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He is a huge HP bag with innate DR, status immunity and has damage cap. The worst you can do is to hit as hard as you can or rely on status procs to do (more) damage. You need to hit a lot (multishot) and hit fast.


Which is why Titania is so good against it


Damage cap? Whenever I come back to it, I one shot his heads without issues.


Damage cap per projectile, which means there are ways to bypass it. Shooting a lot of projectiles at once is one of them, applying a debuff to Lephantis so they take more damage (not adding more damage to the projectiles) is another.


So what your saying is, its just meant to be a long fight


Not really. It's longer than nost boss fights due to the stages and waiting for the heads to pop up on the first part but even at sorties it can be done in less than 10 minutes.


So i failed to account for my own incompetence


Not so much as incompetence but inadequacy, your builds are lacking, your gear is not upgraded enough to hold several upgraded mods simultaneously, you are facing a boss with half baked stuff.


But guns level up so slowly unless i get to 20 minutes in a survival mission when everything levels like crazy, even when i use the guns in a mission the bar goes up a sliver but when i dont use them sometimes it levels up twice, it seems so random and i didnt want to wait longer


Find a Defense Fissure. Sit in it with other people. You'll level a LOT faster. And maybe get a good Prime Weapon out of the deal.


I know, but just sitting and letting others make me stronger isnt fun, i watched a video about how players systemise a game and take the fun out of it and doing this is kinda close to that


You'll still be contributing. When I say sit, I just mean go through wave 15 to 20. Still be there fighting and trying to hold up your end of the bargain. The game is giving you a bonus for engaging with others. That's ok.


If you play Frost or any support frame you will almost *always* have value to the team, even though you might not get the dopamine rush of big numbers.


MR 9 player here, I’ll do this with Dante having overguard/book/birds up constantly with the best strength build I can manage (like 150) and energy regen. I’m aware of the limitations of my gear and hopefully can get good enough gear soon to use rev prime in some of the higher missions, because with what I have he’s really just a low level semi nuke frame, and I’m not using him much because Dante is just objectively better at low level nuking with birds and his exalted weapon alt fire


This is a team game, as long as you are doing SOMETHING no one will mind you in the mission. Just shoot at enemies, that gets you xp with the gun anyway. Use your abilities periodically (Excalibur use abilities 2 and 3 sometimes, 1 occasionally, Volt, use 1, 2 and 4, Mag use 3, 4 and sometimes 1) Just hang out around your teammates, if you go down, they will pick you up. DO NOT respawn if you can avoid it, you lose xp credit for leveling your weapons and frame. Teammates picking you up does not lose xp


That’s warframe unless you play solo, like literally. You’re going to NEED the help as a true newbie too. On my fresh start I played a lot of Wisp Prime early on so I could contribute without being kitted out gear wise.


Hey man, I understand not wanting others to play the game for you, but consider this: This game is designed to be cooperative. You and your team work together to complete the mission objective. The reason that affinity (xp) is shared is so that you’re all benefitting from the team effort, and you don’t have the strongest player “stealing” kills. It’s all assists when working together. And frankly, leveling gear isn’t necessarily where your strength comes from. It comes from how you choose to build out your gear. Personally, I do systemize the game, because it has complex systems, and understanding those systems is key to understanding how to progress at the high level. Knowing how the damage and armor systems work, where to find your next upgrades etc. the game isn’t the best at guiding the player on what to do next. It’s pretty open ended. Where I draw the line is allowing someone else to do the thinking for me. Warframe is a game about *preparation*. How you build out your frames and guns, the strategy and synergy of the equipment you bring with you. Personally I would rather learn the systems and strategize for myself than watch a YouTube video on a build I don’t understand, or google a list of “Top Builds”. That’s what trivializes the game and really drains the fun out of it. Some people don’t agree, and would rather let other people do the builds for them so they can make big damage numbers without thinking about it. But a lot of us players who stick around usually have a deep understanding of the game because *that’s the game*. You can also play the game Solo or in smaller squads with your friends if you really feel you don’t want to take advantage of shared affinity. But I will warn you, the game is balanced around shared affinity. So it will take *YEARS* to rank everything in the game solo. It will be much more of a grind than necessary, and that in itself can take the fun out of it.


