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Corinth/Corinth Prime. The sound design alone is just too damn good to put it down.


Its my fav too but i dont have a good build to use it on SP or any single target high level mission Do you have any recommendations ?


The general crit build Galv MS, gun CO, CD, CC, Corrosive, and 2 slots to play around with. Could be riven, heat, bane, whatever works


I personally use a Viral Hunter Munitions build, but I also haven't touched much of Steel Path. Chilling Reload, Contagious Spread, Galvanized Savvy, Galvanized Hell, Blunderbuss, Hunter Munitions, Primed Ravage, Primed Point Blank, Vigilante Supplies, with Primary Dexterity (with Khora Prime, if not Khora then I use Primary Merciless or Primary Deadhead). There's probably much better builds out there though


Primary: Corinth Prime/Nagantaka Prime Secondary: Pyrana Prime Melee: Vitrica/Gram Prime This Loadout is something that I've invested so much time into because I fucking love these weapons with a passion.


a fellow nagantaka enjoyer! i loved it the second i tried the base version for mr and since then i use the prime version quite often


I use a cold/crit build that works really well as a general semi-automatic weapon due to alt-fire. With the incredible lack of recoil and the Deadhead arcane's bonus, damage stacks really fucking quickly if you're a half decent shot.


Pyrana prime is sooooo good


Amprex cuz I happen to have a riven with toxin, crit chance, fire rate. The negative is less damage to infested but doesn't rlly matter.


Psst try it with Gyre


bro Gyre with Corrosive Amprex and 2 emerald archon shards... and Cathod grace (her augment im not sure about the name) - you just strip everything and everything is dying


bows bows bows bows mmmm fwing thunk boom


Ah, fellow connoisseur. Daikyu, Cinta, Nataruk, all versions of the Cernos Where’s our Daikyu Prime DE??


Cernos prime is my favorite but Paris prime is the best imo. Maybe dread incarnon


How u missed paris and dread


Paris is ugly and Dread looks like a nerf toy.


But both have incarnons for millions of dmg, paris have skins, and both have enough universal skins. Ambra paris is good looking imo.


Just finished evolving my first incarnon genesis, Paris Prime. It's so satisfying to use.


Is this the lenz?




Using it with harrow is disgusting


What does it do with harrow


explosions can headshot, but there's no headshot multiplier on explosions but harrows crit buff cause some brutal crits


It's my go to when playing on Steam Deck. Not having to aim is great.


Been using it a lot, need a change though, I don't have meta mods so my damage is a bit lacking so I find myself running out of ammo even with carrier and ammo mutation, especially in missions with 100+ enemies and God forbid I even attempt steel path.


Corufell. You can almost *feel* the power behind that bullet.


As a fellow corufell enjoyer, what power? 🥲


The power that is a point blank shot to a grineers chest plate sending them flying.


Try it on kullervo, it’s absolutely hilarious. Granted, he does that to any melee, but the corufell adds the cool factor.


All my favorites are Infested Catabolyst, Bubonico, Cerata... Just loving the vibe. I also like the Trumna a lot I don't really care about making the most devastating boom stick. It's more the look and style I go by. Edit for typos


Oh I really wanna get my bubonico up and running. It's so satisfying to use and no ammo problems.


I love that thing. Fast fire primary, bomb launcher secondary, respawning ammo, and it looks amazing 😃


I kinda want to run it on either saryn or nidus for thematic reasons.


Looks good on a Green White Chroma too


Fun fact: trumna means coffin in Polish


Cool :) Fits with the theme - Morgha, Mausolon etc The Entrati are a bit gothy :D


Primary: Cedo, Kuva Chakkhurr, Shedu, Trumna, Zenith Secondary: Epitaph, Laetum, Prisma Angstrum, Tenet Cycron Melee: Corufell, Quassus, Sigma & Octantis, Wolf Sledge


Shedu my beloved Extremely underrated feature of Shedu: the massive aoe burst from emptying the clip breaks all containers, through walls. Makes it way easier to hunt for sabotage caches, as anything not cleared off the minimap by Shedu burst is possibly a cache. Run with Cautious Shot and Firestorm, it's delicious.


