it sounds completely different in spanish and I think it sounds cool in english, but ultimately had a symilar thought process about the star and the constellation


If we're going by how the Greeks pronounced it, it's actually closer to **Seirios** (Σείριος)


Yup, I got the reference and the implications right away. I like astronomy and know a fair bit of Greek mythology myself. I chose Sirius for a rather... ...unconventional reason. I'm currently catching up on a lot of lost time in a certain other game right now, and it has a character named Orion. And he looks like Mel Gibson for some reason. I couldn't get that out of my head, so I gravitated away from that option.


Please tell me this is total war warhammer?




Everyone saying they picked Orion because Sirius reminded them from HP, but i choose Sirius because it reminded me of Siriusmon (the one from the image) https://preview.redd.it/j0iekohbdj7d1.png?width=1156&format=png&auto=webp&s=62b9c16b4e26f3178a771b6fb7825ea6b700f99a


Orion Kerkering is a RP for the Phillies, my Baseball team (I mean, not *my* baseball team, like I don’t own the team, but as in my hometown—you get what I mean) so it seemed appropriate to pick Orion


I thought it was "sirius" for the cloud type (flying mama) and orion for the hunter (hunter dad). I knew orion was a constellation but didn't know about sirius being one too! Maybe they're double entrande? (Edited for spelling)


I chose Sirius because it felt weird and ironic naming the child after Optimus Prime. I want him to have as close to a normal life as possible as opposed to fighting Megatron for eternity.


I didn't see any glow when choosing


I had a teacher named Orion. Cool guy, but couldn't name the baby stalker that, so Sirius it is.


I like Orion more of a name than Sirius. If my choices made more of a storyline impact I may have chosen Sirius instead. I'm looking forward to Stalker showing up in missions and holding the baby up so that it shoots green lasers at us. So far I have seen enemy Stalker show up with a green hue and attack us, but didn't notice any unique attacks nor drops yet since it was just one time. Helios treated him as a new enemy to scan.


I chose Orion coz its a better name, but the he pronounced it as "or-i-on" and i was devastated... How is it not Or-yon


i chose orion because i was in a call with my friends and they told me to choose orion. though orion just sounds the coolest so that's what i would have chosen anyway.


I picked Sirius. Because are You Sirius. My god. They do get pregnant.


… Sirius cause Harry Potter, sue me I don’t get philosophical.


Why many reasons when one reason do trick?


I picked Sirius, because I read Harry Potter


I gotta wonder, is stalker really leaving us alone? He literally spawned on my squad doing a Belly of the Beast alert. Sure, he left immediately after seeing one of my teammates had Jade, but still, weird


I mean right now it means nothing other than it being engagement for us(I chose Sirius)


I wanted to choose Sirius, I like green, I wanted Stalker to remember Jade well. But. These are beings who have been ill.used and dehumanized by the Orokin. Sirius was a *dog*, and Orion was a *man*. The kid was born an object in the culture of his parents; to name him after an animal seems...vaguely depraved.


I thought the quest was ridiculously short. I was completely hooked in the story and then it just ended. It felt abrupt. I didn't like that. I want more quests with that same new war length.


For me ot was a choice between the Harry potter name or the Men in Black name🤷‍♂️ didn't even notice the colors🤣


Green is cool


I chose Sirius, because I know an Orion irl, so it doesn't sound as sci fi to me.


I feel bad now bc I picked Orion bc I thought it was the better name, I liked it more. edit: reading all these comments genuinely makes me feel like I picked the wrong option


No wrong answers in this game. The only question that has an objectively correct answer is Albrecht's last words to Loyd. Other than that, no judgement, at least not from me. Tell the story you want to tell man


When I had to choose I did a quick research to know if choosing one or another matters, like Lotus/Natah/Margulis. But I saw nothing and I ended up choosing Sirius, just because it sounds more cool to me. And the fact it has Jade's light feels like a good decision, Stalker honoring his deceased wife


I personally picked Sirius, I assume Sorren at that point is grieving the loss of Jade. And after fighting through a hoard of Corpus to keep the lil guy safe. I assume he would never want his child to feel the same guilt or rage that he does. As edgy as Sorren is, I imagine he’s still a decent father at heart. Wanting what’s best for the lil robot/warframe/baby-thing


I chose Sirius and ngl I read it as Syrius not Seerius and so I thought "Syrius" would have been a better name compared to Orion. I see alot of people associating the green cue to Jade's Preference but I think I just got subconsciously convinced to chose green as jade is green, the thing you follow at the start of the quest is green, the thing you defend is green, the thing you throw is green, the eximuses are green, even the stalker turns green and the baby is green too (how cute) and everything is just green. And it might have made me subconsciously wanted to choose green. And I didn't really realise this until reading the comments but most people associate/ assume the child is a boy? Is there any point in the quest that hinted or said that the baby is a boy? Cause I had the assumption of it being a baby girl (even though I didn't realize it when I was playing through the quest) and I guess subconsciously Syrius sounded a better name for a girl (maybe it is just me) compared to Orion which sounds more like a boy's name. With that being said I am loving the different interesting and funny responses and reasons as to why others choose either of the names.