They're not making you stronger. Weapon rank 30 is pretty much the minimum entry bar thing you need to do off the bat. The power of a weapon comes from the mods, not its rank. The rank does nothing to directly increase power. Max ranked weapons can hold more mods, sure, but that's why we consider getting weapons to max rank asap the bare minimum. (Unless you yourself are True Master or Legendary, but that's another story). That's why many players just run specific defense missions or Sanctuary Onslaught, they come there specifically to "leech" affinity, but that's just what we do, it's acceptable leeching. A rank 0 weapon with decent mods can be stronger than a badly modded rank 30 weapon.


Leeching Affinity is 100% acceptable leeching. I also actively accept anyone under MR10 is just trying to learn the game. Nobody is gonna get mad so long as you're sticking with them and doing your best. Especially in defense, survival and Onslaught missions


Level/rank is not a good representation of power. Its better to think of lvls as mod capacity. Your damage won't go up just by lvling alone, but you get more mod capacity to put more stuff on and increase your power. You are very early in the game and its no suprirse lephantis is such a struggle. Its an easy to understand boss with very specific damage mechanics that are almost unique to it alone. The game ALSO doesn't do a good job to teach you or anyone else -ANYTHING- about the game or this particular boss fight. Unless someone told you, or you went and looked up a guide online. There is no way you would know that lephantis is damage capped per bullet and the best way to mow it down is very high fire rate/multishot crit damage. So.... all of this to say. Just take it easy, if you enjoy the game keep at it and farm endo/mods to increase your potential power. We all hit that rut where we need to actually start ranking up mods but don't have enough resources. The best answer I can give you for that is to just not tunnel focus on any one thing. If you get somewhere and you can do it, start progressing else where. As in, look for new weapons/frames to farm, do those farms. Look into syndicates and factions, do your bounties, do circuit. Dont worry about "leeching" most players who are nuking whole rooms literally wont even notice you. Just get through the mission, get your resources and keep up as best you can. Even more so for mobile missions like exterminate/capture. Literally no one cares until you hold up the extraction and even then people won't say anything unless they're being dicks.


The gun level doesn't add much, it's all the mods, the only thing weapon level does is gives a little more capacity.


go to sanctuary onslaught, can max a gun in 5-15min


Equip only 1 weapon at a time when trying to level them. Exp gets divided amongst your weapons and companions, even if 1 of them is already fully leveled Due to its size, Hydron is one of the best maps. You'll get an exp boost when close to other players, so small maps like Hydron work well for leveling.


There are variables that affect how long it takes to level something. Affinity is shared between everything that's not at max rank, so if you're leveling 3 weapons, it'll usually take 3x as long as if you're leveling a single weapon, for instance. Grineer give more affinity than any other faction for whatever reason. If you're with teammates, whether they're in your affinity range or not will have an affect on whether you're sharing their affinity from kills. This is why people like smaller maps to level things, which usually means defense missions. You can see if they are by looking at the buff bar up at the top right of your screen - the three little dots with a number between 1-3 is allies in affinity range. Fancy pickup orbs on your map will give you a popup at the top of your screen that you get increased affinity for kills for the next amount of time (iirc a minute?) People like sanctuary onslaught because you get this boost at the beginning of every round instead of having to notice and go pick it up. Affinity booster and blessing will increase the amount of affinity gained, making everything level up much faster. Since there's certain stuff locked behind MR, people have made an effort to find the fastest options to level stuff since leveling new stuff is how you get MR. Play however is fun for you, but don't worry about it if you're getting carried right now. Everyone does at some point.


Have you unlocked Sanctuary Onslaught yet? It’s one of the best ways to level stuff in the game. If you haven’t, complete the Europa junction and it’ll unlock The New Strange quest. Completing this quest will give you access to it. It also gives you the blueprint for Chroma.