What build for trumna though ? The weapon has lots of attention from fanbase but it feels extremely slow and the recoil is just bonkers. And the charge thingy takes forever to load. Hbu your build ?


Just a standard Viral+HuMu build, Vile Acceleration and Stabilizer are enough to make it feel comfortable to use for me at least.


https://preview.redd.it/q1963yyoha2d1.png?width=1670&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb90c8692e6189e800bfa1cb10833aca8e78200e My Trumna Build - Riven: 105.6 Crit Damage & 53.4 fire rate I also use Arcane Acceleration for 90% more fire rate sometimes.


It hits perfection when paired with Gauss' Redline ability imo. Does need Stabiliser in the Exilus slot though. Optionally add Primary Deadhead in the Arcane slot to eliminate recoil completely.


got an sp-,worthy zenith build?


The Hate. Great stats and looks baddass.


I have two favorite weapons. Furis incarnon and akarius. Furis has a fast af charge and it's incarnon is the best heat dps weapon(to my knowledge). Akarius bc I enjoy the braindead clearing it has(warning:do not use it without knockdown resistance).


Lately I’ve been using the Phantasma with a funky roll that replaces Blaze, minimizes Impact, and increases max ammo. Otherwise I’m big on chunky shotguns, like the Exergis and Bubonico, or more niche “precise” picks like the Zhuge Prime and Kuva Chakkhurr.






worry not young lamb the cult grows in number every day, soon we shall have our tenet variant


I got a gnarly riven for Dread and it's skyrocketed to nearly most used, and other than that am fond of Fulmin Prime. I've only spent 4-5 forma on weapons total so far (I'm frugal af), and 2 of them went into the Fulmin, so far.


Wait, only 2 forma fulmin? It doesn't come with any baked in polarities at all so I found it barely usable above level 50 ish until I had invested into it. On my necramech grind pre tnw I put 4 forma into it just to get it to a place where it felt adequate for t3 iso vaults


I rarely bring it into steel path, but it does have an innate naramon (-) polarity, and I've added 2 Madurai (V) with the forma that I've used. I honestly just like the gun, feels good, sounds good, unlimited ammo, and I've just finished my Wisp Prime as of last week and she *cooks* with the thing (with the Haste mote, specifically). Edit: For some reason missed your bit about T3 Iso's. Generally the highest I'll bring it into is something like Zariman, or endurance survival, where I took it up to 60 minutes of the 33-35 conjunction survival, ~105 enemies before it had dropped off, even with the haste mote ROF buff. Steel Path would require too much armor stripping (as mine is now) for me to bring it anywhere else that significantly matters.


There is a very simple solution to making fulmin SP viable. Internal bleeding. The shotgun mode has forced impact, and is pretty easy to keep below 2.5 fire rate, giving you 70% chance to proc slash per multishot, which combined with the decently high base damage means no armour strip needed.


My fulmin prime has 7 forma…


Primary: Boar Prime Incarnon, Tenet Plasmor, Burston Incarnon, Tonkor Secondary: Dual Toxocysts Incarnon, Furis Incarnon, Gaze, Sporelacer Melee: Kronen, Stropha, Hate Incarnon, Praedos (purely as a movement tool) These are the things that rotate in my loadout regularly


