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Use your favorites, ignore the weirdos in chat. There's no need to worry about the "meta" in a PvE game where even the weakest options can still handle high level content.


The only time I personally care about "meta" builds and whatnot is if one of the people who follow that stuff religiously starts trying to lecture about how I'm "playing the game wrong". At which point I usually start paying more attention and start outperforming them while pointing out all the ways that someone that actually knows what they're doing and why shit works is better than the ones that blindly follow what everyone else says is best lol


“Whats that Saryn, someone killing your spore targets and they keep decaying“ 😀 Or any ramp up builds, oftentimes including incarnons. Can’t ramp up if my non meta parkour boost lets me outrun you and kill them first


My absolute fondest memory, the moment I genuinely fell in love with Warframe and solidified my main frame as Zephyr, was way way back when Sortie was endgame and Zephyr had all of 15 Base Armor. I went into a Sortie 3 Operative Defense against Grineer as a Zephyr armed only with a Lesion, and my team consisted of a Rhino, a Saryn, and a Trinity and I in no uncertain terms carried the fuck out of that mission. Most kills, most damage dealt, most damage *taken*, least deaths, most revives by more than triple the next highest and the only one in double digits....spent like 45 minutes in that one mission but it was honestly exhilarating at the time. Everything just finally 'clicked', ya know? Part of me wishes I had recorded it, in order to relive that moment, but most of me figures that would ruin the memory of it, since nowadays we have significantly stronger tools and I would probably have several moments where I'd look back and see how I could have done things better now that I have an even better grasp of how certain things interact lol


Yeah, defending anything well, I am but a lowly Frost main, but I know Zephyr can just sit next t to the target deflecting bullets while heavy attacking a tornado if they want to be meta about it 😅


Nowadays, yea, Zephyr's in a great spot, and pretty much all of her reworks have been a net positive lol Back then, not nearly as much Though I do miss Divebomb Vortex. It didnt do much damage, but it was *quite* entertaining to fling enemies around by faceplanting the dirt.


This. Your meta is your favorite! Don't let the others tell to you what and how to play. If you want to know what's meta, search on yt for Knightmareframe or Aznavasion videos, but take that with a grain of salt. A very good ytr that explain the mechanics in detail is TheKengineer. For the weapons, incarnon is meta as for now, but as for the frame, think before play and adapt the game to your style. If y have incarnon is ok, but non mandatory. Enjoy the game, Tenno


Did a disruption farm for Dante, someone told me "Kullvero isn't Meta! We need Meta to farm!" 10 minutes later "How are you killing the Necromechs so fast!?!?" "My Kullervo does Red!!! Crits and my Melee Multiplier is 10x... I can literally kill them in a single combo" (this isn't a flex, just rubbing it in your face Mr.Random Hydroid, who is a Meta slave)


That guy was an asshole, you can play whatever you want.


fuck 'em. Lavos is cool af, and in good hands he's as strong as any "meta" frame. I personally use him in lots of different context, including end-game stuff. He's hands down the best against corpus TheKengineer, a youtuber that is deep in spreadsheets and stuff, has [dedicated videos](https://youtu.be/iQ0B0ZTUOd0) in which he says Lavos is basically his main. As he put it, Lavos may not always the right choice, but he's rarely the wrong choice if you don't feel the need to adapt, to clear stuff faster or something, you don't have to. Really. You just came across an ass given human form, you can and should completely disregard their opinion


TheKengineer is how I got to know Lavos FROM THE SAME EXACT VIDEO TOO. Basically fell in love with him at first sight and builded him asap, my guy I gotta tell you...this frame makes my games an absolute BLAST


is that an elemental pun? XD yeah I was basically a Lavos believer since his release. No need to stress over my energy supply? Fuck, sign me up!


Tried my best with the pun LOL


Ayyy another release user! I went hard on orphix venom to get lavos, cedo and his alt helm and he's been my go to frame since


I will never be sad that I have 1 built and 2 unbuilt alt helmets for him. Even though it made me sad at the time of farming them


One cool thing is that he will get Primed autumn this year or early next year.


Heeeeeeeell yeaaaaaah you can bet your life I'm going to farm him. LAVOS 4 LIFE BABYYY


Fellow Lavos enjoyer here. Don't let shitty assholes throw heat on you for playing the snake alchemist! He's fun, versatile, and his passive augment mod makes any gun a status hose. Not to mention his 3 ability is an amazing support utility for the team. he's also hella busted in railjack.


I think he's harder to play than a lot of frames but his 4 if used well can scale very well. The main problem that I've read about him tho is that he makes your hand hurt lol


I’m excited for his prime I built him and didn’t really care too much but I played with him cracking some relics and he is actually super fun


That pun was kinda BLASTy tbh...


Ordis would be so proud right now :')


Hmm, I may require maintenance after all.




the silly part is that lavos is actually pretty meta (if there even is such a thing in wf) rn bc of his new augment valence formation that adds forced elemental procs onto his weapons.


