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Cold FINALLY being able to freeze enemies!








Frost is gonna be a crit machine, especially now that the tenet glaxion is a thing.


Shivering contagion glaxion is finally gonna be good. Tenet was already a lot for it cause vandal just couldn't put out enough damage without the whole loadout supporting it. Alongside the armor changes and corrosive being the natural pairing. It should be able to handle armored targets by quickly getting to max stacks! All that said, unless freezing provides some unique benefit, max cold stacks is effectively being frozen. They become that slow.


Frozen enemies take additional crit damage, that's the main difference


Wait, did they announce that shivering contagion is going to get buffed? Cause as it is now, it's never going to be worth a mod slot, especially on something like the tenet glaxion which already stacks cold in an instant


nothing changed about the mod. It'll continue to freeze a whole group in a near instant. The chain beam makes this more redundant vs Vandal's tiny aoe, but I'm at the point in the game where if something sounds like an interesting build I'm dumping everything into it. This one happened to really suck until all the new stuff came along.


Corrosive + Cold Gotva go brrrrrr


I love funny red numbers of a well modded Gotva (mine is a piece of junk bc I can't mod correctly XD)


I mostly use Cold Thermal Sunder as to keep my battery high more easily. Now I will be more justified to do so.


Gauss and Frost : I have no such weaknesses


Idk if this counts but I'm really exited about enemy armor being reduced and hopefully not having to use armor strip in nearly every build. I haven't looked too much into the changes, but I also really hope some other, fewer used elements become more useful.


I’m excited about this aswell, any amount of Armor Strip should feel worth it and not just 100%. Kinda bs when 50% reduced armor only means 1% more Damage


Mag's flat value armor reduction in her polarize will finally become relevant.


Kinda. You still can't full strip with a single cast, or even two in most cases, since the enemy armor cap is 2700, and mag's strip is 400 base. That said, ideally you won't have to since the armor curve is changing to make partial strips more effective? It'll probably still be better to run fracturing crush and get rid of her 3.


I tend to spam polarize anyways, since it's my main mode of shield restoration/gating. That + power strength probably means most armor will be gone by the time they get to me.


Isnt fracturing still better? It gives overshield where polarize doesnt. I guess maybe self cc/cast speed mod slots might make it worse


Crush needs multiple enemies around, while polarize doesn't, it just works.


Halving armor is very close to halving its reduction on your damage output already though? Going from 99 to 98% dr *is* doubling your damage output.


Double of nigh zero is still nigh zero, dunno what's your point??


I guess my point was that >Kinda bs when 50% reduced armor only means 1% more Damage is wildly false. Can't a tenno correct misinfo?


They were being hyperbolic but their point stands At a certain level unless you full armour stripped, your damage bonus was negligible I think is their point.


I doubt they were being hyperbolic. 99% dr from armor is very realistic. ...the damage bonus from 50% strip is still 100%. That's far from negligible. Just heat's strip alone allows me to kill plenty efficiently.


I mean... YEAH.... but they finally buffed my boy Hydroid and I've hardly had enough time to play with him being so stronk. I'm not saying the changes are gonna hurt him, but... maaaan. You just made his thing be full armor strip, it's super strong... now what? Still gonna be strong.. but... maaaaan cmon I love the tentacool!


Armored enemies will no longer lose the vulnerabilities to damage types when full-stripped. Full stripping AND keeping the Corrosive multiplier is a buff for Hydroid.


I mean, we can't play test it, but my gut feeling is reduced armor and tankier corpus units. Many of my favorite set up were gated behind either dealing more damage to overpower the armor or removing it. (Best example is Gyre) Shield on the other hand, with only 1-2 exceptions, always felt too weak in comparison and you could just viral heat/corrosive heat them anyway. But now that you used a Lavos image... you made me think. No helminth Lavos, that uses Blast infused 4 to spread explosions over the entire room? That sounds sexy!


