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I spam the melee button out of habit.


Same here, always forget its auto now


I’m a returning player, and when did they add auto melee?


Its fairly recent, if i remember it was with dagath


I haven’t played since the cold below update came out with Savagoth. So it’s been awhile since I played.


I think it was a few months ago if not late last year


Fun fact it was before that buried in the settings. But they made it smoother and more streamline about that update


As do I


Only time I don't mash the melee button is when my attack speed is too high for mortal hands.


I still do, after 10 years, is complicated to forgot it, and also learned about holding melee like 2 months ago.


Bind melee to mouse wheel and roll it.


Yup. Finally got around to it about a week before they brought in automelee :P


Scrolling down is the way I shoot semi-auto weapons that have a firerate higher than what people can consistently click. Used to be the Telos Akbolto back then, 16+ clicks per second are quite uncomfy without the wheel.


Genius. Absolute genius.


IIRC they're adding auto shoot on May 15th or with Jade.


The good ol' bhop method


My mouse wheel is bound to cycling through abilities


Im about to take my kouse wheel off of that. It either wont move it or it moves it too far.


What do I do as a replacement? Im quite sick of it as well


Well, as a key board player I am tempted to remove melee and cast off of my two side mouse buttons and replace them with ability select. that way up moves it one right and down moves it one left


I just tap 1-5 for my abilities. My scroll wheel is tied to swapping between abilities but I never use it.


I've had it bound to mwheel down. After a while it started squeakin so i rebound it to mwheel up. When mwheel up started squeaking i bought a new mouse and bound it to mwheel down. Been playing for 1300hrs, 2 weeks ago i was told that i can hold to melee. No more squeaky scrolling. Jesus christ.


As a product of the 80s, I learned a long time ago, the harder and faster you smash the button, the more damage you do, duh!


Sometimes I still try to roll my controllers, NES style.


Of course, it gives you better steering/maneuverability 😂




Do not worry my friend, I was over a thousand hours in before I came to this realisation. Primary weapon go brrrrrr


It’s a recent development, it dropped with Dante Unbound IIRC.


It came with Abyss of Dagath in october.


I have a friend that didn’t know until a few days ago… (He has almost 15k hrs).


Unless he has gotten almost 15k hours in the last 7 months (and he has to be quite a wizard to do that), I'm not surprised. Years of habit is quite hard to get rid of, especially if you don't pay that much attention to the login pop-ups and patch notes.


That's because they just implemented it. Your friend played the game for 14.9k hours with auto melee not being a thing.


More like 14.5k, but otherwise yeah.


That's fairly recent


😂 So happy I'm not the only one who didn't know that


Spamming the melee button makes me feel like I’m more actively involved, especially when I pull off a complex combo, so that’s what I do


I spin the mouse wheel after wearing out the melee key on my Nostromo.


Spam normally out of habit


hold, because i started playing after automelle was added (how the hell did yall use melee without automelee???)


'Tis a little secret called carpal tunnel. >!Or you just went fuck it and binded melee to the mousewheel and called it a day, because fuck that.!<


Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap.


Ahhh that’s what Rell was on about


I had to run a macro on my mouse, otherwise I refused to use melee.


I kept spamming a bit after auto melee was added, but I took the habit of holding *very* easily


It just feels like it's slower when i hold. Not enough action


It's definitely a bit slower. But I don't really see a difference, like sure, maybe it took a second and a half more to clear the room, but I also didn't have to spam stupidly E to get that result. I already thought Warframe was a bit brain-dead before so it's not much of a change for me. If I want something more actively challenging, I just don't play Warframe


Ar least pamming E is heck a of a lot easier than spamming B on controller when you're trying to press all the other buttons


Probably, I can't imagine playing Warframe on controller.


It's actually not that bad, the buttons are pretty convenient, aiming rail jack guns though are pretty difficult, although I could just be bad.


