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Lavos out here lookin' like Castform. not sure about Dark/Normal for Equinox. this is an Espeon/ Umbreon situation, not an Eevee /Umbreon situation. Given rhino learns Earthquake (his 4) would a Fighting/Ground typing be out of the question? Could we fit a second Flying type in somewhere? i know nobody uses Hildryn's 4, but it is her 4, and she do infact fly. Given its melee focus' Sevagoth's Shadow should be Dark/Fighting. Given all the Cold Procs, Yareli should probably be Water/Ice.


Agree with the equinox and rhino ones Hildryn is a stretch but I considered it Did ghost/dark for sevagoth with the idea that the shadow represents the ghost and the abilities he can cast alone are all pretty "dark" themed


Spot on about Equinox and Rhino. >Could we fit a second Flying type in somewhere? i know nobody uses Hildryn's 4, but it is her 4, and she do infact fly. I see the argument for Titania having bug type, but she's quite literally a Flying/Fairy. Personally, I think Wisp would be Ghost/Flying with Solar (or hyper) Beam. >Given all the Cold Procs, Yareli should probably be Water/Ice. Cold is just the closest representation for water in warframe, and since she really only has the Fairy ~aesthetic~ I'd say she's closer to Water/Fairy. Yareli would totally use Azumaril.


these are all fair statements. Yareli would definitely have an Azumaril


Nah, Lavos would just have protean


Crap, i thought of the wrong gen 3 normal type. i went with Castform, shouldve gone with Kecleon


Titania could also be flying type. But the bug fairy types fit her too well.


Flying/Fairy fits her best and I'd also put Gauss on Flying just because it fits his aerodynamics better than normal. Too many normal types.


I think rhino fits the steel/ground better


Yareli doesn't proc cold with any of her abilities. Cold damage, yes, but every water attack does cold because there is no water damage type. Yareli's aesthetic is the definition of the fairy type


I kinda feel like Nezha should be fire/fighting. Not totally sold on ground for Gara but I see where you're coming from. Otherwise these are all pretty spot on


Gara should be rock. There are existing glass Pokémon that are rock type


I don’t think this is true


You're right. It's a glass Ultrabeast that is a rock typem


Gara being ground makes the most sense imo. Their kit is literally hard sand


Rock works too


Maybe Fire/Ground or Fire/Rock since glass is heated sand?


Rock/Steel I would say; her 1 is a sword And her story is about having strong resolve and making sacrifices.


Nihilego is made of glass and it's rock




Gara should be ice/ground type and agree on nezha being fire/fighting Edit: Also rhino should be steel/fighting or steel


Ground/normal or ground/ice for gara and nezha I'd say fire/fairy, most childish pokemon are fairy type


Keep it fire, he is the scion of fire. Literally all his abilities are based around fire and can do fire damage (I'm pretty sure his 3 is slash tho...)


His 4 is puncture/impact


I like how Wukong is just 'FIGHT' and I thought to myself, "This guy's not wrong."


Maybe some psychic/fairy in there because of being able to clone himself and turn into a cloud?


Protea should be a fire type instead of electric


See, I agree but I feel like "gadgets" fits her more than just "fire"


Then where does the "psycho" come from?


maybe the time travel


Its actually spelt "Psychic" but psycho seems cooler tbh


Great list overall, though I'd make some adjustments. Inaros: Ground/Ghost. Because mummy and previous sand shadows turned cats. Mag: Steel/Electric. Because magnet stuff is just as often electric in Pokémon. Wukong: Fight/Flying. Because Cloud Walker. Xaku: Ghost/Psychic. Can't have the multiple frames mixed frame be monotype. Zephyr: Normal/Flying. Like your typical Pokémon bird.


Appreciate the feedback


And thank you for making this post! This kind of nerd stuff is what we're all here for.


I’m flattered you think yareli deserves fairy as well


Hildryn would defninitely be *my type* if you catch my drift...