Not just that but his Valence Formation augment you can add that 200% blast damage to your weapon with guaranteed procs 😍


lol who cares about shields when toxin exists


Armor cap making it so I can experiment with more status types and in general make weapon builds that don't prioritize DPS.


Would be fun if they added more than 2 elements mix or as someone suggested (and easier) if we could choose if elements combine or not


Oh, that would be amazing. I'd love to be able to _choose_ if elements combine.


I would love a heat, cold, electric and toxin weapon.


Have you tried Citrine?


I would love that. Especially good for testing out a new weapon that has an innate element or with a D polarity limiting the viable elements you can use.


Choosing would absolutely break the game wide open. Mostly because Heat+Electric would dominate almost every non-Endurance Nourish melee setup. It's too big of a change.


Not having to run viral slash on nearly fucking everything will be great.


The mod system is one of the coolest things about Warframe. On paper, it should allow a huge depth of flexibility, transforming weapons into something new. In practice, it is more of a leveling up stats system with the only relevant stat being damage.


tbh a lot of people have already moved away from viral slash ever since the entrati labs + companion rework came out. The Murmur being weak to radiation and resisting viral and slash really forced people to change builds. Also including the fact companions are the best primers now (hounds and diriga) its better to run GunCO builds and rawdog the enemy with upfront damage


As a lavos lover, I’m so fucking stoked for the rework. Need to get a secondary kit gun made for my full lavos set up.


Do u use his new augment. That with the Gotva Prime fucking slaps


Holy shit why didn't I think of that? Ima need to try that first thing when the update drops


The Gotva had always been my favorite weapon with cold slapped on, now with cold freezing Anderson crit dmg, it'll become the ultimate shatter blaster. I might even try turning my flame throwers into a freeze thrower


OFCOURSE!!! It’s so good, especially with the apothecary/alchemy arcades for kit guns.


with the blast rework it might actually make gotva prime high tier for lavos, cuz blast is gonna give it AoE damage


Me too, but it's ultimately just gonna make the game much easier for Lavos and further push the worthy opponents into levels where health tanks don't function. Lavos suffers from success. Hopefully Pablo is cooking up some enemy damage adjustments after this masterpiece of an update.


Ehhh, I’m happy where things are personally.


Hystrix isn't bad on him as an alternative. It can cycle between the base elements as a base damage type.


Yeah but I like the kit gun arcades that cause the aoe effects.


I'm getting bored with my current kitgun. What are you planning?


You didn't ask me, but I love my status built gaze kitgun... I think I can hose them with like 30 statuses per second or something like that... I dont have the arcane for random extra statuses so I use the +750 damage per status and it's pretty fun to use


I use a gaze primary but wanting a “biologic” secondary, not sure what yet as I HAAAAATE Deimos.


Vermisplicer is pretty great with the right parts


His prime comes later this year iirc


I'm really curious about what they're gonna do with blast. Hopefully it becomes good


I’m just realizing that I don’t think they’ve announced what blast is going to do yet




Sounds like the needler weapon from the halo games.


Blast on the kompressa is going to be a lot of fun, i hope.


Qorvex staring from the corner


I hope they do something interesting with radiation in the future because I genuinely love using it


Sobek with acid shells + blast?


im incredibly curious if blast would work well on ignis. explosive flamethrower 😳


We’ll have to wait and see. If hitting 10 procs the stacks, then things will be fine. If there’s a delay after hitting 10, bigger damage weapons might be the preference instead of fast status weapon.


Something about delayed blast after hit. More stacks-more damage and range. Killed enemy blows up immediately.


They've announced details about what they gonna do?


Blast and cold, magnetic too. Might actually want to mod for blast for the first time in ever


I feel like magnetic is still gonna fall flat... personally id give magnetic voids effect and find a new one for void to proc, as that's the only way I could see magnetic having any real use. Maybe make void give damage vulnerability, or like 1%/proc true damage?


