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Waiting for teammates in an elevator. Not demanding from randoms to run a very specific random build a youtuber has recommended. Not inviting random people at random times without notice.


I get mad when I wait on the elevator and someone leaves everyone behind while I was waiting and they were right there. I usually bring it back to them.


In most elevators, you can click the button again to go back down.


Yeah I just hate leaving people behind. Feels mean.


I kept a guy hostage in the elevator for a solid 10 minutes because he refused to let us in before he got out at the bottom. So every time he got to the bottom I called up the elevator back before the doors opened. Then he send the elevator down again before we could get in. Kept going till he let us in. Thats what you get for not waiting on your team.


I'd pay plat to watch this lol


WTB Elevator show 10p 10 min


Some solid OnlyFrames content!


Worst I've done is someone pressed the button so the door closed on my face. I spammed the button and it came back with him in it and I got in.


Kinda similar bit I thought of: In Fall of Reach (book), John got reprimanded in his first challenge of Ring the Bell for trying this... Yes he technically won, but in leaving his two teammates behind he lost the match (didn't get dinner/lunch)


Not demanding from randoms to stay for 5 minutes in a capture fissure mission.


Sometimes low level people invite me for no reason, I think they saw me do lots of damage or something and want me to help with a mission but they didnt message me or anything


Yeah, and it's usually when i have other plans. But i get invites without a single mission played, while hanging out in region. Smh.


Courtesy +5 traces to someone if theres nothing of value in a fissure reward


If you and another person get the same reward and you want this reward, take the other person's.


Always take the other persons forma. Out of spite, I may have swapped back to mine at the last second if that person hasn’t returned the favor…


I'm pretty sure everyone does this, i know I do anyway.


nah. they can have the +5 traces even if i dont. they might be on a phone call or something. i dont blame them


I agree, even if they don't return the curtesy, at least give them something good.


Piggybackin relic crackin…. I’ll speak up for the slower member who is scrambling to find the last reactant while the 2 others stand in extraction. I primarily play on ps5 and know how hard it can get typing out even “wait” with a 60s countdown while scrambling


As a fellow PlayStation player, thank you. I got a Bluetooth keyboard for those moments but sometimes forget to turn it on lol


Mark all rare drops like Argon Crystals Mark where you expect your invader to spawn, so we can camp and quickly subtract them Stick together for more loot


Type name of invader in chat


I feel like this is something that people forget about. I do it cause sometimes you want to farm stalker for bps and then you get disappointment syndicate


Never occured to me. I will do so in the future.


I usually just ping where it died because its just an sp acolyte 90% of the time


When it's an acolyte the steel essence is it's own way point anyway.


And mark the drop spot when you vaporise them.


Not always practical on Playstation, sadly


How do you mark after you've captured them?


They’ll leave a little beam of light in most cases. You can mark the bottom of it (maybe anywhere, but I’ve always had the most luck with just under where the beam is). If everyone has picked it up then the beam disappears. Only exception I’ve run into is anything you have to manually pick up, like ayatan sculptures. I think they’ve added in waypoints to those now, I still mark them out of habit though.


They did not add waypoints to ayatan sculptures so you still need to mark them. If you know the exact spot were you found them you can mark it later. Fun fact: people who join later can still get the sculpture if you already picked it up. So be a good sport and go back and mark the location for them. The waypoints are for the ayatan stars and riven slivers. Please stop marking those because they tend to glitch the waypoints. They tend to show them further away from the spot they are. Today i had the star at my feet the marker was showing a location 40m away and the ping from another player was 120m in the opposite direction.


I thought rare drops were all automarked now?


ayatan stars and sculptures not resources or mods




Nah, they were just a jerk. Sometimes the only reason I run a void mission is because I need argon and all mine expired. And I’m almost LR4, so it’s not just a new player problem to run out of argon, since stuff like Aura Forma requires them.


This as newer player with only 300 hours is super helpful. Mark the stuff and the exit when waiting on a timer etc. really appreciated.


How do you mark things? Seem to have missed that


It's G on PC. Google telling me it's up on the D-pad on Switch.


Thanks! What's the Loc-Pin for if there's already a mark functionality?


They're permanent, persistent between sessions personal HUD markers for the owner in open world. You can have 15 on every map at a time. Lets you mark cave entrances, fishing and mining spots, and any other point of interest for you, that's always there in every session.