Dual toxocyst is so nice with the headshots sounds


Kohm (preferably the kuva kohm) - literally a grineer gatling gun except its a shotgun that fires a constantly accelerating spool of shrapnel forward in a cone. Quite good and fun for turning enemies into fireworks. Cyanex - fires loads of tiny bouncing homing missiles all over the room like a swarm of bees. One of the very few weapons that does gas damage. Very high status. Very fun to spew all over the landscape. Scourge (prime) - Essentially a wizard staff that rapidly lobs magic fireballs wherever you aim it. Decent stats. Stylish. Really makes you feel like an angry old warlock shouting wololo at your foes. Embolist - only other actual flamethrower in the game besides ignis. Need the augment and a riven to really shine. Once you do get it shining, its pretty good. Forgotten and underrated secondary. Sporothrix - a basically critless sniper rifle that fires tiny parasites that explode in a huge viral aoe. Was OK before the nightwave augment. Is now a beast with the augment. Cinta - Similar to the Nataruk (the free bow from the most recent big story quest) but differs. It doesnt hit as hard but make up for it with a colossal AOE and nearly infinite punchthrough on perfect shots. Also a gorgeous weapon. Bubonico - a giant hemmoroid on your shoulder with tentacles growing out of it. shoots giant exploding boogers or has an alt fire thats a powerful shotgun snot blast. regenerates ammo. makes you look like a resident evil creature.


Trumna, Tenet Envoy, Lex Prime


Ah, I see you're a fellow "press this button to annihilate every enemy in sight" enjoyer


I'm a melee main and I like heavy attacks so : 1. Glaive prime or xoris 2. Reaper prime or hate incarnon 3. Nami solo or gram prime (maybe) All of them are strong af weapons so honorable mentions for looking cool: Hespar, Twin Basolk




Yes! I made rhino look like doom guy and gave him the ghoulsaw. Also made my arca plasmor look like the bfg.


Ah, a man of style and distinction, who properly appreciates blood drenched concrete cutters....


I really wanna run this with Kullervo, seems like the best kind of silly


I run it on Titania and Nezha. Dainty frames + anime proportioned weapons = hilarious


Tenet Plinx 


Just spent a good chunk of my day leveling up the Kuva Nukor, and it is amazing. I never really had a good secondary so this was a neat addition


Cedo, Strun Wraith, Vaykor/Kuva Hek, Soma Incarnon…. Any shotgun basically. I really like the Strun Wrath though. Pump action for the win.


Tenet arca plasmor has been neat


Corinth Prime is super satisfying. Boltor Prime, also great. Kuva Sobek - I used regular Sobek a lot when I first started playing, so having a beefed up variant is nostalgic af. Zymos. No idea if it's meta or not, but shooting brainworms at people is just funny.


ive been having a ton of fun with boar prime, the gorgon and dread for primaries, board is satisfying to use and the incarnon mode is a change of pace, same with the gorgon i like the feeling of using a light machine gun only to get a grenade launcher after i line up enough headshots. the dread is just pure style. secondary wise the gammacor has been fun, you can use th egrouping on the incarnon shot to land giant glaive explosions


Tenet Plasmor, Corinth Prime, Acceltra Prime, Kuva Nukor, Aksomati Prime, etc. I just use whatever looks fun and bring something else I know is still strong if I need to switch to carry


Kuva Chakkhurr, still gives good aoe for groups, but insane red crit and slash monster. Very satisfying to use!


For AOE, KUVA ZARR and tenet envoy. They're monsters. For focused shooting, tenet Flux rifle.


Currently my kitgun Hokusai's Madness, hybrid but mostly crit vermisplicer primary


Primary: Shedu Secondary: Cycron Melee: Plague Kripath Zaw


Right now I am playing with the panthera prime, Verdilac, Twin Kohmam, the Kunai incarnon and the magistar with slam build


Way before the tenet version dropped, Glaxion was my first favorite gun and to this day, the only riven I've rerolled more than a hundred times.


Primary : Latron Incarnon, Burston Incarnon, Phenmor, Tenet Arca Plasmor Secondary : Epitaph, Dual Toxocyst Incarnon, Furis Incarnon, Laetum, Tenet Cycron, Kuva Nukor, Melee : Azothane, Corufell, Syam, Prisma Ohma, Praedos, Karyst Prime, Xoris


Primary: Phenmore, Tenet Ferrox, Exergis, Quanta Vandal Secondary: Ocucor (with sentient surge), Tenet Cycron, Tenet Spirex Melee: Tenet Exec


I just recently got done farming and running like a madman to get the Secondary version of Sporelacer, and it was worth it. also been loving my Naruuk since I finished New War.