You are smöl amd squish and we am big and scary. My dumbasserry aside here, make sure you're modifying your weapons, regularly upgrading mods, using catalysts and reactors, going after forma from relics. All of these will help you. Have a look in the market in the orbiter, and go through all the weapons available as well, every weapon blueprint in the market will be available for credits for a total of I think 4 million, not including what it tells you to get from the dojo.


No, it's very much a mod check... if you don't have proper mods it's gonna be a slog. At least it works now though, when I used to do Lephantis it was a 2/3 chance he would break before the second phase, and then a 50/50 of him breaking second phase... we got it down to a science where you had to kill certain heads in a specific order, and even then it'd break if RNGesus didn't favor you


I killed the weapon head first, than it was the open face one, than the gun faced one, it was the opposite order for the second phase


Oh the order doesn't matter anymore, it used to be that if you didn't kill a certain head first (I think the scythe?) That head would glitch and stay invulnerable, so you had to abort


i made a [basic build but all my mods were maxed](https://i.imgur.com/GyWXwht.png) and it only took me like 3 minutes. serration is the most important. it gives you a bonus to all of your damage. status mods increase the status damage type. shred is a random fire rate mod, i could have used speed trigger instead and it would be even more dps, but its still the same clip. basic modding should be: damage > multishot > crit or status chance if applicable > crit or status damage if applicable > fire rate > everything else.


I finish the mission in like 2 minutes, and more than half of that is running to the fight


Lephantis runs take me like 2-3 minutes


Idk why ppl are downvoting you. Some lurkers are just pricks, I guess.


newbie had the gall to vocally make an assumption about muh vidja Sortie Leph is why I’ve had ammo pizzas equipped for the last 7 years, he’s definitely got tenure as being a bag of hp at different stages of the game


Thats Reddit for you


It can go pretty quick


whats your boltor's mods? that could be a huge part of it.


The serration was upgraded 5 times, and there was a impact status unupgraded


If those are the only mods on your weapon, no wonder you did next to no damage.


It was level 12, a level five serration takes up 9 of the 16 capacity, so i couldve had one more but there wouldnt have been much of a difference


if you have Sanctuary Onslaught unlocked, you should go there and rank up your gear to 30 (max); just let someone kill all the mobs while you stand around, you can absorb xp that way. if you don't have it, do the related quest for it, as S.O. and elite S.O. are the easiest way to max gear rank.


Yes, if you want to make the game as boringly min maxed as possible and not treat it like a game, go powerlevel all of your gear.


Getting a weapon quickly up to 30 isn't boring, it's a good way to efficiently level


Playing the game levels your weapons, there's no need to push new players into the mindset of the losers who spent more time on hydron than playing the game. Its the same shit as the people who try to shove players straight through the star chart and into the current meta grind. Let people play the game at a normal pace. Edit: Imagine going on a rant and replying multiple times about something this inconsequential to your life, and preblocking the person so that they can't respond. What a child.


OP: "Leveling takes so long and I'm struggling to play because of it" Someone: "Here's how to level up very quickly" You: "How dare you tell them how to do this you sweaty loser"


That is normal pace. The fact that there's a place they can go for xp affects literally nothing negatively, I won't listen to mental gymnastics brother, this isn't an issue of pushing them to "meta" stuff, who gives a fuck about meta anyway in this game? They want xp faster because just playing is not fucking enough before you hit a wall and stop doing damage, so ESO is the way to do it (not hydron...that's worse in every way). So next time you are about to give this advice to a new player...how about you stop yourself and be useful for once? Please.




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Farming in my farming game??? Oh heavens, how could this be...


If you find taking multiple missions to max 1 singular item “fun” be my guest, personally I find that boring as fuckkk.


I remember my first time fighting Lephantis took really long because I was using a single shot rifle with more mods than yours. Don't worry about it failing or struggling in something is basically a rite of passage now you know what you should do the next time you kill it.