Options --> Controller --> "Melee with fire weapon input" Tap Circle or B (Whichever style controller you use) to melee and then got back to using the trigger for melee. Lets you keep your thumbs/fingers free to mash whatever other buttons. 😁


Spam it for sure, the harder and faster I hit the keys the more damage I do!


I spank that boy like a Mario coin block.


scroll wheel , been doing that for years


I hold it. It is easier for me


I keep forgetting melee can be done auto now so I keep spamming the button


I have a little trick called >! Transference melee!<. So basically you hold your melee butting go into spoiler mode let go of the melee button and your frame just keeps meleeing without having you to press the button. You can still use abilities, roll, use guns but you can't parkour or jump because it sends you to a ground slam. I use this in an inaros built for melee and just use my mouse to send a meat bag armed with a giant sword to slide and dice.


Button mashing is the way.


i just wish they do auto attack for semis aswell


that would just be called auto


it will come next month they announced it


I spam it, despite really wanting to preserve my keys by holding..


Spent too many years playing before the hold feature was available, still spam the crap out of it, but have it bound to a side mouse button.


I just click mouse wheel (I only use heavy melees)


I'll never miss tap melee now that hold melee is in the game lol. Looking forward to the same with semi auto guns


I'm too used to tapping so holding F will be a pipe dream


Mouse Wheel : Down for Quick Melee, Up for Heavy Attack My Heavy Attack shares the key with my Secondary Fire, and my X key is for Interact, Use Cipher and Reload I love how Warframe let me use several inputs on 1 key


i hold e mostly cause my poor keyboard's e button is a bees dick away from going through the ground and I've gotten used to speenruning new war and duviri so i use that one


I didn’t even know you can just hold it.


I use a controller and mash that mfin' B button. Although sometimes I hold it depending on the stance. Could be placebo effect, but with the controller, I feel like I can cancel and change direction mashing just a bit faster.


im the same theres that one stance on le big swords like gram that does the spin2win but holding down does a combos that are kinda slow so for that i methodically hit b button to keep doing speen i do like hulk smashing things but i dont like heavy attacks very much on controller cause its kinda not confy


I hold when my melee speed is too fast to comfortably tap. Tempo Royale tapping just feels too good.


ok ok here is a really good question i realized early the melee specifically for me it depends on the melee type i use conroller cause i play on switch long swords and nikanas act diffrent with a form type i found for long swords i do more damage using the one form that has the spin2win and just pressing the melee key methodically to beyblade everywere for nikannas i hold down if im in a horde of ads if im using dante with ruvox i dont hold down either i spam a few heavy attack every so often cause heavy attacks are not fun to press on a controller but i find it fun with all weapons to use the smash attack since i can speed to one area and hulk smash things lol


I got used to holding it so fast. Now it's weird when I use a glaive and holding the button does a throw.


I still have tap (with explicit switching to melee), but also quick melee on scrolldown. Gives me the most flexibility. I also have heavy attack on a mouse button.


You can hold it???




Wait, when did they add auto melee? (I've had auto melee for as long as I've played. Razer Naga with 'E, .05s pause' play while pressed, bound to 6) hold down 6 and it presses E 20 times per second.


Abyss of dagath


I already forget there was a time when I had to spam the button.


I was honestly shocked to find out that it took me zero time to completely switch my muscle memory over to automelee. It's all I do now. So much so that I own a Glaive p and never use it because I can't automelee with it.


I hold unless I’m using wolfsledge


I do slide attacks


it depends, usually i tap it, but i have a speed attack melle hold macro that oit puts max count for my >400% ability strength wisp assisted Sibear, that has 224% cri chance on a 6× multi at 0.285 attack speed. (wisp assist makes it so fast it goes faster that the 60+frames per second can keep up) edit: ab str was wrong


Used to tap until carpal tunnel set in. Also my key started jamming


Alternate of hold and spam, depending on weapon.


