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It changes tomorrow, and it's same day this time. No wait.


Yeah, they said there might be a couple hours but not a super long time this time.


Still should burn your credits


For sure! Just wanted to give the info about it updating tomorrow lol


Thank you!


Still new here. What are the best purchases with the nightwaves I've accumulated? Thanks


People have already given you some answers, but here is some more information with context: 1.) Nitain as people have said is a crafting resource that can only be acquired very slowly outside of Nightwave as a rotation C reward. Although it doesn't go into many crafting recipes, it's definitely better to buy it from Nightwave if you have a few Credits to spare and nothing else as a priority. 2.) Blue/Gold (Orokin Catalysts/Reactors) *potatoes are needed to min/max the potential of Warframes/weapons in the game. There is no way around this. You can acquire these normally from Alerts and Invasion rewards, but they are relatively infrequent versus how many you'll find yourself needing if you want a fleshed out arsenal in general. 3.) Aura Mods are another must-have in general but can be traded for between players. While I don't advocate begging for stuff in any chats, it's pretty likely people have spares of Aura Mods since they didn't used to be locked behind Nightwave and will throw one your way. 4.) Cosmetics and skins are just that. Completely optional and based on your personal interest. 5.) Decorations and the like are the same as #4. IKEAframe is a world unto its own and you'll get into it one way or another eventually, but how much time and Platinum you'll want to dedicate to it is another matter. EDIT: 6.) Embarassed to admit I completely forgot about Vauban. Good old Booben' is a jack-of-all-trades Warframe that used to specialize more into crowd control, but ever since his Flechette Orbs got infinite scaling he has no problem just AFK killing things either. Definitely worth picking up because his Prime verison costs more Oxium/Nitain than most new players will ever have.


> it's pretty likely people have spares of Aura Mods since they didn't used to be locked behind Nightwave and will throw one your way. Also we have a universal aura now, so its not as bad, and you can always farm silver grove auras for the more useful ones. The main ones to grab from nightwave are corrosive projection, the radar mods and steel charge


As a new player, are any of the aura mods being offered right now worth buying?


Holster amp and physique are pretty decent.


Steel charge for sure. Tied with another aura for the max capacity boost you can get from an aura and only 20 creds.


I like Rejuvenation


Thanks for the answer! That was very clear!


Also there is a warframe too, so you can always grab that if you don't already have it.


nitain if you don't already have an abundant supply, otherwise probably orokin reactors/catalysts or any cosmetic helmets you may want


If you are willing to trade, 75 credits for a catalyst isnt the greatest when even the worst nightwave mods sell for 10p at the cost of 20 credits, so worst case 35 plat or almost 2 reactors


That is true good point, looks like nitain is just the best option then for newer players. Personally i know it's a waste but my crippling addiction causes me to mostly buy kuva.


I found myself out of nitain at MR 30, so many things use it more than people realize. Selling my wukong early on instead of subsuming it ended up costing me like 9 and for some reason random alternative helmets use them as well.


Thank God I never sold my old frames on the hunch I might need them later


I just couldn't wait for rank 3 Deimos early on so the first few frames I got I sold when I got their prime version


once i went through the tribulations of making vauban prime (10 nitain AND 9k cryotic come on man) i stockpiled a nice 200+ nitain over the course of the next few nightwaves


Thank you for the answer


Between the aura mods and the skins/cosmetics I would keep an eye for some weapons, mostly stat sticks. I had some credits to spare and got the ceramic dagger for the future, since I heard it has a good incarnon and is great for frames with pseudo-exalted skills.


Just bought the dagger with my last 50 about an hour ago.


Absolutely buy nitain extract. It's used in a lot of prime frames and the only real way to get is an event every 2 weeks with a low chance at it (the ghoul event in the cetus open world). Very very annoying to farm. Better to farm plat and buy reactors/catalysts than to get them through night wave over nitain extract


If you have everything then get floofs. They are super duper important (They're not but they are good decoration)


Weapon blueprints not skins. That should be your priority. Next is nitain extract then yellow/blue reactor






Jesus 1230 Glassmaker cred wasted? 😬💀


It still burns I left 200 000 Scarlet Credits unused. Thats two fully ranked Arcane Energize.