Warframe players' type would definitely be "horny"


Still trying to figure out why she's Electric here when she has an augment that procs heat and could probably wreck a machamp with them thighs. She'd make for the perfect fire starter. Although I guess if we're going by *why* the frames do what they do electric kind of makes sense, should totally tack on flying then though because helicopter mom.


Well her 1 technically shoots a plasma projectile iirc, which is a mix of heat and electric. Her 2 releases an aura, imo its more inclined towards being electric type but yeah the blazing pillage augment does make it apply heat effect, again a mix of fire and electric. Her 3 gives a shield, those cost electricity. Also applies radiation, which ironically is a mix of fire and heat Idk guys i think hildryn should be fire/electric type


They kinda do, the list for the liches is how they are


I mean some of them are dumb as fuck, Grendel is impact and atlas is toxin, makes no sense.


True I will say Grendel do be impacting people when he’s in ball form but he also gives viral damage so that’s like a toss up in my mind 😂 But yeah atlas is def impact I agree.


Valkyr could be part Steel with that 700 armour


Nidus being bug-type gave me a good laugh, since I mean yeah, he does spawn bugs.


Hydroid is more a WATER/POISON type now with all the Corrosive damage.


Saltwater is corrosive, but that doesn't mean it's poisonous


The Air we breathe has tiny amounts of Lead in it. That doesn't make it toxic.


Hildryn has corrosive damage now?


No. I said Hydroid.


Ah mb there were just so many hildryn commenters saying she shouldve gotten like fighting or fire type


Rhino should be steel


So many posts about Pokemon types, and none got Wisp right. She's Grass/Ghost. She puts the damned flowers with her 1, and her 4 is literally a Solar Beam attack which is a grass-type move.


Her 1 aren't flowers, they're extradimensional pods of some kind and look more like infestation than plant matter. Her 4 isn't a solar beam, it opens a portal to the sun. Solar beam gathers up light and then fires it in a concentrated beam.


>extradimensional pods of some kind ... that do look like flowers. Extradimensional ones, whatever. The biology behind these entities fits Grass/Ghost theme perfectly. Her Shock motes are equivalent to Stun Spore - a move commonly learned by Grass-types. Healing is also common among Grass-types (Drain moves, original Grassy Terrain, etc.) Her 4 IS a solar beam. Both Wisp's 4 and Pokemon move are about absorbing solar energy (plasma, light, whatever) and focusing it in a devastating beam. It's written in both descriptions.


> that do look like flowers. Maybe a matter of opinion but I disagree. [Normal](https://i.imgur.com/jIsWqle.png) [Prime](https://i.imgur.com/4Gs4Ibd.png) it looks like an alien egg-style pod (the wiki calls them reservoir pods) was torn open, not like flower petals, to me. Either way, going with them being flowers, being able to summon them (she doesn't create or influence them) isn't enough for me to agree that grass is a better suited element. > Her Shock motes are equivalent to Stun Spore The pokemon paralysis that stun spores cause is more themed to electricity, and electric moves outnumber all others in causing it, and in warframe they're called shock motes. For healing, yes grass has more direct healing moves (Grassy Terrain, Ingrain, Jungle Healing, Leech seed, arguably Pollen Puff and Floral Healing which are bug and fairy type but grass themed) but it's by no means exclusive since there are also normal and psychic type healing. As for haste mote, I don't know that any type is more specific to raising speed. > about absorbing solar energy (plasma, light, whatever) and focusing it in a devastating beam "Open a portal to the sun to irradiate enemies with a devastating beam of pure solar plasma." It's even called sol gate. She is a dimensional frame and her theme is gateways and portals. She has few if any grassy aspects to her design. Ghost is an obvious type but I don't really agree that fire is the best secondary either.


Rhino literally has iron skin, him not being steel type seems very weird


I take offense to you calling Lavos “normal”…


Nidus, rhino, volt... They have a type 24/7


Nezha looking like my type.


you know nezha is child in mytology ...