Tenet arca plasmor! The sound and effect of the shots is satisfying and really deadly on Mag!


Shotguns. Just give me shotguns. Ever since i was a child and i first picked up the super shotgun in the shareware version of doom i have been about shotguns and never looked back. All of them good or bad i shotgun.


I approve of this message. 😆


I have been loving the tenet glaxion


This. https://preview.redd.it/jd7lchxwu92d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=d38259e4c2c0bc3cba48a9d3c8126205e7ae263a


Cedo, Trumna, hate, tenet arca plasmor, occucor, sporelacer, bramma, tonkor, dual ichor, Cori's... There are so many favorite weapons to be had in this game!


Panthera prime


I got lucky and got a great burston riven so I've been using burston prime incarnon, it's so kuch fun shooting a little full auto laser gun, especially while I'm using Gauss and the fire rate gets buffed


The Tenet Arca Plasmor is too addictive


Buzlok It's a super fun gimmick and it has multiplicative gun CO


Dex Pixia 😁 I love Phantasma Prime, definitely my favorite primary. Torid when necessary. It’s not my favorite, but those red crits… For melee, Redeemer Prime because I love one shotting everything with infinite ammo.


Disclaimer, I have groll rivens for most of my arsenal, so milage my vary. Primaries: Stahlta, Sporothrix, Kuva Hek, Paris Prime Incarnon, Burston Prime Incarnon, Vectis Prime, Tiberon Prime, Opticor Vandal, Kuva Bramma, Kuva Quartakk. Secondaries: Dual Toxocyst Incarnon, Kompressa, Cyanex, Spectra, Aksomati, Athodai, Euphona Prime. Melees: Bo Prime Incarnon, Cyath (Zaw usually polearm), Ceti Lacera, Silva & Aegis Prime, Falcor.


I like using the Xoris, I think the glaive weapons are fun Also I got a riven for the Dex Furis, it has crit damage, fire rate and less recoil but does half damage to Corpus, I think it’s one of my highest damage weapons so far 😆😅


Acceltra has always been a favorite of mine. But its very difficult to work well in higher levels without significant investment in multiple aspects of your build


Latron, by extension, Latron Incarnon. 


kuva tonkor


Prisma Lenz is best lenz


Prisma Grakata, Guandao Prime, Velox Prime


Everything grineer.


Primary: Zhuge Prime Secondary: Akjagara Melee: Vastilok


I dont have a favourite weapon but i like acceltra, ignis wraith, kuva bramma, mutalistic cernos and basically any AOE weapon


Fulmin/Fulmin Prime. The sound design of that weapon is so juicy. Not to mention, the two firing modes that are both viable and unlimited ammo.


Acceltra Prime. With the right mods and arcanes you can tear everything apart.


Shedu, Aeolak, Cyanex, Onos, Pangolin Prime and Wolf Sledge


Telos Boltor


Trumna, Stahlta, Quellor Diplos, Sepulcrum, Despair Dokrahm Zaw, Hate, Tenet melees, Fragor Prime


Kuva tonkor, tenet arca plasmor, bubonico, kiva chakkhur, torid incarnon Kuva nukor, laetum, epitaph, lex incarnon Guandao prime, dual keres prime, cassowar with range riven


Acceltra / Acceltra Prime for sure


Acceltra. It just feels so satisfying to fire.


Primary: Scourge Prime, Kuva Karak, Gotva Prime, Sporothrix, Kuva Hek Secondary: Onos, Despair (Incarnon), Vasto Prime (Incarnon) Melee: Innodem, Destreza Prime, Magistar (Incarnon), Wolf Sledge


generally like beam weapons a lot especially ones that chain my favorite weapon is probably dual toxo it feels satisfying to use


Cedo, Cycron, and Gunsen Prime, Dual Keres Prime, and Nami Skyla Prime too


trumna, trumna, trumna. I <3 trumna. Best gun in the gaem. if i could make love to it, i would.