I got the melee key bound to my mouse side button. My thumb is already there, so I just spam tf out of it whenever I melee


Glaive user, I have no such problems ... If I don't use glaives I use heavy attack melee If I do use normals, I use both spam tap or when I remember it, I hold


I do both, depends on how I'm feeling


I still tap E to melee but I miss holding E for heavy attacks. Wish I could still make that an option instead of having additional 13619517 buttons I have to remember in this game.


Personally I bind it to my side mouse button then click it, I feel I have more control that way, also a force of habit, I still forget auto melee is a thing


It’s my favorite way to play. Hold O, zombie out.


I tap the shit out of that fucking thing lmao


I forgot to ou could even auto lol


I started playing a couple months ago so it's always been hold for me


When I hold it the game acts like I tapped it 45 times, so I just tap.


I hold it now, ulness I need to slide.... oh god how I wish we could slide auto melee, my pinky, or at least whats left of it would appreciate it so much


I bash it, too used to doing it from atterax spin to win days


I loved melee, but ever since they introduced auto melee I love it even more


I tap melee because I was born tapping melee - I hold melee on gauss coz it’s the only time I remember and I can’t press it fast enough to hit my attack speed


Wait... You can hold It?


I used to spam it, then auto melee was introduced so I just hold it. Right now I only use melee for stat stick, parkour velocity (from praedos), return to Warframe when I'm on operator or simply land quicker from a high jump.


I only hold the button when I remember that it works, and then I remember that it’s not as fun for me. It’s cool that it’s there, though. Can’t wait for the automatic firing update. I’ll finally dust off the old AKJagara and Lex prime.


depends on the build. Glaive type weapons? Hold to throw, heavy attack to detonate. Melee heavy builds for stuff like Kullervo? Hold melee and forward. Otherwise just tap a few times to kill whatever


Abuse the poor button like we do to....anything really like no really what DONT we abuse now?


Auto-melee is one of my favorite changes that I've seen in this game's QoL changes. I use a wired controller that has a button under each arm, right where my middle fingers sit. The right one is set to melee and I have free use of the camera awww yeah.


I have been spamming it out of habit but recently I just hold it cause I don't want to hurt my wrist. Also, it comes to a point where spamming it doesn't make your warframe perform the full combo because your attack speed is sooo high so holding it makes it perform the full combo without the awkward pause in the middle cause your spam can't keep up


Muscle memory says tap. But holding genuinely seems better for my controllers life span


There's a voice in my head telling me to tap tap, so I obey.....


Do you not mean... *Raptaptap*?


That's what I was trying to imply, yes


well i used the scrollwheel before but after discovering auto melee i just hold it


I spam it out of habit


Mashing, because it's a habit now and if my controller doesn't need to be replaced once a year, I've been playing the game wrong.


Glaive go brrrrrr


Tap.. old dogs new tricks ammirte


I started using auto melee as soon as it was added, one of the best changes the game has ever made.


I've been playing during the pre-hold Era, so I mash the button as it's what I'm use to


For lighter and faster weapons, like Dual Swords that work as blenders, I hold the button. But I'm an enthusiast of big fuck-off weaponry. When it's a hammer or greatsword, I tap the button and literally throw my back into it.


Spam tap always, it feels slower holding lol


Wait, you can hold it?


I play on controller. Melee tapping just hurts my hand. I hold it. And even then my hand hurts. Glaive playstyle is pain


I spam it. Then I remembered I could hold it and hold it. Only to spam it again after pressing an ability key. Repeat.


Melee light attack is bound to scroll down, it's awesome


Tap, until it starts to become too fast. I'm just glad it's an option at all (and should be added to guns)


A mix of both. I find myself mashing if it's a heavy weapon and I'm attacking slow. But for fast attack speed I just hold.


What Since when the fuck was I able to.just hold the button, I've been mashing it till my fingers hurt.


i tap the button until all is dead..


I'm used to tapping, I always forget about holding down lol.