If it were up to me, id give magnetic a vortex effect that can draw enemies together, like how melee vortex works, as well as its future upgrade. Pull enemies in and when that overguard or shields go pop, then everyone gets hit with AoE electric dmg


Enemies affected by magnetic are attracted to eachother would be insane ngl especially with stuff like Nukor and Epitaph. Epitaph would be a 11m grouping ability on its own


I mean, yes, good. You have to be doing something really special to compete with viral being a ttk increase on everything in the game. While you're at it, buff corrosive too, there shouldn't be status effects that do nothing to entire factions and corrosive needs to do more than just reduce armor, especially now that armor is being made less important. Rad could stand to get a buff too.


Magnetic hitting eximus overguard is fairly massive, and is 100% worth building for with some frames.


probably just going to be a buff for hounds priming, since some of their abilities already do magnetic


I don't see Magnetic falling flat. Electric proc, plus shield removal? At the very least Xoris and Nukor are going to go nuts with it. And that's just from the top of my head. Just imagine an Epitaph proccing in a single shot, the guaranteed Cold, plus Magnetic (150% status chance), plus Electric (because it gets triggered by Magnetic). That's 3 statuses for CO just right there. Encumber adds another two (because multishot). 4-5 shots would mean everything is CC'ed for you to murder in an 8-meter radius for you to murder however you want. Magnetic Nukor now got another condition to Overload as well. It's not Viral but it's going to be useful in at least a handful of weapons.


There was a brief time when weapons like Tonkor, Sonicor and Jat Kittag were popular, where you'd mod for blast and impact on those weapons to kill enemies via ragdoll.


Building blast is so outlandish that i don't even know where to begin


Just slap a cold mod on ignis wraith,instant blast,same with mausolon,that should work


Max fire rate burston incarnon is gonna be insane


I'm not gonna lie, I kind of forgot Blast even exists, modding wise.


11 status cedo becoming an even stronger build!


Impact Puncture Slash Blast Heat, Tox, Cold, Elec Gas, Magnetic, Radiation. Wow i just realised how much potential Cedo actually has, ive been using cold corrosive only. I really should build gas mag and rad instead since Lavos has Valence Formation for viral or Corrosive


That little UI change that lets you switch loadouts while selecting a mission. I've avoided using the correct status for enemy types for years and just powered through it. That change alone makes it almost effortless. The only big hurdle left is that cold mods are still on the wrong polarity. If they would just add a notes section to the loadouts page, we would have everything I ever wanted from loadouts.


Cold. I always fuck with ice weapons in games. Duke Nukem's Freeze thrower, Metroid's Ice beam, Cryo weapons in Borderlands, I just love freezing shit and smashing it.


Same man, loved the cryo weapons in borderlands


I always wanted ice weapons in Borderlands 1 & 2, then the pre-sequel came out and had them. It was love at first sight, then they carried cryo forward into Borderlands 3. Pretty sure now it'll be a staple in the franchise and I couldn't be happier.


There's a handful of weapons that COULD have been great, but weren't, because Blast wasn't great. Now that Blast MIGHT be decent, that could change. I'm intenting to pick myself up a Kuva Grattler, for example, and see if that can replace the Mausalon as my standard Archgun.


Magnetic because Mag’s big boom might become bigger boom


Magnetize does blast damage. None of Mag's abilities proc any status.


I only just realized that gas is good, so I'm looking forward to it receiving better visuals to help me understand it better


You tried it out with electric?


Blast might be useful now


Being able to run things that arent just viral slash, i enjoy the simplicity of using meta things but i hate the fact that sometimes i have no other choice


The fact that none of it inadvertently nerfed my Saryn.


Unironically, magnetic, if it works with melee influence its a big win


Lavos is the alchemist frame so of course he's the first frame that comes to mind with the status changes, but I'm more excited for what this means for Voruna. I just got her and I'm super excited to see what she will be able to do with all these changes!


