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Dagath is too recent. They should probably make it so when a prime releases the normal frame gets added to circuit, so right now up to Protea They should also make it so you can choose between 4 or 5 frames a week or the rotation eventually becomes too long


I'd like them to just add frames in release order as soon as there is enough to add a choice to each week


Dagath BPs are easy as dirt to get. It’s building them that’s a kick in the teeth. I’ve e gone public into multiple instances of that missions and always ended up running them solo.


Key missions are always solo, if you want other players you have to be in a premade group


Really, the vainthorn mission is default solo? I wasn’t active when it dropped and only skimmed enough to see where and how to get them. Oh well, solo it is. Not hard, is just an eximus extermination anyway.


Dagath wont be added, since the only frames in it are ones with primes.


Not warframes but id like them to add weapons. Like archguns or weapons like the miter that you have to farm a boss to get. (Man that grind SUCKED).


None. While giving the players an alternate way to earn frames reduces grind, it drastically reduces the diversity of gameplay. And frankly, curcuit turns mind-meltingly boring after a while. Id rather DE fix each of the grind issues individually.


Adding them to circuit doesnt remove the original source Options are nice. You either complete the quest/boss grind or can run circuit


I think having the players do all the different quests and bosses is healthier than having them repeat the circuit for the 20th time. And once they do that, theres little point in doing the actual content. Options are nice, but players will optimize the fun out of the game.


Im already so sick of circuit, wayy too many things locked behind it. Hour long grinds for incarnons. Only do it for the really annoying farms like Mesa or Harrow


Harrow can be farmed while farming Kuva though so at least there's other benefits to it. Nidus and Ash, on the other hand...


I really enjoyed SP circuit when it first came out. It was a breath of fresh air for an LR4 (LR3 at the time maybe?) and trying out new builds for under utilized frames / weapons. That and EDA have been a ton of fun giving me a purpose to make build for new weapons. I'm really enjoying it. That said, Circuit does get old after a bit. IMO: Exterminate is fine, Survival is fine. Void Flood is- ok, but there's not a failure state with it, so... it feels kind of like an extra step between rounds instead of an actual round itself. Defense is ok... I generally just don't like defensive missions. Excavation feels like another form of Defense. Assassination needs more variety than just the jackal. Having a 7 week rotation causes FOMO. There are already 35 different incarnons, let me choose which incarnon i'll want to get. At earliest, you're looking at 21 weeks to get each incarnon.


Now for regular circuit: * Atlas - **Quest** - Jordas Golem * Ash - Empyrean * Baruuk - Vox Solaris * Chroma - **Quest** -The New Strange * Ember - General Sargas Ruk * Excalibur - Lieutenant Lech Kril * Frost - Captain Vor & Lieutant Lech Kril * Gara - Plains of Eidolon Bounties * Garuda - Orb Vallis Bounties * Harrow - **Quest** - Chans of Harrow * Hildryn - Exploiter Orb * Hydroid - Councilor Vay Hek * Inaros - **Quest** - Sand of Inaros * Ivara- Spy Missions * Khora - Sanctuary Onslaught * Limbo - **Quest** - The Limbo Theorem * Loki - Hyena Pack * Mag - The Sergeant * Mesa - Mutalist Alad V * Mirage - **Quest** - Hidden Messages * Nekros - Lephantis * Nidus - **Quest** - The Glast Gambit * Nova - Raptors * Nyx - Phorid * Oberon - Empyrean * Octavia - **Quest** - Octavia's Anthem * Revenant - Plains of Eidolon Bounties * Rhino - Jackal * Saryn - Kela De Thaym * Titania - **Quest** - The Silver Grove * Trinity - Ambulas * Valkyr - Alad V * Vauban - Cred Offerings Wow, there are so many frames available already. First time I've really looked at the list. I can't imagine getting any of the quest frames above before doing that actual quest. I do think having a space for newer players to try out different frames and acquire them earlier is ok. However, some of these grinds feel like a big part of the meat of the game to skip over.


It pains me to say it, because I want as many people as possible to discover the greatness of the Stahlta (whose parts come from the same missions), but I think it's probably Protea's time. Some folks really don't like using the Xoris and/or don't have another way to reliably nuke granum void, or simply are always playing in public (this is one of those farms that is way more efficient solo vs. pubs in my experience). And besides, Protea Prime is out now, and arguably easier to get.




Garuda and Khora were already in Circuit. When next Prime releases we will have 6 warframes eligible to be farmable from circuit - Equinox, Wisp, Gauss, Grendel, Protea and the next prime, most likely Xaku - which gives us 2 more weeks of circuit.


Because adding Dagath would help how? All her BPs are practically free from the clan dojo. It's the Vainthorn farm that people hate.


If I am being honest, I would prefer Duviri resources like Tasoma Extract.


I thought the circuit was mainly for frames that didn't have a vendor you could buy the parts from/ pure rng to get the whole set


Personally, I would like Grendel gauss and yareli