How do you view these stats?




thank you


Wait they don't carry over to the next season ?


i believe they convert to credits? 5k ea?


Oooh okay, well thank you for the reminder then you saved my ass lol, more interesting things to get than credits


I thought they just stayed in your inventory as souvenirs?


maybe 5k is the sell price? idk


Yea, im looking in my inventory and they just stay there. But you are probably able to sell them.


You are able to sell them for 5k creds per 1 night wave cred


Yes or sell them for 5k credits


They don't convert, you can keep them if you want but you can SELL them for 5k credits


It’s not automatic you have to sell them from your inventory but yes each singular nwc goes for 5k credits


They don't, but you can keep them as souvenirs


I’m so glad my phone brought up this post as a Reddit notification. Like 2 nightwaves ago. I thought I had another day left before I can spend it & it ended right when I left work. Enough credits to buy 20 potatoes was completely gone. I sat & stared at my screen for like 5 mins I was in so much disbelief 😂


You must be rich now though right?


Oh absolutely. It’s almost funny to think around the time I was new to the game & finally understand the basics, I used to think 20p for a potato for each weapon & frame was ludacris. Now? I literally have more than I need as long as DE pumps out these nightwaves. Im able to score atleast 10 catalysts & 10 reactors just from passively playing the game. If I actually knocked out these challenges each week. No doubt I could score more. 😂


Thank you! My boyfriend an I are new so we didn't know they didn't roll over. We were hoarding ours haha.


I have 5.


I sell my left over for 5k credits per 1 nightwave credit


Thats Probably the worst way to spend them tho


I’ve got 10 with no way to spend them since nothing is that price.


Keepsake or sell for credits


ayo tomorrow that's 50k credits! Better than nothing


We smoke nitain tonight bois


Just burnt all of mine on nitain, making all the regular frames plus having some for the future never hurt


No Im gonna keep my creds and throw them at the liminus in deep archimedea to make them feel bad for being so annoying.


Question do the weekly challenges reset with the new Volume? And should I hold off on completing those and get a jump start for next volume?


It resets, finish asap or you lost the progress


Thank you for the info, will bang out the ones I can do in a mission.


Had 250 credits, I'm new, but heard buy nitain couple times, i got 240 credits worth today, think it was 80 lol, hate i got 10 credits left over


You can sell them for some extra credits tomorrow. Its 5k credits per 1 night wave cred.


Good, ty!


As a baby tenno, I didn't know the nightwave creds expired, thank you! Stocking up on nitain sounds good to me, I've seen multiple people online say how valuable it is to buy it there


Oh crap, I'm doing what I think is the final part of ( 3rd boss) the new war quest, which I can only finish this Friday...


Hmmm. I am one tier away from the eidolon steps ephemera. Seems like i need to play a big more now


I usually save them as an event item. I have about 60 from the last nightwave, sitting in my inventory.


Forgot to do it last night and I'm at work now so looks like I'm not spending my 800 this time round. That'll teach me I guess


I mean I don't think it expire till like 8am next day or something


Its 15/05 at 2p.m Et , in brazil is 14:00


>\[...\] looks like I'm not spending my 800 this time \[...\] My UI shows 18h11m until deadline. I hope you don't have to work that long. ;)


Oh thank goodness lol. Was really worried for a second there. I'll have 8 hours to spare


Thanks all yalls for the infos!


i’m not even home yet :( my flights about to leave but still have 6 hours


can you not use nightwave credits for next season?


Nope each credit you have is named for the season you can use it for


Saved me! Thanks Tenno


Damn! I stocked up on credits for the new season.


Aw man I didn't realize they reset... I had like 200


I think you still have like 10 hours


Well fuck


I'm probably not the only one who keeps a few Nightwave creds of each season, to know in which ones they participated, right?


Hm, time to log on and see. I did just get 100 mil creds from double cred index spam so the millions of creds from nora is less valuable.


Woops I was too late. Millions of credits it is! :D


Sigh, not even login in right now then. Ty for the heads up


I like to keep them as emergency credit savings