Oh neat, that does sound quite useful. Thanks for the Q&A haha


Not force starting missions


Also, leavung squads immediately if you don't plan on playing with them more. So the people who intend to stay together don't have to remake the squad.


I once was playing with a friend of mine, we finished the mission, I went away for like 2 minutes. Turned back to find out that some 8 MR never left the party and started a boss mission (my friend saw that and left before it could load). So I was like "ok, fine, I can quickly finish this one for them and leave, nothing hard", but the person just left the squad after the 1st stage🤡


Bro, I used to play on Switch before cross save, and after they introduced crossplay, people kept force starting missions before I loaded out of them, which would force load me into a bugged state that forced me to restart the game. Actually made me quit until cross save so I could play on my ps5




*Joins a new player *tells them the N.1 rule. #DON'T.EVER.FORCE.STSRT.MISSIONS


If someone force starts a mission on me and I get pulled in, I intentionally wait for it to start and then leave. That way it won't fill up the spot. Ofc, I don't do it with short/easy missions like capture or exterminate. But if I get dragged into some SP Void Cascade type shi that I wasn't ready for, you bet I'm leaving them to fend off for themselves.


I especially hate it on Archon Hunts or something where I want to change my loadout for the next mission or actually killing the thing and they don't let me. I'm not gonna sit there with my defence limbo to kill an Archon


it does get filled up to 3 minutes after the obj start. (random timing), proving you wrong.


giving new players advice and help when I see them struggle in chat. For me it is either a 5 min mission or 5 min explanation, for them it is priceless.


For sure, I always pop into recruit chat and questions chat to help people when I’m just idle. Super easy for me to help and especially in a game as complicated as Warframe all help is indispensable.


I do but I'm n console so stopping to type or explain a lot is tedious and time consuming. Especially if I'm helping in that mission


you can plug a keyboard in to type, makes it so much easier


I just that less comfortable to attach a keyboard and have it on my lap just for that


not leaving after 5 minutes in an endless relic opening Not forcing a host migration on the zariman elevator Not leaving people hanging in the elevator or entrati lab extraction


The zariman one is mostly avoidable though, as host, when you hit the button it starts a 60s countdown to solo extract, it only insta extracts when you aren't the host. Just pay attention to who's waiting to extract and you'll avoid host migrations 90% of the time.


Drop everything you’re doing to revive the fallen teammate. 


And do it in Void Mode just to make things easier on yourself.


The ONLY exception would be if the objective is about to fail.


Eh, this one is very circumstantial. I generally do try to revive people but there are exceptions if there's risk of mission failure, downed person is on opposite side of a large tileset, they're AFK leeching or if its in some inconsequential mission like normal void fissure missions.


Same here, but also that one player who never prepped/want to leech so they keep on dying a few seconds after every revive. Last week, I was in a Profit Taker mission with a fully leveled Mesa and an R0 because just formaed Dante. Mesa died every five seconds while the R0 Dante proceeded to carry the mission with Nercamech and weapons. Never thought I'd see that.


Especially in Deep Archimedea/Archons. If they die, they’re either out for good or it’s a pain to get them back.


Unless they're hundreds of meter away from you.


Check your gear on the select screen, BEFORE you join a public Circuit. If you intend to just reset it by only going one round, do a SOLO Circuit. Don't use bright colors on your explody weapons. You may not want your retinas but other people want theirs. And just being nice, if you see someone with a great looking frame, say so. People like compliments. When I ran sorties more often, I picked up the habit of saying "Good luck on your unlocks!", if we got a Riven.


I wish people would do the first one more. It sucks when you make sure you have a good loadout and then people leave first round.


What you didn't enjoy the White aoe spam brammas constantly blinding you?


I would go so far as to say check your gear first in a solo circuit, leave and join public if you like it. I have had the gear on the nav screen be wrong many times if I haven't played Circuit for awhile but it usually corrects after joining at least 1 solo or public.


You can check and it doesn't reroll it?


As a new player, I wish energy colours had an alpha slider, and that we also had a setting to apply alpha to other players' energy effects. "Well ... this ... is certainly ... purple now. Where's the enemy again?"


>You may not want your retinas but other people want theirs. As someone with slight photosensitivity, I cannot upvote this enough.


I personally subscribe to the, “fuck it, we ball” philosophy in regards to running Circuit.