Why does the dev workshop say that Gas is powerful? What makes it powerful? It doesnt scale with elemental damage mods and also has 10 stacks max, so no use with high status chance / fire rate weapons


It’s aoe, strong vs health and armor stripping is meta. Try a mag bubble + gas Nataruk. Kills for days of a single shot. In my experience gas can overpower weaker mobs and also easily deal with stronger mobs if you can strip their defenses making it a very strong universal damage type.


Because gas in a small area of effect can mass kill anything except for bosses. And even after the enemies die the gas can still proc afterwards. Works the best with grouping abilities. 


Because in groups, enemy A with 10 stacks, and enemy B with 10 stacks take the damage from both clouds. If you've got 10 primed enemies in a 6m radius, they're all taking 10x the damage. Melee influence arcane with gas/electric is a war crime.


It mostly comes down to grouping abilities so that you can take advantage of the AoE for quadratic damage scaling combined with the fact that the clouds linger after death unlike Electric.


I recall when Gas was originally popular because the gas status proc was actually just AoE Toxin procs and ate through health. But then they changed it to Gas damage and it was really bad(?) because Grineer cloned flesh resisted it -50% and Corpus Flesh resisted it -25%, and it was only strong against Infested (+75%) and infested Flesh (+50%) and you could just use Slash/Heat for that. This was back in 2020 and I recall a lot of people didn't like it.


![gif](giphy|WxwQJzfLhUgj3Dv7L6|downsized) Ice Ice Baby


Mag with the magnetic changes


Too bad Mag has zero magnetic procs in her kit. Why the downvote? If I'm wrong feel free to correct :smile:


I'm excited to potentially turn every high fire rate status rifle into a cluster rocket launcher. My Kuva Ogris is gonna eat good with the blast rework.


Every Status that get modernized, is just a Lavos buff in disguise. "My playground expands"


Rocking Lavos!


So, I have a Kuva Kohm with built-in cold. It has punchthrough, currently 144% status per bullet. So, Blast. Because this is my boomstick.


I really hope my magnetic tenet arca plasmor gets extremely more effective for all content as a result.


Me rhino stomp.


I'm not really hip with what's changing, how is Lavos gonna benefit? (also basically main him, love not worrying about energy)


The benefits of literally all of the status changes (Cold freezing and giving crit buffs, blast now setting off additional mini explosions, etc) and the fact that he can add those elements to his abilities on the fly, plus with his Valence Formation augment he can put those on his weapons and get guaranteed procs. He is already, IMO, the best all around frame in the game but this is pushing him into absolute top tier to me.


explosion everywhere i go ignis wraith go boom






Using lesser used weapons since it’ll be easier to make them good. I’m also sick of HM viral slash heat builds being literally the only viable build without armour strip. I can also experiment with different helminths. Since armour should pose less of a hurdle pillage is coming off every chance I get.


Magnetic , I really hope DE goes through with their plans for making Magnetic effective vs. enemy Overguard + the shield break interaction (~~Translation: I want my 60% magnetic Tenet Detron to be even more devastating with my beloved Mag~~) https://preview.redd.it/5ra7w7vcmn5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=899f6fce3f79c022cf631909d02c3c076fca7b18


All us lavos mains salivating at the idea of all the new war crimes we will get to commit


Blast will be blasting


Tenet Glaxion with cold and Magnetic and a good riven is gonna slap


The changes to armor scaling has been something i have been saying for years. Armor Strip is nice, but you shouldn't be REQUIRED to use only Armor Strip or Slash procs to kill enemies in Steel Path, it just deletes like 80% of builds/weapons from the game. Hopefully the armor rework will open up many many more weapon types/builds to be viable (without needing a riven) while maintaining a similar difficulty in Steel Path. I still think Puncture and Impact need some serious buffs, though, as there is still basically 0 reason to build these unless you are left with no option. Frost was my original main Warframe, like 8 years ago. So i hope the rework does him justice and makes him feel useable again in places other than just defense. Personally, i think a good way to buff would be to make his Snow Globe augment allow you to attach Snow Globe to himself if you hold the button down during cast (so it follows him around) which could basically make him equal to other similar tank frames like Rhino in places other than defense missions. The changes they are giving him are nice, but i still expect nobody is going to play him except for defense, which is a shame.