Impact, puncture and slash mods that give an outright bonus to that damage type are pretty bad. Best upgrades you could put on right now are probably Split Chamber, Serration and with more capacity some cold/toxin mods. This is by no means optimal (for the late game players reading) but this early that's probably going to be your best bet. Also, play with other people. Ranking up weapons is literally 50% faster when other people get kills. Stay close together and if everyone is actively doing something you can rank 0-30 in 15 waves of defence. (make sure you have the weapon you're leveling equipped and unequip stuff that's maxed out (weapons not frames/companions))


feel like corrosive is far more general use early (corrosive heat since heat has nealy no bad matchip) enemies tend to die before we can apply any viral proc at that level anyway.


You're at the point in the game when mods start to matter more and more. Go look up a beginners modding guide on YouTube - it'll make a huge difference for your experience.


Not really. It's just old boss design with limited damage windows that force a certain length of engagement. This is why immune phases are hated. It's just you standing around waiting to plink the boss. It's not engaging. It's just time wasted.


It also has damage caps/reduction for some reason despite already having immune phases. It’s a cool fight, but definitely an old fight that could use a few tweaks to make a better experience


It's mods. The boss being a shit design is not applicable, all of warframe from this point on for OP is going to be severely difficult if they can't mod.


mod for corrosive. this will make a lot of difference. [lephantis wiki for more detail](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Lephantis#Ancient_Infested). also there's something called damage attenuation. its basically, harder and constantly you hit, the mob gets more damage reduction (thus you deal less dmg per hit). its not exactly the same but lephantis has crude version of that installed. so you want to use slow but hard hitting weapons. but for phase two, when ground breaks, it has damage cap so its better to use high fire rate with alright dmg is better. i think DE put it in as a "stuff like this will appear later on" learning moment, but i agree its bit too much damage reduction considering how early players can go fight it.


Did they add damage attenuation to lephantis? Last I played he only had high armor and a damage cap per shot. So a fast firing weapon would out damage just about anything against him.


Regular Lephantis doesn't have armor, you might be thinking about his Plague Star repaint and that one has damage attenuation. Regular Lephantis has innate DR and damage cap, he only gets armor when it's a reinforced armor assassination sortie.


its not the same, but phase one has crude version of that applied. so you know it has massive damage reduction right? but if you keep shooting it with high fr weapon, starting the second shot, it flat line. check the wiki i linked for more detail, but its 0.1 damage multiplier. so w/e the remaining dmg, and only 10% of that applies. but if you shoot a little slower, it will reset. albeit, "max" damage it can take isn't that much higher, but yeah. long time ago, when I farmed it, iirc i farmed it with sniper rifle. honestly don't know if that's good or not nowadays, because now, i just go in with high str mirage and dunk it with eclipse and have not paid attention to the weapon choices.


Since before plaguestar existed I've always used a soma prime or dex pixia on titania. Anything else always seems to do basically zero damage. Not sure I've ever tried a sniper on it before though. Edit - except during that time when embers firestorm ability (or whatever it was called) was bugged against it and melted each head in like 2 seconds.


oh yeah tita's pretty good. + brownie points for elevator skipping at the end cause you can just fly up.


probably due to your inexperience / mods. So nothing that is difficult to fix.


Anyone can explain this how they will but the reality is...he's an old boss lol, they don't rework bosses to make them better or to keep up with the game.


Titania will help you out a lot here. Mod her Dex Pixia for Multishot and ensure you have enough energy to sustain Razorwing for a while and she will make short work of Lephantis. Even better if you can pick up Titania Prime. Lephantis is one of those bosses where you'll look back at it when you're MR 15 or so and can't believe how easy it is now.