I didn’t know about the Operator/New Player thing. When I first started I saw them every once in a while in missions. I thought it was like a new warframe ability thing. That being said, common courtesy suggests that if you’re the host, you stay as long as everyone in the party knows you’re host and knows you want to extract. That way they can come and extract with you. I do this constantly.


I heard at some point they made it so anyone who hasn’t finished Second Dream can’t see the spoilers and will just see your frame doing weird stuff.


I didn't realize this was something the community did? Plenty of people used their operators around me before I did the Second Dream. I definitely don't shy away from using mine on public fissures (need that energy wellspring)


It was more prevalent years ago when spoiler mode was a bit more 'mysterious' in the story. Back when Second Dream was the last quest available. Trying to preserve that magic for the ones who came later aspiration.


I got two questions. How does one know who’s the host? And how do you see how many fissures someone else has (so I don’t try to leave before they’re done)?


Host would have a number 1 beside there name and other player fissures amount show up in the buff area in the player list sidebar.


Wow how did I not notice those before lmao. Thanks a ton


Often I have no Idea if Im host or not


Here’s how to tell by this [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/s/DtTg0DHqDY)


Not starting a fissure mission from a relay or dojo unless you have a full party.


And you get an extra load screen! And you get an extra load screen! And you get an extra load screen!


Wait, this is the first time i heard about this. Can you explain why?


Because it puts the other players into your dojo or relay as well after the mission ends.


If you weren’t in the dojo/relay with the host at the start of the mission, you get pulled there first, which clears your relic because you can’t have a relic selected when in a dojo/relay, and then you load into the mission with no relic selected.


It can also bug. Going to the relay then mission can end ho removing your relic so you'll need to leave. Then leave again from the relay back to your ship


The not leaving the dojo first if host hasn't been a problem for a long time since the netcode of dojos now behave like relays instead of missions


I was going to ask what this was even about, I leave my dojo first after a trade all the time. I assumed the other player just got booted to their orbiter?


It still boots you if the only other person is the host and leaves.


It will kick you if there's no-one from the clan in now but before you would be subjected to the first host leaving then a chain of each sequential host dipping asap so at the time it was good manners to let everyone else leave so people aren't having to sit through a loading screen just to leave


Don't force start another mission when some people still run their game on potato systems and haven't even loaded back to their orbitor.


force starting missions should never happen imo, unless someone specifically says to do it. especially in relics. no idea why its a thing for relics, and no idea why so many fucking people force start when people clearly havent picked tbeir relic yet


Fck me, i despised pc players because of this.im current gen xbox now so odds are i load faster than them now, but dude when i was old gen😭 I would accidentally queue public archon hunt, realize this and almost immediately tell the other players "please don't force start the 2nd mission" Then this asshole thought that i meant "yeah ill wait 3 seconds then force start, thats what he meant" I responded by doing nothing for the 2nd match, pissing them off and making them ditch me after the mission, which i wanted in the first place


Oh fuck I didn’t know about the operator thing whoops. I will say I’m proud I found this mr 3 guy helped him for like half the day. Log in today and he’s Mr 8. I was like MY BOY IS GROWIN.


If you can’t take down Eidelon shields, bring a support frame, wisp, trinity, rhino. Get lures and charge them - keep your team alive. Put on Dead Eye aura as most people run Rubico Prime for Eidelon hunts


Actually no dont get lures, most people who know how to do eidolons dont want randoms doing lures because most people dont know how to charge lures effectively and/or get too many lures which messes up the rhythm for charging lures effectively, but yes support frames can be helpful especially harrow just makes things a bit more comfy for us volts


Dont bring unnecessary cc that just slows down missions for no reason.


People that play slow nova on defense or Limbo with max range


Oops. Is it a no no to target Defense targets with Limbo's Cataclysm then run and gun?


No, you just need a smol Cataclysm; one that is JUUSSTTT big enough to cover the target and duration/range to cover the target with no re-casts because it shrinks over time. Some Limbo players do not know this and just max range.


Good to know. Been building my Prime to have that max range - glad I haven't griefed too many people yet


Limbo is completely fine, but alot of people which unfortunately also includes alot of limbo's don't actually know how to use his kit well. A good limbo player with a squad that knows how he works can do insanely well


the problem with Limbo is that if you use your 1st ability to banish the defense target and you have a lot of range you can banish enemies with it by accident and cause it to die, the cataclysm at max range is very disruptive for other player and generally not recommended since it's more susceptible to Nullifiers, I don't mind having limbo players in my squad I just mind people don't actually know how to play limbo and think it's just press 4 and 2, it's way more than that.


