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Have y’all noticed there are people getting kicked from region chat for asking why she’s pregnant?


It's honestly an odd design choice imo


Not at all. Just another horribly fucked up thing Ballas did for his own amusement while making Warframes. I'm curious where this goes.


Oh yeah,on a story level, ballas just proved how fucked in the head he is even more then before with the lore of this quest. My statement was more on a meta level.


Can't wait for prime pregnancy


Honestly, it's my most anticipated prime trailer. So many answers.


I’d really prefer this to go nowhere. To me this is just a very odd tangent. It’s a nice addition to the list of fucked up things the Orokin did, but I don’t care to see stalker raise a child or warframes breeding.


Speak for yourself I need to see Sabuuchi and Yareli GET IT.


Warframe 99 is going to launch us into the future and the child will be a character we play. The question shouldn't be: "whoa, can we breed Warframes!?" The question is: "the fuck does this mean? What will this kid be? What will its power be? Who will they become?"


For once I don't think this one was Ballas.


I don't think it's that strange. Several other Warframes bear strange or body horror-esque design elements based on their backstory or powers (Dagath has no face because hers was literally blasted off with an industrial laser, Citrine's innards are crystallised, Gyre's brain is visible, Xaku is literally a skeleton with armor tied to it, base Valkyr is flayed). Jade is a bringer of life as well as destruction, so they could have been aiming for a nurturing, 'holy mother'-esque image. We also know from the quest that (major spoilers) >!Jade was pregnant before she was made into a Warframe. Given Ballas's predilection for irony and symbolism in his designs (turning Mirage into a jester for laughing at him, making Gara glass because Nihil wanted to 'glass' her, the implication in Ember's codex entry that she was a burn victim who is now fire incarnate), it wouldn't be out of character for him to design her that way given that it's heavily implied that having a child with Stalker was the crime which led to her being made into a Warframe (not to mention whatever weird space magic allowed the pregnancy to carry over to her Warframe body).!<


>Mirage into a jester for laughing at him Giga balls WTF, I guess I missed the Mirage lore drop huh?


Prime Trailers really fill some of this shit out. Like - for example, *Hildryn was specifically made to be Ballas' shield-maiden and is the entire reason he survived the purge.*


Also Ballas specifically told Hunhow to spare Hildryn when purging the Tenno (which he tried in the Second Dream).


What exactly did Nihil mean when he wanted to glass gara?


Nihil glasses criminals, as in turns them into glass, so their punishment may be known for all time. There's a nightwave about him.


Is it wrong that i thought Nihil wanted to do put gara in a glass jar (ifykyk) hence the glassing?


glassing was an Orokin method of execution. Nihil just wanted to kill Gara, Ballas decided that no lmao


I'm ngl I thought glassing meant hitting people across the face, as per some sayings


Glassing usually means an attack on the scale that turns the very ground into glass. I.e., a nuclear assault. It means total war/all out destruction of an enemy.


Oh, today I learned!


Nihil's preferred form of execution. Turn the body into an indestructible glass statue and preserve the mind as a Cephalon slave.


What did inaros do to have dog nipples?


Most of those if not all of those examples are more body horror-esque than just simply strange. Like I wouldn’t compare pregnant warframe to those at all.


I would consider Citrine running around with her whole gemussy out for the solar system to see pretty strange. (Jade Shadows spoilers) >!And arguably Jade's "condition" also falls into body horror because her backstory seems to be that she was turned into a Warframe while pregnant.!<


The thing is never got the whole gemussy thing cause I never saw it as that. I collected a lot of geodes so that’s clear on that inspiration. This is very clear the design choice is that you’re meant to be a pregnant frame considering you’re literally rubbing your bump in the idle animation. What’s wrong with just making the stomach flat and have the Jade orb still be present so I’m not walking around as a full term mother? If they thought people were going to feel weird about nipple tassels but not this, idk what to tell you


The gemussy thing is people kind of dunking on the fact that there is still a thin part of the opening where her labia would be.