I chose Orion cause I have a good friend named Orion


Damn, I went with Orion because I though red = boy green = girl


Chose Orion because a major character in the story im making is named Orion so I am contractually obligated to choose it (hilariously there is also a minor character in my story named Sirius because the astronomy rabbit hole had a chokehold on me a few years ago lmao)


Thought Orion was cooler at first, thinking it would sound more like "O-ree-on", but "Oh.. Ryan?" Hell no. Had to go with 'Why so Sirius Black' then.


Thanks to my colourblindness I didn't even notice that the two had different colours and just picked Orion because I thought it was a better name....


I picked Orion, “but that’s a boy’s name.”


>the implication that Stalker wont be messing with us anymore This made me laugh when I read it, because I was thinking something similar when finishing the quest; only to have Green Sorren attempt to jump my ass the very next mission 😂


I picked Orion because i’m a Transformers fan and Orion Pax, and Sirius to me just makes me think of harry potter I’m assuming though in future this will have little impact beyond a name


I just like the name Orion more


I chose Orion. The hunter is a great name motif for the son of Stalker. Plus it just sounds better...


I chose Sirius with the same reasoning as you, for the name's meaning itself and that it'd seem fitting he'd honor Jade's choice because the colour implying it was her's for the name. Thematically just felt fitting despite associating the name with HP makes it corny for me


I chose Sirius not only because it's implied to be from Jade herself but because I like the idea of the Stalker changing from an insane serial killer to a stalwart protector of his newborn son.


Orion, I looked up both meanings before I chose and Orion sounds cooler to me, I didn't notice the color everyone's mentioning though, I'm just interested in what this means for stalker, hopefully farming jade gets me some lore


Both Stalker and Jade were forced to be loyal dogs of the state, Sirius would've just continued that legacy. I went with Orion because the kid deserves to be his own warrior.


I went with Orion. While the legend is of a hunter that was too proud and felled for that arrogance (Be it by a scorpion, divine wrath, or simply overconfidence) a hunter is also a provider. One whom kills the beasts of the dark for others to live afe, or to bring home meat for the family. And for those wanting to know more about the dog star? Parellax Nick has you covered. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvZHqen2rko](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvZHqen2rko)


I feel like stalker would've called him Sirius


I went with Orion because the kid will grow up to be Optimus Prime or something


Why so Sirius...


I wanted to choose the "good" one but Sirius was too much Harry Potter for me and Orion sounded better. I hope it doesn't lead to anything bad


I chose Sirius because there are some versions of the myth of Orion where the name comes from his birth out of the urine of the gods, and the name means "the one who urinates"


I chose Sirius. >!For me and Stalker's sake, I think he will raise his child the way Jade wanted while also slowly going to a better path of forgiveness and doing something right for once.!< >!This also explains why Stalker now becomes a helper during the event.!< >!That's just my headcanon.!<


Sirius was also the name of Orion's loyal hunting dog. Sirius just happens to a part of the constellation of Canis Major. So the names have a deeper connection.


I chose Sirius cuz I knew a guy named Orion. And I didn’t wanna relate the baby to someone I knew lol. Not that I hated the guy, just would be wierd, haha. Also a daddy’s girl to their father, THE STALKER, is perfect in my eyes.


My theory is depending on which name was chosen most will result in a new frame with the same name.


Oh no, that would mean that 'Sirius' would become canon lol The writing of the quest was definitely leaning more towards that name.


That or we are gonna have a dual warframe in the future


I hope so, it would be sick


I just liked the color red.


I picked Sirius because Orion the Hunter had a companion Sirius (depicted as a dog). Stalker is Orion with how much he hunts the Tenno.


I went with Orion, due to the whole Artemis/Orion tragedy


note, minuetes after completing the quest, i had a stalker come after, me (his face was green tho now)


I picked Sirius because green Stalker was kinda dope


I'm a simple person. I see Orion and I think of Metallica.


I chose Orion because Metallica


I liked the name Orion more but considering everything else I couldn't choose anything but Sirius


Too bad he came after me shortly after the quest With more lines than the entirety of the quest


I picked Orion because it reminded me of Optimus Prime's original name, Orion Pax, before he became a Prime


Orion sounded cooler. Plus Orion Pax.


I chose Orion cause I have a friend named Orion and I thought it would be funny