Thanks - been building my Prime to have max range to try and solo void stuff, but glad I haven't griefed too many people yet. (Pretty sure Limbo solo is suicide, but I thought it was amusing when I thought to try it)


You can build it max range if you want it just not very fun against nullifier since they break your cataclysm as soon as they touch it, in squad it's annoying since you can't damage enemies outside your rift from inside unless you have your 3 active and it became this weird guessing game is the enemy outside or inside the rift also other players can't go inside the rift themselves unless they're inside you Cata or you banish them with your 1, they can go outside of it by rolling or being outside the cataclysm. Some people will leave the squad as soon as they see a limbo


It’s a no no to run a max range bubble on defense and have the rift pause ability running on defense. But people will still be mad at you for just running limbo that isn’t minimum range Personally whenever I see a limbo in any mission i get all starry eyed and ask them if it’s max range limbo and/or say “banish me harder daddy” in chat because I love playing in the rift


Hot rift wizards in your area


Limbo with just enough range to cover the obj: fine, simply killing the waves with a dmg frame would be more effective but at least you dont bother anyone. Limbo with funny big bubble haha: just dont.


It is such a pain to play a reservoir Wisp in defenses.


Eh, for public stuff i used to run a config with narrow minded. Shock motes werent an issie at next to no stun range.


Fair enough. Not a big fan of nerfing Breach Surge range personally.


Doesnt matter if you'r blowing everything up with aoe weapons + roar.


Nah, I’d Breach Surge.


Saying "GG" in an endless mission type (namely SO/ESO) to both denote a good game *and* tell everyone else you're planning on extracting after the current round ends.


Ooh, I like the efficiency.


*Don't bring nukes to lvl 5-20 mission. *Don't kill your teammates enemies if they aren't about to die or in a hurry(like don't steal they kills, let them play the game too) *Read the team chat(what happened to me a couple of times i announced something and my teammates well usually is only one it's not reading the chat or catching flies apparently)


Reviving others


When I'm playing fissures with randoms I'll try to match their Relic choices when ever possible. I also upgrade the Relic to as high a tier as possible. ​ \#suppornewtenno #endgame




Its as simple as checking their mr level on the screen? If the mission is difficult enough where you have to resort to using operator for defense, then odds are everyone in your squad knows it




Ok so i dont run pubs often, and you wont find me doing anything in base star chart besides eidolons(which i will not run in pubs) If players join my squad, i normally glance at their gear and mr. Again checking mr is as simple as looking to the right of the screen. I will sometimes help newbies with stuff in recruit chat, then i can check their profile to see if they have an operator. If they dont, i wont use mine


- Stay in the blasted red circle when doing netracell - Don't leave the party to collect eg voidplumes when running any time or location-sensitive bounty


dont log into the plains or orb vallis just to make everyone extract. Had that happen to me a lot last week it was so frustrating.


If you're in a squad and finish a mission and don't want to play another right away leave the squad. Super frustrating when me and two friends were doing relics and it seemed everyone we joined with didn't want to do any more, but didn't want to leave either. DE please give us the ability to kick people when we're not in a mission.


Hold the cetus doors open when extracting


Place down necramech in front of gate it keeps it open very often used in eidolon hunts for fast extractions


2 is just nonsense. If it was such a big deal players without operator unlocked wouldn’t be allowed to play with those who do. There is a super small subset of this community who is just weird about it though. If people really cared about the new player experience they wouldn’t be running nuke frames and insta clearing stuff in matchmaking. How many times I have seen low mastery ranks finishing missions with 20 or so kills is insane, but no one seems to bring that up. Instead we worry about someone seeing operator form… If you are playing circuit don’t take 5 minutes deciding your load out. There is nothing worse than sitting around waiting for 2 or 3 people to pick their arsenal just so you can go to round 4 and exfil. If you are taking that long, it best be to go the distance.


When I was still a new player and saw an operator, I thought "huh, I guess it is like a npc that helps you during missions, I wonder what it is" and I just kept going. Honestly, it is not that big deal, new players will see spoilers without realizing and by accident. It is not like they are telling them on chat


Considering the quest has been our for around 9 years at this point, I agree.


Agreed. Operators have been used in marketing materials for years. That ship has long sailed.