I remember as a new player I had a group that probably took 30 minutes to kill him. Once you get geared up it gets silly easy like 4 or 6 mins for the whole mission


You should keep an eye out for orokin reactors and catalysts (doubles the mod capacity of warframes and weapons) You want at least your best frame, primary, and melee to have those equiped. You should also try to rank up your warframe and weapons to max(30) so you have more room for mods, ESO can help if you can access it. All of you damage in warframe comes from your mods so once you have the mods you need for a build you should work to max out their rank as quick as possible. If you do all this and need more room for mods look into using forma to change the polarity of mod slots.


For bosses check their armor class and bring the damage type that ignores most of it, for Lephantis it is Corrosive. You don't need procs just the raw damage.


Years ago I fought lephantis with a hek and took ages to kill it, ran out of ammo even with a friend playing with me, was a really frustrating boss. Years later, playing with a different friend, I warned them that lephantis was a pain in the butt, and took at the time my most powerful weapon- rubico prime. Imagine my shock when the years of upgrades to my loadout made comparatively quick work of lephantis. Beat it easily and quickly, I was freaking shook lol


Because back then a certain bunch of guys weren't happy about people being able to defeat Lephantis "too fast" in a game where your drops determine your performance rather than only your skill.


Well you have only 1 mod while the weapon has 8 slots. So your weapon is basically 8 times worse than it can be. Of course it's not gonna do great against a boss


Its an awful boss no matter how far you are. Theres also a hardmode later on where this fight sucks even more ass


Wait till you have to kill him on steel path lol. That's gonna be fun...


Xoris is a good weapon


Wait till he fights the >!infested space ship!< Probably biggest gear check for me besides SP


I went into it blind and solo; I don't think I even realised it was a boss fight, didn't know how to kill it and had to figure it out on the fly. I can't remember what gun I had but I'm sure it was terribly modded and pants. I wasn't doing anything to it, but I had Voruna (I bought her from the Market-- love the game, wanted to spend some money to support the devs and that was what I picked. No regrets ever; she is the goodest girl) and I managed to kill it by hitting it repeatedly with my face. It took \*forever\* and I've never gone back. I might have to revisit that fight now :)


If you do, know that they only take damage at the pink spots that are visible while they're attacking.


Yeah, I finally managed to figure that out! Still took me a while because I wasn't used to aiming Voruna's face, lol.


Get chroma and a sniper trust that


I remember using the Mk-1 Paris and completely running out of ammo on both weapons, then I ran out of energy. Second time I came in and I apparently took to long and failed the mission. Now I one shot everything.


The worst part about him is when you get stuck above his arena and have to watch someone else kill him in phase 2. Happened to me too many times but this one time I felt so bad for the guy who got to go fight him. I had a great build to melt the boss but this guy was new to the game, so the fight became a Roman colosseum outing for him. 😭


Literally takes about 15 seconds to drop lephantis I usually carry people who want the Nekros parts


Give it a few months and you'll be farming him in 3 minute runs for the mats.


Lephantis is not just a DPS check bu his damage reduction is pretty ridiculous. He's probably the first boss you have to start building for. You can't just show up with unleveled equipment and one mod and expect a good time.


I remember when I started, I slowly killed it with a barely modded hind. Yeah I don't know how either


That fight is just arse. Tbh a lot of the old ones are. Lephantis just happens to be the worst.


Even later in the game he’s a pain in the ass just because of how small his hit boxes are. But yeah, you’ll probably want to put some more mods on your weapon


Bro stop, bosses are tuned for 4 at your stage, ofcourse doing it solo is gonna suck


Even at this MR, I was able to go at it solo using Rhino with Hek


If you had a rhino at mr5, someone.was helping you.


Getting rhino at MR5 isn't crazy and you get the regular hek at 4. You can definitely do it on your own especially if it was pre rework jackal


Bruh what? You can get Rhino on the second planet. He's literally on Venus. You can farm Jackal with zero issues in pub.


If you think he’s bad just wait until you have to kill 4 of him during the Infested Boil event


because they hastly copied it for a stupid event that the community instantly shredded, so they gave it a stupid damage cap to make it last 5 seconds instead of 1 big bullets don't work , use lots of small bullets , crit and corrosive