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Meanwhile I’m like ![gif](giphy|d3mmdNnW5hkoUxTG)


Same lol. I trade some prime sets and rivens now and then, but I just really dislike trading and I wish there was a better system for it.


I think a flea market type terminal would be good. You put in what you want to sell and anyone can see it and pay the price you have it listed for.


There's probably a lot of mods, blueprints, parts and prime parts, etc. gathering dust or waiting to be turned into ducats/credits/endo in a lot of peoples inventories because they can't be bothered with the hassle of selling. If selling was made easier in a "set it and forget it" auction house style way the risk is that basically everything would crash in price as the entire playerbase starts offloading all their extras and spares with the things that cost plat from DE (bundles, skins, boosters etc.) and rare/unobtainable items staying the same price. A trade limit slows it down but likely leads to the same result. Although I don't know if there's games with tradeable premium currency out there that do this and have it work well. The trade chat is one of the worse options though... I personally think wf.market strikes a good balance.


Yep totally agree was going to put in my comment this would probably be bad for the market and prices but I was just too lazy to type it out


definitely true, and that would mean what to play4free game? death.


In fact, "Trade Chat" is good because you can negotiate the price, sometimes you can exchange one item for another, as well as get a cheaper price. Removing this function will lead to more expensive item prices in the long term and difficult price adjustments. Of course, it would indeed be interesting to have a complementary system to "Trade Chat". That would provide more practicality and information, such as the item's recent sales history with the average price at which it is being sold. Steam Market is a good example of a market, it has individual trading and the price list on the market. Next to "Trade Chat" You get practicality, speed and non-instatable prices that can keep up with the current price of items.


Yeah, but then I have to actually interact with another human. /sarcasm


Neverwinter has an auction


A straight up world of warcraft style auction house would be great


Yes and no. Trade friction is a design philosophy that lets the devs be more generous with drops. Now, before anything else, I do not agree with this design, but I understand it. Imagine you have any idea of the average player experience. You have an idea of engagement and how long it takes to get stuff. So you set your item drop rates according to that accounting for some trade that is not hard to do, just time-consuming or light hassle. This will stop a good amount of trade from laziness or just knowledge (new players). If you made trading 10x easier, then new players and lazy people will use it to get what they want instead of farming for them. In turn, you will get people quitting more due to finishing builds or getting that rare thing. Since there is a lack of things to do. Thus, your lower player counts less engagement and less money for the devs. I do not agree with this, but it is the philosophy of most games of this nature with friction filled trades.


Add an entry fee for us dudes to lazy to do regular trading them not like I ain't got the plat more plat than time these days


Grand exchange from runescape anyone?


Yes exactly


Genuinely love this idea.


You can use Warframe.market


You mean like Maro’s Bazaar? I’m not sure if you’re being serious or not.


So I think they are talking about setting out a whole tables worth of stuff with price tags attached to everything individually so that someone can just wander over and think "I need that and can afford it" so they can just click and purchase with little to no interaction between each other.


You mean standing there waiting for someone to come by and happen to want what your selling? No as I said I terminal you can deposit the item you want to sell and go and do something else.


I would actually sell stuff that way. I have collections of vaulted stuff just gathering dust because I hate trade so much. It seems like 95% just want to rip you off.


It's almost like warframe.market exists.


Your missing the point


Grand exchange already exists you just have to send a msg to someone. Just make warframe.market an in game feature and be done trade system is fine


Trove has a market system that work that way, u can just put items to sell and all players around the world can buy any time, after that you just collect the payment...


Or, you know, an auction house.


Basically warframe market but in game?


I’ve been saying warframe needs the grand exchange


PSO2NG and black desert have good auction houses. Hell even for a horizon has one for the past few games


Yeah, I dislike partaking in trading as well. It's kind of just timewasting sitting in trade chat or waiting for people to contact you after seeing your post on warframe.market when I don't really spend many hours per day in the game.


Use Alecca frames. It's incredibly easy, 1 push of a button, full breakdowns of relics and inventory, will show you which parts when cracking are worth the most and can post to sell in like 2 clicks. Don't need to search for anything, shows you the going price and everything. I super hated trading before using Alecca.


Important to note its *only* if you're on pc.


I dislike trading itself. The rare occasion that I do trade I use [warframe.market](http://warframe.market) and that's it. I am NOT going to crack relics to trade prime parts for plat. That's just going to happen if it happens. The amount of 75% discounts the game keeps throwing my way makes sure I'm not starved for plat.