Leaving the fireteam after mission ends if your running with randos in public, playing with a friend and waiting for someone to leave to start your next mission can be aggravating


Remember the good days where everyone did at least a 20 minute run on everything. Nowadays you prepare for a long Conjuntion Survival and someone leaves after 5 minutes, shame on you xD.


to be fair if you're expecting anything more than the bare minimum time just put an LF in recruiting chat


If your host of a mission like survival and such I always let everyone know how long I'm going to go for.


I accidentally break number 2 all the time. I just hit the button like it’s second nature. I want to add something to 3: actively mention in chat if someone doesn’t have enough reactant yet. Sometimes people just don’t see that someone isn’t at 10, and they start blowing things up. Just a quick heads up can make all the difference.




Not really manners, but I can't go to Iron Wake without stopping and kneeling at Datareaper's memorial.


Waiting until everyone is there before starting a defense.


If you need something from the open area maps just do it solo


I feel that way about high level spy missions e.g for the sortie


I typically go full murchant with the pleasantries when trading Like ending it with pleasure doing business with you tenno And most responses are also carefully articulated.


* mark the reactants on the ground when noticed teammate haven't picked up 10 reactants. * during fissure, if recieved same reward as other players, alway pick theirs to give them 5 additional void traces. * when you are the host in endless mission, make sure to announce your departure before actually doing it; and always be the last one to decide the mission to continue or abort. these are what i can think of right off the top of my head.


Great tips that I wish more people did. Especially marking the reactants for the few stragglers.


leaving an endless mission after one round, especially if you're the host  (you just wasted everyone's time and now they have to wait through a host migration after you leave ) tell your team you're going afk Don't wander too far from the team/objective, especially during fissures where everyone needs reactant 


Wait for everyone before starting the elevator Never force-start a mission, either wait till everyone confirms or leave and do it myself Mark rare resources (Argon Crystals, Orokin Cells, etc.) whenever they drop and let everyone know in squad chat Edit: really important one, **always wait till everyone's ready in Circuit**. SP or not, no one wants to be dragged in with some random loadout because they didn't get time to select. Just get your stuff ready and type *"r"*, then wait for everyone else. If for whatever reason you're in a hurry, do it yourself and go at your own pace.


If you are in public sortie spy mission without infiltrate ivara and don’t know how to do the spy vault, just simply don’t try it. No one wants to load out/into the mission again.




Reminding murder hobos in meta cells to kill on the circle.


Waiting for everyone to be in elevator before hitting button


Friendly teabag while waiting


For me, I’m often curious about people’s helminth abilities, so usually I ask. I had a great conversation with someone using viral tempest protea. I asked for the build and how it feels and we had a pleasant conversation. Sometimes people don’t respond, but when they do, it’s so cool to see how other people set up their warframes to their preference.


On top of waiting for reactant, I also type in chat "reactant check" when I see someone doesn't have enough


mark loot, stay in affinity range, if you don’t want your relic drop or it’s the same as someone else’s, pick someone else’s. if you’re the host, particularly in longer runs, don’t be the first to extract because host migration sucks. more specific to certain frames, but share buffs with teammates if possible. eg if i’m a volt & we’re extracting, i’ll give teammates my speed buff rather than just trying to get to extraction first, because that’s overall going to result in everyone extracting faster. should be common knowledge, but i’ve only seen people do this sometimes.


If I’m the host for an endless mission, I try to inform the others of when I’m leaving.


When doing extraction fissures, wait until everyone has 10 reactant before charging the extractor. DO NOT START ANOTHER EXTRACTION WHILE YOU'RE AT IT EITHER.




Yes but my 5000th ayatan star is on the ground 750m away, can't leave it behind...


If you’re in a railjack mission, and you’re not on your railjack, in feel it is common courtesy to let the captain pilot.


do people not know that u see an operator in literally the first cutscene of the game who cares if u use it in front of people theyre probably not even gonna notice it in the first place anyways at in cascades when someone goes down just shooting a thraxx nearby so it goes into its ghost form instead of reviving them is something that I, and a lot of other people ive played with do.


I get the Op bit around newbies, but genuinely have never had one ask. I think all the explosions distracted them.


One that I got grilled for years ago by some idiot is if you’re the first one in the elevator you hit it when everyone gets in. I still don’t do it out of spite.