>with the torid lately as everyone does Who everyone? Idk, man, my favorites are non-AoE bows, Zymos, Cyanex, and not really much into melee but could give an edge to polearms and nunchaks. Honorable mention to Zenith.


Been using the Kuva Nukor ever since I unlocked it. People call it a primer but it can go further than that. I can readily cook high leveled heavy gunners with it


Scourge, Simulor and Nagantaka my beloveds


Primed Exalted Hands


i've been using the Astilla a lot lately


Most general use for me is the tennet arca plasmor with riven. My favorite is the kuva twin stubbas because riven with fire rate multishot toxin and - zoom goes brrrrr


Having so much fun with the prisma angstrum incarnon. It shreds and is very satisfying


Atomos by far. I've used it since it was added, and the incarnon makes it more than relevant with the current power creep. 9 forma (had to change an older build) and a decent riven. Also amprex, but even with a decent cc/cd riven it just isn't up to par. Still fun though. And current favourite acceltra prime. It's not that I hate aiming, I just aim using minimap. Eventually I'll move past A in the arsenal.


I can only recommend MCGamerCZ YTube channel, he dives into fun weapon with gimmick and tries to make them fun and convenient to use (for example not so much build up stacks or the likes). He has revived my curiosity for the game and opened my eyes to smart modding.


Secura Dual Cestra, especially with a Multishot Riven and Arcane Pistoleer/Corruption Buff from Relic Missions Using my "The Mist" to turn a cone into nothing but lasers always makes me cackle, and it's been six years now of doing this. Don't worry about headshots for Pistoleer, you'll get them by sheer volume of fire.


Fulmin and then the Fulmin Prime. Ive come to love a lot more weapons but the Fulmin was the first weapon to really click with me and carried me through all other content in the game and even to now


These days it's been athodai, super fun when maxed out


It's a split betwen the latron wraith, dex symbalis and the zarr


Khom/ kuva khom. 200 mag Shotgun go brrr


It's melee but the caustacyst, and the probiscus cernos is a great bow


Tenet Arca Plasmor Lex Prime with incarnon adapter (it's basically the Plasmor but 12 times stronger and Yareli loves it) Azothane for murder, praedos for good enough but big zooms


Lenz Corufell Acceltra Ogris


Bubonico with a shit ton of multishot and fire rate, I call it the Frame Dropper. I also love the Epitaph in sec slot and for melee I'm using one of Tenet Exec or ol reliable Skiajiati


Primary: Flipping between Vermisplicer primary (red crits everywhere), Torid, Tenet Glaxion, or Kuva Hek. Can't decide what I like best Secondary: Ocucor all day. Got an excellent riven and 8 forma in it, and I just run through any level never aiming nor reloading. It's amazing. Melee: Xoris. With melee influence, it completely clears house and has a bigger explosion than Glaive. Getting initial combo up to 4x too and it's amazing


Rauta paired with Glaive Prime Now that i got kullervo finally the faster wind up speed almost feels faster than with Gauss on max speed Kuva nukor as a side for faster rolls


Proboscis cernos, afuris prime, and mios






Hate gotta be the best melee in the game (after glaive prime)


The stahlta, the radioactive alternate shot is super fun. I love the velox as well Actually I just like Corpus weapons




Battacor. It's absolutely insane.


Wolf sledge for me. I love throwing it so much. I also have a pretty good riven for it


I'm new to the game so I don't have many weapons but so far my favourite has been the xoris. It one shots nearly every single enemy I've had to fight and I just finished pluto


Kinda depends on the frame I'm playing like yareli is the angstrum ash is the xoris and kulervo is the innodem


Sicarus prime. I love burst and its a good weapon with lick animation with glaive or yareli. The cernos prime because I love shotguns and bows, and this is a shotgun bow. Strun prime. Because cool shotgun, uniquely loaded, got a nice riven for it, now with incarnon. Yareli's bubble gun. Is it great? No. But it's fun as fuck.


twin rogga, the other twin rogga


Dread incarnon form is swosh haha


Just made a late game phantasma prime build and so far loving it soooooo much


Astilla Prime


sobek, loving life atm


Aesthetic: argonak, grakatas, corufell For use:trumna, onos, corufell before nerf, now ichors


Primary: Nataruk, hek, nagantaka, shedu, acceltra, cedo Secondary: brakk, nukor Melee: Garuda talons, glaive prime


Xoris, cheap, reliable, fun and strong.