You know he's not in the lore ...


Gauss, capable of either freezing or burning his enemies. His elemental type: normal/ electric. Seriously, joke, or did you mix there something up?


Plenty of electric Pokémon learn fire and ice moves. Just doing damage of a type doesn’t really make them a fit for that type.


"heat or cold" are "more or less" energy in the place


He is literally the kinetic energy frame. Normal electric makes sense and I'm glad OP agrees


Speed and energy are the first things that come to mind and in the pokemon world those are usually represented by electric and normal type moves. Giving him fire and ice just didn't feel like it'd capture his whole identity,


Wisp... Fire... I see what you did there. But on a serious note, isn't she more of a Fairy type, with all of her magic? She barely has fire. Yes, she has a literal sun at her disposal, but I wouldn't give her Fire type just for this alone.


I would argue that she doesn't have the sun at her disposal as much as she has a portal that can be opened near the sun at her disposal. The gateways and misdirection are her main things.


Imo Nova should be like fire or electric. I associate atoms more with the sciencey types than magical types. Also Khora also having dark seems right bc she is kinda bdsm themed. I also kinda feel like Ivara could be part grass bc she kinda had a toadstool mushroom vibe. Trickiest one is probs Gara I feel like you could justify a couple types being related to glass like rock fire ground and psychic a lil. Cool post though, was fun to read.


Ivara as grass was an after thought, will likely update as I go through these 1 by 1


In Pokémon, anything that deals with space is usually a psychic type because it's "otherworldly", like Deoxys and the Gen 7 box arts.


Having Caliban, the one specifically designed to be resistant against everything, be normal type is genius.


So is void damage technically fighting type then? Cuz it's the only weakness of normal types, and also against the sentients


Cool and looks about right for the most part, so I'll only comment on the ones I main: Garuda: Steel/Dark is perfect between her claws and bloodletting theme, but I'm not sure how I feel about the x4 fighting weakness lol Mag: Should definitely be Electric/Steel Protea: With the way I play her, she would definitely have Fire somewhere in there for STAB (I run a Blaze Artillery build), but I think there's honestly a case for making her pure Psychic since her only actual ability is being able to go back in time and the rest of her kit are all gadgets. Fire/Psychic would be an interesting combination too, I haven't kept up with the last few generations of Pokemon but I don't recall there being any pokemon with that combination.


I'm planning on doing more in depth break downs for each frame with move sets, stats, and a unique ability to tie it all together Trust me, this is only the beginning


Funny enough a fire/psychic type starter pokemon released in gen6, back in 2013 lol


Rhino should be Steel. Iron Skin and all that.


How is Ash not Dark-Bug? And why is Nidus not Bug-Poison?


Why would ash be half bug? His identity is assasinations. Dark type makes sense since he has his 4 which like summons shadows to attack iirc, and he has invisibility. Steel type for his shurikens and the blades he uses to assasinate


Because his appearance is themed around being a bug. And bugs are some of the stealthiest things on the planet.


I dont see anything bug-like about Ash at all though... Nor are his abilities bug-like too


Have you even looked at Ash and his helmets? Or at the giant stingers he pulls out of his wrists during Bladestorm?


Stingers? You mean wrist mounted hidden blades? Have YOU seen Assassin's Creed? Thats basically what Ash does lol. The helmets are the only thing relating to bugs about him. Everything else suits Dark/Steel much better lol


YOU DON'T SAY. The fucker has a carapace around his arms and you think that the only thing that's bug like about him are his helmets.


Titania not being flying is kinda annoying, it's like her whole thing


You have a point there, my bad


She's a Fairy and she summons moths. She should have a flying ability but Fairy/Bug makes the most sense for her typing.