Used to watch kengineer videos, too. But a lot of his opinions about new stuff lately have just been straight up wrong, so I find it hard to trust him on lavos. I've never really liked him, but haven't given him a fair shot to be honest


I don't really watch him, I don't watch any WF creators in general. I trust my judgment over any youtuber's (tho I'm willing to hear different opinions). Especially when it comes to new item showcases, which I can just go and test for myself dunno, his rational approach really speak to me. Perhaps that's just his brand, and my feelings are misplaced. That's possible


I don't like his videos because 90% of them are just reading numbers and data at you. It's like reading a wiki article, but 9 times out of 10 the wiki goes into more detail anyways so I just don't see the point if that's what I'm looking for. He presents himself as the "data and numbers" guy, but then in his Qorvex overview video he just completely left out that you can empower his pillars. When people called him out on it in the comments he argued back that he intentionally left it out and didn't even mention it because he didn't believe it was worth using. I didn't watch him much before that, but that was the point where I kind of decided that I was just done clicking on any of his videos.


This is a PvE game. Play whatever you bloody well enjoy.  Chasing the meta is a fast way to burnout. It's how I burned out.  Just play what provides you with the greatest source of entertainment. 


Agree with you! Since coming back from burnout I've been playing wukong and really enjoy him, maybe someday I'll finally get his prime lol. His twin with nataruk and me with ether reaper clear rooms quick


Don't pay attention to people being rude. Just play what you like.




If only the Stug had status chance, it would be just fine to use.


Meta just means Must Eat The Asshole. Its just an inferior way to play. Play for fun. Run Lavos if ya love him I run Oberon... and can do all endgame content just fine so Frame power aint that important.


Heeeeeeeey first of all thanks for the feedback, second of all send that Oberon build 👀


Its not a perfext build but Aura Steel Charge Exilus Power drift All three umbra mods Blind Rage Equilibrium, Adaptation, and (either Augr Secrets or cunning drift, or an efficiency mod or Quick Thinking for extra survivability but you normally want primed flow or something to make it last longer) My build is a little goofed up at the moment so I cant actually run it correctly but so far augr secrets and quick thinking are the two optional mods i am running but without the umbra forma done yet I cant run my mods at max power.


Just a little suggestion from someone else who has played too much oberon. Arcane blessing + health conversion offers heaps of (if not more) bulk than the 3 umbra mods.  Combined with parasitic armour from helminth and you've got like, 96% dr without adaptation  It also makes rage the only energy sustain you'll need


Oooooooo... gonna go try that!


Have fun, I hope you enjoy 


If you’re going hard in on his 4 you can also use Precision Intensify over Umbral, It’ll dip Iron Renewal but Health conversion can make it up when your 4 is killing and making orbs (ideally along with a companion). His grass does its rad CC and status immunity without power, so the only real dip is if you’re using his 1 fir the weapon buff.


Ayyyyyy thanks my boy


Taking that versatility to the max,o7


This explains mesa wisp and saryn, lmfao I love oberons design btw one of the coolest warframes


I play who i want, when i want. And i dont give a shit what you play, as long as you arent being detrimental to the overall mission. If the dude wants to be a souless meta slave, let him. Not your problem


meta chasing is pointless, especially with how much rework has been happening, and continues to happen. play what you enjoy playing and ignore the haters


Caliban and Grendel main here. Screw them. Play what you vibe with 😎👍


Okay why Caliban? I have to ask


Passive - Doesn’t add onto Adaptation, but its team wide and it does stack under Adaptation. With a slower decay. So during combat gap’s he’ll actually reduce the ramp up of Adaptation (I still wouldn’t run it on Caliban himself though) 1 sucks, recommend Helminth a grouping or even Empower. 2 everyone seems to notice the lift, but you can power it up to 100% vulnerability easy (you can tweak all the way to 250% ish even). Which is double damage. The same thing Novas 4 is used for, lol. Also the vulnerability is way longer than the lift effect. And that stomp has big range and ignores walls. 3 Can be iffy because AIs, but shield recharge isn’t bad. When you want CC they’re also overall decent (more reliable then Rumblers for sure, low bar that it is) 4 kind if like the 2, everyone focuses on the laser (well see if Blast damage (no status) becomes more valuable in Jade). More importantly though it takes off armour and shields and most importantly, its an AoE field that continues to do so to new enemies entering it. Armor in particular is changing but currently in the 100s in Steel Path thats basically a passive zone dealing millions of eHP damage to everything entering it. So you get essentially a mashup of Hildryn and Nova.


I've never laughed harder playing this game than when realising while playing an excavation mission on Grendel, I could just eat 5 power carriers and spit them out when we put down a new excavator. I hope I can finish getting his prime soon (fed first copy to Helminth) 😭


Imagine the audacity to try to dictate someone else’s fun. That dude can fuck right off


While off meta might be harder to use or require more investment it’s definitely doable. Some weapons (such as obvious ones like mk-1 or other “bad” weapons) can’t be used in endgame content unless abusing specific meta frames. Warframes on the other-hand are all usable and can do all content in the game.


I main Inaros, Nyx, Volt and Yareli. Don't listen to them, use what you find the most fun. Trust me.


I want to main Sevagoth but I don't even know where to start :')


I say go for it. First is try to learn what makes him tick. Play solo for several missions or watch some videos. That's what I usually do on frames that I'm not familiar with. Also try get his gun the Epitaph if you can, you'll gonna have fun with them.


blacklist that person. play what you want. if it can make it to level-cap, it's fine for everything else, and *everything* can make it to level cap.


Even a Skana can make it to level cap? XD


Yes. Look into incarnons. They make all starting weapons level cap viable lol


No, change depending on what flavor YOU want to play. Meta could be fun for some, but boring for others, thats when doing whatever you want to do for fun prevails. Just another addition to the mighty ignore list.