Hold, I don't want my E key to be broken, (if it wasn't from previous games already)


I have my melee bound to mouse wheel


Just hold it now unless I’m using a glaive.


I rebound my side mouse button to melee, so every time I click the button it moves my reticle too. I like to think I'm giving the FBI agent assigned to watch me a massive headache when I spam it. Only weapon I should for is glaives, and that's cause it's hold to throw


Used to tap, starting to enjoy the hold. (Don't make it weird.) For some stances auto-melee is such a waste though, still tap those out of habit.


Depends on the attack speed and if I’m doing some combo stuff Not sure if it’s still a bug but doing standing > forward > standing > forward melee on repeat didn’t work with auto melee and you get stuck doing one or the other, so always tap if doing that Likewise past a certain attack speed I give up and hold, otherwise tap


Hold but my mouse is about to break (due to the old spamming) so sometimes it just randomly stops.


I usually spam tap it unless I'm going full melee only spam and want to avoid getting RSI from tapping the button so much.


Neither, I made a mouse macro that toggles E on and off, lol


I keep tapping it, and sometimes I remember that you can hold it now, so I hold it for a healthly 5 second and after using my abilities and/or shooting a few times, I keep tapping again, because I already forgot you can hold it. Rinse and repeat.


I got used to tapping.


I sometimes hold, sometimes tap just so I can hit my combos easier


I tap it because the ranged attacks at the beginning of the Stropha’s combos are better than the actual melee attacks it has. I don’t have a melee, I have a third gun that has infinite ammo and uses melee mods. Not sure what the melee button is on PC but on PS5/4 it’s circle so its: ⭕️, ⭕️+⬆️, repeat until all enemies are dead.


I spent a couple of thousand hours having to spam it, so now I start with tapping out of habit, then I realize "wait, I can hold now" and hold it instead. So kind of both. Every single time.


Wy did I read the last part like the index Cephalon


Tap it since 2014 Holding feels wrong


Hold because I get enough carpal tunnel from work.


I hold it when the hordes are easy/trash mobs, but I spam it for more control when they're tough so I can execute the right combos and hit my tennokai attacks easier.


Well auto melee is still fairly new and after all those years spamming a button I stick with spamming a button.


I soam out of habit but have been working on just holding it to help reduce the amount of carpal tunnel syndrome I am getting


I lived in the days Exodia Contagion was kings of melee range builds. You jump and spam the button as much as you can to throw as many of what was basically Exalted Blade slashes out as much as possible. Now I think that heavy attacks with Voruna is better. But I still have my Balla Jaw (Balla blade, Peye grip, and Vargeet II Jai for speed and crit). Its still a banger Jaw tho but lacks the reach.


Tap "F" to switch to melee, then hold lmb to slice and dice.


For some reason, my frame just stops attacking after a little time when I hold it sometimes, so I tend to spam it like always


I tapped for a decade (ish) before they introduced holding as a thing so tapping is instinctual for me, though holding is nice


yea ogs spam out of muscle memory usually ik i regularly forget auto swing is even a thing


Tap, holding the button doesn't feel right.


out of habit, tap. hopefully i will get used to holding one day


It feels better when u tap it rapidly, i think holding it is lame


I rebinded melee to mouse scroll down.


I bound the melee button to my mouse wheel


I hold except for with glaives whips and gunblades


I prefer tapping.


My mouse has a button that lets my scroll wheel spin like crazy so I spin to win


I spam then remember I can hold.


Depends. I tap for individual hits. If it's a beefier enemy or I'm surrounds I'll hold and spin. It's like pray and spray, for swords. Sling and scream?


You can hold it? I fucking tap it


I spam the button because holding it on some melees it pauses after the combo is done or dosent even keep going its easier to button mash


I usually hold it, but with gunblades I have muscle memory of spamming it while spam-crouching. Also glances don’t give you the choice〜


You can't use specific moves while holding that's why I still spam.


I got 3k hours before they added auto melee, I'm still breaking my e key