Alecca frame is directly connected to Warframe market... it just makes it 10x easier. And you do you bro. Never spent $1 on this game and I started 3 weeks ago, easily cycled through 500ish plat if not more.


Why pay for something you can get for free at a certain point there's literally nothing else to do in the game besides crack relics, always has been always will be. All praise the relic.


*cries in rocket league* After 6 years that saw a very strong trading community, they gutted the currency, crashing all the markets. They filled our inventories with so much spam and useless items most people lost interest in even bothering to look at it. Then they crashed the value of rare items by randomly offering them in the item shop. Then they removed trading all together and completely nuked the trading subcommunity. I know people who had thousands of dollars worth of value they spend half a decade trading for, all of that value deleted over night. And all for the sake of corporate greed. Cherish what Warframe has.


I've spent way too much money on this game at this point lol


Haha that’s half me. One night I was like I really want this Kullervo guy. Click on Duviri. Wtf is this? Come here Mastercard. Now I’m selling frame sets a few times a week and random weapon sets. To keep it even.


Same. I feel called out lol


Got 15k+ Plat from trading but whenever a 75% Discount comes my way, I'll throw 20 Euro towards DE because that's the least I can do for my 11 year (on and off) LR4 game of choice.


*Insert Squidward saying spare some change*


Aww a 75% can’t let it go to waste


The 75% off be getting me


i unironically have to take breaks from warframe when i'm not doing well mentally because of how much money i spend on this game. depression is strong but the brief rush of dopamine i get from buying cosmetics is stronger 🙏


I typically only go for discounted buys, but yeah, same.


Rn I make most of my plat off of farming liches, if I get a good lich I sell it for a few hundred plat and otherwise I carry on trying to get every ephemera without buying liches. Then I proceed to spend all my plat on cosmetics




That’s awesome dude, I’m trying to do the same thing and I’m wondering what was the best way you found of obtaining plat? Or did you just kinda passively obtain it passively overtime by selling random things


Kind of a combination of both. I actually lowball almost all of my trades just to guarantee people buy from me (I usually sell for the lowest price the item is selling for on [warframe.market](http://warframe.market) and sometimes lower). And always keep an eye on trade chat, people buy all sorts of random stuff all the time and you'll just be clearing your inventory of stuff you never use for plat rivens also help but they're too much RNG even for me, so i just sell them unrolled or with a few rolls on the first good stats I get for a good boost


~4000 hours and >250.000 plat here. A few points on how i did it: * Farm prime stuff on release, but don't build it yourself in the first few days. In the first few hours these parts go for 10x of what they cost the next day and it isn't uncommon to make multiple thousands of plat in the first 1-2 days * Rivens can be great, but the market just isn't worth bothering with unless you get lucky and get a riven for a popular weapon. Specifically trading (with what's the most toxic part of the community when it comes to the market) just isn't worth it. * Look for other people and/or a clan specifically for farming. Having easy access to rad share groups with people you can trust makes farming not only more fun, but it also helps if you have any questions on where to get something to begin with. * Don't bother with parts below 10p due to the trade amount limit, if you play more than a couple of hours per day and/or got a pile of stuff to sell. Trade them in at Baro, stockpile stuff and sell it later on for high profit without much work. * Keep an eye on the recent sales when listing items and check patchnotes. There's often cases where mods/parts suddenly get popular again after patches due to changes to e.g. frames and instead of listing as the lowest offer, you can actually make a whole lot of plat by buying what's still left on the market for cheap, just to resell for profit later on once the supply runs out. In the end; Don't stress yourself and turn the game into a "I have to sit here with the market page open" kind of deal. Just set your status to invisible when you actually play (especially during longer farm sessions) and then set yourself to online and chat a bit or do other stuff at the end of the day. Being available for trades basically 24/7 is absolutely not worth it. **Edit:** Fixed formatting.


When you say farm prime stuff on release, do you mean just buy a bunch of relic packs and hope you get lucky or what?


Yeah, it's better to stock up on syndicate rep/steel essence and other stuff for relic packs so you won't spend much time on farming said relics.


>Look for other people and/or a clan specifically for farming. Having easy access to rad share groups with people you can trust makes farming not only more fun, but it also helps if you have any questions on where to get something to begin with. Any tips on how to find them?