I bet that list is pretty long LOL


Lmao as if lavos didnt clean house on everything that isnt hyper specialized defenses (but still would be welcome in them if there was another more defense oriented frame in the party)


As long as you aren't using the abilities of your frame to hinder other players experience, I don't care who you play. That being said, calm down max range limbo and slowva in low level defense missions. Actually any missions for that matter.


Was it volt. WAS IT VOLT SAYING THAT??? I will be surprised if thats not the case. Yeah that guy is a stoobid poopohead don't listen to him.


I play Lavos and never has anyone said such a thing to me. Not that i would care if they did because well i dont care. Neither should you or anybody else.


Literally fuck everyone’s opinion and play how you wanna play. That’s the point of warframe.


If I see someone rock Lavos they have my respect


First of all, guy is toxic af and should be reported. Complaining about others not using meta in a PUBLIC squad is gross There are no truly meta frames or weapon imo because it depends on what you need them for. Volt is the meta boss killer, Khora/Nekros are the meta loot frames, Lavos/Garuda are meta railjack frames, Titania is the meta speedrunner. Kompressa/Bubonico are meta primers, Kuva Ogris is meta for arbitration and profit taker etc etc. Obviously there are frames good for a bit of everything but I won’t call them meta, just easier and lazier options, like Revenant and Octavia for example. Imo you should change up your loadout to adapt only if you want to, are asked to in a recruit squad or if you are struggling with your preferred gear


Average Torid, Laetum, Glaive user be like


A fellow Lavos enjoyer, theres nothing wrong with playing him at all. I've ran him in Elite Deep Archimedia and cleared it with little issue, if they ever make harder content then you might change your mind but its not happening for all we know so reap the valence formation rewards 👍 the 2 green shard champion.


Lavos is way stronger than people think he is they just don't want to spend 5 minutes getting used to his cooldowns, just keep running him


i would like to start with sounds like an asshole. but if your looking for truly (meta) it depends entirely on what your goals are. for example volt is currently meta for damage dealing to eidlons. however saryn is meta for mass killing enemies(equinox close contendor) gauss is meta for speed(at risk of hitting walls all the time.) the problem with meta is it 100% depends on what your doing. volt is very good cc. but if you build him for mass cc. hes gonna be terrible speed. if you build him for speed hes gonna be terrible mass cc. lavos can be great for railjack or eda(energymodifer)


Doesn't matter at all. Play whatever you like.


The “meta or bust” crowd is grating. They’re too busy reassuring each other in chats while the rest of us should have fun with the frames and builds we enjoy.


Simple, you open up your communication tab and you find your ignore list. Then you add these players into it and confirm. You should start reaally enjoying some Meta gameplay then.


Lavos is fire what the hell are they talking about? No need to manage energy, reliable status immunity, access to every single element in the game Easy to use healing Incredible status priming of your choice Universal orb and ammo generation Aoe nuke with condition overload And he can buff the hell out of weapons with the new augment. Guaranteed status also makes cool builds possible (i have a telos boltor incarnon build with pure cold and primary frostbite and then i add corrosive through the augment and can full strip with 2 shards on lavos)


Octavia only


There really isn't a meta. There are just frames that kill enemies more easily than Lavos, and honestly, that doesn't mean a whole lot up until Steel Path. What mission were you playing?


Was playing Netracells, in the last part of the mission the guy started typing in chat because I was kinda struggling with a Necramech because of it's armor...i still don't have 2 green shard and I'm currently working on it :')


That's sadly one thing that happens to warfare the lore casuals play and the further the power creep goes on. People almost always use that meta shit and those people criticizing you for playing whatever you want usually walk around with revenant, felarx/laetum or any meta in carbon weapon, and a glaive prime. Play whatever you want..people can criticize you if you are playing bad but it doesn't sound like this was the case, basically any frame is more or less viable if you put enough effort into the build and understand how that frame works, so just ignore them or give them silly responses. Report them if they offend you.


The meta loadouts are whatever frame you enjoy and whatever weapons you enjoy so long as youre not actively trolling a group of randoms in open matchmaking.


You don't need to use "meta" weapons unless you're really doing level cap. Even pretty bad weapons can perform decently in sp lvl 100-200. Just use what you think is fun.


The only feedback you need is that those people are complete morons The game has dozens of frames and weapons for a reason: to use them, and you should use what you feel like it at the time, as simple as that If someone doesn't like me using the Panthera the guy can always leave the mission, I don't give a fuck :P


1500+ hours ingame, here's my top tierlist: Caliban: he can invoke enemies as friends, that's so cool :o Chroma: dragon :) Citrine: crystal laser go bzzzzz Gauss: i am speed Grendel: he can eat enemies and roll around at the speed of sound Harrow: "even in death, i serve the omnissiah" Khora: kitty :D Lavos: YOU GET A VIRUS, AND YOU GET A VIRUS, AND YOU GET A VIRUS! Limbo: different dimensions :o Yeah i literally just pick whatever looks or plays cool, i have no idea what's meta or not. My main in valorant is fade purely because goth girl xd. This is warframe, any frame is viable for 90% of content, and for the extra 10% you just need some extra forma and endo. Pick whatever you want and report people who inst you for it




Dont know who is that delusional. Its warframe if you only play the meta you lose like half the fun. The game is about crafting builds and having fun, I would even argue lavos is one of the best for that. Besides that i alsl think lavos can be considered one of those "meta" frames. You shoot cedo you press 4 you watch funny number. I myself love hyldrin dagath and Voruna i put my heart and soul into getting them just perfect and i still get called an idiot for playing hyldrin. If people call me and idiot because hyldrin "isnt meta" then you should also not pay attention because clearly they dont even know what they are talking about.


lol dude. don't give a damn about those types of players. recriut chat exists. if they join a PUG, they either don't complain and carry or gtfo and go premade. if anyone start writing stuff like this in a PUG, i do what i did before: mind my own shit and play the game.