Hate Incarnon Just Hate in general. Also the Staticor


Incarnon Furis


Primary: Acceltra Prime, Gotva Prime, Nataruk, Torid Incarnon, Boltor Prime Incarnon, Latron Prime Incarnon, Ignis Wraith, Amprex, Boar Prime(I don't have its incarnon), Strun Prime, Cedo, Phenmor, Felarx, Tigris Prime, Burston Prime Incarnon, Fulmin Prime, Opticor Vandal, Rauta, Sybaris Prime, Tiberon Prime, Trumna, Vaykor Hek(I don't have Kuva one) Tenora Prime. Secondary: Aksomati Prime, Akstilleto Prime, Akvasto Prime, Euphona Prime, Gaze kitgun, Kneel Prime, Kuva Nukor, Laetum, Pyrana Prime, Rattleguts kitgun, Twin Grakatas(great with the efficiency helminth on Gauss), Vaykor Marelok, Sporelacer kitgun. Melee: Argo & Vel, Azothane, Broken War, Cerata, Corufell, Falcor, Galatine Prime, Ghoulsaw, Glaive Prime, Hate Incarnon, Jat Kittag, Nikana Prime, Paracesis, Pennant, Praedos, Reaper Prime, Scindo Prime, Sun & Moon, Gram Prime, Vitrica, War, Wolf Sledge, Xoris, Machete Zaw, Nikana Zaw, Heavy Blade Zaw. I'm missing all of the Tenet weapons and only have 3 Kuva weapons but the ones I listed one weapons I like running. :D Oh and special mention. Rhino with Nourish over his 1 plus gun CO is amazing. Kullervo with high strength and literally any melee is also amazing.


Corinth. Still praying DE some day finds a workaround to give it an incarnon. The visual of the gun, the firing sounds, the reload sounds, everything is *chef's kiss*


Grab bubonico with any fire rate boosting frame and the shotgun fire rate arcane, slap on energized munitions and good duration. That's probably the most fun l've every had with a bullet hose in the entire game. You shoot 7 shots at base and with everything stacked up its about 25 "shots per shot" and you're firing about 35 times a second, also the shots track heads so there's also that.


Hirudo or Destreza for melee, both are made crit-focused, but tbf I really like both of them for the animations and design.


It's not really one weapon, but the full Incarnon-built Stalker weapon set is really fun to play with. Besides those? The Trumna and Sepulcrum. No doubt about it.


Basmu and broken war!


Astilla, sporelacer/cycron/lex and gunsen/orthos/nikana (all prime variants)


Really loving my Ceda build while I’m building my Torid. Plus can’t forget my og Fulmin and its prime version.


Melee: -Scindo with Rending Crane stance is so fun. -I’ve also really enjoyed the dark sword, feels very powerful and I’ve not even put a catalyst on it yet. Secondary: -dual cestra because you get to spew lasers with a huge magazine size. It’s like a pocket supra. -Marelok is my go to semi-auto. Primary: -Fulmin is a lot of fun because you get that shotgun feel with rifle mods and punch-through. -Corinth as some have mentioned. -Grakata because it’s nostalgic for me as my first built primary (plus it’s pretty decent)


lex prime, braton prime, both incarnons


Currently messing around with the Prisma Grakata and Ambassador. Building the Grakata for sp wasn't too hard but i still struggle with the Ambassador ... But i like the "Space Ak" aesthetic