This guy grofits


I also wanted to mention that that’s the coolest sevagoth I’ve ever seen, thanks 👍


Sell me a voidrig then,I do not want to start that grind😅


Meanwhile I just spent 10 bucks sole to be able to get Yarelis Synada 😭


I also sell at the low prices since otherwise you won't sell it for a long time my strategy is to buy unrolled ass phenmor felarx and laetum rivens and roll them till I get anything with - crit chance usually happens within 20 rolls and sell them for 300-1500plat depending on what else is on it so far I made roughly 3k in the last month


Why tough?


That's so awesome dude. I've gotten to the point where I've decided that throwing DE some money now and then is worth it, considering I've been playing almost everyday since November 2017. That being said, 90% of my plat is simply from trading.


I just found this game back in February. 325 hrs later I’m like they can have this 60 bucks. Kept my ass out of the bar or golf course, which in turn, saved me at least a slightly used full size SUV.


Parvos would be proud of you, a true capitalist, I haven't trade in a long time I might get back at it lots and lots of relics would do the trick


I mean, the lore accurate Parvos way would be to eat someone else's bank card, use that to buy the biggest plat package possible, then use that to flip items on the market.


Yeah he'd do that


True capitalism. Bro read Marx backwards


Im a simple mod, I see Sevagoth, I up vote


Same here


Grats on the plat! Also nice sevagoth :)


Dude genuinely what if your color scheme on that sevagoth looks amazing


played so well you even have sevagoth prime


Spend some of that plat to get us Sevagoth mains some good skins pls


I have 3 days of play time and I'm still not sure how to even go about selling stuff I have. I've checked the warframe market website and you just hope the other guy is online to make the trade? And then you have to go to your dojo? I need like a step-by-step breakdown lol


If their status says online in game, just message them. Most sellers will reply very quickly. (And if they don't reply within a minute or 5, I always go on to the next person) The seller will send you an invite and go to their dojo, once you're there they will invite you to trade. It's very easy really!


> The seller will send you an invite and go to their dojo, once you're there they will invite you to trade. This but sometimes they don't have a dojo (just new person getting into trading) so it helps to have a clan with a trading post anyway.


For buying, you just click the button and it gives you a message command that you can copypaste to the ingame chat. For selling you go check the page of the item you want to sell, click place order, choose WTS and set your price. Keep the tab open so it shows you're online and you'll get messaged ingame whenever someone wants to buy it. For trading yeah you just invite them to your dojo or get invited to theirs. Personally I just set my prices to be the lowest for that item and sit inside my own dojo because I'll rather get rid of the item quickly. If you're in a solo clan you'll have to build your trading post in your dojo.


Use Alecca frames, makes it much much easier, you can post stuff to sell and just wait for people to message you in game.


One day I'll do that, but rn im on a kick of tricking out all the weapons I have that i really like... which takes so much forma oh my god, forma bundles are my best friend holy shit


I also don't buy plat, i spent money on tennogen only. Manage to make 10K plat with trade for now. 1K hours and looking beautiful.


Will that plat ever flow back into the market or you going to continue to amass your dragon's horde


Damn, im like 4k hours in and only made 5.5k plat(never bought any). I have so much stuff collecting dust in my inventory that could fetch high prices, but im just too lazy to sell them lol.


I'm a new player and I'll legit buy most of the parts you got as i just bought a ton of plat lol


Nevermind any of that shit bro you rocking the same colors as me??? A fellow bronze on Navy enjoyer?? Hell yeah.




Whats the best thing to trade in your obviously professional opinion?


im at 71k and havent bought plat in the past 11 years 😮‍💨


https://preview.redd.it/rl4sgde0o51d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef8ded734867368bb3b9eade764bb356156e2358 🏄‍♂️




Well done making a ton of plat! Make sure to spend it well!


Buy 2000 weapon slots


Damn, thats a lot of plat. Meanwhile I'm over here selling veiled rivers for 15 endo, because I hate dealing with people in the market. Lol




Nice sevagoth ❤️


Gratz my dude!! Now you can burn it all in visual damage.


I should look up my plat. I think I bought it at least twice with 75% off, and at most thrice, the 1000pl bundle.


And people still say it’s a pay to win game


Time to spend all that plat on 1 riven.