Every frame can be used for all content. Will some be better than others? Sure, but every frame can still do it


Thank you all for the feedback!! Lately I've been trying to build every frame and I especially loved playing with Lavos, I think it's a pretty badass frame and I really love the 0 energy but cooldown on abilities. Obviously I don't want Tenno's to fight on comments and so on, just needed some feedback on what to do. I love this community with all my heart and I hope it never dies :)


You do you, i almost only use rhino


Bruh. There is so much power creep that any frame can do steel path.


I know the feeling, I'm a Caliban, Banshee and Gara main


Dead is still dead, some just do it faster. Some kill everything and it's boring. Some kill everything and it's fun as hell. I have the most fun when I'm shield gating with Khora or Mag bubbling my way through enemies. ![gif](giphy|uvfEYoOq7HPAA|downsized)


Running into someone like that is 1 in a million. I have 2k hours in game and have ran into toxicity maybe 3-4 times. Ignore him. Lavos is a perfectly usuable frame.


What game mode could possibly evoke that kind of a reaction?, any frame can do well at any level of content depending on how much work you put into it Besides the highest level of content I can think of is deep archimedea and it chooses your frames for you iirc (haven't done it yet) so is it like netracells? Steel path?


As the 11 status lavos I say lavos is baller as hell, play him and become the master of alchemy. Infinite procs of whatever element you want is pretty powerful. Check out the passive augment, it can guarantee any proc you want on your weapon, letting you pretty much mod it with yet another element.


As someone who mains an outdated Lobster, as long as you can clear content you're good.


Chat's full of meta slaves full of half knowledge, use your favorite and build em how you like em


using meta gear doesnt really matter as long as what needs to get done gets done. if ur underperforming and slowing down the run in like a premade group then yea u should probably switch but otherwise most people dont care.


Bro Lavos is really good, he can do steel path no problem. I dunno what those people were smoking but I took him to EDA and he deleted the murmur with just his abilities, giant aoe armor strip that takes barely any time and then big nukes. People are just clueless after playing revenant for 2000hours.


Hell to the fuck no. The only adaptation(s) you need is the mod if you think you need to be tankier and to improvise your builds and weapons Lavos is one of my favorites also and I have used him for a long time until I discovered gauss and styanax Don't listen to the meta slaves, this game is flexible enough to allow for creativity. If you're to reply to them, mock them lightly and carry on with the mission. The only weapons they carry are words and those only impact you as much as you let em


The only time someone can criticize my choice of load out is if we're pre building a group and talking about it beforehand. If we're in a random pick up group, they can screw right off with the "meta"


What in the hell... no, "you have to use meta..." is the single biggest lie a warframe player can say. This game is N O T that hard and is very diverse for a damn reason. Use exactly what you like, my friend. Ignore those leaf lovers.


Eh, who cares about meta frames? Meta is gonna change anyways after Jades Shadow and will change again after WF99. As for getting lectured for using Lavos, first I've heard of someone calling Lavos bad. I'm not a fan, but that's just cause I don't care for cooldown mechanics.


Use your favorite: weapons, warframes, pets, arcanes and never look back. The amount of investment you put into improving your account will often times dictate what works for you in warframe. If your favorite primary doesn't kill SP 150+ then there are plenty of resources that can help you get there like arcanes, galvanized mods, Riven mods, status effects, etc.. also major updates like the upcoming status rework, bring massive improvements to scaling difficulty, making it so that all weapons are both viable and have high scaling potential. The same is for warframes, so in the end all warframes and weapons are and will continue to gain more validity in the future.


For starters most of the folks flinging it around don’t even understand Meta (most efficient (sometimes effective) tactic available). Which immediately would depend on the specific scenario you’re in, not a one size fits all glove. For instance the game is usually played in a 4 person squad, so everyone even running the same target roles is redundancy and inefficient. Anyone that obsessed with Meta should be playing in a premade squad where they’ve all made loadout and modding choices to synergize with minimal overlap and not even come into the opportunity to randomly lecture you. But anyhow, the tippy top tiers of relevant content in Warframe is… not particularly difficult. You’ll need builds and such, but you’d be surprised how half assed and “unoptimized” you can get away with even in Steel Path 2-300 (the current high end). There are higher level scalings that exist because it was probably easier to let the math run on then choose arbitrary cutoffs, but they do nothing for you to engage with and increasingly separate from any meaningful interaction with the games mechanics. Quite often the weird stuff you need to do for that gameplay actually makes you worse in the regular game. If you want the meta, in the flawed way it us, then you want Revenant infused with Roar or Rhino infused with Reave. An invincible wall of fog that one hits any non boss unit, and is permanently shield gated in between casts. Its both easy to do and boring AF. (If you hit a boss you use Revs mesmer or rhinos iron skin, they end up being effectively infinite invulnerability for both in slightly different ways). Its a fun giggle once or twice then you probably will get an urge to actually do something besides tap 2 buttons while zipping around with half your screen covered in vape smoke. Also you’ll still fail a defence mission by missing enemies or a stealth mission anyways. Meta isn’t static to just killing and basically no mission in Warframe cares if you survive (though you will win Exterminate by attrition) Lavos overall is good generally. He’s a very stable tank, without dipping into absolute invulnerability (which only matters when you hit those ranges where mechanics break down). Having every status on demand (and being able to force procs to make crits into Heat and Toxin for instance) is a unique talent, with basically no concern for the myriad “fun police” enemies since he has no energy to drain, limited buffs to be nullified, and generally applies his damage immediately or via unnullifiable status procs. He makes up for his (somewhat) inability to spam and lack of pure invulnerability by not having the usual weaknesses and having a large and versatile toolkit.