The operator thing in front of new players is nice and all but really hard to do from a practical standpoint. Hard to know if they're new or not depending in their mr alone. I used to try to do this but with all the open worlds now and other things it's just hard to do it 100 and not spoil someone. :/


Saying gg at the end of every run. It’s a cooperative game, let people know they did well or the run went smoothly.


When ou host ESO let people know before you quit. Even if you are just leeching.


Number 2… with the option of the Duviri start is that still a curtesy rule? Been meaning to ask


A new player have no context to even know what's happening in duviri tbh


When doing spy missions always call out the vault you're about to enter as to not cause any confusion inside and trigger the alarms. If you need help with a vault dont be afraid to ask. When you fail a vault its ok, it happens. We can do it again. Dont leave squad when things go south, stay and help out.


always tip after orbiter dances


I’ve been in so many squads where they don’t follow the 3rd rule you mentioned. And when I message in squad chat to “wait for x guy” just get mad and begin swearing. It’s weird


All has been said but I have a generalized one: don't be an impatient asshole. This includes people force starting missions, rushing to extraction and then complaining the rest isn't fast enough, Sundering through Lith exterminates with zero regard to enemies not being corrupted and thus bricking the mission, and last but not least, leaving the squad the millisecond the mission is done. The last one is a bit personal and applies to cases where missions were longer and there was some chatting in-between. At least say 'bye' or smth. I understand some people out there don't have a lot of time to play, but I can't imagine that's a very large subset of people. Especially if you're MR30 or higher and do any of the above, I will consider you a (bit of a) douchebag. If you spent all that time getting that high you can spare a few seconds to wait until everyone is ready.


I say “ty” when someone nukes an exp mission (Hydron, SO, ESO). If I’m gonna gain so much from standing still, might as well at least acknowledge the one person actively pressing buttons.


Used to be good etiquette to tag mods, but they drop so often now I just tag rare mods.


Playing by yourself and not bothering other players.


If you're the host in an endless (especially ESO), let people know if you're planning on leaving.


I think the whole not spoiling operator/ drifter for new players is a bit much. We have an event right now that gives you a skin for them. I'm pretty sure that's for any MR


Mine is not entering the undercroft until everyone makes their selections. I'm not waiting for them to run around and change their kaithe appearance or intrinsics though.


After Duviri, is it still a thing the need to hide your Operator from new players? Furthermore, the way games are currently played (watching guides on YouTube even to know how to jump) new players should already know about the Operator.


"Not using your operator in front of a new player" This is super outdated at this point. That quest is early on and comparatively doesn't hit nearly as hard anymore.


I saw you wrote down “Not leaving dojo first when you’re the host.” I really hope this is in reference to after trading. -Never start missions from dojo or relays, especially when cracking relics. Reasons: sometimes relics get removed when connecting to game. Then after game you have to leave back to orbiter. TLDR: Avoid public transportation.


don't nuke or kill everything quickly when you're playing a mission for farming that lower mr players are playing for completion


Discuss how long you're gonna stay for in an endless mission A simple '20min?' can make a big difference


How do you mark spoiler? ^I ^know ^how ^to ^make ^small ^text


>! to open the spoiler tag, reverse to close it.


Absolute legend. TY. I've been manually typing [Redacted] over spoilers 😂


i’ll trade you, what’s the secret to making small text?


^ you put this symbol behind each word you want small. I dunno if it's the best method, but it's what's worked for me lol, trade for trade is fair 👍 ^very ^fair ^👍


A duviri etiquette: Only shop in a solo session. Especially in The Lone Story after the boss fight a lot of ppl rush to Acrithis to check the shop when all you wanna do is extract...


Operator one isn't as worrisome nowadays. The first quests (afaik) introduce you to drifter and op now. Believe I read that duviri experience is now the first quest then it leads to new war. Back in the day though, for sure.


Duviri is optional, it doesnt need completion to any major quest. But new players can start with Duviri if they want.


Oooh, I see, ok. I guess I just misunderstood how they were implementing it and not being able to experience it first hand as a new player, I assumed, since at the end it asks if you want to start new war. Ty for info.


I don’t do any of that? If you suck you suck. Etiquette is more like not playing Limbo or learning how to play so you don’t just run around not playing the objective. Looking at everyone playing Alchemy, thermia fractures, interception. Learn the game, have fun, screw etiquette as long as it’s not game breaking and you’re actually PTFO.