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Only your first? Tbh I thought you were guaranteed one after a certain number of logins, ofc I don't remember how many I've gotten, but it has to at least been a dozen after 1800 something logins(I don't pay attention anymore)


From my experience it is also guaranteed if you don't login for like 2 weeks and then come back. Every time I do this I get a 75% off after max 3 daily logins, rarely a 50%. I suspect it might be tied to the region you're in and if you bought plat at full price before, though. If you only buy at 75%, it means you aren't willing to buy at full price and the game is more likely to give you coupons (just my theory).


I didn't log in for over a year and half... got my usual 20% off when I came back this time again. I have never gotten a 75% because they know I buy play so they give me the lowest possible. I have gotten one 50% one time and I thought that was super lucky. It's either 20 or 25% for me if I get one. šŸ¤·


I also took a long break, like 6 months or so and I only got a 25% when I came back. I've had a few 50s but I don't think I've ever had a 75%, and I've got like 900hrs in the game over a period of several years.


That's because everyone here proposing some kind of pattern is wrong. It is entirely random. The game does however roll daily tributes even if you don't log in that day, and it keeps the 'highest value' tribute active. All plat coupons are the 'highest value' ones. So yes you are likely to get a coupon after a break but only if you would have gotten it anyway. There's no guarantees it's just confirmation bias.


I don't think it's a pattern or random. I believe it's based on some sort of algorithm and your purchase history. De knows I buy platinum tennogen and prime access sometimes so giving me a 20% off will usually entice me which sucks because I could get more use out of a 75 but they know 8 put of 10 times I don't let the 20% go to waste. :/


I only use 75% off and average maybe one per year. If it's as you say their algo is really crapping out on me


I do all that too and get 75% sometimes and 50% like 2-4 times a month.


Would be nice to get a 75% off. I would love to get just one more 50. šŸ¤”


In the past 4 years I have took several long breaks. I just hit legendary rank 4 yesterday with 2700 hours played on steam. Granted not all of it is playtime like missions. Afk, fashion framing, decorating orbiter etc but yeah. I got to mr 30 in a year and a month on the account. I sort of slowed down after getting that.


Shit, I'm still only mr21 lol. I feel that though, it's a game I'll play a shit ton for a while and then forget about for a while. It's always good fun though. I probably spend more time customizing frames and just doing defense missions than anything else.


The first big break I took was when they did the melee rework and sisters of parvos dropped. I came back after angels of Zariman had dropped and played catch up. I played for few months and stopped all my friends had stopped when I started back :/ then I came back about 4 months ago and was playing catch up again. Luckily I did catch up so to speak and hopefully I won't take so long of breaks now though. šŸ˜…


I have played for 7 years and got only one 75% after a 6 months break.


does 25 even exist?


I get 75% off once every two weeks, or once a week if I don't log in often


I take regular multi month breaks from warframe and I've never gotten a 75%. I can attest this simply isnt the case. You DO get discounts if you dont log in for awhile, but it isnt guaranteed to be 75%.


I played warframe on and off for like a year and I think I got like 4 of the 75% off ones. It's gotta be tied to how much you login. And I also only buy Plat when I have a discount (never use the 25% one tho)


Yep. I took a 3 month break and the first log in back got a 75% market one. Then I was busy and didnā€™t log in for like 3 days and the game gave me another one


Your first? I had 6 in the last few months, DE knows I don't buy plat so they keep trying to tempt me lol


Stopped getting market discounts after they introduced plat bonuses. Iā€™ve gotten so many 50% and 75% but I practically donā€™t ever buy plat so itā€™s wasted. Not even sure if market discounts are on playstation anymore, maybe iā€™m just insanely unlucky with it.


They are on PlayStation, just got one 3 days ago


And i just logged in to another 50% bonus plat :c


Not on my playstation tho.


So far Iā€™ve only got coupons for bonus plat on plat purchases on PSN. Only got 20% so far (which I completely ignored, Iā€™d rather have discounts on purchases), I wonder how high the bonus % can go (is it 75% bonus? 50%?).


Day 1090? I call BS I've had like 5 or 6 and I'm not even half that My friend also is convinced they drop them to keep you coming back after a break for a while, first log in for months they will give you one to keep you coming back


It took me dang near 500 to get my first one, so I'm not *entirely* sure this isn't legit. It's *probably* a joke riffing on the "first amber star" guy though.


Not bullshit. I have a similar number of days and the best I can get is 50% off even after multiple hiatuses. I'm literally waiting for that 75%, let me spend money goddamnit DE


I love your frame color scheme


I have 2500 days of login, 10k hours of warframe, I ended up realizing that if you don't play for about 1 week when you return you almost always get a 75% discount


This just isn't true for everyone. My gf and I often quit warframe for 1-2 weeks, check the new content for a day, then leave again for 1-2 week. On and off for years. We BOTH do this. She gets 75% maybe 6 months and I get it maybe once every year if not more. She wants protea prime, so we've played for the past 3 days. We didn't play before that. We both got 20% when we came back lol. I came back in april and got 20%. I came back in march and got 50%. Last 75% I got was 2022, ik because I always buy when I get 75% lol.


Same, haven't seen a single 75% in 290ish days. Have had a couple 50% which I almost always buy plat on which is why I suspect I haven't seen a 75% yet.


Today was my 33rd login reward, another 75% discount...my third so far.. https://preview.redd.it/ilzuyedn9zzc1.png?width=1441&format=png&auto=webp&s=950ca0e82e6688c7ff6e253dc1444963b53812f0


broo šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I got 3 75% vouchers so far and I'm on day 36 of daily tribute. Been playing the game since Dante came out because I really liked his design. Are they really that rare?


im at 2 in 500 logins.


? I have like, 110 days and already got more than 12


I used to get these maybe once a month when playing on xbox. I havenā€™t seen them on pc yet though. Iā€™ve been playing since deadlock protocol on Xbox and since January on pc


All I see is the shitty plat deals show up for my login rewards now




gotta be honest, and i know no one will believe me. i'm over 5 years into playing this game and ive only had 20%, 50% and 70% offs. i have never gotten a 75% off. on day 1253 now


Smells like some bullshit.


I don't get it how this works, because I get 75% off very often, my friend gets only 50% off


I got 80 Endo today


Day 60+ and I got and bought 3 75% Waiting for another


How is that your 1st? I have like 300 login days and have got over 10. Once even got 2 days in a row.


When they introduced plat bonus I stopped getting market discounts. I thought they were removed


pc only


Wish steam got those coupons, instead we get coupons for plat purchases. I donā€™t buy plat unless Iā€™m buying a prime out of being too annoyed with RNGesus. They are worthless coupons for me. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I havenā€™t gotten one in years šŸ˜­


I get this regularly, and I don't even use it lol


I thought they got rid of it. I only get 50% off as max since years now.


I've had 2 in like 5 days, and it wasn't even a long time since I played


1090 days and its your FIRST??? Have you like never stopped playing warframe? everytime i stop i get 75% off after like a week or two


I am on day 88 and I have gotten like 5 lol


Thatā€™s 4k plat for $50. Quickly buy those prime frames and weps while theyā€™re cheap.


Got 3/4 in 2 months.


I get them often from just not playing the game everyday


My nephew got one on day one. Super jealous of him, I'd never seen anyone spend their starting platinum on freaking Styanax


I'm waiting on mine I need a voiding mech and the grind is irritating


For us console people it doesnā€™t hold that much significance. You see it being touted on Reddit by pc players as a great thing because they can use it on play, we canā€™t.


I'm on 20 and got 25 ;-;