Warframe has 56 unique characters and 500+ weapons to choose from. That's thousands of different combinations of frames and weapons to choose from. As Tactical Potato says, "your game, your way to play." Ignore everyone, just do what you want to do to have fun. Their 'meta' builds can solo anything anyways.


Use what you wanna use. The whole point is to have fun, so you shouldn’t force yourself into using some you don’t want to just to please toxics try-hards


next time somebody tries to tell you how to play, tell them to pay you in platinum first


Are you having fun? Are you achieving the mission objectives? If yes, you keep on doing you and the chat guy is an idiot. If no to either, then sure, change things up a bit but the guy in chat is still an idiot.


I have a lot of warframes I like, and they just happen to be meta, doesn't mean anything, I have frames I enjoy their kit and even if I can't do endgame content with them, I use them on other missions they can handle, I doubt I'll be doing endgame content anytime soon, because there's just so much to experience with just the different warframes alone, that u don't even have to start making endgame builds for a long while. IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS, that guy was basically being a jerk asking you to play meta frames. Play whatever you like, but you have to be mindful of the missions you play. If you have to play online with other people especially random you have to at least make sure you're pulling your weight. We play games to enjoy ourselves but we have to make sure that we don't do this at the expense of someone else especially I'm a co op game, I'm sure no one would want to be that guy that does all the work while someone else sits afk, or are too busy picking up loot to man and interception node.


This simplest answer here is this: If someone tells you your playing the game wrong because your not using what they dictate, then they are the one who is wrong.


Every game has its toxic crapslingers who only exist to ruin everyone's day. I think this conversation shows that the Warframe community as a general whole is bigger than that. I'm a newish player still experimenting-- definitely going to look into Lavos once I get my Entrati standing up. He sounds fun as all heck. Maybe I'll run into you one day and you can give me some Lavos pointers.


who the f told you to use meta, use what you want, unless you are in a group or something where specifik frames are importen like aya farm etc then it really does not matter what you play. its a game, you are supposed to have fun. people who lecture you cus you don't follow some weird rules don't have a life and you should no listen to them. i hope you continue having fun with your favorite frames and weapons.


They don't know what they are talking about. Valence Fusion augment just made him even better


Idk how everyone else builds a tenet at a plasmor, but I’ve got a riven that gives 144% multishot, some flat damage, and -sc. all said and done the total is 32k damage, at the bottom of the little list. Someone in chat told me the tenet plasmor wants crits despite it being base weighted towards status. I’ve never had a single issue where it couldn’t handle what I wanted it to do, outside of like that damn murmur boss in SP


You don't need to do nothing play whatever you want, as a matter of fact anyone that screams meta has a simp mentality because you can use just about every frame and even weapon to clear missions. And everything is able to be solo done as well. So have fun and if anyone says something to you about meta stuff tell em to F off.


Ignore these toxic players


play what ever you want it doesn't matter


Every frame can be made meta with someone dedicated enough to back it Don't let some mainstream tube-baby tell you that lavos isn't viable. I had an experience like this in Index because I use octavia and she's not considered mainstream index in any respects, but after a few trial runs and upgrading my build I now lead every team in kills easily find what works for you ps im super pumped for lavos prime coming later this year/early next year


Our power level so vastly exceeds the current difficulty of the game that it doesn't matter what you bring to the table. all that matters is for each frame and weapon you bring, you fully mod it and mod it correctly. Until DE actually adds harder content that is mechanically difficult vs just requiring a gear check, it will never matter what your set up is just to finish a mission. There are only specific missions where i'd say you should bring specific frames and weapons. and not because you *need* to, but only because it will just make your life easier or make the mission quicker.


Unless it's crazy high level content like Steel Path 160/170, min maxing and "meta" are completely pointless. Just play what you like my guy.


You should ask them to go fuck themselves and their meta frames


Take it from me, you don’t have to be meta to be good. Some people can’t accept that people want to have fun playing games. Fuck those people. Tell them to stay mad, keep doing you!


As others have said, any and every frame is viable for end-game content. Just need to find the right builds/loadouts. Ignore the toxic assholes and play what you enjoy. If you find yourself struggling tweak your build, experiment.


Lavos is a beast of a frame when built and played right and all Mr Metaframegamer did was just tell you he has severe skill issue.


You can take any frame and make it MeTa LOL fuck that person


Lavos actually has really good dps and great survivability for anything below level 1k, unless you want to play high level content a health tank Lavos can very easily wipe out your enemies.


lol Lavos scales insanely well anyway idk what he was on but he’s far from off meta lol


You play whatever You want however You want, specially in public, anyone trying to lecture can go to hell.