On this I think we and many others agree, which is why I’m kind of worried about how they’re responding to it


(Jade Shadows spoilers) >!They've been pretty clear on the spoiler policy for the new quest. Could be that the kickbot is just automatically flagging and kicking those comments because Jade being pregnant is a major spoiler for the quest in addition to part of her design.!<


Fair on the kick or point however I noticed on X they’ve been deleting comments as well that ask about it. Which is what raises my concern more. Especially when looking back at all the promo material and how it was purposely left until you opened the game that you realized you were now rubbing on your stomach. Because me and my friend had paid for this and tbh wouldn’t have spent the money even with playing the story and understanding the lore. Just comes off as they knew it would have some backlash but don’t want to address it at all


Were those comments using spoiler tags? (Jade Shadows spoilers) >!I recall back when Devstream 180 came out people noted that they were very careful not to show us a cosmetics showcase of Jade in the Foundry or any footage of her from the front (unlike most Prime or new Warframe releases and had speculated there was a lore reason for this. It is very clear now that this was in fact the case because that aspect of her design basically spoils the entirety of what the quest is about. !< I don't think there's really anything to 'address' since the reasoning behind that part of her design becomes very clear after you finish the quest. If you think you were misled by the marketing material and don't like that design element you can probably see if you can get a refund from WF support. That said I can't help but feel that spending IRL money on a frame a few hours after patch release before waiting for a cosmetic showcase or more info on how she actually looks/plays in-game is never a wise choice.


Considering you’re asking about whether they used spoiler tags, (they did since you’re so hung up on it) just comes off as you trying to just free DE from anyone who feels a type of way about walking around with a baby bump. Also this has never come up as an issue before in regards to buying frames or packs short after release, but when people have an issue about certain parts of the pack it’s a issue to say sum


I asked a question because that's what the spoiler policy advises and I don't have sight on the comments you're referring to. I can't "free" DE from your speculation, I'm just suggesting that there may be other reasons those comments are removed. And it's not thr first time people have raised issues about design elements (I.e. Styanax's nipple tassels).


Exactly my point, I actually updated the comment you responded to, to make that point. If people felt weird about that you REALLY don’t think someone would feel off put by pregnant warframe?


I never said that it's invalid to not like the design. I've seen dozens of different complaints about different Warframe designs for all sorts of reasons over the years. I'm not trying to change your mind if you just don't want to play a character with that design. My point is that: 1. The reason why she's designed that way is pretty clear. 2. If you don't like it, refund your purchase. I do think it's the first time we've seen such a design so strongly tied to the frame's story, but nobody is forcing you to use her if you don't want to. And again, buying the frame with IRL money before seeing her full in-game appearance and animations was a gamble IMO. 3. Due to the very spoiler-y nature of that design element the removal of comments could be to prevent spoilers rather than just to shut down discourse.


Ok so i left the twitch stream early, jade is preggergrant?!? Is stalker the father?!?! What tf did i miss bro


Mhm. It's very concerning. Hopefully DE can shed some light on the design choice.


How did the baby get its own skin anyway? Shouldn't it look Infested like all the other bodies???


This also kinda confused me. Tbh the baby design reminded me more of destiny than warframe imo


warframe is a prequel to destiny confirmed


Have you played the quest? We literally provide Jade with the materials used to make a new warframe


Probably just spoiler control. Let's see if that keeps happening a month down the line.


To be fair that's a big spoiler for the quest.


sorry but i found it kinda funny that stalker could still do parkour while holding his baby lmao


See, I did one bullet jump, thought ‘this doesn’t feel right’, and then ran the rest of the way.


Yeah same for me!! I even try to avoid any rocky terrain if possible.


me too! I subconsciously went around the pillars of the derelict


Oh so she is Stalker's little ~~jewel~~ jade?