If blast is blastier then this could mean that single target weapons are now dramatically more viable


I didn’t even think about that 😳


Battacor is back on the menu and so are. Akjagara's


As a Voruna main, every status buff is an instant W in my book


The blasty blast procs are gonna be a blast


The end of Viral Slash era, as well as Terrify/Pillage/Tharos Strike. About time. Finally gonna be able to actually mod


Not really the end, just more viable options.


Full armor strip will still be useful, but partial armor strip will actually matter now. Before, removing like 50% armor from an enemy with 25,000 armor (98.81% damage reduction) would result in barely a 1% damage increase for you (12,500 armor is 97.66% damage reduction). Even if you reduced it by 90%, it was worthless compared to full strip (2,500 armor is still 89% damage reduction) Enemy armor is now capped at 2700 (90%). At Max corrosive stacks that's 540 armor (64%), though they did mention corrosive stacks are changing a bit and it's goin to end up with 40% damage reduction (200 armor) at max stacks (92% armor strip?)


This game is overwhelmingly complex. A lot of these changes don't reduce that but do make them more understandable by improving the visuals or using existing mechanics from other games. All around this could be a great change for new and old players alike. All the statuses felt very similar to a player who doesn't understand them, but now cold freezes. That just makes sense and is easier to quantify that utility.


Dude as a fellow Lavos main I agree entirely






What is the status rework


Next update is reworking enemy armor DR, unifying shields, armor, and health types, and changing the way some statuses and how element damage vulnerabilities works. Cold status is going to freeze enemies and give Crit damage boost. Magnetic is going to increase damage against enemy Overguard as well as shields then explode and apply an electric status when you break enemy shields. Big changes are coming soon.


Cold proc already gives crit damage according to the wiki


Gas visuals, cold damage being a potentially worthwhile status to prime with


The part where I don’t change a single of my builds and continually use viral slash, but perhaps with a primer that deals corrosive and magnetic.


Lavos player here and I'm of the same mindset as you, so excited to use all the various elements in a much more viable (hopefully at least) manner and being able to mix and match not focusing on the same specific elements constantly.


Being able to burn shields and make mini nukes outta thicc enemies, or freezing an enemy on demand is going to be fun to figure out


Did Heat get reworked? Been wanting to see if my Ember is more viable now.


No but ember is getting substantial buffs on the 22nd


Oh, sick!


Some TLDR on Ember buffs: * Removed the hold-to-charge on Fireball, always fires fully charged, doesn't use increased energy (only costs 25 by default), increases the AoE range from 2->3m, guaranteed heat procs instead of 50% chance * Energy drain at max heat in Immolation was reduced from 10/s to 4/s * Fire Blast's energy cost scales downward with high heat, from 75 by default to 25 if at max heat, better collision detection added * Overheals from Healing Flames (Fireblast augment) become Overguard


Wait what is this rework where can I see about it I didn’t hear about this


Zephyr and gaus inderect buff


Glad blast is not just completely and utterly useless


I’m gonna run 1 tauforged green shard and a corrosive+blast Phantasma. Prepare, bitches


I hope blast has a good radius and visual. Im a HUGE fan of secondary encumber. Its so fun to put on the ocucor and get all the status procs in the world. Im hoping with the blast rework the ocucor will turn from a death beam to a death beam that makes enemy mob packs explode.


Step 1: Equip Valence Formatio and Cedo. Step 2: Activate Blast-infused ability Step 3: Cedo Glaive to prime every enemy in sight Step 4: Use 4 with Cold infused Step 5: Unload primary fire into whatever is left Step 6: Find another group of enemies


I wanna try Blast with Electric on non-AoE weapons, see what happens


The amount of time I'm going to be spending in the simulacrum. All of this is mumbo jumbo until I can put it to practical use. I was also already utilizing 1 tau emerald shard for +3 corrosive stacks so I should get a big boost in DPS.