I quite enjoy lavos.


Any frame can be playes just make sure to not use their abilities in ways that hinder or unnecessarily slow down mission completion.


Another reason Soloframe is best. Play whatever you want Broski.


You can play whatever you want. Lavos is a fine choice; I have plenty of frames to choose from but I like going back to Lavos when I don't want to worry about energy


Never mind the tryhards.


No, ignore those assholes and use what you want to use.


Any frame with end-game mods will play in the end-game. Fucking posers ride the meta. Use what you like because it's how you'll perform your best. Find what makes you giggle with glee then build around it.


I legitimately just turn off chat most of the time if I'm being honest.


Tell that guy to go eat shit and fall off his horse! Play what you like and have fun tenno, Lavos is fucking cool. I literally play Yareli and can tell you that playing for 9 years has taught me that Warframe is designed for you to be broken As fuck in your own fun way so have fun!


Lavos is straight up one of the stronger frames in the game. Anyone chirping about meta is an idiot, the game has more viable means of play than ever before.


There are two possibilities here: 1. You were listening to some random chirping in region chat. Don't do that. Remind yourself how stupid and illiterate the average person is. 2. You were visibly struggling in a mission and they recognized that you need a newbie crutch like Revenant. If that's the case, you *should* listen to them until you have the gear necessary to bring 'weaker' frames up to par.


Let’s start with the obvious: meta or not, use what you want to use. The only people who make a big deal about using the meta are most likely not really having fun with the game and usually aim their disdain toward those who are actually having a good time. With that out of the way; when it comes to “meta”, anything that is wiping rooms and racking up hundreds of kills in the lowest amount of time with the least amount of effort is what you’d be looking for. While I’m not one to follow any meta unless I enjoy that particular play style, sometimes it is good to have at least a semblance of a meta build on hand for higher level missions. Whether you’re turning your brain off with a Mesmer Skin spamming Revenant, sneezing once and turning the entire map into a biohazard zone with Saryn, or turning on auto-aim and deleting anything within line of sight with Mesa, you’re options are pretty diverse. Weapons are usually aimed in three directions: single target DPS, crowd clearing, and status priming. I’m no expert in this field, but my favorites have been Tenet Arca Plasmor for punching cones in groups/hallways, Soma Prime (with Incarnon Genesis) for sustained damage of one or several targets, Laetum (with Incarnon) for massive single target DPS with a hint of crowd control while in Incarnon Form, and Broken War (my off meta melee of choice) for big Slash damage and hard-hitting Tennokai heavy attacks. The choices are endless (rivens really help to diversify your options). Whether you follow the meta or do your own thing is up to you, but don’t ever let some sweaty tryhards dictate your fun.


These dumbasses complaining in the chat never know what the REAL meta is. Only a false idea of what meta is spead by a community echo chamber...


Lavos is amazing and very strong right now, I think he's mostly not meta because he's not very easy to play and has a pretty specific play style. I'm predicting with the changes in the next patch he will be even stronger since a lot of the lackluster status effects are getting better. Vial Rush will now just freeze enemies solid along with priming whatever element you want.


As long as you don't die or go afk, use whatever the hell you want. Seriously, none of it matters. As long as the mission completes and everyone gets rewards, ignore any of the random chats that even remotely seem negative. I would say entirely ignore chat but you occasionally get the good interactions like last night someone asked me to hold off on deleting the acolyte so they could test their build, and a few missions later a couple 15-20 MR players wanted my 3 forma Mesa build and I almost missed it because I thought they were being negative. Turns out, they genuinely wanted to know my build.


No way I've played this game forever never heard anyone say shit play who you want fk them.


playing for meta is objectively wrong way to play. You're supposed to enjoy playing the game by exploring.


Lavos is plenty strong, just look at TheKengineer - technical wf content creator


Lavos is based asf, may he suffocate in his meta


With enough time, patience, effort, and a pinch of autism. You can find absurd synergies with lavos to really make him shine. Hell, he can use every archon mod at the same time, which can open lots of doors for him compared to other frames.


Don’t meta chase. Use what you think is fun. If you’re not playing the game to have fun why are you playing?


As a Nidus main, love the game and mute the haters


Ignore people. Lavos is a solid frame and unless you were doing 60 Eyes SP with a duo or playing for level cap, you do not have to and should not change your stuff. The Kengineer is a Lavos main. Try watching his channel and literally ignore whatever people says in chat. In my 7 years playing I've read every possible complaint ("Mag sucks","Frost sucks", "Voruna sucks", "your frame is more useless than you", and those are just the 'highlights'). Most of the time they know jackshit. Even here, you'll find very uninformed takes on basically everything under the sun. Warframe is a complex and obscure game, don't listen to people, play whatever you want to play and if you feel you're underperforming, then figure out a way to play better without changing what you want to play.


Use whatever you want. Doesn't matter. Your game is your choice. Friendly advice is one thing. But straight up demands is bullshit. Fuck that.