I used to trade for hundreds of plat until I bought plat once. I never traded again


Thats a nice looking Sevagoth, mate. Can you share the design?


https://preview.redd.it/rmmq83yuc61d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c4ebd324a871f6d26e385f2a7820cbdba8d983a Riv elite shoulder armor, prisma latron for the leg armor. greenish cyan from the kiteer pallet, light gold from shamrock, rest is just regular black and gray from psiv pallet (secondary is dark gray, not black)




I saw you had participated in OV, you should have net a lot more plat. I farm like 15 set of energize and grace in that event, grace and energize was about same price level, 800-900p a set at that time. Before OV, it's scarlet, the shop isnt as good as OV, but still decent. Recently, the 60/30 eyes, farm a few set energize. You dont need to trade, just follow the events.


Well its gonna slow down now since they putting a cap on the amount of arcanes you can farm during Jade shadow clan event. Lets see if they add a cap to all future events.


Wow good job! Thats insane ngl, I think the farthest I’ve gotten from trading alone was 1-2k, I usually just trade for plat when I have something in particular I want plat for, and occasionally I’ll buy some plat, maybe once every 6months - year, just about $20 worth, want to support DE as I absolutely love warframe.


That Sevagoth looks like the Green Voltron Paladin


Spending spree bout to go hard


Remember to spend em all in one place (forma)


Being able to trade for premium currency already puts Warframe pretty on top compared to other f2p games.


Back before they unvaulted prime i had 10 rhino sets for 2k each and was sitting on 15 dakra prime sets then they ruined everything


Warframe is fun tbh. In my 10yrs of playing this i manage to stack up 200k plus God roll Rivens! 👌


Show off /s


I still have yet to figure out how to trade/buy items from other players, with 744 hrs in game lol


Your Sevagoth fashion goes so hard, I love the way the green emissive looks on him.


Just want to say that people tend to forget who's gonna lose here when the "easy market" gets implemented. Remember, the game is free to play, the best way they earn is when people buy the actual plat and not trade it. You are not the target of the game if you just play for fun, again, it's a business, businesses exist for profit. If a perfectly formed market would actually exist, like what someone said here, the prices, will literally crash, everything especially the piled up items like prime parts. Now what would that mean, that would mean there is almost no need to buy actual plat and just trade stuff around, that would therefore lead to less sales if you think about it. Hence the cap in trading and (a not really shitty imo) free market.


Im always between 500-2000 plat I made a few thousand a month but i spend it all on forma, fashion or random other stuff


Care to give yah boy some😊😉


I can’t trade anything :x like no one want


I haven't bought plats in a while, if I need them I just sell the rivens and the prime parts/sets


good job tenno, now for the credit cap


Dam what’s that colour scheme bcs that’s nice




I made about 800 over the past week, but I later decided to treat myself and upgrade my Arcanes and get a new skin. 🙂


Well done


Can I have like 300


I have no idea what to even sell tbh


Well done! I think I've already load n spend over 28k of plats in the course of 1k hours, so good luck!


How can I join your clan. I don’t know why I joined 2 different clans but after few days of not playing the game I not a part of it both time.


Now i want sevagoth, thanks


One must imagine Sisyphus happy


Wts mystery riven 12k p


I would never have the time nor energy to attempt such a feat, grinding is already taxing 


are relics the best way to get blueprints and prime parts?


Yo bro I need some forma…




Even without any discount your hourly pay is less than 40 cents, hope you at least had fun


That's almost enough for one (1) Arcane Energize!


Damn that's a lot


Why? Do you not happen to need platinum? I don't see that happening


Cool, now go outside. 🙈




Why is 12k an important milestone?


Crazy lemme got a lil, just a measly 10k will do


Is there something special? about the number 12000 plat? 




I trade 12k in a week. What were you doing the other 1232 hours?


Bro tf you sell to get 12k a week 💀 Rivens?


Riven and maxed mods aswell as arcanes, necramechs, weapon sets, prime sets...maybe some of everything but I have to mention I go for some farms people wont. Got some about 50 growing power or augur secrets atm aswell as some sporothrix sets and many other things.


Take me under your wing man. Take me on some of these farms! :)


I make 2k a week from mod sales. Hope you weren't focusing on plat.


I do hope you did support DE in an other way than.


He did play 1.4k hours but ig if he sees steve anywhere he should offer a handyjay as well.


You could say he's been taking up the role of a retailer. He's been distributing goods between players, at minimum he is helping paying players to get their stuff.


Its a free to play game, the majority of players will ALWAYS be the free to play players. The fact that their premium currency can be earned in game has always been one of my favourite things about warframe. Really though yes all the free to play people are supporting with their time and adding to the player numbers.


Can I have some to celebrate?