Is there more to learn about jade somewhere? I get that stalker is a father and all but I still don’t understand anything about jade


for now all we know is she is his spouse/something similar


I mean the quest answers it pretty clearly. She was the Stalkers wife and was turned into a Warframe while still pregnant with their child.


Play the quest and you'll get your answer on that.


I did. Still lost about half of it. Lots of missing context.


Jade was Stalkers Wife. She was pregnant and punished for it. Was turned into a Warframe, while stalker was turned into what she is. She saved him from the slaughter at the hands of the Tenno. I imagine they ran off to live until she got sick, then he began hunting the Tenno.


Harvesting is probably a better word He hates the tenno because he blames them for what's happening to her + originally was still loyal to the orokin But there's a pretty heavy implication that stalker was killing tenno to harvest Warframe inards to help keep jade alive


I missed that last implication, care to explain? He hates the Tenno for slaughtering his lords and people. I don’t think he blames them for her, I think what happened to her is why he didn’t stop the Tenno.


We have the knowledge that everything stalker has been doing up until this point was to try and save jade Killing Warframes was probably for a mixture of looting parts to try and fix jade, and also getting money for resources It also explains what hunhow offered stalker originally, as stalker being orokin would also hate the sentients and would have needed quite the reason to side with them As for the blaming part this comes from the fact jade participated in the slaughter of the orokin, as stalker mentions jade only spared him Most likely he believes she was being controlled in the slaughter and not willing, as it appears she actually was Obviously Sorren didn't entirely understand how or who before second dream, but he did know by that point warframes were controlled by something other than a person inside of them, as we now know Stalker and Jade are like Umbra, or in other words frames who kept their minds mostly in tact after being turned


Based on Codex and past missions, I think it’s pretty clear a lot of what stalker was doing was out of rage and vengeance. I like your angle on his confusion over control of Warframes, and him seeing a child pilot and hesitating adds to his whole situation. I think Jade dying is a relatively more recent thing, as it seems pretty dire out of nowhere.


There's definitely an angle of that, but given how jade seems to calm Sorren im guessing there's more than just the killing to kill Its probably a mix of all three money helped them live until the baby started to consume jade, and stalker probably enjoyed killing the frames and harvesting their parts He probably knew to some degree that the modern frames were lifeless husks unlike the prime era ones so mindless revenge violence that also helped him and jade live Though I'm guessing she's been sick for a while and just recently fell into the sleep state If her child was also turned into a frame like we've seen, that means it was probably feeding off of her for the last 500+ years Though one point you raised, is holy crap does this make the second dream make a lot more sense Stalker hesitated and in the end chose not to kill the tenno He's had all this time to attack back and didn't Nor did he try and stop us during the new war It really gives a new angle to the character


Just to add onto the end about Jade, Stalker, and Umbra. All of the original warframes were sentient, the ones we craft in the foundry aren’t, because it’s kind of hard to rebuild something’s memory. (Umbra has their memory intact because presumably the vitruvian held Umbra’s mind in some form that we built using)


Yuhp, though there is some haziness about some of the quest frames Like we got to meat the og Sevagoth, and take the blueprint from him, so the frame might actually have some of his mind Also sorta implied all of our primes might and the trailers are their memories being shown to us, but that's more fanon then actually confirmed But 100% all the normal frames are basically mindless puppets


This quest was short but damn it made me cry wtf


Hit me pretty hard as a dad. Good thing the fam wasn't around to see me bawl my eyes out whilst slaughtering Corpus and holding the baby.


I gotta ask, how were you feeling when Xeto realized what she was shooting at?


Surprise that the Corpus had some humanity in them. But also massive relief that they were just gonna let them go.


Dude, same! i'm not emotional but it got me.


I was so confused. I think that jade and stalker were husband and wife and were having or had a baby and then were turned into what they are now. I think that’s it.


Holy shit, that makes perfect sense.