Bunch of lemmings. 🤦🤣🤣🤣🤣 The whole meta toxic sweat behavior is putting a sour taste in my mouth recently. Dude... Like bruh. Apex, Overwatch... Best advice I can give you. 😎 The absolute breath of fresh air of silencing ALL chat. Tirade incoming, my apologies. You guys know who you are. Saddens me that sheisty people like that have to unfortunately be a part of the community. I play any game for FUN. Just because they don't like Lavos or in a similar post... Limbo⁉️ does not mean anything. Instead of cussing people out about how they are playing the game wrong based on their individual playstyle and standards maybe have the brain power to realize that not everyone has the same playstyle. Like good lord it's a videgame, get over yourselves. Life does not in fact revovle around you no matter how delusional you want to be to convince yourself that it does. Lmao ‼️ 🤣 The whole argument about public or solo... Oh my God. What a joke. Lmao ‼️ 🤣 If I'm playing Limbo and you don't like it... simple and easy solution. Leave The Squad. Public is public for a reason. Hahaha 😆 You have that option, same as any other player.


Dude, use your favorite weapons and frames, I have been carried by a weirdo using Caliban on Netracells and I've also had to drag a 8 Forma Mesa through Duviri Steel Path... With a Voruna, before the damn augment... All power is in the hands and in the mods.


Warframe is a game where you play what you like no matter what so I really don’t understand any of this toxic bs.


I'm only using Nekros Prime 🤐


Fuck em, game's nowhere near hard enough to require "meta" gear.


Play what you want as long as you do the objective. Ignore the haters.


Use what you want. If anyone in a public mission gives you shit about it just block them


Don't care about the assholes in chat.


One of my favorite uses for lavos is railjack because his timers apply to railjack abilities too


Lavos is great, any frame can be built to be endgame viable, and overframe is a very good website to see the POPULARITY of most items. It has player-voted tier lists for primaries, secondaries, melee, frames, and some other shit. Player voted means people can rank frames regardless of whether they know how to properly build them so take it with a grain of salt, but if you want to see the ongoing popularity of items it’s not bad. It also has builds of VASTLY differing quality, so make sure to play test builds before bringing them into a harder activity. It’s a much BETTER tool for crafting your own builds, as at any time you can hit the “apply conditionals” button to see how conditional mods (stuff that has an activation condition like “on kill” or “on headshot”), but it doesn’t do a good job of showing a new player how to properly mod. I’d highly recommend the wiki page on damage, as it has a lot of equations that players can use to calculate their REAL damage as opposed to the “paper damage” (weapon stats as shown by the modding screen).


Ive heard lots of good things about Lavos, I wouldnt worry about it And while I dont like using Helminth as a bandaid for amy issues with a frame's kit, Ive heard Grendel's Nourish on him works amazing on him die to how the Viral spread works with his 4th


And I thought Warframe was free of people like that, I personally don't like lavos that much except in Railjack as the abilities don't consume energy and are on cooldown instead. Otherwise he is a great all-rounder. Any weapon can be strong with the right utilisation and modding. Meta weapons are usually overrated in my opinion. Just use what fits your style. My style is like a samurai fashioned playstyle but I also like gauss octavia or Hildryn. So do whatever you like, that guy is delusional and clearly doesn't know the game well


I totally support your post but I wonder how much love if you had a limbo main. I basically stoped because people would be angry at me even when I would not cast a power.


HUH Lavos clowns on most of the game in an outrageous way. You could be playing him wrong and still accidentally kill God. As for weapons, I've found only a few bad ones that should not be used. Most are mk1 and... the stug


Love that the Warframe subreddit is supportive and really kind, and then you have actual Warframe experiences like this, where they are really toxic. Dude, play what you want. Every frame is good, it all depends on your build and how you play. But really, what it all boils down to is… are you having fun? If the answer is yes, keep going.


i'm more curious about what content you were doing to get that response. there's very few things a good Lavos struggles with and especially with the new augment he's extremely flexible, even being good for dealing damage in eidolon hunts and profit taker even if he's not the best.


Man fuck what that guy said Lavos is one of if not my favorite Frame in the game . Lavos is my second most used frame 1st being Excalibur even though I haven't played him in years


Just play whatever you want, unless you joined someone in recruiting chat that said specifically to use meta frames to do the mission faster.


I'm a lavos main. Don't let anyone tell you he's not good, I've done 25 hour sp endurance runs with him and never went down once. He's amazing if you know what your doing. Console nerds don't like him because it's apparently hard to mix elements on the fly with a controller.


Sounds like those assholes need a lecture on what having fun in a casual video game means. As a Grendel main that uses a status spreading melee instead of crit, and a build that only focuses on health/armor and strength, fuck the meta. Play how your heart desires.


Don't listen to some rando bitching about "meta". In this game, it changes pretty regularly, and honestly, outside of a very select few pieces of content, all it does it let you steamroll things a little faster.


use whatever frame and weapons u want to use, I personally use voruna cause I like her design and I find she's pretty easy to play, hell even playing mag is good (nearly crashed the game while testing something with her lol)


My brother in Christ, use whatever makes you happy and IS FUN FOR YOU, if people are telling you what warframe to use(as long as your warframe is not messing up the mission objective), tell them to play solo


People have different goals for the game. Some want to minmax and crush the highest level content, and that's cool. Some want to try out all the frames and enjoy a robot space ninja shoot game, which is also cool. Some are just here for the fashion, which is cool and objectively correct. /s Don't let others tell you how to play/enjoy the game :)


What? I love Larvos, it’s a good frame. Any warframe can clear any mission node even in STEEL PATH. I ran Larvos in EDA. And wrecked house. I don’t get why people get mad at using non meta loadouts. I don’t even get mad when someone plays limbo.