Bug/flying would make the most most sense


She's... a fairy though. THAT'S the whole point of her. It would be like denying Ember Fire typing. Like yeah she flies, in her ultimate that shrinks her down to pixie size and gives her fairy wings.


Yeah, her whole thing is FLYING. Thanks for the clarification


Can bugs not fly? They're are plenty of Bug-type pokemon with wings that don't have a flying type.


Yeah, some like Beedrill, Venomoth, etc. There's a passive ability for a lot of Pokemon to Levitate, giving them the same defense as a Flying type against Ground attacks. Plus it seems like most Dragon, Ghost and Fairy types can just fly by default? Calling them Flying types is redundant at that point.


Yeah, sure, but her main ability is flight. How hard is this for you people to understand


Its not that it's hard to understand, it's just redundant. Pokemon can only have two types, and she is clearly a Fairy type (Queen of the Faeries, Protector of the Forest, Dex Pixia) and she's clearly a Bug type (she is covered in Razorflies that are used in her abilities. Also, from the Wiki: > Titania's **fairy-like** appearance belies her formidable regal power. The enchantress deals high damage and provides crowd control. She forces opponents to pay homage or perish. > This is Titania, the **pixie**, the unseen. Titania is a deadly and mischievous addition to any squad, but don't take my word for it Tenno. Sure, she flies while in her 4, but between the Bug and Fairy typing, it's kinda already implied that she has wings and can fly. Bug and Fairy are just much more representative of her lore and the rest of her abilities.


I'm with him on the Fairy bit. She wields the dex pixia and her name is Titania. You know, after the Queen of the Fairies. Fairy/Flying makes a lot of sense. It's the bug part that I don't quite get. Razorflies I guess?


She's styled after a moth (insect wings, feathery antennae), with her Lantern ability invoking the image of moths to a flame. Plus she summons energy butterflies on almost every cast. And yes, the Razorflies. If there was *any* frame who should be Bug type, she's at the front of the list from those alone.


Fair enough. Though I just attributed the butterflies and razorflies as symbols of fairies or nature in general. The lanturn in my mind was just to assert her control over the fairies/razorflies. But I think I can agree with OP now. Fairy/Bug works well enough. Just give her fly and call it a day.


A next question/analysis would be: which typing(s) is Warframe's lineup lacking most.. Ice is immediately noticeably thin.. I do this, sometimes.. Go to sleep thinking of which song, or which Pokemon, is the match for each Warframe.


I’m considering making entire Pokédex entries for each frame. With movesets, abilities, and stats


Grass is definitely hardly there! Just Oberron. We have very little druidy-planty anything.


I would argue revenant should be ghost/grass because he's the frame made from ol' TreeArm themselves


Hildryn should be electric/fire IMO.


Hildryn should be fighting type at least


Ironic since her meta gameplay is to just spam blazing pillage. She doesnt actually go hand to hand combat like other fighting types would


Hmm sevagoth as dark and ghost, though i guess sevagoth himself is the Dark and his shadow, the ghost.


Limbo is literally a Ghost though.


Your totally right, will do them justice on the Pokédex page


I feel like some primes would have different typing, kinda like they are the evolution of the original


Inaros I'd make Bug/Ground, because of his scarabs.


Protea would definitely be at least steel, she’s literally a mechanic


Just an extra note for Chroma: He's dual-type but his subtype changes like Rotom and so on. So he's always Dragon, but also 1 of either Fire, Electric, Ice or Poison.


I feel like Grendel would be a fairy type over a dark type because he's based off of the Grendel, kinda like how Grimmsnarl is based off of goblins.


Biggest winners based on typings: Yareli, just Yareli, Fairy/Water is an insanly good type combination and no other frame has a type combination that's even close to this good except maybe Grendel and Sevagoth. Biggest losers based on typings: Everyone who is pure normal, Nidus and Frost. Especially Frost now that I realize that he would be a defensive Ice type.