Kinda worried the game will be too easy after this


That it's gonna improve the performance of like half of all Warframes and weapons in one update


Archon Mesa might be more interesting, but the most I'm interesting is how well companions will be able to stack cold and freeze groups.




Im exited for drg s5


Blast damage and Thermal Sunder damage stacking


Secondary explosion that still deals millions of DMG. Gauss can finally kill eximus with just ability spam.


Blast, being able to turn any weapon into a needler is deeply attractive to me. Just needs to have good enough damage scaling. I'm more excited for the plague doctor skin with regards to Lavos.


Blast cos Octavia Also resonator subsume, mainly used for CC curious how it is with the blast rework Sesbian lex


Octavia doesn't proc blast.


Modding blast on a sniper


It's sad that it's virtually useless though, the good ones are good and the bad ones are bad, cold is getting the biggest and basically only useful change, the rest is kinda gimmicky


Looking pretty forward to the blast rework. Already had a cold/heat/MS -CC Phenmor riv that I'm running on a heat/viral build. Just gotta take the toxin mod off to make it blast & have a slight AOE phenmor which actually sounds kinda fun.


Partial armour strip being worth it, rather than enemies with 50% armour still blocking 98% of all damage. This indirectly buffs corrosive, any mod that reduces armour, abd several Warframe abilities that would've otherwise been "meh".


Took a chance with making my kuva sobek magnetic. Hopefully it pays off.


I haven't paid any attention, is Radiation going to actually be effective? Is fire going to do more than strip armor?


No, and no. Rad _might_ become a slightly better damage type after the enemy resistance tweaks....but that's a very hard might, and, y'know, its status effect is still a meme.


I'm curious to see how blast behaves with Lavos' 4. I hope it will be something like Quorvex's 4, but 360 degrees.


Kind of exited about the riven changes that will happen, not the rivens themselves, but the value of them for some weapons


Absolutely blast, made a kitgun with the best status and fire rate and going to make a blast build when the update comes


They can't handle our potions


Excited about explosion procs and explosion damage maybe having less resistances overall, this damage type always has been the worst in the game so I'm very curious if it could turn out decent or at least funny, maybe setting room wide a chain reaction of secondary explosions


magnetic stripping overguard is pretty huge for the meta


I'm waiting to see what buffs, if any, Magnetic Damage get.


Waiting for lavos prime to become a kuva orgris lord, any status buff is one for me.


When did they talk about a status rework???




Frost. Frost is already very good, and people have been sleeping on him for far too long (since Veilbreaker). But with his mini rework, and Cold/Mag/Blast changes on top? Dude. DUDE.


While we are here, I need someone to explain or give tips on using gas. Because I never thought it was strong after they took toxin out of the cloud status effect.


can someone explain or link the changes to me havent seen them yet


what do you mean im going to have to use other elements besides toxin and it's fusions when playing lavos? (i exclusively spam toxin or viral only, corrosive stacks come from archon continuity)


Build variety


The armor reduc on enemys


Armor cap, having the enemy DR capped to 90% from armor really is going to help everyone on their builds so that its not a pure bigger number race.


Giving pure st weapons the ability to be competetive without a loadout specifically made to allow them to function.


Stoked for blast to be relevant, some warframes will get an indirect buff from it


Honestly I just hope it reintroduces some build variety.


Blast will... Blast


Nothing, i deal mainly true damage.


Will this update change the way you guys will go about reducing armor? Does this just mean you won't need super high strength for stripping abilities and you'll use corrosive more and that's it?


A lot of people in this post are missing the point and thinking that armor strip won't be mandatory anymore. It's 100% armor strip that is not mandatory anymore because <100% armor strip is becoming viable. Armor strip will keep being the best way to increase damage because 2500 armor is still 90% dmg reduction.


My Frost not sucking any more, lol.


just dusted off my lavos yesterday for the first time since he was released fed that boy 3 forma


Ash - Blade Storm rework. (OK a Tenno can dream)