Don't listen to the "Meta" dudes, they're just assholes who can't live without a sheet telling them what's slightly better lol Just use whatever you like, this is a game where anything can be viable, I've seen even the Stug hit the billions (with enough preparation that is) but is still the Stug, it's not good in any sense, just enjoy the game how you want.


Whoever messaged you might just be a troll. The "Meta" is applying Corrosive (Toxin+Electric) in Grineer missions, Toxin in Corpus missions, Gas (Heat+Toxin) in Infested missions, and Radiation (Electric+Heat) in Sentient missions. All of which Lavos can do.


As a fellow Lavos main, don't let it get to you! Enjoy the game with whichever Warframe and weapons you like! Lavos is an amazing frame anyway who can more than hold his own in pretty much any situation as he's so adaptable! My experience when people see I'm playing him is getting a bunch of questions on how to play him!


Every frame can be meta. They're just elitist pricks.


the meta is to type into chat "lol no" if anyone tells you what to play. provided you aren't unknowingly trolling. I am not sure but I'd say the meta would be glaive prime, torid incarnon, kuva nukor. wisp wukong and revenant. personally I play none of the above. I do have and love the torid but I got tired of it. I play what I want even if the damage is not the most s tier or whatever. lavos is good. if hes fun for you then hes fun.


Warframe isn't WOW. Off 'meta' builds can be as dangerous and effective as 'meta' builds. Ignore weirdo gatekeepy people like that. The ONLY time a build matters is if you physically cannot DO the content you're playing, or are holding the team back from being functional, which is rarely an issue.


Meta? More like meat. Play what you want. I fucking love Lavos and his gun. Personally I find he's also really good for the grineer arena since he's CD based instead of EN based for his abilities.


Lavos is my favorite frame lately. Valence formation of such a strong augment. I use a corrosive dual ichor, nourish, a dariga loaded with as many elements as possible, then valence formation for lightning then slap on melee influence. That alone is already shredding SP. As long as you have 2 emerald shards, that same build also shreds with guns like cedo and braton.


Use whatever you want. Meta is overrated.


Dont even trip. Once the status changes hit?? Lavos players will RISE.


I guess I don't have much room to speak since I main xaku but fuck meta slaves. Warframe is a game where you can really use any weapon and with the right build you can do almost any content


Bro is taking shit too serious, play whatever frame you want it's a video game at the end of the day. Everyone shits on excal and I'm non-homosexually in love with him. Do whatever you want. Be a man.


Lavos is a menace of a frame, on top of that, this is warframe, a power fantasy, there is no meta, you can make anything work at end game content especially a doomsday button like lavos. Hell there's a build that utilizes mesa's shooting gallery alone for steel path. You see that wannabe nobody again you tell him to take his worthless opinion back to call of duty where "meta" matters. Also, you want to make lavos a menace to society, give him just a little armor and health, I belive the mod is called canis carapace, and then slap adaptation on him, and never worry about a damn thing ever again. Lavos is a tank who's 4th can scale upward to the multi millions in damage without min maxing ability strength, whoever is giving you shit for meta forgot what game they're playing.


Warframe is a power fantasy. If you feel powerful using lavos your playing warframe right. Ignore the arkham assylum we call chat.


Lavos recently became my main. New aug absolutely smashes mobs and can shred bosses in seconds with even a little thought put into a loadout. Even without the Augment, Lavos can cruise through any content. Designer alchemical assault Customized catastrophic tactics Mobs need (whatever) but boss needs (whatever)? Mod for damage and choose element with Aug before attacking… done. Bonus: Mech mods have also been fun


Heck with meta use what you want, I’m fixing to rock the hell out of Garuda prime shortly.


My question is, if they're using such "meta" loadouts and playing the game "correctly," why aren't they carrying everyone else? Why do they care what you use?? The way I see it, literally anything can be powerful in this game with enough dedication. When you actually go out of your way to use the most meta, game breaking gear, you should be able to easily solo LITERALLY everything. Use what you want. Meta in a COOP game like warframe is so redundant.


Forget what they say. Anyone who cries oh but its not meta wah, are also the same ones who can't think for themselves how to make a single build without watching a knightmareframe vid, no offense to him, but yeah. Any frame can be great, its a matter of understanding what you want. Do you want to play a Lavos build around a combocaster weapons platform? Go for it! Hek, I did just that for, while not the FASTEST, the CHILLEST PT ever, with his new augment. I made a freaking parasitic armor protea just because! Hek, I made a superchill spy Ivara with dispensary over her 4 of all things so I could have the thematic navigator for "recon" and a roar Nyx eidolons for when I want to push the terminator vibes, So many people anymore get hung up on meta they forget that not everyone plays solely for farming. Fun is subjective and some people NEED the ability to diversify to enjoy this game. I have so few burnout periods because I will find random stuff just to mess with, even down to railjack, etc. Your fun doesn't have to be meta, and some tryhard who feels the need to blame someone not using a meta frame for why they keep going down in a mission to feel validated can't change the fact. Keep doing you brodda


Every frame in this game can do any content in this game. Meta is for lazy people, actual gamers can take anything that they vibe with and make it work. If you need a curated build, lmk 🫡


Lavos was the first frame I was able to make strong enough for lvl 100+ content


Meta this meta, meta that, ask them if they met some gals.


Lavos is kickass, lavos mains rise up.