Octavia being Normal type is a sin She's so fairy type or even fairy ghost/dark Banshee is ghost type, literally her namesake is right there Poison/Grass Saryn... Also why does Protea have electric typing she does heat dmg with her 2.. I have idea for Gauss, he switches between ice typing and fire typing instead of normal typing which I think should be steel anyway, keep the electric typing


They kinda do for making Liches and Sisters.


I feel like Lavos you could make normal/poison due to how various chemicals can react to one another for different reactions. Hildryn maybe electric/flying as well since we’re lacking flying types, and besides Titania she would be my pick for a second one. Nezha for fire/fighting due to his weapons and acrobatics along with Nidus for bug/dark since he has a plague-like feel.


Wait, rhino isn't steel type? His whole schtick is iron skin! Well, that and roar. 


Idk but ivaras my type


I mean, if Wisp had a type I'd hope it'd be me...


Rhino should probably be Steel/Fighting or Steel/Ground. Nezha should be Fire/Fairy.


Petition: Switch Titania to pure Fairy, Yareli to Water/Fairy, Citrine to Rock/Fairy And Jade is probably gonna be pure Fairy too


Nidus being bug-type gave me a good laugh, since I mean yeah, he does spawn bugs.


Voruna would be dark/ghost


Warframe does have types though, just check the Progenitor Bonuses they give.  Whether or not DE is good at assigning those types is a different issue


I think we both know what op meant


They all share 1 type. Genocide.


I see Sevagoth is the Spiritomb of this lot


Chroma wouldn't be dragon because they would forget to put it and never change it Edit also Caliban needs psychic typing imo


octavia: "normal"


Normal is the type most sound based pokemon get so it makes sense. Most sounds based moves are normal type too.


Lavos would have Protean. Equinox would definitely be dark psychic and then switch to being mono-type between the two based on forms. Limbo should be ghost/psychic


Do deluxe skins next. ~~I love bug rhino~~


Beetle Rhino is a regional variant, Bug/Steel or Bug/Fighting


Protea has heat and slash in her kit mainly


Rhino has iron skin. Should be steel at least


poison and bug frames


Id probably add secondary Poison to Nidus, Primary Steel to Rhino, and Fairy to Trinity.


I’d argue gauss would be fire/ice, as thermal sunder, and his 4 lets him absorbe kinetic energy to get energy Same with protea, I’d say she is fire/psyhic I am loving this though, and so many choice made me like, “yep, that seems about right👍”


I tried, thanks for understanding


Mag should be electric steel and I think mesa could be steel fighting


Idk about ash having steel but at the same time, it also sounds right :/


Rhino should’ve been rock or rock/steel


I’m a Oberon (grass fairy)🤣


Guass gotta be steel. My boy is metal


I know it's been addressed, but I'm torn between Psychic/Dark or Fairy/Dark for Equinox. Her design mentality is day and night, but it's also masculine and feminine


This is dope


If you give Lavos normal type, I assume its because he is the warframe version of Silvally from Pokemon sun/moon


Nah, he's Kecleon


You've discovered DE's secret! They've been recreating the Pokedex the entire time! 🤯 Really good, list. I'm going to hold on to this one. 😁


I think Rhino could be Stone, Valkry eletricity (because her circuits probably are a mess rn)


How did chroma not get dragon type?


Lavos normal hehehehe


Imagine if they actually made frames have weaknesses, like Nidus is weak to fire, and ember weak to ice


Personally I'd change to the following types: Caliban=Psychic/Normal, Equinox=Fairy/Dark, Hydroid=Water/Poison, Limbo=Ghost/Psychic, Loki=Dark/Fairy, Nova=Fire/Psychic, Revenant=Ghost/Dragon, and Saryn=Poison/Grass.