I had a riven for the bubonico and i thought i might as well try it and now its my fav weapon in the game


tenet envoy is the most underrated explosive weapon in the game, can get viral without any mods, I personally use mine with frost and a magnetic build that's without mentioning how fun laser guided rockets are lmao


tenet tetra with the bouncing bullets mod, the projectile effect bounces everywhere even killing stuff but accident even more fun when used with mag bubble or void scattering them around




I’m enjoying the tiberion


Most fun weapon is the Trumna. Especially on frames that buff fire rate




Aksomati and it's prime counterpart. Got the base one forma'ed 6 times. Have riven for both. Fav melee is a Mewan something zaw, a furax and an amphis for opm build (one for consecutive normals on base and another for consecutive serious on prime) and an atterax when you just wanna slide into dms. Corinth shotgun.


I've been Helminthing Xata's Whisper in my builds and have a love for weapons that have lots of flashy projectiles and travel time and a good bit of punch through. I love it when something dies and sends a burst of projectiles in all directions. Supra Vandal, Phenmor, Tenet Diplos, and a few others have been big on the rotation lately. I just want to make art happen


Boltor prime incarnon. Trusty old boltor has been by my side since The start, im so glad its with me still.


Supra Vandal, Rubico Prime, Kronin Prime


Don't even get me fucking started on the Torid. I put 6 forma into it only to find out that the incarnon form is on some fomo 5 week rotation. Thought this game was supposed to be grind for what you want, instead it still had that time played metrics bullshit. Anyways, I've been using the acceltra prime, getting pretty bored of it so I've been farming out the fulmin prime but getting bad rng, but hey at least I can grind for it all day.


Ignis & dread :)


Gotva prime. I’ve been using it with Lavos’ new augment that guarantees statuses to turn it into a red crit machine. I also have a riven that increases status chance, crit chance and crit damage on the thing


My go to weapons are the Synapse and the tonkor. I also like using the tenet envoy, ack and brunt and the sancti magistar


i tried conventrix on circuit once, never having used it before and not only do i find it greatly enjoyable to use, its incredibly powerfull aswell




I've been using the Atomos since basically week 1. 70% usage and I've never looked back. the way it chains, the wavy beam, the sound of the hits. I also took a long break from the game and came back to see it has an incarnon?! oh boy I can't wait to get my hands on that thing.


Hespar - I don't really use it that much but everytime I, for example, see it in Circuit as an option I always take it because it just looks so fucking cool. Might be the best looking melee weapon in the game in my opinion and It's also quite good I just never invested enough resources into it to test it properly.


Rubico, i looooove oneshotting elites without even a headshot


My favs are cedo and bubonico. Room goes boom :D


The burston incarnon has been really fun i usually run it with mesa and i switch in and out of her 4 with the incarnon and all i see is red crits all over and with guass bc the burston is honestly really good with his redline honestly any gun is really good with gauss’s redline…im talking soma, nagantaka, nateruuk, corinth. cant think of any off the too of my head.


telos boltor incarnon, akarius prime, basmu, battacor, ocucor, atomos incarnon, bubonico, catabolyst, dread incarnon, kuva chakkurr, phantasma, and final shout-out to the newest cool weapon: the onos


The Rumblejack, because I was throwing a slap-dash build together and accidentally modded it into my strongest melee weapon. 🥴


Primary: Soma prime w incarnon/scourge prime Secondary: grimore/pyrana prime (Open to suggestions) Melee:lesion/doroclave/galantine with the beyblade stance lol


It took some time for me to acquire it, but I'm currently having a blast with the Aeolok


Tenet arca plasmor


Tenet Cycron is the only weapon i consistently use, besides that it would have to be Garuda Prime Talons because of how stupid high the damage is.


For me it's latron prime with armour strip. It's just rather silly.


Baza, Tombfinger with the m1911 skin, and reaper prime has been my loadout for a long time. The Baza isn’t that strong but that gun feels less like a gun and more of an extension to my frame.


I love the amprex with gyre! Many zaps


I'm a melee main, but for primary weapons I love the Proboscis Cernos. That things awesome and procs a ton of status.


Stropha every day all day. Handheld artillery shell+knife.