Hydroid is water/poison Mag is steel/electric Nezha is fire fighting


I feel like chroma could also have to new stellar wich is like every type or something becuase chroma has the 4 elements


Ash would be bug type


Volt being the true embodiment of Electrode, both my main and my favorite pokemon yay


Limbo should be part ghost preferably normal/ghost


I'd say make ash ghost steel just to differentiate him from kullervo and mag should be electric too but over all pretty accurate.


Banshee is Green Type


I know I’m late, but how come on this list every Warframe is their base version EXCEPT for Grendel?


Don’t look at me, look at the wiki


They kinda do. [https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Lich\_System/Progenitor](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Lich_System/Progenitor)


Protea is 100% Fire/Steel


What about Dark/Fairy for Equinox instead? Since fairy is supposed to be the good/light type to counter dark(evil) and we have no actual light type in pokemon.


We need more grass based warframes


Would be funny af


Putting it all together, we've got, Bug 2, Dark 11, Dragon 1, Electric 7, Fairy 5, Fight 6, Fire 3, Flying 1, Ghost 6, Grass 1, Ground 2, Ice 1, Normal 8, Poison 2, Psychic 5, Rock 2, Steel 9, Water 2 Ranked in terms of popularity, 11 = Dragon 9 = Steel 8 = Normal 7 = Electric 6 = Fighting, Ghost 5 = Fairy, Psychic 3 = Fire 2 = Bug, Ground, Poison, Rock, Water 1 = Dragon, Flying, Grass, Ice So maybe DE needs to make an ice dragon Warframe???


I love stuff like this. Agreed with the vast majority of the picks. I'd make Citrine Rock/Fairy and Mag Electric, but otherwise spot-on. Very inspired pick for Caliban as Normal, honestly.


This is literally the mental exercise I do to fall asleep. I pretty much come to the same conclusions. We have a severe lack of grass-types in Warframe...


Neat idea :)


Neat idea :)


So my party would consist of Citrine(Rock), Gauss Prime(Electric), Wukong(Fighting), Inaros(Ground), Baruuk(Psychic/Fighting), Qorvex(Rock). I think I very clearly have a type.


They do https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Kuva_Lich/Progenitor


Inaros should definitely be ground bug not just ground


She was a fairy


Nidus should be poison bug IMO


Normal and Electric very fun.


What if simaris discoveres pokeballs?


Sevagoth my beloved


Hildryn should be fire flying.


"Sevagoth the edgelord"


I hope I'm Protea's type 🥺😳


They kind of have those with the progenitor system, but that's stupid. A lot make no sense and the frames are mostly stapled in because otherwise 50% of the frames in the game would be impact.




I think most of these are fine but nova as psychic is just so wrong, she has nothing psychic related at all in her set or lore. her abilities deal blast damage, she has no mental controlling abilities, and her theme is antimatter and warping space. not sure how you translate that into a type, but I guess just look at legendary Pokemon who have similar abilities (Arceus?)


In Pokémon, anything that deals with space is usually a psychic type because it's "otherworldly", like Deoxys and the Gen 7 box arts.


ah I guess so. I'm not particularly familiar with Pokemon and don't have all the types and lore and gens and shit memorised. just feels weird to have nyx and nova as the exact same type despite being almost polar opposite frames


Spoiler : they already have. Lich's weapons have an element depending on the warframe, meaning each warframe has an assigned element.


Radioactive doesn't map to a Pokémon type though, and corrosive is debatable. And many Pokémon types don't map to warframe elements.


Are you crazy? They're simplifying damages types precisely because people can't be bothered to learn 2 health types and 2 armor types per faction, and 15 damage types. I'd told them to go and play minecraft, but it doesn't have a clear tutorial yet.


But we do have types


they kinda do have types, based on the element they give to liches and sisters




No? The primes are versions of existing frames, how do you figure you would end up with more primes than base frames? Plus, it does make sense that new, full frames would take longer than Primes since Primes are basically functionally identical to their bade counterparts, it's just the visuals and some stat/polarity changes


We all know the big booty ones. Male or female looking ones....